Commit 646eb7e8 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

hdldoc: update wrpc interfaces description

parent 5c66fba6
\subsection{Auxiliary diagnostics interface}
Auxiliary diagnostics interface can be used if a user would like to benefit from
the WR PTP Core diagnostics capabilities to export some registers from his/her
IP core. The interface consists of two 32-bit \texttt{std\_logic\_vector}
arrays. User-defined registers that are to be read from the WRPC SNMP agent (SNMP
GET requests), should be connected to the \texttt{aux\_diag\_i} vector.
User-defined values that are written from the WRPC SNMP agent (SNMP SET
requests) will be available in the \texttt{aux\_diag\_o} vector.
Two VHDL generics \texttt{g\_diag\_id} and \texttt{g\_diag\_ver} are used to let
the user uniquely identify given application (user-defined set of registers)
to match it with appropriate, custom SNMP MIB file.
\subsection{GPIO/UART/I2C/1-Wire interfaces}
\subsection{GPIO/UART/I2C/1-Wire/SPI interfaces}
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Several hardware peripherals can be connected to the White Rabbit PTP Core. It has a UART, 1-Wire
and two $I^2C$ interfaces implemented inside. The $I^2C$ connection to the SFP module is used to
read its Part ID, while the external EEPROM stores calibration values for each supported SFP
together with an initialization script. That script is executed every time the WRPC is powered on
and can contain instructions to automatically match the SFP's Part ID with the EEPROM content and
load appropriate calibration values. The SFP presence indicator is mandatory and has to be
connected. Otherwise, the WRPC won't be able to operate properly (without knowing whether the SFP
transceiver is actually inserted).
Furthermore, a 1-Wire digital thermometer provides on-board temperature, but also its unique ID is
used to calculate default MAC address of the physical Ethernet interface. The UART interface
provides a user shell that can be used to interact with the White Rabbit PTP Core. More detailed
description of the WRPC shell can be found in the \emph{White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual -
Building and Running} \cite{wrpc_man}.
Several hardware peripherals can be connected to the White Rabbit PTP Core. It
\item UART - provides access to the WR PTP Core user shell
\item 1-Wire - access to a digital thermometer for an on-board temperature and
unique ID (used to generate a default MAC address of the WR port)
\item SFP $I^2C$ - access to the SFP EEPROM, to read its ID and math with the
calibration values
\item SPI - access to the Flash memory, used to store calibration
parameters and init script
\item EEPROM $I^2C$ - [optional] access to the EEPROM memory, used to store
calibration parameters and init script - currently SPI Flash is the
preferred storage, however, EEPROM can still be used if needed.
......@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ Section~\ref{sec:hdl_board_spec}).
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