Commit 44f85b6f authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

[wrpc/doc] final version of the latex document that used to be texinfo

- added auto-inclusion of the repo version (hash) into the doc (as it
  was in the texinfo)
- removed unnecessary/commented packages
- added missing tables
- made itemization more tight
- many other cleanups
parent 9228f435
RELEASE=$(shell git describe --always --dirty)
all : wrpc.pdf
.PHONY : all clean
wrpc.pdf : wrpc.tex
pdflatex $^
pdflatex $^
echo $(RELEASE) > version.tex
pdflatex --enable-write18 $^
pdflatex --enable-write18 $^
clean :
rm -f *.eps *.pdf *.dat *.log *.out *.aux *.dvi *.ps *.toc
\ No newline at end of file
rm -f *.eps *.pdf *.dat *.log *.out *.aux *.dvi *.ps *.toc version.tex
\ No newline at end of file
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......@@ -195,15 +26,26 @@
\title{White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk\\ CERN BE-CO-HT}
{\LARGE {\bf White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}}\\[0.2 cm]
\hrule height 4pt \vspace{0.1cm}
{\large \today ~ ( \input{version})}\\
{\large Building and Running}\\
{\large Grzegorz Daniluk (CERN BE-CO-HT)}\\
\hrule height 2pt
{\huge {\bf White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}}\\[0.2 cm]
{\large CERN BE-CO-HT}\\[0.1 cm]
{\noindent \LARGE {\bf Introduction}}\\
This is the user manual for the White Rabbit PTP Core, part of the White
Rabbit project. It describes the building and running process. If you don't
......@@ -212,7 +54,7 @@ want to get your hands dirty and prefer to use the binaries available at
\link{Building the Core} and move forward directly to
\link{Running and Configuring}.
% ##########################################################################
\label{Software and hardware requirements}
......@@ -222,13 +64,12 @@ want to get your hands dirty and prefer to use the binaries available at
\label{Repositories and Releases}
\subsection{Repositories and Releases}
This manual is about the official \textcolor{red}{TODO: release} stable release of the White
This manual is about the official \input{version} stable release of the White
Rabbit PTP Core (\codeHook{WRPC}).
The code and documentation for the project is distributed in the
following places:
\item \url{}
......@@ -247,11 +88,11 @@ following places:
read-only repository with the \codeHook{WRPC} \codeHook{LM32} software
Other tools useful for building and running the \codeHook{WRPC} can be downloaded from
the following locations:
\item \url{git://}
......@@ -262,7 +103,7 @@ on the set of Manifest files.
\codeHook{LM32} toolchain used to compile the \codeHook{WRPC} software
Repositories containing the \codeHook{WRPC} gateware and software (\textit{wr-cores},
\textit{wrpc-sw}) are tagged with \codeHook{wrpc-v3.0} tag. Other tools
used to build the core and load it into \codeHook{SPEC} board should be used in their
......@@ -279,13 +120,13 @@ Linux and a Simple PCIe \codeHook{fmc} Carrier
recommended to use also the \codeHook{dio} \codeHook{fmc} card (\url{})
to be able to feed 1-PPS and 10MHz from external clock and output 1-PPS aligned
to the WR time. To test the White Rabbit synchronization, you will also need:
\item another \codeHook{spec} board with a \codeHook{dio} \codeHook{fmc} or a White Rabbit Switch;
\item pair of \codeHook{wr}-supported \codeHook{sfp} transceivers (the list of supported
\codeHook{sfp}s can be found on our wiki page \url{})
\item a roll of G652, single mode fiber to connect your \codeHook{spec}s or \codeHook{spec}
with a \codeHook{wr} Switch.
% ##########################################################################
\label{Building the Core}
......@@ -328,7 +169,7 @@ This (provided that the installation path for \textit{ISE} is /opt/Xilinx/<versi
should be the following:
# export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
$ export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
\textbf{Note:} the Xilinx project file included in the \codeHook{wrpc} sources was created
......@@ -342,12 +183,12 @@ synthesis Makefile and ISE project file based on a set of files
deployed among the directories inside the \textit{wr-cores} repository.
First, please clone the \textit{hdlmake} repository from its location given in
\link{Repositories and Releases}:
\link{Repositories and Releases}:\newpage
# wget
# git clone git:// <your_location>/hdl-make
# cd <your_location>/hdl-make
# git checkout 9d303ee
$ wget
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/hdl-make
$ cd <your_location>/hdl-make
$ git checkout 9d303ee
Then, using your favorite editor, you should create an \textit{hdlmake} script in
......@@ -368,15 +209,15 @@ Having Xilinx ISE software and \textit{hdlmake} in place, you can clone the main
\codeHook{wr ptp core} git repository and start building the FPGA bitstream.
First, please create a local copy of the \textit{wr-cores}:
# git clone git:// <your_location>/wr-cores
# cd <your_location>/wr-cores
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wr-cores
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores
To build the gateware using sources of a stable release wrpc-v3.0, you
have to checkout the proper git tag:
# git checkout wrpc-v3.0
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.0
If you use \textit{wr-cores} within another project (like \textit{wr-nic}), you may need
......@@ -387,8 +228,8 @@ build.
You also need to fetch other git repositories containing modules instantiated
inside the \codeHook{wr ptp core} HDL. They are configured as git submodules:
# git submodule init
# git submodule update
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
The local copies of the submodules are stored to:
......@@ -402,20 +243,20 @@ The subdirectory which contains the main synthesis for \codeHook{spe
and in which you should perform the whole process is:
# cd <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/
First, please call \textit{hdlmake} to create synthesis Makefile for Xilinx
# hdlmake
$ hdlmake
After that, the actual synthesis is just the matter of executing:
# make
$ make
This takes (depending on your computer speed) about 15 minutes and should create
......@@ -427,10 +268,10 @@ former can be downloaded to FPGA with Xilinx Platform Cable using e.g.
If, on the other hand, you would like to clean-up the repository and rebuild
everything from scratch you can use the following commands:
\item \textit{\# make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
\item \textit{\# make mrproper} - removes spec\_top.bin and spec\_top.bit files;
\item \textit{\$ make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
\item \textit{\$ make mrproper} - removes spec\_top.bin and spec\_top.bit files;
% ==========================================================================
\label{LM32 software compilation}
......@@ -448,15 +289,15 @@ need to download and unpack the \codeHook{lm32} toolchain from the location ment
in \link{Repositories and Releases}:
# wget
# tar xJf lm32.tar.xz -C <your_lm32_location>
$ wget
$ tar xJf lm32.tar.xz -C <your_lm32_location>
Then you need to set a \texttt{CROSS\_COMPILE} variable in order
to compile the software for the \codeHook{lm32} processor:
# export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_lm32_location>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-"
$ export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_lm32_location>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-"
To get the sources of the \codeHook{wrpc} software please clone the \textit{wrpc-sw} git
......@@ -465,9 +306,9 @@ project, you may need to checkout a different tag or a specific commit. If this
applies, please refer to a documentation for this project.
# git clone git:// <your_location>/wrpc-sw
# cd <your_location>/wrpc-sw
# git checkout wrpc-v3.0 # or "git checkout master"
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wrpc-sw
$ cd <your_location>/wrpc-sw
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.0 # or "git checkout master"
Before you can compile \textit{wrpc-sw} you need to make a few configuration choices.
......@@ -476,9 +317,9 @@ following commnads (the first is text-mode, the second uses a KDE GUI
and the third uses a Gnome GUI):
# make menuconfig
# make xconfig
# make gconfig
$ make menuconfig
$ make xconfig
$ make gconfig
Other \textit{Kconfig} target applies, like \code{config}, \code{oldconfig}
......@@ -486,7 +327,7 @@ and so on. A few default known-good configurations are found in
\texttt{./configs} and you choose one by \textit{make}ing it by name:
# make spec_defconfig
$ make spec_defconfig
The most important configuration choice at this point in time is
......@@ -498,7 +339,7 @@ After the package is configured, just run \code{make} without
parameters to build your binary file:
# make
$ make
The first time you build, the \textit{Makefile} automatically downloads
......@@ -535,20 +376,20 @@ up-to-date documentation can always be found in \textit{doc/} subdirectory of
First, please clone the git repository of \codeHook{spec-sw} package and build it:
# git clone git:// <your_specsw_location>
# cd <your_specsw_location>
# git checkout c0e18a7
# make
$ git clone git:// <your_specsw_location>
$ cd <your_specsw_location>
$ git checkout c0e18a7
$ make
Then you should copy your \textit{spec\_top.bin} generated in \link{HDL synthesis} or
downloaded from the \textit{ohwr} to /lib/firmware/fmc/. changing its
\textbf{Note:} the commands below have to be executed with superuser rights
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the commands below have to be executed with superuser rights
# sudo cp <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/spec_top.bin \
$ sudo cp <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/spec_top.bin \
......@@ -556,15 +397,15 @@ You have to download also the "golden" firmware for \codeHook{spec} card. It is
the drivers to recognize the hardware:
# wget
# sudo mv spec-init.bin-2015-09-18 /lib/firmware/fmc/spec-init.bin
$ wget
$ sudo mv spec-init.bin-2015-09-18 /lib/firmware/fmc/spec-init.bin
Now you can load the drivers necessary to access \codeHook{spec} board from your
# sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc.ko
# sudo insmod kernel/spec.ko
$ sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc.ko
$ sudo insmod kernel/spec.ko
By default, when loading the \textit{spec.ko} driver FPGA gets programmed with
......@@ -576,25 +417,25 @@ starting from v3.0 you have to write the \codeHook{sdbfs} filesystem image to th
flash before running the \codeHook{wr ptp core}. You can download the image from our
project page:
# wget
$ wget
It contains all the files required by the \codeHook{wr ptp core}. They are empty, but
have to exist in the \codeHook{sdbfs} structure to be written later as described in
\link{Writing configuration}. To store the filesystem image in flash, please
execute the following command:
# sudo tools/flash-write -b 0x20 -c 0x0 0 1507712 < \
$ sudo tools/flash-write -b 0x20 -c 0x0 0 1507712 < \
\textbf{Note:} The \code{-b} parameter takes the PCI bus address of the SPEC. This
\noindent\textbf{Note:} The \code{-b} parameter takes the PCI bus address of the SPEC. This
can be found either in the list of the PCI devices installed in the system
(\code{lspci}) or in the kernel messages (\code{dmesg}) when inserting the
spec.ko module. See the example below on loading the FPGA code. We see that the
second number in the colon/dotted notation provides the argument in the example
\textbf{Note:} Please refer to \link{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
\noindent\textbf{Note:} Please refer to \link{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
for instructions on how to write the \codeHook{sdbfs} image to a standalone \codeHook{spec}
or custom hardware.
......@@ -602,7 +443,7 @@ or custom hardware.
Now, you are ready to load the last driver, which downloads the actual
\codeHook{wr ptp core} bitstream to the Spartan 6 FPGA:
# sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc-trivial.ko gateware=fmc/spec-3.0.bin
$ sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc-trivial.ko gateware=fmc/spec-3.0.bin
You can use the \textit{dmesg} Linux command to verify if the FPGA firmware file was
......@@ -630,7 +471,7 @@ bitstream with a default \codeHook{lm32} software. If you want to load your own
# sudo tools/spec-cl <your_location>/wrpc-sw/wrc.bin
$ sudo tools/spec-cl <your_location>/wrpc-sw/wrc.bin
......@@ -639,7 +480,7 @@ Now you should be able to start a Virtual-UART tool (also part of the
# sudo tools/spec-vuart
$ sudo tools/spec-vuart
If you are able to see the \codeHook{wrpc} Shell prompt \textit{wrc\#} this means the Core
......@@ -653,7 +494,7 @@ is up and running on your \codeHook{spec}. Congratulations !
First, you should perform a few configuration steps through the \codeHook{wrpc} shell
before using the core.
\textbf{Note:} the examples below describe only a subset of the \codeHook{wrpc} Shell
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the examples below describe only a subset of the \codeHook{wrpc} Shell
commands. The full list of supported commands can be found in
\link{WRPC Shell commands}.
......@@ -700,7 +541,7 @@ wrc# sfp add AXGE-3454-0531 180625 148451 -73685416
To check the content of the \codeHook{sfp} database you can execute the \textit{sfp show} shell
\textbf{Note:} The deltaTx and deltaRx parameters above are the defaults for
\noindent\textbf{Note:} The deltaTx and deltaRx parameters above are the defaults for
wrpc-v3.0 release bitstream available on \textit{}, running on
\codeHook{spec} v4 board and calibrated to port 1 of a \codeHook{wr} Switch v3.3. These
values as well as the parameters for the \codeHook{wr} Switch are available on the
......@@ -728,7 +569,7 @@ daemon manually:
wrc# ptp start
\textbf{Note:} For running the GrandMaster mode, you need to provide 1-PPS and 10MHz
\noindent\textbf{Note:} For running the GrandMaster mode, you need to provide 1-PPS and 10MHz
signal from an external source (e.g. GPS receiver or Cesium clock). Please
connect 1-PPS signal to the LEMO connector No.4 and 10MHz to the LEMO connector
No.5 on the \codeHook{fmc} \codeHook{dio} mezzanine board.
......@@ -806,7 +647,7 @@ defaults to 1 second and can be changed using the \textit{refresh} command. To e
this console mode press <Esc>. A full description of the information reported
by gui is provided in \link{WRPC GUI elements}.
\textbf{Note:} the \textit{Synchronization status} and \textit{Timing parameters} in \textit{gui}
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the \textit{Synchronization status} and \textit{Timing parameters} in \textit{gui}
are available only in the \codeHook{wr} Slave mode. When running as \codeHook{wr} Master, you
would be able to see only the current date and time, link status, Tx and Rx
packet counters, lock and calibration status.
......@@ -867,46 +708,43 @@ a port connected to the \textit{Write Rabbit} network.
The configuration file of \codeHook{wrpc} contains the following
SNMP-related options:
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP} -- include the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} into \codeHook{wrpc}
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_SET} -- enable the support of SNMP \textit{SET} packets
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_VERBOSE} -- enable verbose output from the \textit{Mini SNMP
responder} on the \codeHook{wrpc}'s console
The MIB file describing \codeHook{wrpc}'s OIDs can be found in the \texttt{lib} directory
of the \texttt{wrpc-sw} repo.
So far, the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} supports version 1 and a subset of version
2c of the SNMP protocol.
The following types of requests are supported:
\item GET -- get value of a given OID
\item GETNEXT -- get value of a next OID after the given OID (this is used
for \texttt{snmpwalk}s)
\item SET -- change the value of a given OID (so far used only for adding
SFP's to the database and PTP restarts)
The \textit{Mini SNMP responder} does not support:
\item bulk requests packets (GETBULK)
\item more than one OID in the request packet
\item \texttt{trap} and \texttt{inform} packets
\item encryption
\item authentication
\item SNMPv2c return error types; all returned error types follows SNMPv1
To make examples more readable, listings below use \texttt{SNMP\_OPT} environment
variable. Make sure you set it properly in your shell.
# SNMP_OPT="-c public -v 2c -m WR-WRPC-MIB -M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib \
$ SNMP_OPT="-c public -v 2c -m WR-WRPC-MIB -M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib \"
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
\item \texttt{-c public} -- sets SNMP community as "\textit{public}"
\item \texttt{-v 2c} -- specifies SNMP version
\item \texttt{-m WR-WRPC-MIB} -- specifies MIBs to be loaded
......@@ -916,16 +754,14 @@ where:
\texttt{download-mibs} command (package \texttt{snmp-mibs-downloader}); on
CentOS and RedHat MIBs are included in the \texttt{libsmi} package
\item \texttt{} -- the IP address of the target board
For example, to get the system uptime please execute the \texttt{snmpget} command:
# snmpget #SNMP_OPT wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0
$ snmpget $SNMP_OPT wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0
To get dump of all available OIDs please execute the \texttt{snmpwalk} command:
# snmpwalk #SNMP_OPT wrpcCore
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcCore
Part of the \texttt{snmpwalk}'s output:
......@@ -967,12 +803,11 @@ the \codeHook{wrpc}'s console:
1: PN:AXGE-1254-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: 72169888
2: PN:AXGE-3454-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: -73685416
The same data is exported by the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} via the table
# snmpwalk #SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
......@@ -983,10 +818,10 @@ The same data is exported by the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} via the table
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.2 = INTEGER: -73685416
End of MIB
When the SET support is compiled into the \textit{Mini SNMP responder}, it is
possible to erase or add/replace SFP entires to the SFPs database via SNMP.
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
Addition (or modification) of one SFP to the database can done by a row of
SNMP SETs. Firstly, please set the delta Tx (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0}), the
delta Rx (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0}) and the alpha (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0})
......@@ -994,6 +829,7 @@ with new values.
Then, to commit the change to the SFP database, perform the SNMP SET on
the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0} with the value \texttt{writeToFlashCurrentSfp}. It will
add/update values for the currently plugged SFP.
To add/update entries for different SFPs, please set deltas and alpha like
above, then set PN of an SFP to the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0} and commit
......@@ -1021,15 +857,15 @@ file.
Commands below add an SFP with PN as "\texttt{NEW-SFP}", delta Tx "\texttt{1111}",
delta Rx "\texttt{2222}" and alpha "\texttt{3333}".
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = 1111
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = 1111
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = INTEGER: 1111
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = 2222
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = 2222
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = INTEGER: 2222
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = 3333
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = 3333
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = INTEGER: 3333
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = NEW-SFP
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = NEW-SFP
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = STRING: "NEW-SFP"
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = writeToFlashGivenSfp
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = writeToFlashGivenSfp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
......@@ -1038,7 +874,7 @@ In case the SFP database does not contain the currently plugged SFP, the last
Optionally restart the PTP:
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = restartPtp
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = restartPtp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = INTEGER: restartPtpSuccessful(100)
......@@ -1060,7 +896,7 @@ the \codeHook{wrpc}'s console:
Verify the result via SNMP:
# snmpwalk #SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
......@@ -1079,7 +915,7 @@ Verify the result via SNMP:
It is also possible to erase the SFPs database via SNMP (equivalent of
the \texttt{sfp erase} command):
# snmpset #SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = eraseFlash
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = eraseFlash
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
......@@ -1108,13 +944,15 @@ When the \textit{limb} part is matched then the corresponding function from
the structure \texttt{oid\_limb\_array} is called to try to match the second part of
OID (the \textit{twig} part).
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The example below adds to the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} an \texttt{int32\_t} variable
(\texttt{example\_i32var}) with OID \texttt{} and a string
(\texttt{example\_string}) with OID \texttt{}.
Before assigning new OIDs in your projects please contact the maintainer of
\texttt{wrpc-sw} repo to avoid conflicts.
\item First declare \texttt{example\_i32var} and \texttt{example\_string}:
static int32_t example_i32var;
......@@ -1138,15 +976,14 @@ Before assigning new OIDs in your projects please contact the maintainer of
OID_LIMB_FIELD(oid_wrpcExampleGroup, func_group, oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup),
The macro \texttt{OID\_LIMB\_FIELD} takes the following arguments:
\item \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array with the \textit{limb} part of the
\item \texttt{func\_group} -- a function to be called when the \textit{limb} part of
the OID is matched; this function will try to match the \textit{twig} part
of the OID within a table or a group.
\item \texttt{oid\_array\_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array of \textit{twig} parts of OIDs
\item Declare a previously used \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleGroup}. Please note that
this structure has to be sorted by ascending \textit{twig} part of OIDs.
......@@ -1156,9 +993,8 @@ The macro \texttt{OID\_LIMB\_FIELD} takes the following arguments:
{ 0, }
The macro \texttt{OID\_FIELD\_VAR} takes the following arguments:
\item \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleV1} -- an array with \textit{twig} part of the OID
\item \texttt{get\_p} (or \texttt{get\_pp)} -- a function to be called when \textit{twig}
part of the OID is matched for SNMP GET requests;
......@@ -1169,8 +1005,7 @@ The macro \texttt{OID\_FIELD\_VAR} takes the following arguments:
check the source for other possible types
\item \texttt{\&example\_i32var, \&example\_string} -- addresses to the data in
In case the address of variables is not known at boot, it is possible to define
a pointer to the variable which will be initialized (e.g. in the \texttt{snmp\_init}
the function) at the boot time. In that case function \texttt{get\_pp} (\texttt{set\_pp}) has
......@@ -1186,39 +1021,34 @@ a constant number to the custom function instead of an address. For example:
Perform a \texttt{snmpwalk} to get new OIDs:
# snmpwalk -On #SNMP_OPT
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 123432
. = STRING: "test string"
End of MIB
Trying to set too long string into the \texttt{example\_string} results in an error:
# snmpset -On #SNMP_OPT s "new long string"
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new long string"
Error in packet.
Reason: (badValue) The value given has the wrong type or length.
Failed object: .
A short enough (not longer than defined \texttt{"test string"}) value succeeds:
# snmpset -On #SNMP_OPT s "new value12"
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new value12"
. = STRING: "new value12"
Set 999 to the \texttt{example\_i32var}:
# snmpset -On #SNMP_OPT i 999
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT i 999
. = INTEGER: 999
Perform \texttt{snmpwalk} to verify changes:
# snmpwalk -On #SNMP_OPT
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 999
. = STRING: "new value12"
End of MIB
......@@ -1237,7 +1067,7 @@ To run these tests, please go to \texttt{test/snmp} directory, then set
\texttt{TARGET\_IP} environment varaible to the IP of your target board, then type
\texttt{make}. For example:
# TARGET_IP= make
$ TARGET_IP= make
bats/libexec/bats snmp_tests_*.bats
Host up
Check the presence of snmpget
......@@ -1270,6 +1100,7 @@ responder}.
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The node can act as a \textit{syslog} client, though only on the UDP protocol.
To activate it, you must build with \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} and pass proper
parameters at run time.
......@@ -1289,49 +1120,47 @@ The strings that a WR node sends to the \textit{syslog} server are always
using the format: ``\texttt{<}\textit{level}\texttt{>} \textit{Jan 01 00:00:00 msg}''
where \textit{level} is usually 14 (type ``user'', priority ``info'')
and \textit{msg} is a free-format message strings.
The \textit{syslog} client sends strings to the server in the following
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
@table @i
\item Boot time
\textit{ Boot time } &
The node sends ``\texttt{(ma:ca:dd:rr:ee:ss) Node up since} \textit{X}
\texttt{seconds}'' as soon as the network link is up and the \textit{syslog}
server is configured with the shell command or init script.
The message is re-sent, with an updated uptime value, if you change
the \textit{syslog} server parameters.
\item Link up after link down
the \textit{syslog} server parameters. \\
& \\
\textit{ Link up after link down } &
The message is ``\texttt{"Link up after} \textit{2.345} \texttt{s}''. The
time printed is the duration of the link-down interval just
passed -- no lost-by-design message is sent at link-down time. The
message is not sent the first time the link goes up, because
the boot message is already there.
\item Synchronization, first time
the boot message is already there.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization, first time } &
When the node reaches WR synchronization (i.e. ``track phase''
state), it sends ``\texttt{Tracking after} \textit{5..678} \texttt{s}''.
The reported time is the lapse since power-on.
\item Synchronization lost
The reported time is the lapse since power-on.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization lost } &
Whenever WR looses \textit{track-phase} status, the node reports
\texttt{Lost track}.
\item Synchronization recovered
\texttt{Lost track}.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization recovered } &
When the WR servo is in \textit{track phase} state after loosing
synchronization, the node sends ``\textit{45}\texttt{-th re-track after}
\textit{23.456} \texttt{s}''. The time reported is the amount of time
during which the node has not been synchronized. The seconth and
thirth re-sync are reported as \texttt{2-th} and \texttt{3-th}, to make you
smile. At the \texttt{4-th} you should stop smiling and be concerned.
\item Temperature over threshold
smile. At the \texttt{4-th} you should stop smiling and be concerned.\\
& \\
\textit{ Temperature over threshold } &
The node monitors the various thermometers every few seconds.
If \texttt{CONFIG\_TEMP\_POLL\_INTERVAL} and related parameters are
......@@ -1342,9 +1171,10 @@ situations:
few seconds (\texttt{CONFIG\_TEMP\_HIGH\_RAPPEL}, default 60)
until all temperatures are under-threshold. When temperature
is recovered the node sends ``\texttt{Temperature ok:}'' followed by
the current list of temperatures.
the current list of temperatures.\\
@end table
% FIXME: syslog examples
......@@ -1352,6 +1182,7 @@ situations:
\label{Latency Test}
\subsubsection{Latency Test}
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The configuration choice \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} activates a
mechanism for \textit{wr} nodes to measure network latency, base on the same
hardware timestamps that are used for synchronization -- the mechanism
......@@ -1388,6 +1219,7 @@ Any lost frames are reported both to the console and to \textit{syslog}.
You can use \textit{ltest} without \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG}. In that case the
receiver nodes print the exact latency (picosecond resolution) for
every received event.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1409,9 +1241,9 @@ analysis. The following command line show both uses:
# Look for "resource0" in /sys/devices/pci, choose your bus number.
sudo ./tools/wrpc-dump #FILE
sudo ./tools/wrpc-dump $FILE
sudo tools/mapper #FILE 0 0x20000 > wrpc-memory-image
sudo tools/mapper $FILE 0 0x20000 > wrpc-memory-image
./tools/wrpc-dump wrpc-memory-image
......@@ -1514,27 +1346,27 @@ whenever you change the MAC address or \textit{vlan} choice.
If built with \texttt{CONFIG\_IP=y}, \textit{wrpc-sw} implements the following
udp-based network services, in addition to \textit{ptp}:
@table @i
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
\item bootp
\textit{ bootp } &
The node will get an IPV4 address by making \textit{bootp} queries
once per second, until it gets a reply from a server. As an
alternative, the address can be set using the shell command,
and in this case the node won't send \textit{bootp} queries, or will
stop sending them.
\item rdate
stop sending them.\\
& \\
\textit{ rdate } &
The node can be queried using \texttt{rdate -u}, once it has an IP
\item syslog
& \\
\textit{ syslog } &
If \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set, the node is a syslog client.
See \link{Syslog} for details.
See \link{Syslog} for details.\\
@end table
% ==========================================================================
\label{VLAN Support}
......@@ -1549,36 +1381,36 @@ to receive frames in several \textit{vlan}s, all set at configuration time.
At run time you can use \texttt{vlan off} in the shell to turn off all \textit{vlan}
processing and get back to the ``standard'' packet-filter rules.
@table @code
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
\textit{ CONFIG\_VLAN } &
This is the top-level choice. It can be enabled or disabled.
If disabled, the following values default to 0 and the
packet filter will discard all tagged frames.
packet filter will discard all tagged frames.\\
& \\
\textit{ CONFIG\_VLAN\_NR } &
The default \textit{vlan} number for the CPU. All network traffic
directed to (and originating from)the \textit{lm32} processor will
belong to this \textit{vlan}. The value can be changed at run time
using the \texttt{vlan} shell command.
using the \texttt{vlan} shell command.\\
& \\
\textit{ CONFIG\_VLAN\_1\_FOR\_CLASS7 } & \\
\textit{ CONFIG\_VLAN\_2\_FOR\_CLASS7 } &
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to two specific \textit{vlans} to class 7, usually \textit{etherbone}.
To deliver one \textit{vlan} only, set the two options to the same
& \\
\textit{ CONFIG\_VLAN\_FOR\_CLASS6 } &
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to one specific \textit{vlan} to class 6, usually routed to the
\textit{streamer} or \textit{nic} logic blocks.
\textit{streamer} or \textit{nic} logic blocks.\\
@end table
% ##########################################################################
......@@ -1596,10 +1428,10 @@ message.}
Please check if you have the Xilinx ISE-related system variables set correctly
(\textit{} script provided by Xilinx sets them) and make sure you have
overwritten the \textit{\#XILINX} variable to:
overwritten the \textit{\$XILINX} variable to:
# export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
$ export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
or similar, if your installation folder differs from default.
......@@ -1633,7 +1465,7 @@ of the tools used to build and run it, you can write to our mailing list
\section{WRPC Shell Commands}
\begin{longtable}{ p{8cm} p{6cm} }
\begin{longtable}{ p{7.5cm} p{7cm} }
\code{help} & lists available commands in this instance of the \codeHook{wrpc} \\
& \\
......@@ -1656,26 +1488,26 @@ see how the \codeHook{ptp} system is working) \\
& \\
\code{pll init <mode> <ref\_channel> <align\_pps>} & manually runs
spll\_init() function to initialize SoftPll \\
& \\
\code{pll cl <channel>} & checks if SoftPLL is locked for the channel\\
& \\
\code{pll sps <channel> <picoseconds>} & sets phase shift for the channel\\
& \\
\code{pll gps <channel>} & gets current and target phase shift for the channel\\
& \\
\code{pll start <channel>} & starts SoftPLL for the channel\\
& \\
\code{pll stop <channel>} & stops SoftPLL for the channel\\
& \\
\code{pll sdac <index> <val>} & sets the dac\\
& \\
\code{pll gdac <index>} & gets dac's value\\
& \\
\code{gui} & starts GUI \codeHook{wrpc} monitor\\
& \\
\code{stat} & toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
\texttt{1} or \texttt{0} as argument as an alternative to toggling\\
& \\
\code{stat bts} & prints bitslide value for established \codeHook{wr} Link,
needed by the calibration procedure\\
& \\
......@@ -1684,13 +1516,13 @@ commands. Default period is 1 second. If you set the period to 0, the log
message is only generated one time.\\
& \\
\code{ptp start} & starts \codeHook{wr ptp} daemon\\
& \\
\code{ptp stop} & stops \codeHook{wr ptp} daemon\\
& \\
\code{ptp e2e} & select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can set \texttt{p2p} mode, and \texttt{delay}/\texttt{pdelay} as aliases.\\
& \\
\code{ptp master} & force working as master. Alternatives are \texttt{slave} and \texttt{gm} (grandmaster).\\
& \\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & You can concatenate several of the above sbcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments, the command reports the current values.\\
& \\
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & sets \codeHook{wrpc} to operate as Grandmaster
......@@ -1703,66 +1535,66 @@ calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in \codeHook{wr
Slave mode)\\
& \\
\code{time} & prints current time from \codeHook{wrpc}\\
& \\
\code{time raw} & prints current time in a raw format (seconds, nanoseconds)\\
& \\
\code{time set <sec> <nsec>} & sets \codeHook{wrpc} time\\
& \\
\code{time setsec <sec>} & sets only seconds of the \codeHook{wrpc} time
(useful for setting time in GrandMaster mode, when nanoseconds counter is
aligned to external 1-PPS and 10 MHz)\\
& \\
\code{time setnsec <nsec>} & sets only nanoseconds of the \codeHook{wrpc} time\\
& \\
\code{sfp erase} & erases the \codeHook{sfp} database stored in the Flash/EEPROM\\
& \\
\code{sfp add <PN> <deltaTx> <deltaRx> <alpha>} & stores calibration
parameters for \codeHook{sfp} to a file in Flash/EEPROM\\
& \\
\code{sfp show} & prints all \codeHook{sfp} transceivers stored in database\\
& \\
\code{sfp match} & prints the ID of a currently used \codeHook{sfp}
transceiver and tries to load the calibration parameters for it\\
& \\
\code{init erase} & erases the initialization script in Flash/EEPROM \\
& \\
\code{init add <cmd>} & adds shell command at the end of the
initialization script\\
& \\
\code{init show} & prints all commands from the script stored in Flash/EEPROM\\
& \\
\code{init boot} & executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same action is done automatically when \codeHook{wrpc} starts after resetting \codeHook{lm32})\\
& \\
\code{mac get} & prints \codeHook{wrpc}'s \codeHook{mac} address\\
& \\
\code{mac getp} & reads the persistent \codeHook{mac} address stored in Flash/EEPROM\\
& \\
\code{mac set <mac>} & sets the \codeHook{mac} address of \codeHook{wrpc}\\
& \\
\code{mac setp <mac>} & stores the persistent \codeHook{mac} address in Flash/EEPROM\\
& \\
\code{sdb} & prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside \codeHook{wrpc}\\
& \\
\code{ip get} & \\
& \\
\code{ip set <ip>} & reports or sets the IPv4 address of the \codeHook{wrpc} (only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_IP} is set at build time\\
& \\
\code{vlan} & \\
& \\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reorts or sets the active vlan used for sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
& \\
\code{w1} & List onewire devices on the bus\\
& \\
\code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}& \\
& \\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & If \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire \codeHook{eeprom} exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are decimal\\
& \\
& \\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & Get or set the constant delays in frame transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are expressed in picoseconds.\\
& \\
\code{devmem <addr>} & \\
& \\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & Read or write a 32-bit word from memory and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}.\\
& \\
\code{diag ...} & diagnostics for auxiliary clocks. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
......@@ -1770,15 +1602,15 @@ initialization script\\
\code{temp} & Report current temperatures.\\
& \\
\code{faketemp} & \\
& \\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & Read or set the three fake temperatures, used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES}.\\
& \\
\code{ltest} & \\
& \\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & Read or set the latency-test sending interval. See \link{Latency Test}.\\
& \\
\code{syslog off} & \\
& \\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & Disable or set your \textit{syslog} server. See \link{Syslog}.\\
......@@ -1791,14 +1623,14 @@ initialization script\\
\section{WRPC GUI elements}
\begin{longtable}{ p{8cm} p{6cm} }
\begin{longtable}{ p{4.5cm} p{10cm} }
\code{TAI Time:} & current state of device's local clock \\
& \\
\code{RX:} / \code{TX:} & Rx/Tx packets counters\\
& \\
\code{mode:} & operation mode of the \codeHook{wr ptp core} - \code{<WR Master, WR Slave>}\\
& \\
\code{< Locked, NoLock >} & SoftPLL lock state\\
& \\
......@@ -1808,7 +1640,7 @@ initialization script\\
\code{Phase tracking:} & is phase tracking enabled when \codeHook{wr} Slave is
synchronized to \codeHook{wr} Master - \code{<ON, OFF>}\\
& \\
\code{Synchronization source:} & network interface name from which \codeHook{wr}
daemon gets synchronization - \code{<wru1>}\\
& \\
......@@ -1873,14 +1705,15 @@ This \textit{mcs} file already includes both \codeHook{sdbfs} image and FPGA bit
In case of a custom gateware or hardware, you can download a standalone
\codeHook{sdbfs} image:
# wget
$ wget
and generate a custom \textit{*.mcs} file with your own FPGA bitstream. You should
use the following layout:
\begin{longtable}{ p{3cm} p{6cm} }
\begin{longtable}{ l l }
\code{0x000000} & your FPGA bitstream \\
\code{0x170000} & \codeHook{sdbfs} image\\
For example, to generate the \textit{*.mcs} file for M25P32 Flash on \codeHook{spec}, the
following \textit{promgen} parameters should be used:
......@@ -1890,7 +1723,7 @@ promgen -w -spi -p mcs -c FF -s 32768 -u 0 <your_bitstream>.bit \
After that, you can use the Xilinx JTAG cable and Xilinx ISE Impact tool to
write your \textit{output.mcs} file to the Flash memory.
% ##########################################################################
\label{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
\section{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
......@@ -1903,11 +1736,10 @@ supports the names \textit{pll}, \textit{fifo} (the circular log described
above), \textit{ppg}, \textit{ppi}, \textit{servo\_state}, and \textit{ds}. The last name
refers to the PTP data sets, and for this the pointer needed is
\texttt{ppg} (ppsi global data).
This is an example:
# ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
$ ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
servo_state at 0x15798
if_name: ""
......@@ -1934,17 +1766,13 @@ it needs a special endian conversion. With current \textit{wrpc} it is
autodetected, but if you dump an older binary you'll need to set the
\texttt{WRPC\_SPEC} environment variable (to any value you like) to properly
access the PCI memory or a dump taken from PCI:
# export WRPC_SPEC=y
$ export WRPC_SPEC=y
# WRPC_SPEC=y ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
$ WRPC_SPEC=y ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
This is not needed if the dump is retrieved using Etherbone.
% ##########################################################################
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