Commit 75823d50 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

testDoc: adding functional and performance synchronization tests

parent 3a8006b5
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\title{White Rabbit Switch \\ pre-release tests}
\author{Grzegorze Daniluk, Maciej Lipinski\\CERN}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk, Maciej Lipinski\\CERN}
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Grzegorz Daniluk
\emph{White Rabbit calibration proposal}\\
\section{Synchronization functional}
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The purpose of these tests is to verify the basic synchronization capabilities
of the switch.
{\bf Note:} Ports of WR Switch are numbered in tests below starting from 0 as in
configuration files, while ports on a front panel of a switch are numbered
starting from 1.
\paragraph{Hardware requirements}
\item WR Switch under test
\item 3x Simple PCIe FMC Carrier (SPEC) with FMC DIO 5-channel module
\item 1x 4-channel oscilloscope (e.g. 200MHz, 2GS/s)
\item 1x non-WR, PTP (IEEE1588-2008) Switch
\item 1x clock reference producing 10MHz and 1-PPS signal (e.g. GPSDO or
Cesium atomic clock)
\paragraph{Default Switch Configuration}
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
PPSI & port 0: & slave\\
& other ports: & master\\
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\subsection{WR synchronization}
These tests verify the synchronization between White Rabbit devices and the
switch under test.
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\subsubsection{Master and Slave mode}
The test verifies whether the switch is capable of synchronizing to another WR
Master device and provide synchronization to WR Slave devices.
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 0} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Master} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 18} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
Master SPEC: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
Slave SPECs: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channels 3 and 4 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item \emph{wrsw\_pstats} tool on WR Switch reports frames flow on ports 0, 2,
\item \emph{wr\_mon} tool on WR Switch reports \emph{TRACK\_PHASE} servo state
and \emph{0 ns} clock offset
\item \emph{gui} or \emph{stat} command on slave SPECs reports
\emph{TRACK\_PHASE} servo state and \emph{0 ns} clock offset
\item Oscilloscope triggered on a rising edge of 1-PPS output of the Master
SPEC shows stable 1-PPS signals generated by the Switch and 2 Slave SPECs
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\subsubsection{GrandMaster mode}
The test verifies whether the switch is capable of locking to external 10MHz and
1-PPS from reference clock like GPSDO or Cesium.
\paragraph{Switch Configuration}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\emph{wrsw\_hal.conf} & mode = "GrandMaster"\\
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 18} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS in} & -- 1-PPS signal from external atomic clock\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 10 MHz in} & -- 10 MHz signal from external atomic clock\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
Slave SPECs: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channels 2 and 3 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item \emph{lm32-vuart} tool on WR Switch reports that device is locked to
external clock:\\
\texttt{Sequencer\_state 8 mode 1 Alignment\_state 7 HL1 EL1 ML0}
\item \emph{gui} or \emph{stat} command on slave SPECs reports
\emph{TRACK\_PHASE} servo state and \emph{0 ns} clock offset
\item Oscilloscope triggered on a rising edge of 1-PPS output of the WR Switch
shows stable skew between 1-PPS signals generated by the Switch and 2 Slave SPECs
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\subsection{IEEE-1588 synchronization}
These tests verify the ability of WR Switch to synchronize also non-WR (regular
IEEE1588-2008) devices.
\subsubsection{Master for non-WR IEEE-1588 device}
The test verifies if regular IEEE-1588 device is able to synchronize to a WR
Master port of the WR Switch under test.
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- non-WR IEEE1588-2008 slave device\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
non-WR device: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
{\bf Note:} If non-WR slave device has only 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port you have
to connect it through 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet switch since WR Switch is able
to work only with 1 Gbps Ethernet.\\
You should connect 1-PPS outputs to the oscilloscope only if your non-WR
IEEE1588 device is able to produce 1-PPS signal.
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item non-WR IEEE-1588 device reports it managed to synchronize to WR Switch
\item Oscilloscope triggered on a rising edge of 1-PPS output of the WR Switch
shows stable skew between 1-PPS signals generated by the Switch and non-WR
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%\subsubsection{Slaving to non-WR IEEE-1588 device}
%\paragraph{Test setup}
%\paragraph{Test passed if}
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\subsection{Getting initial time from NTP server}
The test verifies if WR Switch under test is able to get its initial time on
boot time from an NTP server.
\paragraph{Switch Configuration}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\emph{/wr/etc/wr\_date.conf} & ntpserver $<$your NTP server address$>$\\
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item After rebooting the switch and letting Slave SPEC to synchronize,
\emph{gui} command on SPEC reports date and time consistent with NTP server
\section{Synchronization performance}
The purpose of these tests if to verify the performance of WR synchronization on
the WR Switch under test.
\paragraph{Hardware requirements}
\item 2x WR Switch under test (calibrated according to WR calibration document \cite{WRCalib})
\item 3x Simple PCIe FMC Carrier (SPEC) with FMC DIO 5-channel module
(calibrated according to WR calibration document \cite{WRCalib})
\item 1x 4-channel oscilloscope (e.g. 200MHz, 2GS/s)
\item 1x clock reference producing 10MHz and 1-PPS signal (e.g. GPSDO or
Cesium atomic clock)
\item 1x Link breaker device (to be built from fiber switches)
\item 1x Networking performance tester (the same used in forwarding tests,
sections \ref{chap:fwd-functional}, \ref{chap:fwd-performance})
\paragraph{Default Switch Configuration}
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
PPSI & port 0: & slave\\
& other ports: & master\\
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\subsection{Long term synchronization}
These tests verify if the WR Switch under test is able to perform a long term
synchronization without becoming unlocked and without any time jumps.\\
\noindent Tests should be run over a period of several days/weeks.
\subsubsection{Master and Slave mode}
The test verifies whether the switch will be constantly synchronized to another
WR Master over long period of time and if it will provide stable timing to other
WR Slaves in the hierarchy.
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 0} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Master} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 18} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
Master SPEC: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
Slave SPECs: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channels 3 and 4 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Oscilloscope setup}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
{\bf channels 1,3,4} & 200mV/div, offset 1.25V, DC 50 Ohm\\
{\bf channel 2} & 200mV/div, offset 800mV, DC 50 Ohm\\
{\bf timescale} & 1ns/div\\
{\bf persistent mode} & ON\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item Oscilloscope in persistent mode shows stable 1-PPS relation between all
devices - i.e. each of the device produces a single, blurred trace on the
\item \emph{wr\_mon} tool on WR Switch reports through the whole test period:
\item \emph{lock} always 1
\item \emph{servo state} always \emph{TRACK\_PHASE}
\item \emph{mu} changes without any sudden, few-ns jumps
\item \emph{cko} always in a range -50ps; +50ps
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\subsubsection{GrandMaster mode}
The test verifies whether the switch under test is able to work stable in a
GrandMaster mode being locked to an external clock (e.g. GPSDO or Cesium)
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 2} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf port 18} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Slave} mode\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS in} & -- 1-PPS signal from external atomic clock\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 10 MHz in} & -- 10 MHz signal from external atomic clock\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
ext clock: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Oscilloscope setup}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
{\bf channel 1} & 200mV/div, offset 800mV, DC 50 Ohm\\
{\bf channel 2} & setting dependent on external clock device\\
{\bf persistent mode} & ON\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item Oscilloscope in persistent mode shows stable 1-PPS relation between the
external clock and the WR Switch under test
\item \emph{lm32-vuart} tool on WR Switch reports through the whole test
period that device is locked to external clock:\\
\texttt{Sequencer\_state 8 mode 1 Alignment\_state 7 HL1 EL1 ML0}
\item \emph{stat} command on slave SPECs reports through the whole test
\item \emph{lock} always \emph{1}
\item \emph{servo state} always \emph{TRACK\_PHASE}
\item \emph{mu} changes without any sudden, few-ns jumps
\item \emph{cko} always in a range -50ps; +50ps
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\subsection{Locking on link up}
The test verifies if the switch under test always locks with sub-nanosecond
offset to another WR Master device when the physical link is established.
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch: & {\bf port 0} & -- SPEC running WR PTP Core in \emph{WR Master} mode\\
Master SPEC: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
WR Switch: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Oscilloscope setup}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
{\bf channel 1} & 200mV/div, offset 1.25V, DC 50Ohm\\
{\bf channel 2} & 200mV/div, offset 800mV, DC 50Ohm\\
{\bf persistent mode} & ON\\
\paragraph{Link breaker testing device setup}
Program infinite loop:\\
\texttt{Link down}\\
\texttt{sleep 10s}\\
\texttt{Link up}\\
\texttt{sleep 50s}\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item Oscilloscope in persistent mode shows stable 1-PPS relation between the
Master SPEC and the WR Switch under test - i.e. each of the devices produces
a single, blurred trace on the screen
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\subsection{Synchronization with background traffic}
The test verifies if two WR Switches are able to perform stable, sub-nanosecond
synchronization when a background, non-PTP traffic of various loads is present.
\paragraph{Test setup}
\begin{tabular}{r l l}
WR Switch 1: & {\bf port 17} & -- Networking tester device\\
WR Switch 1: & {\bf port 2} & -- port 0 of WR Switch 2\\
WR Switch 2: & {\bf port 0} & -- port 2 of WR Switch 1\\
WR Switch 2: & {\bf port 17} & -- Networking tester device\\
WR Switch 1: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 1 of the oscilloscope\\
WR Switch 2: & {\bf 1-PPS out} & -- channel 2 of the oscilloscope\\
\paragraph{Oscilloscope setup}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
{\bf channel 1, 2} & 200mV/div, offset 800mV, DC 50Ohm\\
{\bf timescale} & 1ns/div\\
{\bf persistent mode} & ON\\
\paragraph{Networking tester setup}
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
{\bf Traffic} & send to: & WR Switch 1, port 17\\
& receive on: & WR Switch 2, port 17\\
{\bf Frames} & broadcast & dstMAC = \emph{FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF}\\
& size [bytes] & 64\\
& loads [\%] & 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100\\
& time of burst per load & 5 min\\
\paragraph{Test passed if}
\item For each load of non-PTP frames Oscilloscope in persistent mode shows
stable 1-PPS relation between two WR Switches\\
\item \emph{wr\_mon} tool on WR Switch 2 reports through the test period for
each frames load:
\item \emph{lock} always 1
\item \emph{servo state} always \emph{TRACK\_PHASE}
\item \emph{mu} changes without any sudden, few-ns jumps
\item \emph{cko} always in a range -50ps; +50ps
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