Commit 39e8f379 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

alpha-pts: shw_tool is now moved to /wr/bin so we used the path directly

parent 279b492e
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ alarm()
for itest in 01 02 03; do
${APTS_SWITCH_DIR}/bin/shw_tool --fan 100
shw_tool --fan 100
sleep 1
${APTS_SWITCH_DIR}/bin/shw_tool --fan 0
shw_tool --fan 0
sleep 1
echo "$itest"
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ load-virtex ${APTS_HDL_18P}
load-lm32 ${APTS_FW_RTCPU}
${APTS_SWITCH_DIR}/bin/shw_tool --fan 80
shw_tool --fan 80
echo "Display 3 times the temperatures"
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