Commit d867dbde authored by bradomyn's avatar bradomyn

Imported the hamming/reed solomon from the wr-switch-sw repo, authors: Wesley,Maceij and Cesar

parent 1406bc93
#Makefile for Hamming Code
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 -lm -w -Wall
TESTER = test
DECODER = decoder
ifdef TEST
OBJS = test-driver.o code.o fec.o crc.o hamming.o
OBJS = fec_decoder.o code.o fec.o crc.o hamming.o
all : $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(OUTPUT)
rm -f $(OBJS) $(TESTER) $(DECODER)
/* A hardware-like C++ implementation of a Reed-Solomon erasure code.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#include "gf256.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <assert.h>
const GF256 GF256::zero(0);
const GF256 GF256::one(1);
//const GF256 GF256::g(2);
const GF256 GF256::g(3);
/* The hard-coded number of losses this code is designed to recover.
* Presumably a parameter for a VHDL generic.
#define K 2
/* This Reed-Solomon code uses systematic encoding, which means that the
* codewords include as a prefix the original message.
* Each codeword c(x) is defined to be a multiple of product_i (x-g^i)
* for i=0..(K-1). The encoder and decoder are implemented with the same
* circuit. Given n symbols of which K are unknown (and set to 0), the
* missing K values are recovered.
/* This circuit precomputes the lambda values needed by the (en|de)coder.
* It should be run once after all the packets have been received.
* The output polynomial the lowest order polynomial with roots on the
* generator; ie: lambda(x) := (x - g^i0)*(x - g^i1)*...
* Input:
* The indices of the lost packets.
* Output:
* The coefficients of lambda(x).
* The roots of lambda(x).
void precompute(int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
GF256 g2; /* Register for the expression g^2^clock */
int is[K]; /* Bit-shift register for the indices */
/* Initial values of the registers */
g2 = GF256::g;
lambda[0] = GF256::one;
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = GF256::one;
is[j] = i[j];
lambda[j+1] = GF256::zero;
/* Step 1 is to compute the values gi */
for (int clock = 0; clock < 8; ++clock) {
/* Look at the low bit of the shift registers */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = gi[j] * ((is[j]&1)?g2:GF256::one);
is[j] = is[j] >> 1;
g2 = g2*g2;
/* Step 2 is to compute the polynomial product */
for (int clock = 0; clock < K; ++clock) {
/* A K-wide "shift" register composed of bytes */
for (int j = K; j > 0; --j)
lambda[j] = lambda[j]*gi[clock] + lambda[j-1];
lambda[0] = lambda[0] * gi[clock];
/* Input:
* The number of symbols in the codeword (n > K)
* The indices of the codeword which are missing.
* The result of precompute on those indices.
* Output:
* Fills in the missing values of c.
void code(int n, GF256 c[], int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
/* Registers */
GF256 lg[K+1]; /* lambda[i]*g^(i*clock) */
GF256 a[K]; /* Accumulator for the missing symbols */
GF256 dli[K]; /* (d/dx lambda)(g^i) */
GF256 gic[K]; /* g^i*g^-c */
/* Hard-wired constants */
GF256 gj1[K+1]; /* g^(j-1) */
/* Clear the unknown symbols to zero */
// for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
// c[i[j]] = GF256::zero;
/* Initialize the registers and constants */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
lg[j] = lambda[j];
gic[j] = gi[j];
a[j] = GF256::zero;
dli[j] = GF256::zero;
gj1[j] = GF256::g^(j-1);
lg[K] = lambda[K];
gj1[K] = GF256::g^(K-1);
/* In each step, we read c[clock] from memory */
for (int clock = 0; clock < n; ++clock) {
/* This circuit feeds l1c and dlc into the decoders */
GF256 dlc = GF256::zero, l1c = GF256::zero;
for (int j = 0; j < K+1; ++j) {
l1c += lg[j]; /* XOR all the lg[j] together */
dlc += (j&1)?lg[j]:GF256::zero; /* XOR the odd lg[j] together */
lg[j] = lg[j] * gj1[j]; /* Hard-wired multiplier */
/* Load from main memory: */
GF256 cc = c[clock];
GF256 product = cc * l1c;
/* Replicate this circuit for each K */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
GF256 divisor = GF256::one - gic[j];
gic[j] *= GF256::g.inverse(); /* Hard-wired multiplier */
a[j] = a[j] + (product / divisor);
/* Record dlc if it's our index */
//if (clock == i[j])
if (divisor == GF256::zero) dli[j] = dlc;
/* Implement multiplicative inverse using a lookup table */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
c[i[j]] = a[j] * dli[j].inverse();
#define MAX_FRAG_SIZE 1500
static unsigned char result[K][MAX_FRAG_SIZE];
/* Command-line driven test-cases */
void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments) {
int missing[K];
int missing_index;
assert (fragLen < MAX_FRAG_SIZE);
assert (fragments.size() > K);
missing_index = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
if (fragments[i] == 0) {
assert (missing_index < K);
missing[missing_index++] = i;
GF256 c[fragments.size()]; //code word
GF256 gi[K];
GF256 lambda[K+1];
precompute(missing, gi, lambda);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragLen; ++i) { // stripe by stripe
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fragments.size(); ++j) { // code by code word
if (fragments[j])
c[j] = GF256::embed(fragments[j][i]);
c[j] = GF256::zero;
code(fragments.size(), c, missing, gi, lambda); // fills in 0 values
for (unsigned j = 0; j < K; ++j)
result[j][i] = c[missing[j]].project();
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
fragments[missing[j]] = result[j];
* Filename: crc.c
* Description: Slow and fast implementations of the CRC standards.
* Notes: The parameters for each supported CRC standard are
* defined in the header file crc.h. The implementations
* here should stand up to further additions to that list.
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#include "crc.h"
* Derive parameters from the standard-specific parameters in crc.h.
#define WIDTH (8 * sizeof(crc))
#define TOPBIT (1 << (WIDTH - 1))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) ((unsigned char) reflect((X), 8))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) (X)
#define REFLECT_REMAINDER(X) ((crc) reflect((X), WIDTH))
* Function: reflect()
* Description: Reorder the bits of a binary sequence, by reflecting
* them about the middle position.
* Notes: No checking is done that nBits <= 32.
* Returns: The reflection of the original data.
static unsigned long
reflect(unsigned long data, unsigned char nBits)
unsigned long reflection = 0x00000000;
unsigned char bit;
* Reflect the data about the center bit.
for (bit = 0; bit < nBits; ++bit)
* If the LSB bit is set, set the reflection of it.
if (data & 0x01)
reflection |= (1 << ((nBits - 1) - bit));
data = (data >> 1);
return (reflection);
} /* reflect() */
* Function: crcSlow()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes:
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
int byte;
unsigned char bit;
* Perform modulo-2 division, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
* Bring the next byte into the remainder.
remainder ^= (REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) << (WIDTH - 8));
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* The final remainder is the CRC result.
} /* crcSlow() */
crc crcTable[256];
* Function: crcInit()
* Description: Populate the partial CRC lookup table.
* Notes: This function must be rerun any time the CRC standard
* is changed. If desired, it can be run "offline" and
* the table results stored in an embedded system's ROM.
* Returns: None defined.
crc remainder;
int dividend;
unsigned char bit;
* Compute the remainder of each possible dividend.
for (dividend = 0; dividend < 256; ++dividend)
* Start with the dividend followed by zeros.
remainder = dividend << (WIDTH - 8);
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* Store the result into the table.
crcTable[dividend] = remainder;
} /* crcInit() */
* Function: crcFast()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes: crcInit() must be called first.
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
unsigned char data;
int byte;
* Divide the message by the polynomial, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
data = REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) ^ (remainder >> (WIDTH - 8));
remainder = crcTable[data] ^ (remainder << 8);
* The final remainder is the CRC.
} /* crcFast() */
* Filename: crc.h
* Description: A header file describing the various CRC standards.
* Notes:
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#ifndef _crc_h
#define _crc_h
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
* Select the CRC standard from the list that follows.
#define CRC_CCITT
#if defined(CRC_CCITT)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x1021
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0x29B1
#elif defined(CRC16)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-16"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x8005
#define INITIAL_REMAINDER 0x0000
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xBB3D
#elif defined(CRC32)
typedef unsigned long crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-32"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04C11DB7
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xCBF43926
#error "One of CRC_CCITT, CRC16, or CRC32 must be #define'd."
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void crcInit(void);
crc crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
crc crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _crc_h */
#include "fec.h"
#include "hamming.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "crc.h"
#include "fec_decoder.h"
//#define TIME
#define K 2
#define MAX_output_messages 1024
#define CHUNK_SIZE 8
extern void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments);
* ====================================================================================
* Filename: fec.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 12:58:52 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
static uint32_t outgoing_msgID = 0;
struct State
unsigned int msize;
unsigned int divsize;
unsigned int recovered_fragments_received;
bool recovered_succesfully;
std::vector<std::string> received;
fec_decoder_msg_raport_t report;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, State> Map;
typedef std::queue<uint32_t> Queue;
static Map cache;
static Queue inCache;
static std::string result;
void fec_open()
outgoing_msgID = rand();
void fec_close()
static unsigned int fec_chopchop(unsigned int msize) {
// !!! Do something intelligent!
return 2;
* calculate FEC parameters based on the size (mSize) of the original message.
* Inputs:
* mSize - size of the original message
* Outputs:
* divSize - size of the fragment of the original message to be encoded, in the multiples of
* this size we cut the original message
* rsinSize- input to R-S encoder (padded to make the size of the input message a multiple of
* 8 byte chunk
* fragSize- size of the output encoded (with R-S and hamming) message, we call it fragment.
* the size includes FEC header
* fragNumber- number of fragments (encoded messages)
void fec_parameters(unsigned int mSize, unsigned int* divSize, unsigned int* rsinSize,
unsigned int* fragSize, unsigned int* fragNumber)
*divSize = (mSize + 1) / fec_chopchop(mSize); // where to cut the original message
*rsinSize = (*divSize+7) & ~7; // message size on the input to R-S encoder
*fragSize = *rsinSize + (*rsinSize/8);// + FEC_HEADER_SIZE; // final size of the encoded fragment
*fragNumber = fec_chopchop(mSize) + K; // how many encoded messages we will have
printf("FEC_PARAMETERS: msg of msize = %d will be encoded into %d messages of %d bytes each (with FEC header)\n",
mSize, *fragNumber, *fragSize);
printf("FEC_PARAMETERS: Intermediate params: divSize = % d, sinSize = %d bytes\n",
*divSize, *rsinSize);
* The function packs FEC information into 8 bytes header
* Inputs:
* fec_header - a structure with fec_header information
* Returns:
* FEC Header (8 bytes)
const char* create_FEC_header(fec_header_t *fec_header)
std::string header(FEC_HEADER_SIZE, 'x');
header[0]= static_cast<char>( fec_header->msgID & 0xFF);
header[1]= static_cast<char>((fec_header->fragmentID & 0xF) << 4 | (fec_header->schemaID & 0xF));
header[2]= static_cast<char>( fec_header->etherType & 0xFF);
header[3]= static_cast<char>((fec_header->msgID >> 8) & 0xFF);
header[4]= static_cast<char>( fec_header->originSize & 0xFF);
header[5]= static_cast<char>((fec_header->etherType >> 8) & 0xFF);
header[6]= static_cast<char>((fec_header->framgentSize >> 3)& 0xFF);
header[7]= static_cast<char>(((fec_header->originSize >> 8) & 0x1F) | ((fec_header->framgentSize & 0x7 ) << 5));
//printf(" [MSG_%d created header: 0x%llx of the data:]\n",fec_header->fragmentID, header);
printf(" [MSG_%d created header:]\n",fec_header->fragmentID);
printf("Encoding FECed message with the FEC Header:\n");
printf("FEC schema ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->schemaID & 0xF);
printf("Fragment ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->fragmentID & 0xF);
printf("Message ID : 0x%4x\n",fec_header->msgID & 0xFFFF);
printf("EtherType of the original frame: 0x%4x\n",fec_header->etherType& 0xFFFF);
printf("Original frame's payload size : 0x%4x [%d]\n",fec_header->originSize & 0x1FFF,fec_header->originSize & 0x1FFF);
printf("Encoded frame's payload size : 0x%4x [%d]\n",fec_header->framgentSize ,fec_header->framgentSize& 0x1FFF);
//for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) printf("header[%d] = 0x%2x\n",i, 0xFF & header[i]);
//return header;
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(;
* The function takes the message end interprets it's first bytes into the FEC header, reading
* the information
* Inputs:
* chunk_ - the received message
* Outputs:
* fec_header - a structure with fec_header information
void read_FEC_header(fec_header_t *fec_header, const unsigned char* chunk )
std::string eChunk(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk),FEC_HEADER_SIZE);
fec_header->schemaID = (static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[1])) & 0xF; // 4 bits
fec_header->fragmentID = ((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[1]))>>4) & 0xF; // 4 bits
fec_header->msgID = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[3]))<<8) & 0xFF00) | // 16 bits
((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[0])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->etherType = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[5]))<<8) & 0xFF00) | // 16 bits
((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[2])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->originSize = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[7]))<<8) & 0x1F00) | // 13 bits
((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[4])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->framgentSize = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[6]))<<3) & 0x7F8) | // 11 bits
(((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[7]))>>8) & 0x07) ;
printf(" [retrieved data from the header ]\n");
printf("Encoding FECed message with the FEC Header:\n");
printf("FEC schema ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->schemaID);
printf("Fragment ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->fragmentID);
printf("Message ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->msgID);
printf("EtherType of the original frame: 0x%x\n",fec_header->etherType);
printf("Original frame's payload size : 0x%x [%d]\n",fec_header->originSize,fec_header->originSize);
printf("Encoded frame's payload size : 0x%x [%d]\n",fec_header->framgentSize,fec_header->framgentSize);
//for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) printf("eChunk[%d] = 0x%2x\n",i, 0xFF & eChunk[i]);
* This function works like a decoder:
* 1. it inputs encoded messages (in other words: payloads of Ethernet Frames)
* 2. It tries to assemble the original messages (putting together messages with the same msgID)
* 3. If the received number of fragments is not sufficient yet to recover original message, it
* stores the data in cache and accepts next message (could be of fragment of different original
* message
* 4. As soon as the received number of fragments is sufficient and the original message can be
* recovered, the original message is outputted. This is indicated by len being grater then 0
* Inputs:
* chunk - received encoded fragment of the original message
* fragSize - size the encoded message (fragment) inputed in chunk
* Outputs:
* origMsgSize - origMsgSize == 0, then not enough number of fragments has been received
* yet to recover the original message or the fragment belongs to the
* original message which has been already recovered
* - origMsgSize > 0, then it indicates the length of the original message
* which has been recovered,
* - origMsgSize < 0, then it indicates that the recovery of the original
* message failed and the message has been lost
* origEtherType - value of the original message's etherType, valid if len > 0
* Returns:
* the original message if len > 0
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int receivedPayloadSize,
int* origMsgSize, unsigned int* origEtherType)
std::string eChunk(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk),receivedPayloadSize);
fec_header_t fec_header;
unsigned int chunks; //number of 8 byte + 1 parity byte
unsigned int mSize;
unsigned int receivedFragSize = receivedPayloadSize - FEC_HEADER_SIZE; //
//parameters calculated from the information about original message size from FEC Header
unsigned int divSize;
unsigned int rsinSize;
unsigned int fragSize;
unsigned int fragNumber;
*origMsgSize = 0;
*origEtherType = 0;
//extract the FEC header from the message
mSize = fec_header.originSize;
fec_parameters(mSize, &divSize, &rsinSize, &fragSize, &fragNumber);
* Sanity check
//check decoding sanity:
if(fec_header.framgentSize != receivedFragSize || //the size of received frame different
fragSize != receivedFragSize) //then declared in the FEC header/calculated
{ //from the mSize retrieved from header
*origMsgSize = -1;
printf("ERROR[fec_decoder]: \n \
receivedFragSize = %d [receivedPayloadSize = %d]\n \
fec_header.framgentSize = %d \n \
fragSize = %d \n", receivedFragSize, receivedPayloadSize,
fec_header.framgentSize, fragSize);
return 0;
//1. check whether the received fragment belongs to a original message which has been already
//2. check whether the fragment is a duplicate
Map::iterator state = cache.find(fec_header.msgID);
if (state != cache.end() && state->second.recovered_succesfully == true)
return 0; //the original message of this fragment has been already recovered
else if(state != cache.end() && state->second.recovered_succesfully != true)
if(! state->second.received[fec_header.fragmentID].empty() )
state-> ++;
return 0; //if duplicate, quit
if(state->second.recovered_fragments_received > fragNumber) //number of received fragments
{ //exceeds expectations, sth is wrong
return 0;
// for(int i = 0; i< state->second.fragments_received; i++) //for the number of fragments already received
// if(fec_header.fragmentID == state->second.fragmetIDs[i]) //check whether the currently received is not duplicate
// return 0; //if duplicate, quit
// adding new entry in the cache for a new message
if (state == cache.end()) // the find() function returns pointer to the end if mID
// not found. This means that the received fragment is
// the first of the Control Message with mID
if (inCache.size() > MAX_output_messages) //if the queue is full, remove the oldest (first) record
uint32_t kill = inCache.front(); // get the mID of the oldest (first) record
inCache.pop(); // get rid of the oldest record from the queue
cache.erase(cache.find(kill)); // erase the entry associated with mID
// (of the oldest record) from the cache
inCache.push(fec_header.msgID); // add new record to the queue
State& newState = cache[fec_header.msgID]; // add it // create new record in the cache associative table
state = cache.find(fec_header.msgID); // get iterator of the added record
/* fill in the new record in the cache table */
newState.msize = fec_header.originSize;
newState.recovered_fragments_received = 0;
newState.divsize = divSize;
/* initialize fec report entry for a given original message*/
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
state-> = 0;
state-> = 0;
state-> = 0;
state-> = 0;
state-> = false;
state-> = false;
state->[i].receivedOrderNumber = 0;
state->[i].sentOrderNumber = 0;
state->[i].recoveredBitsNumber = 0;
state->[i].duplicatesReceived = 0;
state->[i].framgentSize = 0;
state->[i].fragmentRecovered = false;
state->[i].fragmentUsed = false;
state->[i].errorInHeader = false;
//fec report
state->[fec_header.fragmentID].receivedOrderNumber = state->;
state->[fec_header.fragmentID].sentOrderNumber = fec_header.fragmentID;
state->[fec_header.fragmentID].framgentSize = fec_header.framgentSize;
* de-Hamming
//calculating number of hammed chunks
chunks = (fec_header.framgentSize)/(CHUNK_SIZE + PARITY_BYTE_PER_CHUNK);
printf("^^^^^^^^decoding fragment: %d [MSG_ID=0x%x] ^^^^^^^^\n",fec_header.fragmentID,fec_header.msgID);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks; ++i)
unsigned int nByte;
unsigned int nBit;
//it's 8 here because we remove parity byte in the loop, so eChunk gets shorter while looping
int decodeResult = hamming_decode(eChunk, (unsigned int)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE) , \
(unsigned int)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE + 8) , \
if(i%8==0) printf("\n");
if(decodeResult == 0)
printf("%3d [ok],",i);
else if(decodeResult == 1)
printf("%3d [rc],",i);
eChunk[i*8+nByte] ^= (char)(0x1 << (nBit));
//fec report
else if(decodeResult == 2)
printf("%3d [x.]\n",i);
printf("[FAILED] to recover fragment: %d [MSG_ID=0x%x]\n\n",fec_header.fragmentID,fec_header.msgID);
*origMsgSize = 0;
return 0; // the fragment is useless
if(decodeResult == 0 || decodeResult == 1)
//get rid of hamming parity byte
//CAUTION: we are shortening eChunk while looping through it !!!!
eChunk.erase((size_t)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE + 8), (size_t)1);
else //something is wrong
*origMsgSize = -1;
printf("ERROR[fec_decoder]: decodeResult = %d \n", decodeResult);
return 0; // the fragment is useless, we don't add it to the cache
printf("\n[SUCCEEDED] to recover fragment: %d [MSG_ID=0x%x]\n",fec_header.fragmentID,fec_header.msgID);
state->[fec_header.fragmentID].fragmentRecovered = true;
// Grab the data portion of the buffer (without header, all chunks
state->second.received[fec_header.fragmentID] = eChunk.substr((int)FEC_HEADER_SIZE, (int)(receivedFragSize));
unsigned int chopNumber = fec_chopchop(fec_header.originSize);
//If we don't have enough packets yet (or already decode), stop now
// if we have any two fragments, we are able to decode
if (state->second.recovered_fragments_received < chopNumber)
state->[fec_header.fragmentID].fragmentUsed = true;
if (++state->second.recovered_fragments_received != chopNumber) return 0;
* de-R-S-ing
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i)
if (state->second.received[i].empty())
fragments[i] = 0; //fragments set to 0x0 are considered lost
fragments[i] = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(state->second.received[i].data());
// Do the work
RS_code(divSize, fragments);
// Reassemble the packet
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chopNumber; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < divSize; ++j)
result.resize(fec_header.originSize); // clip the padding and done
*origMsgSize = result.size();
*origEtherType = fec_header.etherType;
//fec report
state-> = true;
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
* fec_encoding
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* this vector stores the FEC-encoded frames' payloads ready to be sent,
* this means 2 x original data (with hamming bytes) + 2 x R-S (with hamming bytes)
static std::vector<std::string> output_messages;
* So, this function does all the work:
* 1) takes message-to-be-encoded (chunk) of size len
* 2) splits it into two
* 3) does R-S and hamming
* 4) stores the result in the output_masseges vector
* Inputs:
* chunk - message to be encoded
* len - length of the message to be encoded
* origEtherType - EtherType with which the original message was supposed to be sent
* Outputs:
* output_messages - this is a global variable, it's not nice, TOBECHANGED, legacy of
* the original code
static unsigned int fec_setup(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int len, unsigned int origEtherType)
int i;
unsigned int mSize = len;
unsigned int divSize;
unsigned int rsinSize;
unsigned int fragSize;
unsigned int fragNumber;
fec_header_t fec_header;
std::string buf(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk), mSize);// buffer for input data
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
//calculate FEC params, so sizes of messages at different stages of encoding
fec_parameters(mSize, &divSize, &rsinSize, &fragSize, &fragNumber);
//assemble header info
fec_header.schemaID = DEFAULT_FEC_SCHEMA_ID;
fec_header.fragmentID = 0; // will be re-filled later
fec_header.msgID = (++outgoing_msgID) & 0xFFFF;
fec_header.etherType = origEtherType;
fec_header.originSize = mSize;
fec_header.framgentSize = fragSize;
//prepare the vector where the output data will be put (output_messages is a global variable)
/* Reed-Solomon
//prepare fragments for R-S
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < K; ++i)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fec_chopchop(mSize); ++i)
fragments.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + i*divSize));
// Do the actual RS-encoding
RS_code(divSize, fragments); //output in the fragments
/* Header + Hamming => output fragments
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages.size(); ++i)
// msg to be hammed
// this >>fragments[(i+2)%4]<< is a bit nasty, but it enables the R-S to work like
// in HW (fragments of indecies 0 & 1 are missing) and have the same output of the
// FEC module like in HW (first two frames are the original payload, the other two
// are the R-Sed messages)
std::string msg(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fragments[(i+2)%4]), divSize);
// msg with hamming parity bits and header
//std::string msg_hammed(FEC_HEADER_SIZE, 'x');
// here we store the payload with hamming
// the way I (Maciej) implemented it in the HW,
// so, store the parity byte after the Hammed
// chunk of data (8 bytes), we use this one
unsigned int chunks = rsinSize / 8; //SEC-DED(72,64) is 8 bytes at once
//(1) header
fec_header.fragmentID = i;
std::string msg_hammed(create_FEC_header(&fec_header),FEC_HEADER_SIZE) ;
uint64_t header = create_FEC_header(&fec_header);
for (int j = 7; j > 0; --j)
uint8_t low = header & 0xFF;
header >>= 8;
msg_hammed[j]= static_cast<char>(low); // this will be the output
//(2) add padding
msg.resize(rsinSize); // Pad with 0 to a multiple of 8
unsigned int j,z;
unsigned int p_chunk_s; // pointer to the start of a chunk in the msg_hammed table
//(4) hamming the chunk
// in this loop we add Hamming parity bytes
for (j = 0, p_chunk_s=FEC_HEADER_SIZE; j < chunks; ++j, p_chunk_s=p_chunk_s+9) // skip FEC header !!!!
//(4a) hamming the chunk and remembering parity byte
std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(msg.substr(j*8,8).c_str());
//(4b) [like in HW] store the chunk of data (8 bytes)
msg_hammed += std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(msg.substr(j*8,8).c_str()), 8);
//(4c) add the parity byte
// [ below is a nasty way of adding the parity byte]
std::string tmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(parityBits.c_str()), 2);
uint8_t pb = parityBits[0] & 0x000000FF;
msg_hammed[p_chunk_s + 8] = static_cast<char>(tmp[0]);
printf("chunk_%2d: ", j );
for (z=0;z<8;z++) printf("0x%2x ",0xFF & msg_hammed[p_chunk_s+z]);
printf("[parity :0x%2x]\n",0xFF & msg_hammed[p_chunk_s+z]);
//(5) Fragment done !!!
output_messages[i] = msg_hammed;
return fec_header.msgID;
* functions which should be used by the outside world for encoding
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* The function takes message-to-be-encoded stored in the origMsg table. The length of the
* message-to-be-encoded is provided as origMsgLen input.
* The outputs are encoded messages (to be send as payloads of Ethernet Frames)
* Inputs:
* origMsg[] - original message to be encoded
* origMsgLen - length of the original message
* Outputs:
* encodedMsgs - a *msg_number* of encoded messages of size *encodedMsgLen*
* encodedMsgLen - table with lengths of each encoded message
* msg_number - number of encoded messages (for the time being it's always 4)
* Returns:
* - 1 if successful
int fec_encoder(const unsigned char* origMsg, unsigned int origMsgLen,
unsigned int origEtherType, const unsigned char** encodedMsgs,
unsigned int* encodedMsgLen, unsigned int* msg_number)
unsigned int msgID = fec_setup(origMsg, origMsgLen, origEtherType);
for(int index = 0; index < *msg_number; index++)
encodedMsgLen[index] = output_messages[index].size(); // this include Header
encodedMsgs[index] = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output_messages[index].data());
printf("\n----------------------------- FEC_ENCODER ----------------------------\n");
printf("Encoded an original message of %d size into %d msgs of size: \n",
origMsgLen, *msg_number);
for( int i = 0; i < *msg_number; i++) printf("MSG_ID=0x%x, Fragment_ID=%d, size=%dbytes\n",
msgID, i, encodedMsgLen[i]);
return 1;
* Function by Cesar which provides each encoded message separately). It is just a wrapper
* for fec_setup() which does all the work.
* Inputs:
* chunk - the message to be encoded
* index - the index of the desired encoded message which is returned
* Outputs:
* len - the length of the encoded message
* Returns:
* - encoded message (fragment number=index)
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index)
if (index == 0) fec_setup(chunk, *len, 0xABCD /*origEtherType*/);
if (index == (int)output_messages.size()) return 0;
*len = output_messages[index].size();
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output_messages[index].data());
/*const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk)
static std::vector<std::string> erroredMsgs;
int erasure_channel(const unsigned char** errorMsgs, const unsigned char** encodedMsgs,
unsigned int encodedMsgLen[], unsigned int msg_number)
unsigned int start = rand() % msg_number;
unsigned int totalErrorNumber = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < msg_number; i++)
unsigned int index = (start+i)%4;
std::string msg(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(encodedMsgs[index]), encodedMsgLen[index]);
unsigned int errors_number = rand() % MAX_ERROR_NUMBER;
totalErrorNumber +=errors_number;
for(int j = 0; j< errors_number; j++)
//chose fragment
unsigned int byte_number = rand() % encodedMsgLen[index];
unsigned int bit_number = rand() % 8;
msg[byte_number] ^= (char)(0x1 << bit_number);
erroredMsgs[i] = msg;
errorMsgs[i]= reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(erroredMsgs[i].data());
printf("\n--------------------------- ERASURE_CHANNEL --------------------------\n");
printf("\t\t\ttotal number of bit flips : %d\n",totalErrorNumber);
return 0;
int fec_decoder_report()
printf("---------------------FEC decoder REPORT---------------------------------\n");
Map::iterator state = cache.begin();
printf("MSG ID : .......................... 0x%x\n",state->first);
printf("MSG size : ........................ %3d bytes\n",state->second.msize);
printf("MSG state: ........................ recovered\n");
printf("MSG state: ........................ lost \n");
printf("Fragments received : .............. %2d\n",state->;
printf("Fragments lost: ................... %2d \n",state->;
printf("Fragment duplicates: ............. %2d \n",state->;
for(int i = 0; i < state->; i++)
printf("Fragment%2d ............................. \n",i);
printf(" ID: ...................... %2d \n",state->[i].sentOrderNumber);
printf(" Size: .................... %2d \n",state->[i].framgentSize);
printf(" Received order: .......... %2d \n",state->[i].receivedOrderNumber);
printf(" Recovered bits: .......... %2d \n",state->[i].recoveredBitsNumber);
printf(" Duplicates: .............. %2d \n",state->[i].duplicatesReceived);
printf(" Recovered : .............. YES \n");
printf(" Recovered : .............. NO \n");
printf(" Used : ................... YES \n");
printf(" Used : ................... NO \n");
} while(state != cache.end());
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef FEC_H
#define FEC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
unsigned int schemaID; // 4 bits
unsigned int fragmentID; // 4 bits
unsigned int msgID; // 16 bits
unsigned int etherType; // 16 bits
unsigned int originSize; // 13 bits
unsigned int framgentSize; // 8 bits
} fec_header_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int receivedOrderNumber; //received as which in turn
unsigned int sentOrderNumber; //fragmentID
unsigned int recoveredBitsNumber; //how many bits where recovered using Hamming
unsigned int duplicatesReceived; //number of duplicates
unsigned int framgentSize;
bool fragmentRecovered; //was the fragment recovered in the end
bool fragmentUsed; //was the fragment used
bool errorInHeader; //was the error in FEC header
} fec_decoder_fragment_raport_t;
typedef struct {
fec_decoder_fragment_raport_t fragments[8];
unsigned int bitsRecovered;
unsigned int fragmentsLost;
unsigned int fragmentsReceived;
unsigned int duplicatesReceived;
bool msgRecovered;
bool tooManyFragments;
} fec_decoder_msg_raport_t;
/* Initialize any buffers / state needed to encode/decode packets */
void fec_open();
/* Free any resources used by the encoder/decoder */
void fec_close();
/* Input: data received from ethernet payload [chunk, chunk+*len)
* Output:
* If cannot (yet) decode, returns 0
* Otherwise, returns pointer to decoded message and modifies *len
* Note: inside be buffers
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int fragSize,
int* origMsgSize, unsigned int* origEtherType);
/* Input: ethernet payload to send [chunk, chunk+*len)
* index, starts at 0 and incremented each call until done
* Output:
* If no more chunks follow, returns 0
* Returns encoded packet and modifies *len
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index);
int fec_encoder(const unsigned char* origMsg, unsigned int origMsgLen,
unsigned int origEtherType, const unsigned char** encodedMsgs,
unsigned int* encodedMsgLen, unsigned int* msg_number);
int erasure_channel(const unsigned char** errorMsgs, const unsigned char** encodedMsgs,
unsigned int encodedMsgLen[], unsigned int msg_number) ;
int fec_decoder_report();
#ifdef __cplusplus
* ===============================================================================
* Project: FEC decoder @ SW
* Filename: fec_decoder.cpp
* Description: Reads FEC frames (recognized by EtherType) from the socket
* Recognizes FEC header
* Does de-hamming (based on Cesar's with corrected table)
* Hamming parity bytes at the end of each chunk (not at the
* end of the frame )
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/09/2011
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Maciej Lipinski (based on test-drive.c by C.Prados)
* Company: CERN
* ============================================================================
#include "fec.h"
#include "fec_decoder.h"
my_socket *create_socket(wr_sockaddr_t *bind_addr)
struct sockaddr_ll sll;
struct my_socket *s;
struct ifreq f;
int fd;
fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if(fd < 0)
return NULL;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
// Put the controller in promiscious mode, so it receives everything
strcpy(f.ifr_name, bind_addr->if_name);
if(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS,&f) < 0) { perror("ioctl()"); return NULL; }
f.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
if(ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS,&f) < 0) { perror("ioctl()"); return NULL; }
// Find the inteface index
strcpy(f.ifr_name, bind_addr->if_name);
ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &f);
sll.sll_ifindex = f.ifr_ifindex;
sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
sll.sll_protocol = htons(bind_addr->ethertype);
sll.sll_halen = 6;
memcpy(sll.sll_addr, bind_addr->mac, 6);
if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sll, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)) < 0)
return NULL;
s=(struct my_socket*)calloc(sizeof(struct my_socket), 1);
s->if_index = f.ifr_ifindex;
memcpy(s->local_mac, f.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
memcpy(&s->bind_addr, bind_addr, sizeof(wr_sockaddr_t));
s->fd = fd;
return (my_socket*)s;
int recvfrom(my_socket *sock, wr_sockaddr_t *from, void *data, size_t data_length)
struct my_socket *s = (struct my_socket *)sock;
struct etherpacket pkt;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec entry;
struct sockaddr_ll from_addr;
struct {
struct cmsghdr cm;
char control[1024];
} control;
struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
size_t len = data_length + sizeof(struct ethhdr);
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.msg_iov = &entry;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
entry.iov_base = &pkt;
entry.iov_len = len;
msg.msg_name = (caddr_t)&from_addr;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(from_addr);
msg.msg_control = &control;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control);
int ret = recvmsg(s->fd, &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if(ret < 0 && errno==EAGAIN) return 0; // would be blocking
if(ret == -EAGAIN) return 0;
if(ret <= 0) return ret;
memcpy(data,, ret - sizeof(struct ethhdr));
from->ethertype = ntohs(pkt.ether.h_proto);
memcpy(from->mac, pkt.ether.h_source, 6);
memcpy(from->mac_dest, pkt.ether.h_dest, 6);
return ret - sizeof(struct ethhdr);
int main()
struct my_socket *socket;
wr_sockaddr_t bindaddr;
wr_sockaddr_t dummy_addr;
int recv_msg_size, i;
unsigned char buf[PACKET_SIZE];
unsigned char msg[PACKET_SIZE];
const unsigned char* recoveredMessage;
int recoveredMsgSize = 0;
unsigned int recoveredEtherType;
int fec_decoder_ret;
/* open socket and other connection magic*/
strcpy(bindaddr.if_name, "eth4"); //TODO
bindaddr.ethertype = 0xDEED; // FEC's etherType, fecked
memcpy(bindaddr.mac, FEC_ADDR, sizeof(mac_addr_t));
socket = create_socket(&bindaddr);
int cnt=1;
if((recv_msg_size = recvfrom(socket, &dummy_addr, (unsigned char*)buf, PACKET_SIZE)) > 0)
printf("\n----------------------------- FEC_DECODER ----------------------------\n");
printf("received sth of size: %d bytes\n",recv_msg_size);
for(i=0;i<recv_msg_size;) //endianess
msg[i] = buf[i];
msg[i+1] = buf[i+1];
msg[i] = buf[i+1];
msg[i+1] = buf[i];
recoveredMessage = fec_decode(msg,recv_msg_size,&fec_decoder_ret, &recoveredEtherType);
if(fec_decoder_ret > 0)//message recovered
printf("-------------message recovered: size = %d, etherType = 0x%x---------------\n",
if(i%16 == 0) printf("\n");
if(cnt % 40 == 0)
return 1;
#ifndef _fec_decoder_h
#define _fec_decoder_h
#include "fec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_arp.h>
#include <linux/errqueue.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define DEMO__
//#define DEMO__ // makes a binary for the demo
#include <asm/socket.h>
#define PACKET_SIZE 1518
#define IFACE_NAME_LEN 16
#define ETHER_MTU 1518
#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
// FECed frame header size [bytes]
#define FEC_HEADE_SIZE 8
typedef uint32_t ipv4_addr_t;
typedef char Octet;
typedef uint8_t mac_addr_t[6];
const mac_addr_t FEC_ADDR = {0x76, 0x54, 0xba, 0x98 , 0xfe, 0xdc};
PACKED struct etherpacket {
struct ethhdr ether;
char data[ETHER_MTU];
typedef void *wr_socket_t;
typedef struct {
// Network interface name (eth0, ...)
char if_name[IFACE_NAME_LEN];
// MAC address
mac_addr_t mac;
// Destination MASC address, filled by recvfrom() function on interfaces bound to multiple addresses
mac_addr_t mac_dest;
// IP address
ipv4_addr_t ip;
// UDP port
uint16_t port;
// RAW ethertype
uint16_t ethertype;
// physical port to bind socket to
uint16_t physical_port;
} wr_sockaddr_t;
struct my_socket {
int fd;
wr_sockaddr_t bind_addr;
mac_addr_t local_mac;
int if_index;
} ;
\ No newline at end of file
/* Copyright 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* All rights reserved.
* A quick-and-dirty implementation of GF(2^8).
* Optimized for ease of translation into hardware, not speed.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#ifndef __GF256_H__
#define __GF256_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
class GF256
typedef unsigned char rep;
rep value;
GF256(rep x) : value(x) { }
GF256() : value(0) { }
GF256(const GF256& y) : value(y.value) { }
/* Important constants */
static const GF256 zero;
static const GF256 one;
static const GF256 g;
/* Explicit conversion operators */
static GF256 embed(rep v) { return GF256(v); }
rep project() const { return value; }
bool operator == (GF256 y)
return value == y.value;
bool operator != (GF256 y)
return value != y.value;
GF256& operator = (GF256 y)
value = y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator += (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator -= (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256 operator + (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out += y;
return out;
GF256 operator - (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out -= y;
return out;
GF256 operator - () const
return GF256(*this);
GF256 operator * (GF256 y) const
rep a = value;
rep b = y.value;
rep a0 = (a>>0)&1;
rep a1 = (a>>1)&1;
rep a2 = (a>>2)&1;
rep a3 = (a>>3)&1;
rep a4 = (a>>4)&1;
rep a5 = (a>>5)&1;
rep a6 = (a>>6)&1;
rep a7 = (a>>7)&1;
rep b0 = (b>>0)&1;
rep b1 = (b>>1)&1;
rep b2 = (b>>2)&1;
rep b3 = (b>>3)&1;
rep b4 = (b>>4)&1;
rep b5 = (b>>5)&1;
rep b6 = (b>>6)&1;
rep b7 = (b>>7)&1;
#if 1
/* This is output from gates-gf targetting the modulus 2d */
rep c0 = (a0&b0) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c1 = (a0&b1) ^ (a1&b0) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c2 = (a0&b2) ^ (a1&b1) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b0) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b4);
rep c3 = (a0&b3) ^ (a1&b2) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b1) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b0) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c4 = (a0&b4) ^ (a1&b3) ^ (a2&b2) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b1) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b0) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c5 = (a0&b5) ^ (a1&b4) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b3) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b2) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b1) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b0) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c6 = (a0&b6) ^ (a1&b5) ^ (a2&b4) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b3) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b2) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b1) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b0) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c7 = (a0&b7) ^ (a1&b6) ^ (a2&b5) ^ (a3&b4) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b3) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b2) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b1) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b0) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b5);
rep modulus = 0x1b;
/* ci = b*x^i */
/* bi*modulus is just bi?modulus:0 */
rep c0 = b;
rep c1 = (c0 << 1) ^ (c0 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c2 = (c1 << 1) ^ (c1 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c3 = (c2 << 1) ^ (c2 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c4 = (c3 << 1) ^ (c3 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c5 = (c4 << 1) ^ (c4 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c6 = (c5 << 1) ^ (c5 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c7 = (c6 << 1) ^ (c6 >> 7)*modulus;
/* x*y here is just y?x:0 */
rep o0 = c0 * ((a>>0)&1);
rep o1 = c1 * ((a>>1)&1);
rep o2 = c2 * ((a>>2)&1);
rep o3 = c3 * ((a>>3)&1);
rep o4 = c4 * ((a>>4)&1);
rep o5 = c5 * ((a>>5)&1);
rep o6 = c6 * ((a>>6)&1);
rep o7 = c7 * ((a>>7)&1);
return ((o0^o1)^(o2^o3))^((o4^o5)^(o6^o7));
return (c7<<7)|(c6<<6)|(c5<<5)|(c4<<4)|(c3<<3)|(c2<<2)|(c1<<1)|(c0<<0);
GF256& operator *= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this * y;
GF256 operator ^ (int x) const
GF256 out(1);
GF256 pow(*this);
x %= 255;
if (x < 0) x += 255;
for (; x > 0; x >>= 1)
if ((x & 1) != 0)
out *= pow;
pow *= pow;
return out;
GF256 inverse () const
return *this ^ 254;
GF256 operator / (GF256 y) const
return *this * y.inverse();
GF256& operator /= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this / y;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, GF256 y)
return o << std::hex << std::setw(2) << (int)y.value;
#include "hamming.h"
#define NUM_CHECK_BITS 7 // plus parity bit
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#define SIZE 8 // 8 words 64 bits
//#define printf_debugging
//corrected matrix provided by Cesar
unsigned int pbits0[NUM_CHECK_BITS][SIZE] ={{0x5B, 0xAD, 0xAA, 0x56, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAB}, // check vector 1
{0x6D, 0x36, 0x33, 0x9B, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xCD}, // check vector 2
{0x8E, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xF1}, // check vector 3
{0xF0, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x01}, // check vector 4
{0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 5
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 6
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE} // check vector 7
input :
frame - buffer with entire msg
ichunk - index of the first byte in the chunk which is being processed
chunks - index of the parity byte (in original Cesar's, it was the number of all chunks, since all the parity bytes where at the end)
nBytep - output - the number of the byte (in the chunk) in which the bitflip is
nBitp - output - the number of the bit (in the nByte) in which the bitflip is
0 = no errors
1 = single error, so corrected
2 = double error, could not correct
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int ichunk, unsigned int chunks, unsigned int *nBytep, unsigned int *nBitP)
unsigned char parity[]="";
unsigned int checkBitResult=0;
unsigned result;
//calculate parity of the chunk (8 byte)
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i)
{ // parity vector x
int temp=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame
temp = ((bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>((uint8_t)(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ? 1 : 0)<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
unsigned numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk+j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
//check parity bit (for all bits in the chunk)
unsigned int parityBit = 0;
if((parity[0] & 0x1) == (static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[chunks]) & 0x1))
parityBit = 1; // No error or double error
#ifdef printf_debugging
int d;
for(d=0; d<8;d++)
printf(" 0x%x\n",static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[d+ichunk]));
printf("parity: 0x%x vs 0x%x\n",static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[d+ichunk]),parity[0]);
checkBitResult = 0;
for(int i=1;i<NUM_CHECK_BITS;i++)
checkBitResult ^= (((parity[0] >> (i)) ^ (static_cast<unsigned char >(frame[chunks]) >> (i))) & (BIT_MASK))<< (i-1);
if((checkBitResult!=0) && (parityBit == 1 ))
result = 2; // Double Error;
else if(checkBitResult != 0 )// single error, we can repair it
checkBitResult = postionInfraeme(checkBitResult);
unsigned int nByte = checkBitResult / SIZE;
unsigned int nBit = checkBitResult % SIZE;
*nBitP = nBit;
*nBytep = nByte;
result = 1 ; //repaired
else // No errors
result = 0;
return result ;
int postionInfraeme(int postion)
int postionDiff;
if((postion >4) && (postion <=7)) postionDiff = postion - 3;
else if((postion >8)&& (postion <=15)) postionDiff = postion - 4;
else if((postion >16)&& (postion <=31)) postionDiff = postion - 5;
else if(postion >32) postionDiff = postion - 6;
// the error is in the parity checks
return postionDiff;
std::string hamming_encode(const char *frame)
unsigned char parity[]="";
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i)
{// parity vector x
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>(frame[j]) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ? 1 : 0) << (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
int numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(frame[j]).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
string eFrame;
if(parity[0]== 0) // if the parity check is 0
eFrame[0] = 0; // set to 0000000
eFrame[0]= parity[0]; // in the last byte parity word
return eFrame;
#include <iterator>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
std::string hamming_encode(const char *);
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int *, unsigned int *);
int postionInfraeme(int );
#ifdef __cplusplus
* =================================================================================================
* Filename: test-driver.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 21/10/2011 01:48:23 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Maciej Lipinski (based on code from Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: CERN
* =================================================================================================
#include "fec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAX_MSG_SIZE 1024
#define MAX_NR_EN_MSGs 8
#define MSG_SIZE 501
// (x + 1) ->> because if we have text, we need to cut the end char
* Control Debugging
* The encoder receives message of some size from somewhere, this
* function simulates it, in the function you decide on the
* message content and size.
* So, the function basically only outputs data (msg and size)
int createOriginalMsg(unsigned char msg[], unsigned int* size, unsigned int* etherType)
// decode on message size
unsigned int msgSize = MSG_SIZE; // 500 bytes
*size = msgSize;
*etherType = 0xABCD;
// decider on message content
unsigned char nasty_data_filler = 0x0;
for (int i=0; i<msgSize;i++)
if(i%2==0) msg[i] = nasty_data_filler++;
else msg[i] = 0x0;
// print the result
printf("\n********************** message to be encoded (payload of %3d bytes) ***************************", msgSize);
for (int i = 0; i < msgSize; ++i)
if(i % 16 == 0) printf("\n");
printf("0x%2x, ", msg[i]);
int show_encoded_msgs(const unsigned char** encodedMsgs,unsigned int* encodedMsgLen, unsigned int msg_number)
printf("FEC encoded into %d Ethernet frames\n",msg_number);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i< msg_number; i++)
printf("MSG_%d [payload size(with FEC header): %d]:\n",i,encodedMsgLen[i]);
printf("HEADER: ");
for(unsigned int j = 0; j< encodedMsgLen[i]; j++)
if(j > 7 && (j-8) % 18 == 0) printf("\n");
printf("0x%2x, ", encodedMsgs[i][j]);
if(j==7) printf("\nPAYLOAD:"); //end of header
int compare_results(const unsigned char* origMsg, unsigned int origMsgSize,
const unsigned char* recoveredMsg, int recoveredMsgSize)
int ret = 0;
if(origMsgSize != recoveredMsgSize)
printf("FEC FAILED: wrong size of recovered message. origMsgSize=%d recoveredMsgSize = %d\n",
origMsgSize, recoveredMsgSize);
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i< origMsgSize; i++)
if(origMsg[i] != recoveredMsg[i])
printf("Error in byte %d, original data: 0x%x, recovered data: 0x%x\n", origMsg[i], recoveredMsg[i] );
ret = -1;
return ret;
int main()
int ret = 0;
//init FEC (bullshit)
/* Creating message
unsigned int origMessageSize;
unsigned int origEtherType;
unsigned char origMessage[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
//create a message
createOriginalMsg(origMessage, &origMessageSize, &origEtherType);
/* Encoding
const unsigned char* encodedMessages[MAX_NR_EN_MSGs];
unsigned int encoded_msgs_len[MAX_NR_EN_MSGs];
unsigned int encoded_msgs_number;
//encode original message into a number of ethernet frames
ret = fec_encoder(origMessage,origMessageSize, origEtherType, encodedMessages,
encoded_msgs_len, &encoded_msgs_number);
if(ret < 0 ) printf("fec_encoder error\n");
/* "Sending [erasure channel]
const unsigned char* erroredMessages[MAX_NR_EN_MSGs];
//show the effect
//show_encoded_msgs(encodedMessages, encoded_msgs_len,encoded_msgs_number);
erasure_channel(erroredMessages, encodedMessages, encoded_msgs_len, encoded_msgs_number);
/* Decoding
const unsigned char* recoveredMessage;
int recoveredMsgSize = 0;
unsigned int recoveredEtherType;
ret = 0;
printf("\n----------------------------- FEC_DECODER ----------------------------\n");
for(int i =0; i < encoded_msgs_number; i++)
if(recoveredMsgSize == 0) //not recovered the frame yet
recoveredMessage = fec_decode(erroredMessages[i], encoded_msgs_len[i] /*I dont like this*/,
&ret, &recoveredEtherType);
if(ret > 0) //record the size
recoveredMsgSize = ret;
else //go through the unnecessary fragments
fec_decode(erroredMessages[i], encoded_msgs_len[i], &ret, &recoveredEtherType);
ret = -1;
if(recoveredMsgSize > 0)
ret=compare_results(origMessage, origMessageSize, recoveredMessage,recoveredMsgSize);
if(ret==0 && recoveredMsgSize > 0)
printf("\n\n\n \t\t CONGRATULATIONS ! \n \t message recovered succesfully \n\n\n ");
printf("\n\n\n \t\t Message not recovered\n\n\n");
return 0;//below is the shity code provided by CESAR and modified by me
#Makefile for Hamming Code
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 -lm -w -Wall
OBJS = fec_decoder.o code.o fec.o crc.o hamming.o
OUTPUT= test
all : $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(OUTPUT)
rm -f $(OBJS) $(OUTPUT)
/* A hardware-like C++ implementation of a Reed-Solomon erasure code.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#include "gf256.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <assert.h>
const GF256 GF256::zero(0);
const GF256 GF256::one(1);
//const GF256 GF256::g(2);
const GF256 GF256::g(3);
/* The hard-coded number of losses this code is designed to recover.
* Presumably a parameter for a VHDL generic.
#define K 2
/* This Reed-Solomon code uses systematic encoding, which means that the
* codewords include as a prefix the original message.
* Each codeword c(x) is defined to be a multiple of product_i (x-g^i)
* for i=0..(K-1). The encoder and decoder are implemented with the same
* circuit. Given n symbols of which K are unknown (and set to 0), the
* missing K values are recovered.
/* This circuit precomputes the lambda values needed by the (en|de)coder.
* It should be run once after all the packets have been received.
* The output polynomial the lowest order polynomial with roots on the
* generator; ie: lambda(x) := (x - g^i0)*(x - g^i1)*...
* Input:
* The indices of the lost packets.
* Output:
* The coefficients of lambda(x).
* The roots of lambda(x).
void precompute(int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
GF256 g2; /* Register for the expression g^2^clock */
int is[K]; /* Bit-shift register for the indices */
/* Initial values of the registers */
g2 = GF256::g;
lambda[0] = GF256::one;
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = GF256::one;
is[j] = i[j];
lambda[j+1] = GF256::zero;
/* Step 1 is to compute the values gi */
for (int clock = 0; clock < 8; ++clock) {
/* Look at the low bit of the shift registers */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = gi[j] * ((is[j]&1)?g2:GF256::one);
is[j] = is[j] >> 1;
g2 = g2*g2;
/* Step 2 is to compute the polynomial product */
for (int clock = 0; clock < K; ++clock) {
/* A K-wide "shift" register composed of bytes */
for (int j = K; j > 0; --j)
lambda[j] = lambda[j]*gi[clock] + lambda[j-1];
lambda[0] = lambda[0] * gi[clock];
/* Input:
* The number of symbols in the codeword (n > K)
* The indices of the codeword which are missing.
* The result of precompute on those indices.
* Output:
* Fills in the missing values of c.
void code(int n, GF256 c[], int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
/* Registers */
GF256 lg[K+1]; /* lambda[i]*g^(i*clock) */
GF256 a[K]; /* Accumulator for the missing symbols */
GF256 dli[K]; /* (d/dx lambda)(g^i) */
GF256 gic[K]; /* g^i*g^-c */
/* Hard-wired constants */
GF256 gj1[K+1]; /* g^(j-1) */
/* Clear the unknown symbols to zero */
// for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
// c[i[j]] = GF256::zero;
/* Initialize the registers and constants */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
lg[j] = lambda[j];
gic[j] = gi[j];
a[j] = GF256::zero;
dli[j] = GF256::zero;
gj1[j] = GF256::g^(j-1);
lg[K] = lambda[K];
gj1[K] = GF256::g^(K-1);
/* In each step, we read c[clock] from memory */
for (int clock = 0; clock < n; ++clock) {
/* This circuit feeds l1c and dlc into the decoders */
GF256 dlc = GF256::zero, l1c = GF256::zero;
for (int j = 0; j < K+1; ++j) {
l1c += lg[j]; /* XOR all the lg[j] together */
dlc += (j&1)?lg[j]:GF256::zero; /* XOR the odd lg[j] together */
lg[j] = lg[j] * gj1[j]; /* Hard-wired multiplier */
/* Load from main memory: */
GF256 cc = c[clock];
GF256 product = cc * l1c;
/* Replicate this circuit for each K */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
GF256 divisor = GF256::one - gic[j];
gic[j] *= GF256::g.inverse(); /* Hard-wired multiplier */
a[j] = a[j] + (product / divisor);
/* Record dlc if it's our index */
//if (clock == i[j])
if (divisor == GF256::zero) dli[j] = dlc;
/* Implement multiplicative inverse using a lookup table */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
c[i[j]] = a[j] * dli[j].inverse();
#define MAX_FRAG_SIZE 1500
static unsigned char result[K][MAX_FRAG_SIZE];
/* Command-line driven test-cases */
void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments) {
int missing[K];
int missing_index;
assert (fragLen < MAX_FRAG_SIZE);
assert (fragments.size() > K);
missing_index = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
if (fragments[i] == 0) {
assert (missing_index < K);
missing[missing_index++] = i;
GF256 c[fragments.size()]; //code word
GF256 gi[K];
GF256 lambda[K+1];
precompute(missing, gi, lambda);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragLen; ++i) { // stripe by stripe
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fragments.size(); ++j) { // code by code word
if (fragments[j])
c[j] = GF256::embed(fragments[j][i]);
c[j] = GF256::zero;
code(fragments.size(), c, missing, gi, lambda); // fills in 0 values
for (unsigned j = 0; j < K; ++j)
result[j][i] = c[missing[j]].project();
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
fragments[missing[j]] = result[j];
* Filename: crc.c
* Description: Slow and fast implementations of the CRC standards.
* Notes: The parameters for each supported CRC standard are
* defined in the header file crc.h. The implementations
* here should stand up to further additions to that list.
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#include "crc.h"
* Derive parameters from the standard-specific parameters in crc.h.
#define WIDTH (8 * sizeof(crc))
#define TOPBIT (1 << (WIDTH - 1))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) ((unsigned char) reflect((X), 8))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) (X)
#define REFLECT_REMAINDER(X) ((crc) reflect((X), WIDTH))
* Function: reflect()
* Description: Reorder the bits of a binary sequence, by reflecting
* them about the middle position.
* Notes: No checking is done that nBits <= 32.
* Returns: The reflection of the original data.
static unsigned long
reflect(unsigned long data, unsigned char nBits)
unsigned long reflection = 0x00000000;
unsigned char bit;
* Reflect the data about the center bit.
for (bit = 0; bit < nBits; ++bit)
* If the LSB bit is set, set the reflection of it.
if (data & 0x01)
reflection |= (1 << ((nBits - 1) - bit));
data = (data >> 1);
return (reflection);
} /* reflect() */
* Function: crcSlow()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes:
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
int byte;
unsigned char bit;
* Perform modulo-2 division, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
* Bring the next byte into the remainder.
remainder ^= (REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) << (WIDTH - 8));
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* The final remainder is the CRC result.
} /* crcSlow() */
crc crcTable[256];
* Function: crcInit()
* Description: Populate the partial CRC lookup table.
* Notes: This function must be rerun any time the CRC standard
* is changed. If desired, it can be run "offline" and
* the table results stored in an embedded system's ROM.
* Returns: None defined.
crc remainder;
int dividend;
unsigned char bit;
* Compute the remainder of each possible dividend.
for (dividend = 0; dividend < 256; ++dividend)
* Start with the dividend followed by zeros.
remainder = dividend << (WIDTH - 8);
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* Store the result into the table.
crcTable[dividend] = remainder;
} /* crcInit() */
* Function: crcFast()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes: crcInit() must be called first.
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
unsigned char data;
int byte;
* Divide the message by the polynomial, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
data = REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) ^ (remainder >> (WIDTH - 8));
remainder = crcTable[data] ^ (remainder << 8);
* The final remainder is the CRC.
} /* crcFast() */
* Filename: crc.h
* Description: A header file describing the various CRC standards.
* Notes:
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#ifndef _crc_h
#define _crc_h
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
* Select the CRC standard from the list that follows.
#define CRC_CCITT
#if defined(CRC_CCITT)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x1021
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0x29B1
#elif defined(CRC16)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-16"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x8005
#define INITIAL_REMAINDER 0x0000
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xBB3D
#elif defined(CRC32)
typedef unsigned long crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-32"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04C11DB7
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xCBF43926
#error "One of CRC_CCITT, CRC16, or CRC32 must be #define'd."
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void crcInit(void);
crc crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
crc crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _crc_h */
#include "fec.h"
#include "hamming.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "crc.h"
#include "fec_decoder.h"
//#define TIME
#define K 2
#define MAX_output_messages 1024
extern void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments);
* ====================================================================================
* Filename: fec.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 12:58:52 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
static uint32_t outgoing_msgID = 0;
void fec_open()
outgoing_msgID = rand();
void fec_close()
static unsigned int fec_chopchop(unsigned int msize) {
// !!! Do something intelligent!
return 2;
struct State
unsigned int msize;
unsigned int divsize;
unsigned int fragments_received;
std::vector<std::string> received;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, State> Map;
typedef std::queue<uint32_t> Queue;
static Map cache;
static Queue inCache;
static std::string result;
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, fec_header_t *fec_header)
unsigned int length = *len - FEC_HEADE_SIZE; // minus FEC header size !!!!
unsigned int chunks = length / 9;
unsigned char tmp_chunk;
if (length % 9 != 0 || length < 18)
printf("quiting decoding because : (length % 9 != 0 || length < 18)\n");
return 0;
std::string eChunk(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk),*len);
* sorting out FEC header staff
fec_header->schemaID = (static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[1])) & 0xF;
fec_header->fragmentID = ((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[1]))>>4) & 0xF;
fec_header->msgID = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[3]))<<8) & 0xFF00) | ((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[0])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->etherType = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[5]))<<8) & 0xFF00) | ((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[2])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->originSize = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[7]))<<8) & 0x1F00) | ((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[4])) & 0xFF) ;
fec_header->framgentSize = (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[6]))<<3) & 0x07F8) | (((static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[7]))>>5) & 0x07) ;
printf("Encoding FECed message with the FEC Header:\n");
printf("FEC schema ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->schemaID);
printf("Fragment ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->fragmentID);
printf("Message ID : 0x%x\n",fec_header->msgID);
printf("EtherType of the original frame: 0x%x\n",fec_header->etherType);
printf("Original frame's payload size : 0x%x [%d]\n",fec_header->originSize,fec_header->originSize);
printf("Encoded frame's payload size : 0x%x [%d]\n",fec_header->framgentSize,fec_header->framgentSize);
* dealing with hamming coding
printf("^^^^^^^^ de-Hamming chunks (8 byte of data + 1 byte of parity: ^^^^^^^^ ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks; ++i)
unsigned int nByte;
unsigned int nBit;
//it's 8 here because we remove parity byte in the loop, so eChunk gets shorter while looping
int decodeResult = hamming_decode(eChunk, (unsigned int)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE) , \
(unsigned int)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE + 8) , \
if(decodeResult == 0)
if(i%8==0) printf("\n");
printf("%3d [ok], ",i);
else if(decodeResult == 1)
printf("\n%3d [recovery attempted]\n",i);
else if(decodeResult == 2)
printf("\n%3d [unrecoverable]\n",i);
//return 0;
if(decodeResult == 0 || decodeResult == 1)
//get rid of hamming parity byte
//CAUTION: we are shortening eChunk while looping through it !!!!
eChunk.erase((size_t)(i*8 + FEC_HEADE_SIZE + 8), (size_t)1);
//we need to use R-S
//do sth intelligent?
printf("\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ de-Hamming finished ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n");
* decoding R-S
uint32_t mID = fec_header->msgID;
unsigned int msize = fec_header->originSize;
unsigned int fragLen = fec_header->framgentSize;
unsigned int index = fec_header->fragmentID;
unsigned int output_messages = fec_chopchop(msize);
unsigned int divsize = (msize+output_messages-1) / output_messages;
unsigned int rsinsize = (divsize+7) & ~7;
if (fragLen != length) return 0;
if (fragLen != (rsinsize+8)/8*9) return 0;
if (index > output_messages+K) return 0;
Map::iterator state = cache.find(mID);
// cout << "state=cache.find(mID): " << state->first <<endl;
if (state == cache.end())
if (inCache.size() > MAX_output_messages)
uint32_t kill = inCache.front();
State& newState = cache[mID]; // add it
state = cache.find(mID);
newState.msize = msize;
newState.fragments_received = 0;
newState.divsize = (msize + output_messages-1) / output_messages;
newState.received.resize(output_messages + K);
if (state->second.msize != msize) return 0; // Doesn't fit with other packets
if (!state->second.received[index].empty()) return 0; // Duplicated packet
// Grab the data portion of the buffer
state->second.received[index] = eChunk.substr(8, (chunks-1)*8);
//state->second.received[index] = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk)+8, (chunks-1)*8);
//If we don't have enough packets yet (or already decode), stop now
if (++state->second.fragments_received != output_messages) return 0;
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i)
if (state->second.received[i].empty())
fragments[i] = 0;
fragments[i] = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(state->second.received[i].data());
// Do the work
RS_code(divsize, fragments);
// Reassemble the packet
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < divsize; ++j)
result.resize(msize); // clip the padding and done
*len = result.size();
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
* fec_setup
static std::vector<std::string> output_messages;
static void fec_setup(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int len)
unsigned int msize = len;
unsigned int divsize = (msize+output_messages.size()-1) / output_messages.size();
unsigned int rsinsize = (divsize+7) & ~7;
// Make a -id
uint32_t msgID = ++outgoing_msgID;
std::string buf(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk), msize);
buf.resize(divsize*output_messages.size()); // Pad with 0 to a multiple of output_messages
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages.size(); ++i)
fragments.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + i*divsize));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < K; ++i)
// Do the actual RS-encoding
RS_code(divsize, fragments);
output_messages.resize(output_messages.size() + K);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages.size(); ++i)
//std::string msg(8, 'xxxxxxxx');
std::string msg(8, 'x');
unsigned int fragLen = (rsinsize + 8)/8*9;
uint64_t header =
((uint64_t)msgID << 32) |
((uint64_t)msize << 20) |
((uint64_t)fragLen << 8) |
((uint64_t)i << 0);
for (int j = 7; j > 0; --j) {
uint8_t low = header & 0xFF;
header >>= 8;
msg[j] = static_cast<char>(low);
msg += std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fragments[i]), divsize);
msg.resize(rsinsize + 8); // Pad with 0 to a multiple of 8
//std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(reinterpret_cast<const char*>( msg.c_str()));
//msg.push_back(parityBits[0]); // !!! result of hamming code
//cout << "Parity HEADER " << parityBits[0] << endl;
//cout << "WITH HEADER " << msg << endl;
//reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fragments[i])
unsigned int chunks = msg.size() / 8; // SEC-DED(72,64) is 8 bytes at once
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "---------------------CHUNK " << i << "--------------------------" << endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < chunks; ++j)
// encode msg[j*chunks] to msg[j*chunks + chunks-1]
//std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk+j*8));
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << " STRING TO ENCODE " << msg.substr(j*8,8) << endl;
std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(msg.substr(j*8,8).c_str());
msg.push_back(parityBits[0]); // !!! result of hamming code
//cout << "Parity " << parityBits[0] << endl;
//cout << "NUMBER ENCODED " << j << " "<< msg << endl;
//cout << "LENGTH MSG A" << msg.length() << endl;
output_messages[i] = msg;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " HAMMING WORD ENCODED " << msg << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "****END ENCODING CONTROL MESSAGE************************ " << endl;
cout << "..........TRANSMISSION........................... " << endl;
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index)
if (index == 0) fec_setup(chunk, *len);
if (index == (int)output_messages.size()) return 0;
*len = output_messages[index].size();
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output_messages[index].data());
#ifndef FEC_H
#define FEC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
unsigned int schemaID;
unsigned int fragmentID;
unsigned int msgID;
unsigned int etherType;
unsigned int originSize;
unsigned int framgentSize;
} fec_header_t;
/* Initialize any buffers / state needed to encode/decode packets */
void fec_open();
/* Free any resources used by the encoder/decoder */
void fec_close();
/* Input: data received from ethernet payload [chunk, chunk+*len)
* Output:
* If cannot (yet) decode, returns 0
* Otherwise, returns pointer to decoded message and modifies *len
* Note: inside be buffers
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, fec_header_t *fec_header);
/* Input: ethernet payload to send [chunk, chunk+*len)
* index, starts at 0 and incremented each call until done
* Output:
* If no more chunks follow, returns 0
* Returns encoded packet and modifies *len
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* ===============================================================================
* Project: FEC decoder @ SW
* Filename: fec_decoder.cpp
* Description: Reads FEC frames (recognized by EtherType) from the socket
* Recognizes FEC header
* Does de-hamming (based on Cesar's with corrected table)
* Hamming parity bytes at the end of each chunk (not at the
* end of the frame )
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/09/2011
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Maciej Lipinski (based on test-drive.c by C.Prados)
* Company: CERN
* ============================================================================
#include "fec.h"
#include "fec_decoder.h"
my_socket *create_socket(wr_sockaddr_t *bind_addr)
struct sockaddr_ll sll;
struct my_socket *s;
struct ifreq f;
int fd;
fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if(fd < 0)
return NULL;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
// Put the controller in promiscious mode, so it receives everything
strcpy(f.ifr_name, bind_addr->if_name);
if(ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS,&f) < 0) { perror("ioctl()"); return NULL; }
f.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
if(ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS,&f) < 0) { perror("ioctl()"); return NULL; }
// Find the inteface index
strcpy(f.ifr_name, bind_addr->if_name);
ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &f);
sll.sll_ifindex = f.ifr_ifindex;
sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
sll.sll_protocol = htons(bind_addr->ethertype);
sll.sll_halen = 6;
memcpy(sll.sll_addr, bind_addr->mac, 6);
if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sll, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)) < 0)
return NULL;
s=(struct my_socket*)calloc(sizeof(struct my_socket), 1);
s->if_index = f.ifr_ifindex;
memcpy(s->local_mac, f.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
memcpy(&s->bind_addr, bind_addr, sizeof(wr_sockaddr_t));
s->fd = fd;
return (my_socket*)s;
int recvfrom(my_socket *sock, wr_sockaddr_t *from, void *data, size_t data_length)
struct my_socket *s = (struct my_socket *)sock;
struct etherpacket pkt;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec entry;
struct sockaddr_ll from_addr;
struct {
struct cmsghdr cm;
char control[1024];
} control;
struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
size_t len = data_length + sizeof(struct ethhdr);
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.msg_iov = &entry;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
entry.iov_base = &pkt;
entry.iov_len = len;
msg.msg_name = (caddr_t)&from_addr;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(from_addr);
msg.msg_control = &control;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control);
int ret = recvmsg(s->fd, &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if(ret < 0 && errno==EAGAIN) return 0; // would be blocking
if(ret == -EAGAIN) return 0;
if(ret <= 0) return ret;
memcpy(data,, ret - sizeof(struct ethhdr));
from->ethertype = ntohs(pkt.ether.h_proto);
memcpy(from->mac, pkt.ether.h_source, 6);
memcpy(from->mac_dest, pkt.ether.h_dest, 6);
return ret - sizeof(struct ethhdr);
int main()
struct my_socket *socket;
wr_sockaddr_t bindaddr;
wr_sockaddr_t dummy_addr;
int ret, i;
//Octet buf[PACKET_SIZE];
unsigned char buf[PACKET_SIZE];
unsigned char msg[PACKET_SIZE];
const unsigned char* cbuf;
unsigned int len;
strcpy(bindaddr.if_name, "eth4");
bindaddr.ethertype = 0xDEED; // FEC's etherType, fecked
memcpy(bindaddr.mac, FEC_ADDR, sizeof(mac_addr_t));
socket = create_socket(&bindaddr);
int CM_cnt = 0;
int CMs_frame_cnt=0;
fec_header_t fec_header;
if((ret = recvfrom(socket, &dummy_addr, (unsigned char*)buf, PACKET_SIZE)) > 0)
if(CMs_frame_cnt == 0)
printf("| STARTING reception of Control Message [%2d] |\n",CM_cnt);
printf(" >> FEC-encoded Ethernet Frame nr %d received [size=%d] << \n",CMs_frame_cnt,ret);
#ifdef printf_debugging
printf("----- FEC header -----\n");
for(i=0;i<ret;) //endianess
//msg[i] = buf[i+1];
//msg[i+1] = buf[i];
msg[i] = buf[i];
msg[i+1] = buf[i+1];
#ifdef printf_debugging
printf("msg[%3d] = 0x%2x <-> buf[%3d] = 0x%2x\n",i,msg[i],i, buf[i]);
printf("msg[%3d] = 0x%2x <-> buf[%3d] = 0x%2x\n",i+1,msg[i+1],i+1, buf[i+1]);
if(i==6) printf("----- Payload -----\n");
msg[i] = buf[i+1];
msg[i+1] = buf[i];
#ifdef printf_debugging
printf("msg[%3d] = 0x%2x <-> buf[%3d] = 0x%2x\n",i,msg[i],i, buf[i]);
printf("msg[%3d] = 0x%2x <-> buf[%3d] = 0x%2x\n",i+1,msg[i+1],i+1, buf[i+1]);
#ifdef printf_debugging
printf("----- End of Ethernet Frame -----\n");
printf("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> de-FEC-ing start <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
len = (unsigned int)ret;
cbuf = fec_decode(msg, &len, &fec_header);
printf("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> de-FEC-ing finish<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
if(CMs_frame_cnt == 3)
printf("| FINISHED reception of Control Message [%2d] |\n",CM_cnt);
//for(int z =0;
return 1;
#ifndef _fec_decoder_h
#define _fec_decoder_h
#include "fec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_arp.h>
#include <linux/errqueue.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define DEMO__
//#define DEMO__ // makes a binary for the demo
#include <asm/socket.h>
#define PACKET_SIZE 1518
#define IFACE_NAME_LEN 16
#define ETHER_MTU 1518
#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
// FECed frame header size [bytes]
#define FEC_HEADE_SIZE 8
typedef uint32_t ipv4_addr_t;
typedef char Octet;
typedef uint8_t mac_addr_t[6];
const mac_addr_t FEC_ADDR = {0x76, 0x54, 0xba, 0x98 , 0xfe, 0xdc};
PACKED struct etherpacket {
struct ethhdr ether;
char data[ETHER_MTU];
typedef void *wr_socket_t;
typedef struct {
// Network interface name (eth0, ...)
char if_name[IFACE_NAME_LEN];
// MAC address
mac_addr_t mac;
// Destination MASC address, filled by recvfrom() function on interfaces bound to multiple addresses
mac_addr_t mac_dest;
// IP address
ipv4_addr_t ip;
// UDP port
uint16_t port;
// RAW ethertype
uint16_t ethertype;
// physical port to bind socket to
uint16_t physical_port;
} wr_sockaddr_t;
struct my_socket {
int fd;
wr_sockaddr_t bind_addr;
mac_addr_t local_mac;
int if_index;
} ;
\ No newline at end of file
/* Copyright 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* All rights reserved.
* A quick-and-dirty implementation of GF(2^8).
* Optimized for ease of translation into hardware, not speed.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#ifndef __GF256_H__
#define __GF256_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
class GF256
typedef unsigned char rep;
rep value;
GF256(rep x) : value(x) { }
GF256() : value(0) { }
GF256(const GF256& y) : value(y.value) { }
/* Important constants */
static const GF256 zero;
static const GF256 one;
static const GF256 g;
/* Explicit conversion operators */
static GF256 embed(rep v) { return GF256(v); }
rep project() const { return value; }
bool operator == (GF256 y)
return value == y.value;
bool operator != (GF256 y)
return value != y.value;
GF256& operator = (GF256 y)
value = y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator += (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator -= (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256 operator + (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out += y;
return out;
GF256 operator - (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out -= y;
return out;
GF256 operator - () const
return GF256(*this);
GF256 operator * (GF256 y) const
rep a = value;
rep b = y.value;
rep a0 = (a>>0)&1;
rep a1 = (a>>1)&1;
rep a2 = (a>>2)&1;
rep a3 = (a>>3)&1;
rep a4 = (a>>4)&1;
rep a5 = (a>>5)&1;
rep a6 = (a>>6)&1;
rep a7 = (a>>7)&1;
rep b0 = (b>>0)&1;
rep b1 = (b>>1)&1;
rep b2 = (b>>2)&1;
rep b3 = (b>>3)&1;
rep b4 = (b>>4)&1;
rep b5 = (b>>5)&1;
rep b6 = (b>>6)&1;
rep b7 = (b>>7)&1;
#if 1
/* This is output from gates-gf targetting the modulus 2d */
rep c0 = (a0&b0) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c1 = (a0&b1) ^ (a1&b0) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c2 = (a0&b2) ^ (a1&b1) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b0) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b4);
rep c3 = (a0&b3) ^ (a1&b2) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b1) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b0) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c4 = (a0&b4) ^ (a1&b3) ^ (a2&b2) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b1) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b0) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c5 = (a0&b5) ^ (a1&b4) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b3) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b2) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b1) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b0) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c6 = (a0&b6) ^ (a1&b5) ^ (a2&b4) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b3) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b2) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b1) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b0) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c7 = (a0&b7) ^ (a1&b6) ^ (a2&b5) ^ (a3&b4) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b3) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b2) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b1) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b0) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b5);
rep modulus = 0x1b;
/* ci = b*x^i */
/* bi*modulus is just bi?modulus:0 */
rep c0 = b;
rep c1 = (c0 << 1) ^ (c0 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c2 = (c1 << 1) ^ (c1 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c3 = (c2 << 1) ^ (c2 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c4 = (c3 << 1) ^ (c3 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c5 = (c4 << 1) ^ (c4 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c6 = (c5 << 1) ^ (c5 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c7 = (c6 << 1) ^ (c6 >> 7)*modulus;
/* x*y here is just y?x:0 */
rep o0 = c0 * ((a>>0)&1);
rep o1 = c1 * ((a>>1)&1);
rep o2 = c2 * ((a>>2)&1);
rep o3 = c3 * ((a>>3)&1);
rep o4 = c4 * ((a>>4)&1);
rep o5 = c5 * ((a>>5)&1);
rep o6 = c6 * ((a>>6)&1);
rep o7 = c7 * ((a>>7)&1);
return ((o0^o1)^(o2^o3))^((o4^o5)^(o6^o7));
return (c7<<7)|(c6<<6)|(c5<<5)|(c4<<4)|(c3<<3)|(c2<<2)|(c1<<1)|(c0<<0);
GF256& operator *= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this * y;
GF256 operator ^ (int x) const
GF256 out(1);
GF256 pow(*this);
x %= 255;
if (x < 0) x += 255;
for (; x > 0; x >>= 1)
if ((x & 1) != 0)
out *= pow;
pow *= pow;
return out;
GF256 inverse () const
return *this ^ 254;
GF256 operator / (GF256 y) const
return *this * y.inverse();
GF256& operator /= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this / y;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, GF256 y)
return o << std::hex << std::setw(2) << (int)y.value;
#include "hamming.h"
#define NUM_CHECK_BITS 7 // plus parity bit
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#define SIZE 8 // 8 words 64 bits
//#define printf_debugging
//corrected matrix provided by Cesar
unsigned int pbits0[NUM_CHECK_BITS][SIZE] ={{0x5B, 0xAD, 0xAA, 0x56, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAB}, // check vector 1
{0x6D, 0x36, 0x33, 0x9B, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xCD}, // check vector 2
{0x8E, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xF1}, // check vector 3
{0xF0, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x01}, // check vector 4
{0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 5
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 6
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE} // check vector 7
input :
frame - buffer with entire msg
ichunk - index of the first byte in the chunk which is being processed
chunks - index of the parity byte (in original Cesar's, it was the number of all chunks, since all the parity bytes where at the end)
nBytep - output - the number of the byte (in the chunk) in which the bitflip is
nBitp - output - the number of the bit (in the nByte) in which the bitflip is
0 = no errors
1 = single error, so corrected
2 = double error, could not correct
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int ichunk, unsigned int chunks, unsigned int *nBytep, unsigned int *nBitP)
unsigned char parity[]="";
unsigned int checkBitResult=0;
unsigned result;
//calculate parity of the chunk (8 byte)
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i)
{ // parity vector x
int temp=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame
temp = ((bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>((uint8_t)(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ? 1 : 0)<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
unsigned numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk+j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
//check parity bit (for all bits in the chunk)
unsigned int parityBit = 0;
if((parity[0] & 0x1) == (static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[chunks]) & 0x1))
parityBit = 1; // No error or double error
#ifdef printf_debugging
int d;
for(d=0; d<8;d++)
printf(" 0x%x\n",static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[d+ichunk]));
printf("parity: 0x%x vs 0x%x\n",static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[d+ichunk]),parity[0]);
checkBitResult = 0;
for(int i=1;i<NUM_CHECK_BITS;i++)
checkBitResult ^= (((parity[0] >> (i)) ^ (static_cast<unsigned char >(frame[chunks]) >> (i))) & (BIT_MASK))<< (i-1);
if((checkBitResult!=0) && (parityBit == 1 ))
result = 2; // Double Error;
else if(checkBitResult != 0 )// single error, we can repair it
checkBitResult = postionInfraeme(checkBitResult);
unsigned int nByte = checkBitResult / SIZE;
unsigned int nBit = checkBitResult % SIZE;
*nBitP = nBit;
*nBytep = nByte;
result = 1 ; //repaired
else // No errors
result = 0;
return result ;
int postionInfraeme(int postion)
int postionDiff;
if((postion >4) && (postion <=7)) postionDiff = postion - 3;
else if((postion >8)&& (postion <=15)) postionDiff = postion - 4;
else if((postion >16)&& (postion <=31)) postionDiff = postion - 5;
else if(postion >32) postionDiff = postion - 6;
// the error is in the parity checks
return postionDiff;
std::string hamming_encode(const char *frame)
unsigned char parity[]="";
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i)
{// parity vector x
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>(frame[j]) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ? 1 : 0) << (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
int numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(frame[j]).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
string eFrame;
if(parity[0]== 0) // if the parity check is 0
eFrame[0] = 0; // set to 0000000
eFrame[0]= parity[0]; // in the last byte parity word
return eFrame;
#include <iterator>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
std::string hamming_encode(const char *);
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int *, unsigned int *);
int postionInfraeme(int );
#ifdef __cplusplus
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: test-driver.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 01:48:23 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Wesley Terpstra
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* =====================================================================================
#include "fec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define DEMO__
//#define DEMO__ // makes a binary for the demo
int main()
unsigned char msg[] = "PAYLOAD1"
// unsigned char msg[] = "Nel mezzo del "
// "camin di nostra "
// "vita mi ritrovai"
// " per una selva "
// "oscura,ché la "
// "diritta via era "
// "smarrita........";
int c;
const unsigned char* buf;
const unsigned char* cbuf;
unsigned int i, len,len_temp;
unsigned char *temp;
printf("\n \n \n");
printf(" WE WANT TO ENCODE: \n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(msg)-1; ++i)
printf("%c", msg[i]);
printf("\n \n \n");
#ifdef DEMO__
system("sleep 1");
for (c = 0; len = sizeof(msg)-1, (buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, c)) != 0; ++c)
//for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
//printf("%c(%02x)", isprint(buf[i])?buf[i]:"x", buf[i]);
// fflush(stdout);
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 0);
printf("fec_encode done\n");
cbuf = fec_decode(buf, &len);
printf("fec_decode done\n");
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 1);
cbuf = fec_decode(buf, &len);
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 3);
if (cbuf != 0) {
printf("\n \n \n");
printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE CONTROL MESSAGE IS DECODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
printf("%c", cbuf[i]);
printf("\n \n \n");
printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE CONTROL MESSAGE IS NOT DECODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
return 0;
Hamming Code implements the Hamming coding scheme for all the lengths
from (7,4) up to (12000, 11986).
Cesar Prados, GSI
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This folder contain the Hamming code and Hamming Matrix
generate a matrix for a hamming code, the size must be define in the source.
make matrix
encode and decode according to the rate define (m,n)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: bit_counter.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 18.03.2011 21:44:37
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: YOUR NAME (),
* Company:
* =====================================================================================
#define TWO(c) (0x1u << (c))
#define MASK(c) (((unsigned int)(-1)) / (TWO(TWO(c)) + 1u))
#define COUNT(x,c) ((x) & MASK(c)) + (((x) >> (TWO(c))) & MASK(c))
int bitcount(unsigned int );
int bitcount_1(unsigned int );
int bitcount_2(int);
int bitcount_3(unsigned int);
int bitcount (unsigned int n) {
n = COUNT(n, 1);
n = COUNT(n, 1);
n = COUNT(n, 2);
n = COUNT(n, 3);
n = COUNT(n, 4);
/* n = COUNT(n, 5) ; for 64-bit integers */
return n ;
int bitcount_1 (unsigned int n) {
int count = 8 * sizeof(int);
n ^= (unsigned int) - 1;
while (n)
n &= (n - 1);
return count ;
int bitcount_2(int n)
unsigned int uCount;
uCount = n
- ((n >> 1) & 033333333333)
- ((n >> 2) & 011111111111);
return (int) (((uCount + (uCount >> 3))& 030707070707) % 63);
int bitcount_3(unsigned int v)
unsigned int c=0;
while(v > 0)
// for (c = 0; v; v >>= 1)
v = v >> 1;
return c;
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: main
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
int number_bits;
number_bits = bitcount_3(00000000000000);
printf("Numero de bits %d \n",number_bits);
} /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: bit_operation.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 03/24/2011 03:20:53 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
#include "bit_operation.h"
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: bit_counter.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 18.03.2011 21:44:37
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: YOUR NAME (),
* Company:
* =====================================================================================
int bitcount (unsigned int n) {
n = COUNT(n, 1);
n = COUNT(n, 1);
n = COUNT(n, 2);
n = COUNT(n, 3);
n = COUNT(n, 4);
/* n = COUNT(n, 5) ; for 64-bit integers */
return n ;
int bitcount_1 (unsigned int n) {
int count = 8 * sizeof(int);
n ^= (unsigned int) - 1;
while (n)
n &= (n - 1);
return count ;
int bitcount_2(int n)
unsigned int uCount;
uCount = n
- ((n >> 1) & 033333333333)
- ((n >> 2) & 011111111111);
return (int) (((uCount + (uCount >> 3))& 030707070707) % 63);
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: bit_operation.h
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 03/24/2011 03:16:43 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
#include <ctype.h>
#define TWO(c) (0x1u << (c))
#define MASK(c) (((unsigned int)(-1)) / (TWO(TWO(c)) + 1u))
#define COUNT(x,c) ((x) & MASK(c)) + (((x) >> (TWO(c))) & MASK(c))
int bitcount(unsigned int );
int bitcount_1(unsigned int );
int bitcount_2(int);
* =============================================================================
* Filename: define.h
* Description: define
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 03/24/2011 02:13:27 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* ==============================================================================*/
//#define PARIiTY_CHECK_1 0x55B // 10101011011
//#define PARITY_CHECK_2 0x66D // 11001101101
//#define PARITY_CHECK_4 0x78E // 11110001110
//#define PARITY_CHECK_8 0x7F0 // 11111110000
#define BITS_VECTOR 32
#define LOG_2_32 5
#define MOD_BIT_32 31
//parity check vectors for 64 bits words,
#define PARITY_CHECK_1 0xfdfff80e
#define PARITY_CHECK_2 0x56aaaff4
#define PARITY_CHECK_4 0x1222266f
#define PARITY_CHECK_8 0x202060e
#define PARITY_CHECK_16 0x2000600
#define PARITY_CHECK_32 0xfdffffff
#define PARITY_CHECK_64 0xfe000000
#define RATE_3_1 2
#define RATE_7_4 3
#define RATE_15_11 4
#define RATE_31_26 5
#define RATE_63_57 6
#define RATE_127_120 7
#define RATE_255_247 8
#define RATE_511_502 9
#define RATE_1023_1013 10
#define RATE_2047_2036 11
#define RATE_4095_4083 12
#define RATE_8191_8178 13
#define RATE_12000_11986 14
//TO DO define the rest of the legnth
#define FRAME_4 1
#define FRAME_12000 375
// In a payload of 1500
#define MAX_LENGTH_PAYLOAD 12000
#define READ_DFILTER 6
#define READ_DVECTOR 5
#define READ_FILTER 4
#define READ_VECTOR 3
#define CLEAN 2
#define WRITE 1
#define READ 0
#define ERROR 1
#define OK 0
// will be 21 encoded words with 7 parity check bits
// thus, 1344 bits are information 147 bit parity check bits
#define CODE_WORD 64
#define ENCODED_WORD 71
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#ifdef DBG
#define dbg(x, ...) fprintf(stderr, "(debug) " x, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg(x, ...)
#include "hamming.h"
/* =================================================================
* Filename: hamming.c
* Description: main functions that creates a
* Version: 1.0 Created: 03/17/2011 07:12:29 PM Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: César Prados Boda (cp), Company: GSI
* ==================================================================
uint32_t *hamming_encoder (uint32_t *payload, uint16_t length)
uint8_t num_parity_bits;
hamming_vector *parity_check_vector;
hamming_vector *filter;
uint32_t *dPayload;
uint32_t i,j;
uint16_t vector_l;
uint16_t filter_n, numero_filt;
uint32_t distance2parityBits, parity_bit_pos;
uint8_t parity_bit;
uint16_t wordsINpayload; //words of 32 bits
uint32_t n_int,b_int, n_int_p;
dPayload = (uint32_t *)malloc(length*sizeof(uint32_t));
// number of parity bits for a given word of length l
num_parity_bits = hamming_init(0,READ);
dbg("NUM PARITY BITS %d \n",num_parity_bits);
// number of word in the vector
vector_l = vector_length(num_parity_bits);
// number of filter for a given rate
filter_n = filter_number(num_parity_bits);
// gets the parity vector
parity_check_vector = vector_generator(READ_VECTOR);
// gets the filter vector
filter = vector_generator(READ_FILTER);
// gets the length of the word of the payload
wordsINpayload = (LOG_2_32 >> length) +1;
dbg("***** Vector for Parity Bit %d ***** \n",i);
for(j=0;j<=(LOG_2_32 >> num_parity_bits);j++)
dbg("%d parity bits for a given string %d bits \n ",num_parity_bits,length);
distance2parityBits = 0;
/**************************************** PARITY BITS **********************************/
parity_bit=parity_check(payload, (parity_check_vector+i)->pvector,length,vector_l);
parity_bit_pos = (BIT_MASK << i);
//n_int = LOG_2_32 >> (BIT_MASK << i); // Int division of Number / 32
n_int_p = (int) parity_bit_pos / BITS_VECTOR;
*(dPayload + n_int_p) ^= (BIT_MASK & parity_bit) << (parity_bit_pos-1);//adds parity bit to the positions 0,1,2,4,8,16 etc...
/**************************************** FRAMES BITS **********************************/
if(i>0) // the bit 0 is out of this counts since the p2 is consecutive to p1 and doesn't
// follow the algorithm.
//calculates the distance between the current parity bit and the next
//to insert the original bits in the payload
distance2parityBits += (BIT_MASK << (i-1) )-1; // 0, 1, 3 etc
//n_int = LOG_2_32 >> distance2parityBits;
n_int = (int) distance2parityBits / BITS_VECTOR;
//b_int = distance2parityBits & MOD_BIT_32;
b_int = distance2parityBits % BITS_VECTOR;
for(j=0;(j<= n_int) && (numero_filt <= filter_n) ; j++)
dbg("Distance %d pvector %x payload %x \n",distance2parityBits,*(filter+numero_filt)->pvector+j,*(payload+j));
*(dPayload + n_int_p) |= ((*(payload+n_int) & *((filter+numero_filt)->pvector+j)) >> (b_int)) << (BIT_MASK << i);
printf("%d ", (*dPayload >> i ) & 0x1);
printf("%d ", (*payload >> i ) & 0x1);
return dPayload;
} /* ----- end of function h amming_encoder ----- */
* parity_check
* input --> uint_8t pointer to payload, uint16_t parity word
* output --> uint8_t parity of the word
* ==================================================================
* */
uint8_t parity_check(uint32_t *payload,uint32_t *parity_check_mask, uint16_t length, uint16_t vector_l)
uint16_t parity=0;
uint32_t i;
// the payload is AND against the mask of the parity bit
// from this result the numbers of bits in the string is counted
// if it's ODD --> 1 parity bit
// if it's EVEN --> 0 parity bit
// the word is divided in code word of 64 bits
for(i=0; i <= vector_l; i++)
parity ^= (0x1 & bitcount(*(parity_check_mask+i) & (*payload+i))) ? 1 : 0;
// dbg("Result Parity %d \n",parity);
// dbg("FAST PARITY %d \n", parity);
return parity;
uint16_t find_num_parity_bits(uint16_t length_word)
uint16_t num_parity_bits = 0;
dbg("LENGTH %d \n", length_word);
num_parity_bits = 3;
else if(length_word<=11)
num_parity_bits = 4;
else if(length_word<=32)
num_parity_bits = 5;
else if(length_word<=64)
num_parity_bits = 6;
else if(length_word<=128)
num_parity_bits = 7;
else if(length_word<=336)
num_parity_bits = 8;
else if(length_word<=672)
num_parity_bits = 9;
else if(length_word<=1344)
num_parity_bits = 10;
else if(length_word<=2688)
num_parity_bits = 11;
else if(length_word<=5376)
num_parity_bits = 12;
else if(length_word<=10752)
num_parity_bits = 13;
num_parity_bits = 14;
return num_parity_bits;
* bitcout
* input
* output
* ==================================================================
* */
uint16_t bitcount(uint16_t n)
uint16_t uCount;
uCount = n
- ((n >> 1) & 033333333333)
- ((n >> 2) & 011111111111);
return (uint16_t) (((uCount + (uCount >> 3))& 030707070707) % 63);
* hamming_decoder
* input
* output
* ==================================================================
* */
uint32_t *hamming_decoder (uint32_t *payload, uint16_t length)
uint8_t num_parity_bits;
hamming_vector *parity_check_vector;
hamming_vector *filter;
uint32_t *ePayload;
uint32_t i,j;
uint16_t vector_l;
uint16_t filter_n, numero_filt;
uint32_t distance2parityBits, parity_bit_pos;
uint32_t parity_bit_rx,parity_bit;
uint32_t n_int,b_int,error_check;
ePayload = (uint32_t *)malloc(length*sizeof(uint32_t));
parity_bit = (uint32_t *)malloc(num_parity_bits*sizeof(uint32_t));
parity_bit_rx = (uint32_t *)malloc(num_parity_bits*sizeof(uint32_t));
// number of parity bits for a given word of length l
num_parity_bits = hamming_init(0,READ);
dbg("NUM PARITY BITS IN ENCODED PACKET %d \n",num_parity_bits);
// number of word in the vector
vector_l = vector_length(num_parity_bits);
// number of filter for a given rate
filter_n = filter_number(num_parity_bits);
// gets the parity vector
parity_check_vector = vector_generator(READ_VECTOR);
filter = vector_generator(READ_DFILTER);
numero_filt = 0;
parity_bit_rx = 0;
parity_bit = 0;
//******************************************PARITY BITS RECEIVED ***********************/
parity_bit_rx ^= *(payload) & BIT_MASK ;
n_int = (BIT_MASK << i) / BITS_VECTOR; //todo change to the faster bitwise operation
b_int = (BIT_MASK << i) & MOD_BIT_32; // 2,4,8 ...
parity_bit_rx ^= ((*(payload + n_int) & (BIT_MASK << b_int-1)) >> (b_int - 1) ) << i;
/**************************************** FRAMES BITS **********************************/
*(ePayload + n_int) |= ((*(payload+n_int) & *((filter+numero_filt)->pvector+n_int))>>(i+1));
// dbg("Filter %d i %d payload %x \n",*((filter+numero_filt)->pvector+n_int), (i+1),*(payload+n_int));
/********************************************PARITY BITS*********************/
parity_bit ^= parity_check(ePayload, (parity_check_vector+i)->pvector,length,vector_l) << i;
/******************************************** CHECK THE PARITY BITS AND FIX***********/
dbg("PARIT BIT RX %x PARITY BIT %x \n", parity_bit, parity_bit_rx);
error_check = parity_bit ^ parity_bit_rx;
dbg("CHECK %d \n",error_check);
if(error_check != 0)
n_int = error_check / BITS_VECTOR;
b_int = error_check & BITS_VECTOR;
// *(ePayload+n_int) ^= (BIT_MASK << b_int); // Fix the bit
printf("%d ", (*ePayload >> i ) & 0x1);
return ePayload;
} /* ----- end of function hamming_decoder ----- */
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: vector genarator
* Description: creates the vectors of the hamming matrix
* and the filter for the encoded word.
* in ->
* code_rate -> value of the code rate
* multi_tag -> 1, write 0, value
* out -> NULL in case of error, and if in:
* WRITE hamming vector
* READ_VECTOR hamming vector
* READ_FILTER filter vector
* =================================================================
* */
hamming_vector *vector_generator(uint16_t multitag)
static hamming_vector *vector; //Pointer to array of pointer, that points to the parity check vector for encoding
static hamming_vector *filter; //Pointer to array of poiinter, that points to the filter vectors
static hamming_vector *dFilter; //Pointer to array of poiinter, that points to the filter vectors
static hamming_vector *dVector; //Pointer to array of pointer, that points to the parity check vector for decoding
uint16_t code_rate;
uint16_t vector_l;
uint16_t payload_l;
uint16_t filter_n;
uint16_t i;
// gets the code rate setted
code_rate = hamming_init(0,READ);
// gets the length of the parity check vector for a given code_rate
vector_l = vector_length(code_rate);
// gets the length of the maximum payload for a given code_rate
payload_l = payload_length(code_rate);
// gets the number of filter needed for a given code rate
filter_n = filter_number(code_rate);
if(multitag == WRITE) //if write
// allocation of code_rate PARITY CHECK VECTORS vector_l length
if( func_malloc(&vector,code_rate,vector_l))
return NULL;
//allocation of N filter vector
if(func_malloc(&filter,filter_n,vector_l)) //TODO calculate the length of the vector correctly
return NULL;
//allocation of N filter vector
if(func_malloc(&dFilter,filter_n,vector_l)) //TODO calculate the length of the vector correctly
return NULL;
//allocation of N filter vector
//allocation of N filter vector
if(func_malloc(&dVector,code_rate,vector_l)) //TODO calculate the length of the vector correctly
return NULL;
// The vector are calculated
dbg("Error Hamming Vector Encoder");
return NULL;
dbg("Vector generated \n");
// the filters are calculated
dbg("Error Filter Vector");
return NULL;
// the filters are calculated
dbg("Error Filter Vector");
return NULL;
// the vector for decoding is calculated
dbg("Error Hamming Vector Decoder");
return NULL;
return vector;
}else if(multitag == CLEAN) //if clean
dbg("Pointer Vector freeded");
return NULL;
}else if(multitag == READ_VECTOR)
return vector;
}else if(multitag == READ_FILTER)
return filter;
}else if(multitag == READ_DFILTER)
return dFilter;
else if(multitag == READ_DVECTOR)
return dVector;
return NULL;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: generator
* Description: creates the vector
* in -> hamming_vector *
* out -> hamming_vector *
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t dFilter_generator(hamming_vector *filter,uint16_t filter_n )
uint32_t i, distance=1,distance_r, j,bit_shift;
uint16_t filter_number=0;
bool power_2;
power_2 = ((i & (i - 1)) == 0);
// position of the bit in uint32_t type
// bit_shift = (uint32_t)(i / BITS_VECTOR);
bit_shift = LOG_2_32 >> i;
// Modulo of a division in bitwise, X % Y == X & (Y-1)
distance_r = i & MOD_BIT_32;
*((filter+(filter_number))->pvector+bit_shift) ^= (BIT_MASK << distance_r-1);
dbg("***** Vector for Filter Deco %d ***** \n",i);
for(j=0;j<= (int)(j/BITS_VECTOR) ;j++)
return OK;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: generator
* Description: creates the vector
* in -> hamming_vector *
* out -> hamming_vector *
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t filter_generator(hamming_vector *filter,uint16_t filter_n )
uint32_t i, distance=1,distance_r, j,bit_shift;
uint16_t filter_number=0;
bool power_2;
power_2 = ((i & (i - 1)) == 0);
// position of the bit in uint32_t type
// bit_shift = (uint32_t)(i / BITS_VECTOR);
bit_shift = LOG_2_32 >> i;
// Modulo of a division in bitwise, X % Y == X & (Y-1)
distance_r = distance & MOD_BIT_32;
*((filter+(filter_number))->pvector+bit_shift) ^= (BIT_MASK << distance_r-1);
// *((filter+(filter_number))->pvector+bit_shift) ^= (BIT_MASK << (i-1));
dbg("***** Vector for Filter %d ***** \n",i);
for(j=0;j<= (int)(j/BITS_VECTOR) ;j++)
return OK;
* * === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: generator
* Description: creates the vector to encode a word
* in -> hamming_vector *
* out -> hamming_vector *
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t generator(hamming_vector *vector, uint16_t payload_l)
int index_matrix,position_bit;
int i,j,parity_bits=0;
int index_n,bit_shift;
bool power_2;
for(i=1 ; i<= payload_l ; i++)
index_matrix = 0;
//check if the bit position is power of 2, bitwise
power_2 = ((i & (i - 1)) == 0);
// calculation of the first bit of the bit position
position_bit = ffs(i)-1;
for(j=1;j<=payload_l ;j++)
// if the bit position j has a bit in the bit position i is a
// parity check
if((0x1 & (j>>position_bit)) && !((j & (j - 1))==0))
// position of the bit in uint32_t type
bit_shift = index_matrix % BITS_VECTOR;
//bit_shift = index_matrix & MOD_BIT_32;
// position in the array of uint32_t words
index_n = (int)(index_matrix/BITS_VECTOR);
//index_n = LOG_2_32 >> index_matrix;
*((vector+parity_bits)->pvector+index_n) ^= (BIT_MASK << bit_shift);
index_matrix++; // keep the track of the position in the vector/matrix
else if(!((j & (j - 1))==0) && !(0x1 & (j>>position_bit)) )
parity_bits++; // keep the track of the number of parity check bit generated
dbg("***** Vector for Parity Bit %d ***** \n",i);
for(j=2;j>=0;j--)// (int)(index_matrix/BITS_VECTOR);j++)
return OK;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: dGenerator
* Description: creates the vector to decode a word
* in -> hamming_vector *
* out -> hamming_vector *
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t dGenerator(hamming_vector *dVector, uint16_t payload_l)
uint32_t position_bit;
uint32_t i,j,b,parity_bits=0;
uint32_t index_n,bit_shift;
bool power_2;
for(i=1 ; i<= payload_l ; i++)
//check if the bit position is power of 2, bitwise
power_2 = ((i & (i - 1)) == 0);
// calculation of the first bit of the bit position
position_bit = ffs(i)-1;
for(j=i+1;j<payload_l ;j++)
power_2 = ((j & (j - 1))==0 );
// if the bit position j has a bit in the bit position i is a
// parity check
if((0x1 & (j>>position_bit)) && !(power_2))
// position of the bit in uint32_t type
bit_shift = j % BITS_VECTOR;
//bit_shift = index_matrix & MOD_BIT_32;
// position in the array of uint32_t words
index_n = (int)(j/BITS_VECTOR);
//index_n = LOG_2_32 >> index_matrix;
//printf("***Bit %d bit_shift %d j %d \n ",i,bit_shift,j);
*((dVector+parity_bits)->pvector+index_n) ^= (BIT_MASK << (bit_shift-1));
// *((dVector+parity_bits)->pvector+index_n) ^= 0;
parity_bits++; // keep the track of the number of parity check bit generated
dbg("***** Vector for Parity Decoder Bit %d ***** \n",b);
return OK;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: func_allocate for the structure hamming_vector
* Description: set/return the value of the code write
* in ->
* pointer and length to allocate
* out -> 0-> OK 1-> Error
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t func_malloc(hamming_vector **vector,uint32_t row, uint32_t column)
uint32_t i;
if((*vector = (hamming_vector *)malloc(row*sizeof(hamming_vector)))==NULL)
dbg("Error malloc vector \n");
return ERROR;
// for every PARITY CHECK VECTOR FRAME_N bytes
if(((*vector+i)->pvector = (uint32_t *)malloc(column*sizeof(uint32_t)))==NULL)
dbg("Error Malloc vector of vector");
return ERROR;
return OK;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: hamming_int
* Description: set/return the value of the code write
* in ->
* conf_code_rate -> value of the code rate
* write_read -> 1, write 0, value
* out -> code rate
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t hamming_init(uint16_t conf_code_rate,uint16_t write_read)
static uint16_t code_rate;
code_rate = conf_code_rate;
return code_rate;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: vector_length
* Description: return the length of the parity check vector for a given
* code rate, note it's a uint32_t vector, indeed return the
* number of uint32_t
* in ->
* code_rate -> value of the code rate
* out -> length of the vector
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t filter_number(uint16_t code_rate)
uint16_t filter_n;
if(code_rate == RATE_7_4)
filter_n = 2;
else if(code_rate == RATE_15_11)
filter_n = 3;
else if(code_rate == RATE_31_26)
filter_n = 4;
else if(code_rate == RATE_63_57)
filter_n = 5;
else if(code_rate == RATE_127_120)
filter_n = 6;
else if(code_rate == RATE_255_247)
filter_n = 7;
else if(code_rate == RATE_1023_1013)
filter_n = 8;
else if(code_rate == RATE_2047_2036)
filter_n = 8;
else if(code_rate == RATE_4095_4083)
filter_n = 10;
else if(code_rate == RATE_8191_8178)
filter_n = 11;
else if(code_rate == RATE_12000_11986)
filter_n = 12;
return filter_n;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: vector_length
* Description: return the length of the parity check vector for a given
* code rate, note it's a uint32_t vector, indeed return the
* number of uint32_t
* in ->
* code_rate -> value of the code rate
* out -> length of the vector
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t vector_length(uint16_t code_rate)
uint16_t vector_l;
if((code_rate == RATE_7_4) ||
(code_rate == RATE_15_11) ||
(code_rate == RATE_31_26))
vector_l = 1;
else if(code_rate == RATE_63_57)
vector_l = 2;
else if(code_rate == RATE_127_120)
vector_l = 4;
else if(code_rate == RATE_255_247)
vector_l = 8;
else if(code_rate == RATE_1023_1013)
vector_l = 32;
else if(code_rate == RATE_2047_2036)
vector_l = 64;
else if(code_rate == RATE_4095_4083)
vector_l = 128;
else if(code_rate == RATE_8191_8178)
vector_l = 256;
else if(code_rate == RATE_12000_11986)
vector_l = 512;
return vector_l;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: payload_length
* Description: return the max length of the payload for a given
* code rate
* in ->
* code_rate -> value of the code rate
* out -> length of the payload
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t payload_length(uint16_t code_rate)
uint16_t payload_l;
if(code_rate == RATE_7_4)
payload_l = 7;
else if(code_rate == RATE_15_11)
payload_l = 15;
else if(code_rate == RATE_31_26)
payload_l = 31;
else if(code_rate == RATE_63_57)
payload_l = 63;
else if(code_rate == RATE_127_120)
payload_l = 127;
else if(code_rate == RATE_255_247)
payload_l = 255;
else if(code_rate == RATE_1023_1013)
payload_l = 1023;
else if(code_rate == RATE_2047_2036)
payload_l = 2047;
else if(code_rate == RATE_4095_4083)
payload_l = 4095;
else if(code_rate == RATE_8191_8178)
payload_l = 8191;
else if(code_rate == RATE_12000_11986)
payload_l = 16383;
return payload_l;
* === FUNCTION ====================================================
* Name: random_error
* Description: introduces a random error in the encoded packet
* in -> encoded packet
* out -> encoded packet with one error
* =================================================================
* */
uint16_t random_error(uint32_t *encoded)
uint32_t bit_error;
bit_error = rand() % 10;
*encoded ^= (BIT_MASK << bit_error);
return OK;
#ifdef EXE
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
uint32_t *payload,i;
uint16_t length;
uint32_t rate = RATE_127_120;
uint32_t *encoded;
uint32_t *decoded;
uint8_t *string;
if (( payload = (uint32_t *)malloc(1500*sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
printf("Malloc in SendMsg \n");
if (( encoded = (uint32_t *)malloc(1500*sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
printf("Malloc in SendMsg \n");
if (( decoded = (uint32_t *)malloc(1500*sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
printf("Malloc in SendMsg \n");
if (( string= (uint32_t *)malloc(1500*sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
printf("Malloc in SendMsg \n");
string = "HEY";
length = strlen(string);
memcpy((void *)payload,(const void *)string,length*7);
dbg("payload value %d length %d \n",*payload,length*7);
if(hamming_init(rate,WRITE) != rate)
dbg("Error setting rate");
encoded = hamming_encoder(payload, 11);
printf("%d ", (*encoded >> i ) & 0x1);
decoded = hamming_decoder(encoded,11);
printf("%d ", (*decoded >> i ) & 0x1);
#include "define.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: hamming.h
* Description: header of hamming code
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 03/17/2011 07:13:27 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
typedef struct {
uint32_t *pvector;
typedef struct {
uint32_t *mask;
uint32_t *hamming_encoder (uint32_t *, uint16_t );
uint32_t *hamming_decoder(uint32_t *, uint16_t);
uint8_t parity_check(uint32_t * , uint32_t *,uint16_t, uint16_t );
uint16_t bitcount(uint16_t);
uint16_t find_num_parity_bits(uint16_t );
hamming_vector *vector_generator(uint16_t);
uint16_t generator(hamming_vector *, uint16_t);
uint16_t dGenerator(hamming_vector *, uint16_t);
uint16_t hamming_init(uint16_t, uint16_t );
uint16_t vector_length(uint16_t);
uint16_t payload_length(uint16_t);
uint16_t func_malloc(hamming_vector ** , uint32_t, uint32_t);
uint16_t filter_number(uint16_t);
uint16_t random_error(uint32_t *);
uint16_t filter_generator(hamming_vector *,uint16_t );
uint16_t dFilter_generator(hamming_vector *,uint16_t );
Cesar Prados
this source generates either the vector
of the parity checks bits for a given
(64,) with m as the numbers bits of the word
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#define LENGTH 71
typedef struct {
uint8_t b : 1;
} bit;
int main ( void )
int i=0,j=0;
int position_bit;
bool power_2;
bit *parity_check_mask;
int position_matrix=0;
uint64_t *h_parity_check_mask;
parity_check_mask = (bit *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(bit));
h_parity_check_mask = (uint64_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
position_matrix = 0;
power_2= ((i & (i - 1)) == 0);
memset(parity_check_mask, '0', LENGTH *sizeof(bit));
memset(h_parity_check_mask, '\0',sizeof(uint64_t));
printf("****Mask for Parity bit %d ******\n",i);
position_bit = ffsl(i)-1;
if((0x1 & (j>>position_bit)) && !((j & (j - 1))==0))
(parity_check_mask+position_matrix)->b ^= BIT_MASK;
*h_parity_check_mask ^= ( BIT_MASK << position_matrix );
if((*h_parity_check_mask & 0x1) != 0x1){
printf("change %d \n",j);
printf("VALUE %llx ",*h_parity_check_mask);
else if(!((j & (j - 1))==0) && !(0x1 & (j>>position_bit)) )
printf("%llx \n",*h_parity_check_mask);
printf("%d \n",position_matrix);
printf("%d ",(parity_check_mask+j)->b);
return 0;
#Makefile for Hamming Code
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -lm -w -DEXE -DDBG #-Wall
OBJS = hamming.o
OBJS_M = hamming_matrix.o
OUTPUT= hamming
OUTPUT_M = hamming_matrix
all : $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(OUTPUT)
matrix: $(OBJS_M)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS_M) -o $(OUTPUT_M)
%.o : %.c
${CC} -c $^ $(CFLAGS)
rm -f $(OBJS) $(OBJS_M)
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -g -fPIC -shared
OBJS = hamming.o
all: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o
rm -f *.o *.so
%.o : %.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
Hamming Code implements the Hamming coding plus parity bit (64,72).
Cesar Prados, GSI
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Makefile creates a library.
This function decode word of 64 bits with a 8 bits redundancy, 7 parity checks
bits and 1 complete parity of the word.
unsigned int chunk2encode .- Pointer to the beginning of the words
unsigned int num_chunks.- Position in Chunk2encode of the redundancy
unsigned int *nBytep.- Position in Bytes of the error
unsigned int *nBitP.- Position in Bits of the error
unsigned int result .- return if the chunk has one error, two errors and more
than two erros.
This function encode words of of 64 into 72 bits, 7 parity checks bits and 1 bit
for the parity of the complete word.
const char *frame .- payload to encode
std::string with the 8 bits parity bits.
#include "hamming.h"
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: hamming code plus parity bit 64 72
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 01:48:23 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
* =====================================================================================*/
#define NUM_CHECK_BITS 7 // plus parity bit
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#define SIZE 8 // 8 words 64 bits
unsigned int pbits0[NUM_CHECK_BITS][SIZE] ={ {0x5B, 0xAD, 0xAA, 0x56, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAB}, // check vector 1
{0x6D, 0x36, 0x33, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xD9, 0x0C}, // check vector 2
{0x8E, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xF1}, // check vector 3
{0xF0, 0x07, 0xFC, 0xE3, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0xFF}, // check vector 4
{0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0x00}, // check vector 5
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 6
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} // check vector 7
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int ichunk, unsigned int chunks, unsigned int *nBytep, unsigned int *nBitP)
unsigned char parity[]="";
unsigned int checkBitResult=0;
unsigned result;
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i) { // parity vector x
int temp=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame
temp = ((bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>((uint8_t)(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ?
1 : 0)
<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
unsigned numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk+j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
unsigned int parityBit = 0;
if((parity[0] & 0x1) == (static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[chunks]) & 0x1))
parityBit = 1; // No error or double error
checkBitResult = 0;
for(int i=1;i<NUM_CHECK_BITS;i++)
checkBitResult ^= (((parity[0] >> (i)) ^ (static_cast<unsigned char >(frame[chunks]) >> (i))) & (BIT_MASK))<< (i-1);
if((checkBitResult!=0) && (parityBit == 1 ))
result = 2; // Double Error;
else if(checkBitResult != 0 )// single error, we can repair it
checkBitResult = postionInfraeme(checkBitResult);
unsigned int nByte = checkBitResult / SIZE;
unsigned int nBit = checkBitResult % SIZE;
*nBitP = nBit;
*nBytep = nByte;
//cout << "************ERROR IN BYTE " << nByte << " BIT " << nBit << "************" << endl;
result = 1 ;
else // No errors
result = 0;
return result ;
int postionInfraeme(int postion)
int postionDiff;
if((postion >4) && (postion <=7)) postionDiff = postion - 3;
else if((postion >8)&& (postion <=15)) postionDiff = postion - 4;
else if((postion >16)&& (postion <=31)) postionDiff = postion - 5;
else if(postion >32) postionDiff = postion - 6;
// the error is in the parity checks
return postionDiff;
std::string hamming_encode(const char *frame)
unsigned char parity[]="";
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i) {// parity vector x
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>(frame[j]) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ?
1 : 0)
<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
int numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(frame[j]).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
string eFrame;
if(parity[0]== 0) // if the parity check is 0
eFrame[0] = 0; // set to 0000000
else eFrame[0]= parity[0]; // in the last byte parity word
return eFrame;
#include <iterator>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
std::string hamming_encode(const char *);
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int *, unsigned int *);
int postionInfraeme(int );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#Makefile for Hamming Code
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 -lm -w -Wall
OBJS = test-driver.o code.o crc.o fec.o hamming.o
OUTPUT= test
all : $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(OUTPUT)
rm -f $(OBJS) $(OUTPUT)
/* A hardware-like C++ implementation of a Reed-Solomon erasure code.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#include "gf256.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <assert.h>
const GF256 GF256::zero(0);
const GF256 GF256::one(1);
const GF256 GF256::g(2);
/* The hard-coded number of losses this code is designed to recover.
* Presumably a parameter for a VHDL generic.
#define K 2
/* This Reed-Solomon code uses systematic encoding, which means that the
* codewords include as a prefix the original message.
* Each codeword c(x) is defined to be a multiple of product_i (x-g^i)
* for i=0..(K-1). The encoder and decoder are implemented with the same
* circuit. Given n symbols of which K are unknown (and set to 0), the
* missing K values are recovered.
/* This circuit precomputes the lambda values needed by the (en|de)coder.
* It should be run once after all the packets have been received.
* The output polynomial the lowest order polynomial with roots on the
* generator; ie: lambda(x) := (x - g^i0)*(x - g^i1)*...
* Input:
* The indices of the lost packets.
* Output:
* The coefficients of lambda(x).
* The roots of lambda(x).
void precompute(int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
GF256 g2; /* Register for the expression g^2^clock */
int is[K]; /* Bit-shift register for the indices */
/* Initial values of the registers */
g2 = GF256::g;
lambda[0] = GF256::one;
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = GF256::one;
is[j] = i[j];
lambda[j+1] = GF256::zero;
/* Step 1 is to compute the values gi */
for (int clock = 0; clock < 8; ++clock) {
/* Look at the low bit of the shift registers */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
gi[j] = gi[j] * ((is[j]&1)?g2:GF256::one);
is[j] = is[j] >> 1;
g2 = g2*g2;
/* Step 2 is to compute the polynomial product */
for (int clock = 0; clock < K; ++clock) {
/* A K-wide "shift" register composed of bytes */
for (int j = K; j > 0; --j)
lambda[j] = lambda[j]*gi[clock] + lambda[j-1];
lambda[0] = lambda[0] * gi[clock];
/* Input:
* The number of symbols in the codeword (n > K)
* The indices of the codeword which are missing.
* The result of precompute on those indices.
* Output:
* Fills in the missing values of c.
void code(int n, GF256 c[], int i[K], GF256 gi[K], GF256 lambda[K+1])
/* Registers */
GF256 lg[K+1]; /* lambda[i]*g^(i*clock) */
GF256 a[K]; /* Accumulator for the missing symbols */
GF256 dli[K]; /* (d/dx lambda)(g^i) */
GF256 gic[K]; /* g^i*g^-c */
/* Hard-wired constants */
GF256 gj1[K+1]; /* g^(j-1) */
/* Clear the unknown symbols to zero */
// for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
// c[i[j]] = GF256::zero;
/* Initialize the registers and constants */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
lg[j] = lambda[j];
gic[j] = gi[j];
a[j] = GF256::zero;
dli[j] = GF256::zero;
gj1[j] = GF256::g^(j-1);
lg[K] = lambda[K];
gj1[K] = GF256::g^(K-1);
/* In each step, we read c[clock] from memory */
for (int clock = 0; clock < n; ++clock) {
/* This circuit feeds l1c and dlc into the decoders */
GF256 dlc = GF256::zero, l1c = GF256::zero;
for (int j = 0; j < K+1; ++j) {
l1c += lg[j]; /* XOR all the lg[j] together */
dlc += (j&1)?lg[j]:GF256::zero; /* XOR the odd lg[j] together */
lg[j] = lg[j] * gj1[j]; /* Hard-wired multiplier */
/* Load from main memory: */
GF256 cc = c[clock];
GF256 product = cc * l1c;
/* Replicate this circuit for each K */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
GF256 divisor = GF256::one - gic[j];
gic[j] *= GF256::g.inverse(); /* Hard-wired multiplier */
a[j] = a[j] + (product / divisor);
/* Record dlc if it's our index */
//if (clock == i[j])
if (divisor == GF256::zero) dli[j] = dlc;
/* Implement multiplicative inverse using a lookup table */
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
c[i[j]] = a[j] * dli[j].inverse();
#define MAX_FRAG_SIZE 1500
static unsigned char result[K][MAX_FRAG_SIZE];
/* Command-line driven test-cases */
void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments) {
int missing[K];
int missing_index;
assert (fragLen < MAX_FRAG_SIZE);
assert (fragments.size() > K);
missing_index = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
if (fragments[i] == 0) {
assert (missing_index < K);
missing[missing_index++] = i;
GF256 c[fragments.size()]; //code word
GF256 gi[K];
GF256 lambda[K+1];
precompute(missing, gi, lambda);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragLen; ++i) { // stripe by stripe
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fragments.size(); ++j) { // code by code word
if (fragments[j])
c[j] = GF256::embed(fragments[j][i]);
c[j] = GF256::zero;
code(fragments.size(), c, missing, gi, lambda); // fills in 0 values
for (unsigned j = 0; j < K; ++j)
result[j][i] = c[missing[j]].project();
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < K; ++j)
fragments[missing[j]] = result[j];
* Filename: crc.c
* Description: Slow and fast implementations of the CRC standards.
* Notes: The parameters for each supported CRC standard are
* defined in the header file crc.h. The implementations
* here should stand up to further additions to that list.
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#include "crc.h"
* Derive parameters from the standard-specific parameters in crc.h.
#define WIDTH (8 * sizeof(crc))
#define TOPBIT (1 << (WIDTH - 1))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) ((unsigned char) reflect((X), 8))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X) (X)
#define REFLECT_REMAINDER(X) ((crc) reflect((X), WIDTH))
* Function: reflect()
* Description: Reorder the bits of a binary sequence, by reflecting
* them about the middle position.
* Notes: No checking is done that nBits <= 32.
* Returns: The reflection of the original data.
static unsigned long
reflect(unsigned long data, unsigned char nBits)
unsigned long reflection = 0x00000000;
unsigned char bit;
* Reflect the data about the center bit.
for (bit = 0; bit < nBits; ++bit)
* If the LSB bit is set, set the reflection of it.
if (data & 0x01)
reflection |= (1 << ((nBits - 1) - bit));
data = (data >> 1);
return (reflection);
} /* reflect() */
* Function: crcSlow()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes:
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
int byte;
unsigned char bit;
* Perform modulo-2 division, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
* Bring the next byte into the remainder.
remainder ^= (REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) << (WIDTH - 8));
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* The final remainder is the CRC result.
} /* crcSlow() */
crc crcTable[256];
* Function: crcInit()
* Description: Populate the partial CRC lookup table.
* Notes: This function must be rerun any time the CRC standard
* is changed. If desired, it can be run "offline" and
* the table results stored in an embedded system's ROM.
* Returns: None defined.
crc remainder;
int dividend;
unsigned char bit;
* Compute the remainder of each possible dividend.
for (dividend = 0; dividend < 256; ++dividend)
* Start with the dividend followed by zeros.
remainder = dividend << (WIDTH - 8);
* Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
* Try to divide the current data bit.
if (remainder & TOPBIT)
remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
remainder = (remainder << 1);
* Store the result into the table.
crcTable[dividend] = remainder;
} /* crcInit() */
* Function: crcFast()
* Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
* Notes: crcInit() must be called first.
* Returns: The CRC of the message.
crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
crc remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
unsigned char data;
int byte;
* Divide the message by the polynomial, a byte at a time.
for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
data = REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) ^ (remainder >> (WIDTH - 8));
remainder = crcTable[data] ^ (remainder << 8);
* The final remainder is the CRC.
} /* crcFast() */
* Filename: crc.h
* Description: A header file describing the various CRC standards.
* Notes:
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#ifndef _crc_h
#define _crc_h
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
* Select the CRC standard from the list that follows.
#define CRC_CCITT
#if defined(CRC_CCITT)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x1021
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0x29B1
#elif defined(CRC16)
typedef unsigned short crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-16"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x8005
#define INITIAL_REMAINDER 0x0000
#define FINAL_XOR_VALUE 0x0000
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xBB3D
#elif defined(CRC32)
typedef unsigned long crc;
#define CRC_NAME "CRC-32"
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04C11DB7
#define CHECK_VALUE 0xCBF43926
#error "One of CRC_CCITT, CRC16, or CRC32 must be #define'd."
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void crcInit(void);
crc crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
crc crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _crc_h */
#include "fec.h"
#include "hamming.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "crc.h"
//#define TIME
#define K 2
#define MAX_output_messages 1024
extern void RS_code(unsigned int fragLen, std::vector<const unsigned char*>& fragments);
* ====================================================================================
* Filename: fec.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 12:58:52 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* =====================================================================================
static uint32_t outgoing_msgID = 0;
void fec_open()
outgoing_msgID = rand();
void fec_close()
static unsigned int fec_chopchop(unsigned int msize) {
// !!! Do something intelligent!
return 2;
struct State
unsigned int msize;
unsigned int divsize;
unsigned int fragments_received;
std::vector<std::string> received;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, State> Map;
typedef std::queue<uint32_t> Queue;
static Map cache;
static Queue inCache;
static std::string result;
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len)
unsigned int length = *len;
unsigned int chunks = length / 9;
if (length % 9 != 0 || length < 18) return 0;
std::string eChunk(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk),*len);
// The CRC is calculate before introduce the errros
unsigned short c1 = crcSlow(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(eChunk.substr(12,8).c_str()),8);
// The errors are simulated here
// ****Error 1
//cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 0 BIT 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
//eChunk[16] ^= (char)(0x1 << 5);
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
// cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 0 BIT 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
// ****Error 2
//cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 1 BIT 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
//eChunk[17] ^= (char)(0x1 << 6);
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
//cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 1 BIT 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
// ****Error 3
//cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 3 BIT 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
//eChunk[19] ^= (char)(0x1 << 2);
//cout << eChunk.substr(16,8) << endl;
//cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR IN BYTE 3 BIT 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
// The CRC is calculate again after the errors are itroduced
unsigned short c2 = crcSlow(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(eChunk.substr(8,8).c_str()),8);
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "*************START DECODING CONTROL MESSAGE************** " << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) {
//hamming_decode((eChunk.substr(i,i*8+7).c_str())); //c
// int decodeResult = hamming_decode(eChunk+(i*8), eChunk+((chunks*8)+i)); //c
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "----------------ENCODED HAMMING WORD RX----------" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "ENCODED MESSAGE " << eChunk.substr(i*8,8) << endl;
cout << "PARITY BITS " << eChunk.substr((chunks*8)+i,8) << endl;
unsigned int nByte;
unsigned int nBit;
int decodeResult = hamming_decode(eChunk, i*8, (chunks*8)+i,&nByte,&nBit);
if(decodeResult == 0)
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "NO ERRORS" << endl;
else if(decodeResult == 1)
unsigned short c3 = crcSlow(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(eChunk.substr(12,8).c_str()),8);
if(c1 == c3)
eChunk[i*8+nByte] ^= (char)(0x1 << (nBit-1));
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "FIXED MESSAGE " << eChunk.substr(i*8,8) << endl;
cout << "CRC ORIGINAL " << c1 << " CRC RX " << c2 << " CRC FIXED " << c3 << endl;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << eChunk.substr(i*8,8) << endl;
cout << "CRC ORIGINAL " << c1 << " CRC RX " << c2 << " CRC FIXED " << c3 << endl;
cout << "MORE THAN TWO ERROR" << endl;
cout << "*********NO CORRECTION FRAME LOST******* " << endl<< endl;
return 0;
else if(decodeResult == 2){
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "DOUBLE ERROR" << endl;
cout << "************************NO CORRECTION FRAME LOST************************ " << endl<< endl;
return 0;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "************************END DECODING CONTROL MESSAGE************************ " << endl;
uint64_t header = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
header <<= 8;
header |= static_cast<uint8_t> (eChunk[i]);
uint32_t mID = (header >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
unsigned int msize = (header >> 20) & 0xFFF;
unsigned int fragLen = (header >> 8) & 0xFFF;
unsigned int index = (header >> 0) & 0xFF;
unsigned int output_messages = fec_chopchop(msize);
unsigned int divsize = (msize+output_messages-1) / output_messages;
unsigned int rsinsize = (divsize+7) & ~7;
if (fragLen != length) return 0;
if (fragLen != (rsinsize+8)/8*9) return 0;
if (index > output_messages+K) return 0;
Map::iterator state = cache.find(mID);
if (state == cache.end())
if (inCache.size() > MAX_output_messages)
uint32_t kill = inCache.front();
State& newState = cache[mID]; // add it
state = cache.find(mID);
newState.msize = msize;
newState.fragments_received = 0;
newState.divsize = (msize + output_messages-1) / output_messages;
newState.received.resize(output_messages + K);
if (state->second.msize != msize) return 0; // Doesn't fit with other packets
if (!state->second.received[index].empty()) return 0; // Duplicated packet
// Grab the data portion of the buffer
state->second.received[index] = eChunk.substr(8, (chunks-1)*8);
//state->second.received[index] = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk)+8, (chunks-1)*8);
//If we don't have enough packets yet (or already decode), stop now
if (++state->second.fragments_received != output_messages) return 0;
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i)
if (state->second.received[i].empty())
fragments[i] = 0;
fragments[i] = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(state->second.received[i].data());
// Do the work
RS_code(divsize, fragments);
// Reassemble the packet
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < divsize; ++j)
result.resize(msize); // clip the padding and done
*len = result.size();
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
* fec_setup
static std::vector<std::string> output_messages;
static void fec_setup(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int len)
unsigned int msize = len;
unsigned int divsize = (msize+output_messages.size()-1) / output_messages.size();
unsigned int rsinsize = (divsize+7) & ~7;
// Make a -id
uint32_t msgID = ++outgoing_msgID;
std::string buf(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk), msize);
buf.resize(divsize*output_messages.size()); // Pad with 0 to a multiple of output_messages
std::vector<const unsigned char*> fragments;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages.size(); ++i)
fragments.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( + i*divsize));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < K; ++i)
// Do the actual RS-encoding
RS_code(divsize, fragments);
output_messages.resize(output_messages.size() + K);
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "************START ENCODING CONTROL MESSAGE************* " << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_messages.size(); ++i)
//std::string msg(8, 'xxxxxxxx');
std::string msg(8, 'x');
unsigned int fragLen = (rsinsize + 8)/8*9;
uint64_t header =
((uint64_t)msgID << 32) |
((uint64_t)msize << 20) |
((uint64_t)fragLen << 8) |
((uint64_t)i << 0);
for (int j = 7; j > 0; --j) {
uint8_t low = header & 0xFF;
header >>= 8;
msg[j] = static_cast<char>(low);
msg += std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fragments[i]), divsize);
msg.resize(rsinsize + 8); // Pad with 0 to a multiple of 8
//std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(reinterpret_cast<const char*>( msg.c_str()));
//msg.push_back(parityBits[0]); // !!! result of hamming code
//cout << "Parity HEADER " << parityBits[0] << endl;
//cout << "WITH HEADER " << msg << endl;
//reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fragments[i])
unsigned int chunks = msg.size() / 8; // SEC-DED(72,64) is 8 bytes at once
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "---------------------CHUNK " << i << "--------------------------" << endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < chunks; ++j)
// encode msg[j*chunks] to msg[j*chunks + chunks-1]
//std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunk+j*8));
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << " STRING TO ENCODE " << msg.substr(j*8,8) << endl;
std::string parityBits = hamming_encode(msg.substr(j*8,8).c_str());
msg.push_back(parityBits[0]); // !!! result of hamming code
//cout << "Parity " << parityBits[0] << endl;
//cout << "NUMBER ENCODED " << j << " "<< msg << endl;
//cout << "LENGTH MSG A" << msg.length() << endl;
output_messages[i] = msg;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " HAMMING WORD ENCODED " << msg << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
#ifdef __DEBUG
cout << "****END ENCODING CONTROL MESSAGE************************ " << endl;
cout << "..........TRANSMISSION........................... " << endl;
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index)
if (index == 0) fec_setup(chunk, *len);
if (index == (int)output_messages.size()) return 0;
*len = output_messages[index].size();
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output_messages[index].data());
#ifndef FEC_H
#define FEC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Initialize any buffers / state needed to encode/decode packets */
void fec_open();
/* Free any resources used by the encoder/decoder */
void fec_close();
/* Input: data received from ethernet payload [chunk, chunk+*len)
* Output:
* If cannot (yet) decode, returns 0
* Otherwise, returns pointer to decoded message and modifies *len
* Note: inside be buffers
const unsigned char* fec_decode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len);
/* Input: ethernet payload to send [chunk, chunk+*len)
* index, starts at 0 and incremented each call until done
* Output:
* If no more chunks follow, returns 0
* Returns encoded packet and modifies *len
const unsigned char* fec_encode(const unsigned char* chunk, unsigned int* len, int index);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Copyright 2010-2011 GSI GmbH.
* All rights reserved.
* A quick-and-dirty implementation of GF(2^8).
* Optimized for ease of translation into hardware, not speed.
* Author: Wesley W. Terpstra
#ifndef __GF256_H__
#define __GF256_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
class GF256
typedef unsigned char rep;
rep value;
GF256(rep x) : value(x) { }
GF256() : value(0) { }
GF256(const GF256& y) : value(y.value) { }
/* Important constants */
static const GF256 zero;
static const GF256 one;
static const GF256 g;
/* Explicit conversion operators */
static GF256 embed(rep v) { return GF256(v); }
rep project() const { return value; }
bool operator == (GF256 y)
return value == y.value;
bool operator != (GF256 y)
return value != y.value;
GF256& operator = (GF256 y)
value = y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator += (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256& operator -= (GF256 y)
value ^= y.value;
return *this;
GF256 operator + (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out += y;
return out;
GF256 operator - (GF256 y) const
GF256 out(*this);
out -= y;
return out;
GF256 operator - () const
return GF256(*this);
GF256 operator * (GF256 y) const
rep a = value;
rep b = y.value;
rep a0 = (a>>0)&1;
rep a1 = (a>>1)&1;
rep a2 = (a>>2)&1;
rep a3 = (a>>3)&1;
rep a4 = (a>>4)&1;
rep a5 = (a>>5)&1;
rep a6 = (a>>6)&1;
rep a7 = (a>>7)&1;
rep b0 = (b>>0)&1;
rep b1 = (b>>1)&1;
rep b2 = (b>>2)&1;
rep b3 = (b>>3)&1;
rep b4 = (b>>4)&1;
rep b5 = (b>>5)&1;
rep b6 = (b>>6)&1;
rep b7 = (b>>7)&1;
#if 1
/* This is output from gates-gf targetting the modulus 2d */
rep c0 = (a0&b0) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c1 = (a0&b1) ^ (a1&b0) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c2 = (a0&b2) ^ (a1&b1) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b0) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b4);
rep c3 = (a0&b3) ^ (a1&b2) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b1) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b0) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b5) ^ (a7&b6);
rep c4 = (a0&b4) ^ (a1&b3) ^ (a2&b2) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b1) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b0) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c5 = (a0&b5) ^ (a1&b4) ^ (a1&b7) ^ (a2&b3) ^ (a2&b6) ^ (a3&b2) ^ (a3&b5) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b1) ^ (a4&b4) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b0) ^ (a5&b3) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a6&b2) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b7) ^ (a7&b1) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b6) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c6 = (a0&b6) ^ (a1&b5) ^ (a2&b4) ^ (a2&b7) ^ (a3&b3) ^ (a3&b6) ^ (a4&b2) ^ (a4&b5) ^ (a4&b7) ^ (a5&b1) ^ (a5&b4) ^ (a5&b6) ^ (a6&b0) ^ (a6&b3) ^ (a6&b5) ^ (a7&b2) ^ (a7&b4) ^ (a7&b7);
rep c7 = (a0&b7) ^ (a1&b6) ^ (a2&b5) ^ (a3&b4) ^ (a3&b7) ^ (a4&b3) ^ (a4&b6) ^ (a5&b2) ^ (a5&b5) ^ (a5&b7) ^ (a6&b1) ^ (a6&b4) ^ (a6&b6) ^ (a7&b0) ^ (a7&b3) ^ (a7&b5);
rep modulus = 0x1b;
/* ci = b*x^i */
/* bi*modulus is just bi?modulus:0 */
rep c0 = b;
rep c1 = (c0 << 1) ^ (c0 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c2 = (c1 << 1) ^ (c1 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c3 = (c2 << 1) ^ (c2 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c4 = (c3 << 1) ^ (c3 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c5 = (c4 << 1) ^ (c4 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c6 = (c5 << 1) ^ (c5 >> 7)*modulus;
rep c7 = (c6 << 1) ^ (c6 >> 7)*modulus;
/* x*y here is just y?x:0 */
rep o0 = c0 * ((a>>0)&1);
rep o1 = c1 * ((a>>1)&1);
rep o2 = c2 * ((a>>2)&1);
rep o3 = c3 * ((a>>3)&1);
rep o4 = c4 * ((a>>4)&1);
rep o5 = c5 * ((a>>5)&1);
rep o6 = c6 * ((a>>6)&1);
rep o7 = c7 * ((a>>7)&1);
return ((o0^o1)^(o2^o3))^((o4^o5)^(o6^o7));
return (c7<<7)|(c6<<6)|(c5<<5)|(c4<<4)|(c3<<3)|(c2<<2)|(c1<<1)|(c0<<0);
GF256& operator *= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this * y;
GF256 operator ^ (int x) const
GF256 out(1);
GF256 pow(*this);
x %= 255;
if (x < 0) x += 255;
for (; x > 0; x >>= 1)
if ((x & 1) != 0)
out *= pow;
pow *= pow;
return out;
GF256 inverse () const
return *this ^ 254;
GF256 operator / (GF256 y) const
return *this * y.inverse();
GF256& operator /= (GF256 y)
return *this = *this / y;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, GF256 y)
return o << std::hex << std::setw(2) << (int)y.value;
#include "hamming.h"
#define NUM_CHECK_BITS 7 // plus parity bit
#define BIT_MASK 0x1
#define SIZE 8 // 8 words 64 bits
unsigned int pbits0[NUM_CHECK_BITS][SIZE] ={ {0x5B, 0xAD, 0xAA, 0x56, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAB}, // check vector 1
{0x6D, 0x36, 0x33, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xD9, 0x0C}, // check vector 2
{0x8E, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xF1}, // check vector 3
{0xF0, 0x07, 0xFC, 0xE3, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0xFF}, // check vector 4
{0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0x00}, // check vector 5
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01}, // check vector 6
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} // check vector 7
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int ichunk, unsigned int chunks, unsigned int *nBytep, unsigned int *nBitP)
unsigned char parity[]="";
unsigned int checkBitResult=0;
unsigned result;
// for(int ce=0;ce <8 ;++ce)
// cout << "STRING DECODE " << frame[ichunk+ce] << endl;
// cout << endl;
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i) { // parity vector x
int temp=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame
temp = ((bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>((uint8_t)(frame[ichunk + j])) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ?
1 : 0)
<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
unsigned numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[ichunk+j])).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
/*parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((numBits + bitset<8>(parity[0]).count()) & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
//cout << "PARITY DECODE " << " " << bitset<8>(parity[0]).to_string() << endl;
unsigned int parityBit = 0;
if((parity[0] & 0x1) == (static_cast<unsigned char>(frame[chunks]) & 0x1))
parityBit = 1; // No error or double error
checkBitResult = 0;
for(int i=1;i<NUM_CHECK_BITS;i++)
checkBitResult ^= (((parity[0] >> (i)) ^ (static_cast<unsigned char >(frame[chunks]) >> (i))) & (BIT_MASK))<< (i-1);
if((checkBitResult!=0) && (parityBit == 1 ))
result = 2; // Double Error;
else if(checkBitResult != 0 )// single error, we can repair it
checkBitResult = postionInfraeme(checkBitResult);
unsigned int nByte = checkBitResult / SIZE;
unsigned int nBit = checkBitResult % SIZE;
*nBitP = nBit;
*nBytep = nByte;
//frame[ichunk+nByte] ^= (char)(BIT_MASK << (nBit));
cout << "************ERROR IN BYTE " << nByte << " BIT " << nBit << "************" << endl;
result = 1 ;
else // No errors
result = 0;
return result ;
int postionInfraeme(int postion)
int postionDiff;
if((postion >4) && (postion <=7)) postionDiff = postion - 3;
else if((postion >8)&& (postion <=15)) postionDiff = postion - 4;
else if((postion >16)&& (postion <=31)) postionDiff = postion - 5;
else if(postion >32) postionDiff = postion - 6;
// the error is in the parity checks
return postionDiff;
std::string hamming_encode(const char *frame)
unsigned char parity[]="";
for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHECK_BITS; ++i) {// parity vector x
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((((bitset<8>(frame[j]) & bitset<8>(pbits0[i][j])).count() & 0x1 ?
1 : 0)
<< (i+1)));
// Parity bit, XOR of all the bits and the party bits
int numBits=0;
for(int j=0 ; j<SIZE ; j++) // byte by byte the frame and the parity vector
numBits += (bitset<8>(frame[j]).count());
parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)(numBits & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
/*parity[0] ^= (unsigned char)((numBits + bitset<8>(parity[0]).count()) & 0x1 ?
1 : 0); // Postion 0 is for the parity bit */
//string eFrame(frame,SIZE);
//eFrame.resize(eFrame.length()+1); // increase de string one byte
string eFrame;
if(parity[0]== 0) // if the parity check is 0
eFrame[0] = 0; // set to 0000000
eFrame[0]= parity[0]; // in the last byte parity word
//cout << "STRING TO ENCODE " << frame << endl;
//cout << "PARITY ENCODE" << " " << bitset<8>(parity[0]).to_string() << endl;
//cout << dec << eFrame << endl;
return eFrame;
#include <iterator>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
std::string hamming_encode(const char *);
unsigned int hamming_decode(std::string frame,unsigned int , unsigned int , unsigned int *, unsigned int *);
int postionInfraeme(int );
#ifdef __cplusplus
* ===============================================================================
* Filename: test-driver.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/07/2011 01:48:23 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cesar Prados Boda (cp),
* Company: GSI
* ============================================================================
#include "fec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
unsigned char msg[] = "PAYLOAD1"
// unsigned char msg[] = "Nel mezzo del "
// "camin di nostra "
// "vita mi ritrovai"
// " per una selva "
// "oscura,ché la "
// "diritta via era "
// "smarrita........";
int c;
const unsigned char* buf;
const unsigned char* cbuf;
unsigned int i, len,len_temp;
unsigned char *temp;
printf("\n \n \n");
printf(" WE WANT TO ENCODE: \n");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(msg)-1; ++i)
printf("%c", msg[i]);
printf("\n \n \n");
//system("sleep 1");
for (c = 0; len = sizeof(msg)-1, (buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, c)) != 0; ++c)
//for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
//printf("%c(%02x)", isprint(buf[i])?buf[i]:"x", buf[i]);
// fflush(stdout);
// the calls for the encoding / decoding process
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 0);
cbuf = fec_decode(buf, &len);
len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 1);
cbuf = fec_decode(buf, &len);
/* len = sizeof(msg)-1;
buf = fec_encode(msg, &len, 3);
cbuf = fec_decode(buf, &len);*/
if (cbuf != 0) {
printf("\n \n \n");
printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE CONTROL MESSAGE IS DECODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
printf("%c", cbuf[i]);
printf("\n \n \n");
printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE CONTROL MESSAGE IS NOT DECODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
return 0;
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