Commit 258fd307 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

doc: workshop madrid add the WRS Tests section.

parent 28d5a1d7
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ morekeywords={>,__global__, __device__}, % CUDA specific keywords
{White Rabbit Switch Tests}
The procedure used to detect failure in production.
......@@ -106,27 +106,129 @@ blabla
\frametitle{White Rabbit Switch Test}
\section{White Rabbit Switch Tests}
The first steps for production test are:
\item FlyingProve done at the assembly company
\item Visual inspection of the PCBs (SCB \& Mini-BP)
\item Electrical inspection of the PCBs
% \begin{figure}[h!]
% \centering
% \includegraphics[height=3cm,bb=0 0 1783 868]{./SCB-electrical_test.png}
% %SCB-electrical_test.png: 1783x868 pixel, 72dpi, 62.89x30.62 cm, bb=0 0 1783 868
% \caption{Electrical Inspection}
% \end{figure}
\subsection{The Bootstrap Test Procedure}
The test of the switch has been intended to be as flat as possible,
this mean that we intend to test a component with the less dependency possible of other
However we need to have at least the following working:
\item ARM (detected during the flashing stage)
\item DDR (test during the flashing stage)
\item Linux load using Ethernet (TFTP/NFS)\footnote{Can be load directly using DDR in case Ethernet fail}
\subsection{Actual Testing}
The testing procedure is a series of scripts:
\item 001-MD5 Check MD5 of needed files
\item Check the USB (Not implemented)
\item 003-FPGA CPU (EB1) <-> FPGA (WB)
\item 004-LED LED of CPU \& miniBP
\item 005-FAN FAN on/off and PWM speed
\item 006-FPGA Stress the QDDR test.
\item 007-NF NAND flash read/write full on (About 15m )
\item 008-DF Dataflash all position (6m).
\item 009-FPGA Retrieve the temperature
\item Flash with the latest stable firmware
Main scripts called to generate proper log
\item ejem
\item ejem
\item S/N of the board
\item Timestamp of each steps
\item Error failure codes
\item Logging history
Accessing to libswitchhw to test
\item ejem
\item ejem
\item LEDs (GPIO, wishbone I2C)
\item FANs (PWN fan, GPIO)
\item Temperatures (wishbone I2C)
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\insertsubsectionhead \ - Report}
The following is an example of the log history for board $014$ (v3.2)
Fri Oct 12 12:24:08 CET 2012
001 > OK (00'02)
002 > OK (00'00)
003 > OK (00'10)
004 > OK (00'52)
005 > OK (00'52)
006 > OK (00'13)
007 > ERROR ( Sub0:OK Sub1:OK Sub2:OK Sub3:OK Sub4:50% Sub5:OK Sub6:OK) (22'40)
008 > OK (02'47)
009 > OK (00'14)
010 > OK (04'51)
Fri Oct 12 13:46:14 CET 2012
007 > OK (22'24)
By doing these tests we improve the quality of the product:
\item Checking the components
\item Checking the connection
\item Debugging the code (API)
\item Understanding better the sw/gw\\ $\Rightarrow$ {\bfseries Improve client support}
\frametitle{Testing Framework}
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