Commit 589194b6 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: readline-dev package note

parent b5d556de
......@@ -388,6 +388,11 @@ synthesized in section \ref{HDL synthesis}. You can skip this section, unless
you need to make some custom changes to the LM32 software and compile it
\textbf{Note:} To compile also the host tools that come with this software
package you will need a \emph{readline-dev} library. In some Linux distributions
you would have to install it manually. E.g. in Ubuntu, please install
\emph{libreadline-dev} package.\\
First, you need to download and unpack the LM32 toolchain from the location
mentioned in section \ref{Repositories and Releases}. The following example
uses 32bit version of a toolchain. If you encounter problems running it, please
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