Commit 6597be52 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

Merge branch 'doc-update' into proposed_master

parents 29652b3b d57692f1
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# Copyright 1994,2000,2010,2011 Alessandro Rubini <>
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% editor of mine. If you want ASCII, you should "make wrpc.txt".
% This is not a conventional info file...
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@documentlanguage en
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@settitle White Rabbit PTP Core
@end iftex
@paragraphindent none
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@setchapternewpage off
@set update-month December 2015
@set release __RELEASE_GIT_ID__
@set version 3.0
@set tagname wrpc-v3.0
@c WARNING: in @example I Can't use @value{tagname}, so please look for this
@c string when updating the document.
@title White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual
@subtitle @value{update-month} (@value{release})
@subtitle Building and Running
@author Grzegorz Daniluk (CERN BE-CO-HT)
@end titlepage
@headings single
@c ##########################################################################
@end iftex
@c ##########################################################################
@node Top
@top Introduction
This is the user manual for the White Rabbit PTP Core, part of the White
Rabbit project. It describes the building and running process. If you don't
want to get your hands dirty and prefer to use the binaries available at
@uref{} please skip
@ref{Building the Core} and move forward directly to
@ref{Running and Configuring}.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Software and hardware requirements
@chapter Software and hardware requirements
@c ==========================================================================
@node Repositories and Releases
@section Repositories and Releases
This manual is about the official @value{release} stable release of the White
Rabbit PTP Core (@sc{wrpc}).
The code and documentation for the project is distributed in the
following places:
@table @code
hosts the pdf documentation for every official release.
place where you can find a synthesized bitstream, ready to be downloaded to
SPEC, for every stable release
@item git://
read-only repository with complete HDL sources of the @sc{wrpc}
@item git://
read-only repository with the @sc{wrpc} @sc{lm32} software
@end table
Other tools useful for building and running the @sc{wrpc} can be downloaded from
the following locations:
@table @code
@item git://
@i{hdlmake} is used in the HDL synthesis process to create a Makefile based
on the set of Manifest files.
@sc{lm32} toolchain used to compile the @sc{wrpc} software
@end table
Repositories containing the @sc{wrpc} gateware and software (@i{wr-cores},
@i{wrpc-sw}) are tagged with @code{@value{tagname}} tag. Other tools
used to build the core and load it into @sc{spec} board should be used in their
newest stable releases.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Required hardware
@section Required hardware
The absolute minimum to run the @sc{wr ptp core} is a PC computer with
Linux and a Simple PCIe @sc{fmc} Carrier
(@sc{spec}) - @uref{}. However, it is highly
recommended to use also the @sc{dio} @sc{fmc} card (@uref{})
to be able to feed 1-PPS and 10MHz from external clock and output 1-PPS aligned
to the WR time. To test the White Rabbit synchronization, you will also need:
@item another @sc{spec} board with a @sc{dio} @sc{fmc} or a White Rabbit Switch;
@item pair of @sc{wr}-supported @sc{sfp} transceivers (the list of supported
@sc{sfp}s can be found on our wiki page @uref{})
@item a roll of G652, single mode fiber to connect your @sc{spec}s or @sc{spec}
with a @sc{wr} Switch.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@node Building the Core
@chapter Building the Core
@b{Note:} you can skip this chapter if you want to use the release binaries
available from @i{}.
@sp 1
Building the core is a two step process. First you have to
synthesize the FPGA firmware (gateware) and then compile the software which
will be executed by the @sc{lm32} soft-core processor. If you don't need to
modify the @sc{lm32} software, you can skip the compilation stage since
synthesized gateware already embeds the default software for the release.
@c ==========================================================================
@node HDL synthesis
@section HDL synthesis
Before running the synthesis process you have to make sure your environment is
set up correctly. You need a Xilinx ISE software with at least a WebPack
license. @i{ISE} provides a set of scripts: @i{},
@i{settings32.csh}, @i{} and @i{settings64.csh} that configure all
the system variables required by the Xilinx software. Depending on a shell you
use and whether your Linux is 32 or 64-bits you should execute one of them
before the other tools are used. For 64-bit system and BASH shell you should
@end example
The easiest way to ensure that @i{ISE}-related variables are always set in your
shell is adding the execution of the script to your @i{bash.rc} file. You can
check if the shell is configured correctly by verifying if the @i{$XILINX}
variable contains path to your @i{ISE} installation directory.
@b{Note:} current version of @i{hdlmake} tool developed at CERN requires
modification of @i{$XILINX} variable after @i{settings} script execution.
This (provided that the installation path for @i{ISE} is /opt/Xilinx/<version>)
should be the following:
$ export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
@end example
@b{Note:} the Xilinx project file included in the @sc{wrpc} sources was created
with Xilinx ISE 14.5. It is however recommended to use the newest available
version of the ISE software.
@sp 1
HDL sources for the @sc{wr ptp core} could be synthesized using Xilinx ISE without
any additional tools, but using @i{hdlmake} is more convenient. It creates a
synthesis Makefile and ISE project file based on a set of files
deployed among the directories inside the @i{wr-cores} repository.
First, please clone the @i{hdlmake} repository from its location given in
@ref{Repositories and Releases}:
$ wget
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/hdl-make
$ cd <your_location>/hdl-make
$ git checkout 9d303ee
@end example
Then, using your favorite editor, you should create an @i{hdlmake} script in
/usr/bin to be able to call it from any directory. The script should have the
following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python2.7 /path_to_hdlmake_sources/hdl-make/hdlmake/ $@@
@end smallexample
After that, you should make your script executable:
chmod a+x /usr/bin/hdlmake
@end example
@sp 1
Having Xilinx ISE software and @i{hdlmake} in place, you can clone the main
@sc{wr ptp core} git repository and start building the FPGA bitstream.
First, please create a local copy of the @i{wr-cores}:
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wr-cores
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores
@end example
To build the gateware using sources of a stable release @value{tagname}, you
have to checkout the proper git tag:
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.0
@end example
If you use @i{wr-cores} within another project (like @i{wr-nic}), you may need
to check out another release tag for this repository. Please refer to the
project's documentation to find out which version of this package you need to
You also need to fetch other git repositories containing modules instantiated
inside the @sc{wr ptp core} HDL. They are configured as git submodules:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
@end example
The local copies of the submodules are stored to:
@end example
@sp 1
The subdirectory which contains the main synthesis for @sc{spec} board
and in which you should perform the whole process is:
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/
@end example
First, please call @i{hdlmake} to create synthesis Makefile for Xilinx
$ hdlmake
@end example
After that, the actual synthesis is just the matter of executing:
$ make
@end example
This takes (depending on your computer speed) about 15 minutes and should create
two files with FPGA firmware: @i{spec_top.bit} and @i{spec_top.bin}. The
former can be downloaded to FPGA with Xilinx Platform Cable using e.g.
@i{Xilinx Impact}. The latter can be used with kernel drivers from the
@i{spec-sw} repository (check example in @ref{Running and Configuring}).
@sp 1
If, on the other hand, you would like to clean-up the repository and rebuild
everything from scratch you can use the following commands:
@item @i{$ make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
@item @i{$ make mrproper} - removes spec_top.bin and spec_top.bit files;
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node LM32 software compilation
@section LM32 software compilation
@b{Note:} By default, the @sc{lm32} software for a stable release is embedded
inside the FPGA bitstream you've downloaded from @i{} or synthesized in
the previous step. This means you don't have to do a manual compilation of the
@sc{lm32} software unless you want to use a development version or you've made
some changes required by your application.
@sp 1
To compile the @sc{lm32} software for the White Rabbit @sc{ptp} Core you will
need to download and unpack the @sc{lm32} toolchain from the location mentioned
in @ref{Repositories and Releases}:
$ wget
$ tar xJf lm32.tar.xz -C <your_lm32_location>
@end example
Then you need to set a @t{CROSS_COMPILE} variable in order
to compile the software for the @sc{lm32} processor:
$ export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_lm32_location>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-"
@end example
To get the sources of the @sc{wrpc} software please clone the @i{wrpc-sw} git
repository tagged with @value{tagname} tag. If you use @sc{wrpc} within another
project, you may need to checkout a different tag or a specific commit. If this
applies, please refer to a documentation for this project.
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wrpc-sw
$ cd <your_location>/wrpc-sw
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.0 # or "git checkout master"
@end smallexample
Before you can compile @i{wrpc-sw} you need to make a few configuration choices.
The package uses @i{Kconfig} as a configuration engine, so you may run one of the
following commnads (the first is text-mode, the second uses a KDE GUI
and the third uses a Gnome GUI):
$ make menuconfig
$ make xconfig
$ make gconfig
@end example
Other @i{Kconfig} target applies, like @code{config}, @code{oldconfig}
and so on. A few default known-good configurations are found in
@file{./configs} and you choose one by @i{make}ing it by name:
$ make spec_defconfig
@end example
The most important configuration choice at this point in time is
whether to enable Etherbone or not. It is disabled by default in
@code{spec_defconfig} and enabled by default in
After the package is configured, just run @code{make} without
parameters to build your binary file:
$ make
@end example
The first time you build, the @i{Makefile} automatically downloads
the @i{git submodules} of this package, unless you already did that
by hand. The second and later build won't download anything
from the network.
The resulting binary @i{wrc.bin} can be then used with the loader from
@i{spec-sw} software package to program the @sc{lm32} inside the White Rabbit @sc{ptp}
Core (@ref{Running and Configuring}).
@c ##########################################################################
@node Running and Configuring
@chapter Running and Configuring
@c ==========================================================================
@node Downloading firmware to SPEC
@section Downloading firmware to SPEC
For this step you will need a @sc{spec} board software support package
(@sc{spec-sw}) from @i{}. It is a set of Linux kernel drivers and
userspace tools, that interact with a @sc{spec} board plugged into PCI-Express
Instructions in this section are based on a development version of @sc{spec-sw}
so if a stable release more recent than @i{2014-02} is available, you should
use it instead.
If there is a more recent version of the @sc{spec} software support, the
up-to-date documentation can always be found in @i{doc/} subdirectory of
@sc{spec-sw} git repository.
@sp 1
First, please clone the git repository of @sc{spec-sw} package and build it:
$ git clone git:// <your_specsw_location>
$ cd <your_specsw_location>
$ git checkout c0e18a7
$ make
@end smallexample
Then you should copy your @i{spec_top.bin} generated in @ref{HDL synthesis} or
downloaded from the @i{ohwr} to /lib/firmware/fmc/. changing its
@b{Note:} the commands below have to be executed with superuser rights
$ sudo cp <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/spec_top.bin \
@end example
You have to download also the "golden" firmware for @sc{spec} card. It is used by
the drivers to recognize the hardware:
$ wget
$ sudo mv spec-init.bin-2015-09-18 /lib/firmware/fmc/spec-init.bin
@end example
Now you can load the drivers necessary to access @sc{spec} board from your
$ sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc.ko
$ sudo insmod kernel/spec.ko
@end example
By default, when loading the @i{spec.ko} driver FPGA gets programmed with
the "golden" bitstream. Starting from version 3.0, @sc{wr ptp core} uses a flash
memory chip on the carrier as a default place for storing the calibration
parameters and the init script. Also the storage format of this information is
now better organised in the files of the @sc{sdbfs} filesystem. Therefore,
starting from v3.0 you have to write the @sc{sdbfs} filesystem image to the
flash before running the @sc{wr ptp core}. You can download the image from our
project page:
$ wget
@end example
It contains all the files required by the @sc{wr ptp core}. They are empty, but
have to exist in the @sc{sdbfs} structure to be written later as described in
@ref{Writing configuration}. To store the filesystem image in flash, please
execute the following command:
$ sudo tools/flash-write -b 0x20 -c 0x0 0 1507712 < \
@end example
@b{Note:} The @code{-b} parameter takes the PCI bus address of the SPEC. This
can be found either in the list of the PCI devices installed in the system
(@code{lspci}) or in the kernel messages (@code{dmesg}) when inserting the
spec.ko module. See the example below on loading the FPGA code. We see that the
second number in the colon/dotted notation provides the argument in the example
@b{Note:} Please refer to @ref{Writing @sc{sdbfs} image in standalone configuration}
for instructions on how to write the @sc{sdbfs} image to a standalone @sc{spec}
or custom hardware.
@sp 1
Now, you are ready to load the last driver, which downloads the actual
@sc{wr ptp core} bitstream to the Spartan 6 FPGA:
$ sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc-trivial.ko gateware=fmc/spec-3.0.bin
@end example
You can use the @i{dmesg} Linux command to verify if the FPGA firmware file was
loaded into the FPGA. Among plenty of messages you should be able to find
something very similar to:
[1275526.738895] spec 0000:20:00.0: probe for device 0020:0000
[1275526.738906] spec 0000:20:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[1275526.738913] spec 0000:20:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[1275526.743102] spec 0000:20:00.0: got file "fmc/spec-init.bin", 1485236 (0x16a9b4) bytes
[1275526.934710] spec 0000:20:00.0: FPGA programming successful
[1275527.296754] spec 0000:20:00.0: mezzanine 0
[1275527.296756] Manufacturer: CERN
[1275527.296757] Product name: FmcDio5cha
[1275593.973147] fmc FmcDio5cha-2000: Driver has no ID: matches all
[1275593.973177] spec 0000:20:00.0: reprogramming with fmc/spec-3.0.bin
[1275594.168249] spec 0000:20:00.0: FPGA programming successful
@end smallexample
If everything went right up to this moment you have your board running the FPGA
bitstream with a default @sc{lm32} software. If you want to load your own
@i{wrc.bin} built from the @i{wrpc-sw} repository you can use the @i{spec-cl}
$ sudo tools/spec-cl <your_location>/wrpc-sw/wrc.bin
@end example
@sp 1
Now you should be able to start a Virtual-UART tool (also part of the
@sc{spec-sw} package) that will be used to interact with the @sc{wr ptp core}
$ sudo tools/spec-vuart
@end example
If you are able to see the @sc{wrpc} Shell prompt @i{wrc#} this means the Core
is up and running on your @sc{spec}. Congratulations !
@c ==========================================================================
@node Writing configuration
@section Writing configuration
First, you should perform a few configuration steps through the @sc{wrpc} shell
before using the core.
@b{Note:} the examples below describe only a subset of the @sc{wrpc} Shell
commands. The full list of supported commands can be found in
@ref{WRPC Shell commands}.
@sp 1
Before making the configuration changes, it is good to stop the @sc{ptp} daemon.
Then, debug messages from the daemon will not show up to the console while you
interact with the shell.
wrc# ptp stop
@end example
@sp 1
First you should make sure your board has a proper @sc{mac} address assigned:
wrc# mac get
@end example
If the result of above command is @t{MAC-address: 22:33:ww:xx:yy:zz}, this means
@sc{mac} was not yet configured and stored in the Flash/EEPROM. The value is
based on thermometer serial number as is unique among SPEC devices,
globally accepted as ``locally assigned'', but you might want to assign your own address. A value @t{22:33:44:55:66:77} is the final fallback if no
thermometer is found (very unlikely). You should get
the @sc{mac} for your board from its manufacturer. To configure the address and
store it into the Flash/EEPROM (so that it's automatically loaded every time the
@sc{wrpc} starts) you should type two commands in the @sc{wrpc} shell:
wrc# mac set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
wrc# mac setp xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
@end example
where @t{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx} is the @sc{mac} address of your board.
@sp 1
Next you should create a calibration database with fixed delays values and
alpha parameters. The example below presents the @sc{wrpc} Shell commands that
clear all previous entries and add two Axcen transceivers with deltaTx, deltaRx
and alpha parameters associated with them.
wrc# sfp erase
wrc# sfp add AXGE-1254-0531 180625 148451 72169888
wrc# sfp add AXGE-3454-0531 180625 148451 -73685416
@end example
To check the content of the @sc{sfp} database you can execute the @i{sfp show} shell
@b{Note:} The deltaTx and deltaRx parameters above are the defaults for
@value{tagname} release bitstream available on @i{}, running on
@sc{spec} v4 board and calibrated to port 1 of a @sc{wr} Switch v3.3. These
values as well as the parameters for the @sc{wr} Switch are available on the
calibration wiki page
(@i{}). However, if
you re-synthesize the firmware or want to have the most accurate estimation of
the fixed delays and alpha for your fiber, you should read and perform the
@sc{wr} Calibration procedure (@i{}).
@sp 1
The @sc{wr ptp core} mode of operation (GrandMaster/Master/Slave) can be set
using the @i{mode} command:
wrc# mode gm # for GrandMaster mode
wrc# mode master # for Master mode
wrc# mode slave # for Slave mode
@end example
This stops the @sc{ptp} daemon, changes the mode of operation, but does not
start it automatically. Therefore, after calling it, you need to restart the
daemon manually:
wrc# ptp start
@end example
@b{Note:} For running the GrandMaster mode, you need to provide 1-PPS and 10MHz
signal from an external source (e.g. GPS receiver or Cesium clock). Please
connect 1-PPS signal to the LEMO connector No.4 and 10MHz to the LEMO connector
No.5 on the @sc{fmc} @sc{dio} mezzanine board.
@sp 1
One option is to type all the commands to initialize the @sc{wrpc} software to
the required state every time the Core starts. However, you can also write your
own initialization script to the Flash/EEPROM. It will be executed every time
the @sc{wrpc} software starts. A simple script that loads the calibration
parameters, configures the @sc{wr} mode to Slave and starts the @sc{ptp} daemon
is presented below:
wrc# init erase
wrc# init add ptp stop
wrc# init add sfp match
wrc# init add mode slave
wrc# init add ptp start
@end example
Almost exactly the same one can be used for running @sc{wrpc} in the GrandMaster
or Master mode. The only difference would be changing the
@i{init add mode slave} line to @i{init add mode gm} or
@i{init add mode master}.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Running the Core
@section Running the Core
Having the @sc{sfp} database, and the init script created in @ref{Writing
configuration} you can restart the @sc{wr ptp core} by reprogramming the
@sc{lm32} software (with @i{spec-cl} tool) or by typing the shell command:
wrc# init boot
@end example
You should see log messages that confirm the execution of the initialization
executing: ptp stop
PTP stop
executing: sfp match
SFP matched, dTx=180707 dRx=148323 alpha=-73685416
executing: mode slave
PTP stop
Locking PLL
executing: ptp start
PTP start
Slave Only, clock class set to 255
@end example
Now you should have the @sc{wr ptp core} running in @sc{wr} Slave mode.
@sc{wrpc} needs to make a calibration of t24p phase transition value. It has to
be done only once for a new bitstream and is performed automatically when
@sc{wrpc} runs in the Slave mode. That is why it is very important, even if
@sc{wrpc} is meant to run in the Master mode, to configure it to Slave for a
moment and connect to any @sc{wr} Master. This has to be repeated every time
a new bitstream (gateware) is deployed. The measured value is automatically
stored to Flash/EEPROM and used later in the Master or GrandMaster mode.
The Shell also contains a monitoring function which you can use to check the
@sc{wr} synchronization status:
wrc# gui
@end example
The information is presented in a clear, auto-refreshing screen. The
information is refreshed at every WR iteration or periodically if
nothing else happens (so you see an up-to-date timestamp). The period
defaults to 1 second and can be changed using the @i{refresh} command. To exit from
this console mode press <Esc>. A full description of the information reported
by gui is provided in @ref{WRPC GUI elements}.
@b{Note:} the @i{Synchronization status} and @i{Timing parameters} in @i{gui}
are available only in the @sc{wr} Slave mode. When running as @sc{wr} Master, you
would be able to see only the current date and time, link status, Tx and Rx
packet counters, lock and calibration status.
@sp 1
@center @image{wrpc_mon, 12cm,,wrpc sync monitor}
@sp 1
If you want to log statistics from the @sc{wrpc} operation, it's probably
better to use the @i{stat} shell command. It reports the same information as GUI
but in a single long line, a form which is easier to parse and analyze:
wrc# stat
lnk:1 rx:416 tx:118 lock:1 sv:1 ss:'TRACK_PHASE' aux:0 sec:94197 \
nsec:793068184 mu:836241 dms:400556 dtxm:10 drxm:163610 dtxs:0 drxs:128400 \
asym:35129 crtt:544221 cko:-5 setp:7667 hd:61479 md:37221 ad:65000 ucnt:101 \
temp: 45.6875 C
lnk:1 rx:417 tx:119 lock:1 sv:1 ss:'TRACK_PHASE' aux:0 sec:94198 \
nsec:293076296 mu:836253 dms:400562 dtxm:10 drxm:163610 dtxs:0 drxs:128400 \
asym:35129 crtt:544233 cko:-4 setp:7663 hd:61485 md:37259 ad:65000 ucnt:102 \
temp: 45.6875 C
@end example
@sp 1
Unlike @i{gui}, the @i{stat} command runs asynchronously: you can still
issue shell commands while stats are running (this is different from
earlier @t{wrpc-sw} releases). You can stop statistics by running @i{stat} again.
As an alternative to the toggling action of @i{stat} alone, you can
use ``@i{stat 1}'' or ``@i{stat 0}''.
Statistics are printed every time the WR servo runs; thus no statistics
are reported when the node is running in master mode, nor when your node
is running as slave and the master disappeared.
@sp 1
If you have a @sc{dio} mezzanine board plugged to your @sc{spec}, you can verify
the synchronization performance by observing the offset between 1-PPS signals
from the @sc{wr} Master and @sc{wr} Slave. The @sc{wr ptp core} generates 1-PPS
signal on the LEMO connector No. 1. Please remember to use oscilloscope cables
of the same length and type (with the same delay), or take their delay
difference into account in your measurements.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Diagnostics via SNMP
@section Diagnostics via SNMP
Up to the version 3.1 of @sc{wrpc} the only way to perform diagnostics
of the @t{wrpc-sw} was to use serial console with tools like @i{gui}, @i{stat},
etc. For some set-ups, like standalone node, it is very inconvenient to use
external console for diagnostics.
From the version 3.1 of @sc{wrpc} it is possible to include the @i{Mini
SNMP responder}, which allows to perform remote diagnostics using @i{SNMP} via
a port connected to the @i{Write Rabbit} network.
The configuration file of @sc{wrpc} contains the following
SNMP-related options:
@item @t{CONFIG_SNMP} -- include the @i{Mini SNMP responder} into @sc{wrpc}
@item @t{CONFIG_SNMP_SET} -- enable the support of SNMP @i{SET} packets
@item @t{CONFIG_SNMP_VERBOSE} -- enable verbose output from the @i{Mini SNMP
responder} on the @sc{wrpc}'s console
@end itemize
The MIB file describing @sc{wrpc}'s OIDs can be found in the @t{lib} directory
of the @t{wrpc-sw} repo.
So far, the @i{Mini SNMP responder} supports version 1 and a subset of version
2c of the SNMP protocol.
The following types of requests are supported:
@itemize @bullet
@item GET -- get value of a given OID
@item GETNEXT -- get value of a next OID after the given OID (this is used
for @t{snmpwalk}s)
@item SET -- change the value of a given OID (so far used only for adding
SFP's to the database and PTP restarts)
@end itemize
The @i{Mini SNMP responder} does not support:
@itemize @bullet
@item bulk requests packets (GETBULK)
@item more than one OID in the request packet
@item @t{trap} and @t{inform} packets
@item encryption
@item authentication
@item SNMPv2c return error types; all returned error types follows SNMPv1
@end itemize
To make examples more readable, listings below use @t{SNMP_OPT} environment
variable. Make sure you set it properly in your shell.
$ SNMP_OPT="-c public -v 2c -m WR-WRPC-MIB -M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib \"
@end example
@itemize @bullet
@item @t{-c public} -- sets SNMP community as "@i{public}"
@item @t{-v 2c} -- specifies SNMP version
@item @t{-m WR-WRPC-MIB} -- specifies MIBs to be loaded
@item @t{-M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib} -- contains path to MIBs in the host
system (@t{/var/lib/mibs/ietf}) and path to @t{WR-WRPC-MIB} (@t{lib});
on Debian-like systems default MIBs can be downloaded using
@t{download-mibs} command (package @t{snmp-mibs-downloader}); on
CentOS and RedHat MIBs are included in the @t{libsmi} package
@item @t{} -- the IP address of the target board
@end itemize
For example, to get the system uptime please execute the @t{snmpget} command:
$ snmpget $SNMP_OPT wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0
@end example
To get dump of all available OIDs please execute the @t{snmpwalk} command:
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcCore
@end example
Part of the @t{snmpwalk}'s output:
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionHwType.0 = STRING: spec
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwVersion.0 = STRING: wrpc-v3.0-251-g14e952e
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwBuildBy.0 = STRING: Adam Wujek
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwBuildDate.0 = STRING: Jun 7 2016 18:12:24
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeTAI.0 = Counter64: 1465375022
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeTAIString.0 = STRING: 2016-06-08-08:37:02
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0 = Timeticks: (18186) 0:03:01.86
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTemperatureName.1 = STRING: pcb
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTemperatureValue.1 = STRING: 38.5625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSpllMode.0 = INTEGER: slave(3)
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSpllIrqCnt.0 = Counter32: 1259605
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortSfpInDB.0 = INTEGER: inDataBase(2)
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortInternalTx.0 = Counter32: 452
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortInternalRx.0 = Counter32: 869
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
End of MIB
@end example
It is recommended to use SNMP v2c for communication with the @sc{wrpc}.
Please note that when the version 1 of SNMP is used, 64 bit counters are not
supported. This makes it impossible to read some @sc{wrpc}'s objects with
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Managing SFP database via SNMP
@subsection Managing SFP database via SNMP
The SFPs database can be displayed using the @t{sfp show} command from
the @sc{wrpc}'s console:
wrc# sfp show
1: PN:AXGE-1254-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: 72169888
2: PN:AXGE-3454-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: -73685416
@end example
The same data is exported by the @i{Mini SNMP responder} via the table
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.2 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.2 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.2 = INTEGER: -73685416
End of MIB
@end example
When the SET support is compiled into the @i{Mini SNMP responder}, it is
possible to erase or add/replace SFP entires to the SFPs database via SNMP.
Addition (or modification) of one SFP to the database can done by a row of
SNMP SETs. Firstly, please set the delta Tx (@t{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0}), the
delta Rx (@t{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0}) and the alpha (@t{wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0})
with new values.
Then, to commit the change to the SFP database, perform the SNMP SET on
the @t{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0} with the value @t{writeToFlashCurrentSfp}. It will
add/update values for the currently plugged SFP.
To add/update entries for different SFPs, please set deltas and alpha like
above, then set PN of an SFP to the @t{wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0} and commit
the change by setting @t{writeToFlashGivenSfp} to the @t{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0}.
It is also possible to update values in the memory for the current SFP.
For that, please set delta Tx, delta Rx and alpha as described above,
then set @t{writeToMemoryCurrentSfp} to the @t{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0}
Please be aware that these changes will be lost after a power cycle of a board,
soft reset of @sc{wrpc} or unplug/plug of a fiber/SFP.
Currently, after the update of SFP values in the memory, PTP is restarted.
Such restart is necessary because PTP does not support on-the-fly changes of
deltas nor alpha. It is expected that this behavior will change in the future.
If a database entry of the SFP, which is currently used was updated, it is
necessary to perform a restart of the PTP daemon
(set @t{wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0} with the value @t{restartPtp}).
Each SNMP SET of @t{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0} or @t{wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0} returns
the status of a performed action. For details please check @t{WR-WRPC-MIB}
Commands below add an SFP with PN as "@t{NEW-SFP}", delta Tx "@t{1111}",
delta Rx "@t{2222}" and alpha "@t{3333}".
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = 1111
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = INTEGER: 1111
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = 2222
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = INTEGER: 2222
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = 3333
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = INTEGER: 3333
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = NEW-SFP
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = STRING: "NEW-SFP"
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = writeToFlashGivenSfp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
@end example
In case the SFP database does not contain the currently plugged SFP, the last
@t{snmpset} command will return @t{applySuccessfulMatchFailed(101)}.
Optionally restart the PTP:
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = restartPtp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = INTEGER: restartPtpSuccessful(100)
@end example
Simple verification of performed actions:
wrc# sfp show
1: PN:AXGE-1254-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: 72169888
2: PN:AXGE-3454-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: -73685416
3: PN:NEW-SFP dTx: 1111 dRx: 2222 alpha: 3333
@end example
The same add can also be achieved by performing @t{sfp add} command in
the @sc{wrpc}'s console:
wrc# sfp add NEW-SFP 1111 2222 3333
Update existing SFP entry
3 SFPs in DB
@end example
Verify the result via SNMP:
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.2 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.3 = INTEGER: 1111
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.2 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.3 = INTEGER: 2222
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.2 = INTEGER: -73685416
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.3 = INTEGER: 3333
End of MIB
@end example
It is also possible to erase the SFPs database via SNMP (equivalent of
the @t{sfp erase} command):
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = eraseFlash
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
@end example
To verify that database is empty:
wrc# sfp show
SFP database empty
@end example
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Adding new objects to the SNMP
@subsection Adding new objects to the SNMP
The @i{Mini SNMP responder} can be easily expanded to export new objects.
Values of new objects can come from @sc{wrpc}'s variables or other HDL modules
as long as there is a proper interface to the @sc{wrpc} to read these values.
This section contains the instruction how to export new objects with
the given variables' content.
The @i{Mini SNMP responder} internally divides all OIDs into two parts.
The first part is called @i{limb}. The @i{limb} part of the incoming OID is
matched by a function @t{snmp_respond}, with the defined @i{limb} parts of OIDs
in the structure @t{oid_limb_array}.
When the @i{limb} part is matched then the corresponding function from
the structure @t{oid_limb_array} is called to try to match the second part of
OID (the @i{twig} part).
The example below adds to the @i{Mini SNMP responder} an @t{int32_t} variable
(@t{example_i32var}) with OID @t{} and a string
(@t{example_string}) with OID @t{}.
Before assigning new OIDs in your projects please contact the maintainer of
@t{wrpc-sw} repo to avoid conflicts.
@item First declare @t{example_i32var} and @t{example_string}:
static int32_t example_i32var;
static char example_string[] = "test string";
@end smallexample
@item Define the @i{limb} part of the OID:
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleGroup[] = {0x2B,6,1,4,1,96,101,99};
@end smallexample
@item Define the @i{twig} part of the OID:
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleV1[] = {1,0};
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleV2[] = {2,0};
@end smallexample
@item Add a group definition to the @t{struct snmp_oid_limb oid_limb_array}.
Please note that this structure has to be sorted by ascending OIDs.
OID_LIMB_FIELD(oid_wrpcExampleGroup, func_group, oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup),
@end smallexample
The macro @t{OID_LIMB_FIELD} takes the following arguments:
@itemize @bullet
@item @t{oid_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array with the @i{limb} part of the
@item @t{func_group} -- a function to be called when the @i{limb} part of
the OID is matched; this function will try to match the @i{twig} part
of the OID within a table or a group.
@item @t{oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array of @i{twig} parts of OIDs
@end itemize
@item Declare a previously used @t{oid_wrpcExampleGroup}. Please note that
this structure has to be sorted by ascending @i{twig} part of OIDs.
static struct snmp_oid oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup[] = {
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcExampleV1, get_p, set_p, ASN_INTEGER, &example_i32var),
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcExampleV2, get_p, set_p, ASN_OCTET_STR, &example_string),
{ 0, }
@end smallexample
The macro @t{OID_FIELD_VAR} takes the following arguments:
@itemize @bullet
@item @t{oid_wrpcExampleV1} -- an array with @i{twig} part of the OID
@item @t{get_p} (or @t{get_pp)} -- a function to be called when @i{twig}
part of the OID is matched for SNMP GET requests;
@item @t{set_p} (or @t{set_pp)} -- a function to be called when a @i{twig}
part of the OID is matched for SNMP SET requests; if no SET
functionality is planned, please use NULL
@item @t{ASN_INTEGER, ASN_OCTET_STR} -- type of the OID; please
check the source for other possible types
@item @t{&example_i32var, &example_string} -- addresses to the data in
@end itemize
In case the address of variables is not known at boot, it is possible to define
a pointer to the variable which will be initialized (e.g. in the @t{snmp_init}
the function) at the boot time. In that case function @t{get_pp} (@t{set_pp}) has
to be used instead of @t{get_p} (@t{set_p}). For variables that are a part of
a structure and have to be accessed via a pointer, a macro @t{OID_FIELD_STRUCT}
is available.
For more complex extraction of variables or run-time value corrections,
it is possible to use a custom @i{get} function. It is possible to pass
a constant number to the custom function instead of an address. For example:
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcPtpServoUpdateTime, get_servo, NO_SET, ASN_COUNTER64, \
@end smallexample
@end itemize
Perform a @t{snmpwalk} to get new OIDs:
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 123432
. = STRING: "test string"
End of MIB
@end smallexample
Trying to set too long string into the @t{example_string} results in an error:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new long string"
Error in packet.
Reason: (badValue) The value given has the wrong type or length.
Failed object: .
@end smallexample
A short enough (not longer than defined @t{"test string"}) value succeeds:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new value12"
. = STRING: "new value12"
@end smallexample
Set 999 to the @t{example_i32var}:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT i 999
. = INTEGER: 999
@end smallexample
Perform @t{snmpwalk} to verify changes:
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 999
. = STRING: "new value12"
End of MIB
@end smallexample
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Mini SNMP responder's tests
@subsection Mini SNMP responder's tests
In the @t{wrpc-sw} repo, automatic tests are available to validate the @i{Mini
SNMP responder} implementation. These tests are placed in the @t{test/snmp}
They use the @t{bats} framework (@uref{}).
To run these tests, please go to @t{test/snmp} directory, then set
@t{TARGET_IP} environment varaible to the IP of your target board, then type
@t{make}. For example:
$ TARGET_IP= make
bats/libexec/bats snmp_tests_*.bats
Host up
Check the presence of snmpget
Check the presence of snmpgetnext
Check the presence of snmpwalk
Check the presence of snmpset
snmpget existing oid
snmpwalk 1.3.6 count all OIDs
100 tests, 0 failures
@end example
On the left of each test there will be a tick symbol shown or an @t{x}
depending of the test's result (not included in the example above).
Be aware that it might be necessary to clone the @t{bats} repo first.
@t{make} command will inform whether this is needed.
In case the number of OIDs changes please correct variable @t{TOTAL_NUM_OIDS}
in file @t{snmp_test_config.bash}.
These tests have to be executed after any changes are made to the @i{Mini SNMP
@c ==========================================================================
@node Other Diagnostic Tools
@section Other Diagnostic Tools
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Syslog
@subsection Syslog
The node can act as a @i{syslog} client, though only on the UDP protocol.
To activate it, you must build with @t{CONFIG_SYSLOG} and pass proper
parameters at run time.
To configure @i{syslog} you can run the @t{syslog} shell command, which
receives two parameters (@t{ipaddr} and @t{macaddr}), or the
single @t{off} subcommand.
When deploying a network of nodes, you can choose to put the @t{syslog
<ip> <mac>} command in the build-time init command. To this aim you
must activate @t{CONFIG_BUILD_INIT} and then pass your command string
as @t{CONFIG_INIT_COMMAND}. In that context, you can use ``@t{;}'' as
a command separator, as no newlines are permitted in @t{Kconfig}
The strings that a WR node sends to the @i{syslog} server are always
using the format: ``@t{<}@i{level}@t{>} @i{Jan 01 00:00:00 msg}''
where @i{level} is usually 14 (type ``user'', priority ``info'')
and @i{msg} is a free-format message strings.
The @i{syslog} client sends strings to the server in the following
@table @i
@item Boot time
The node sends ``@t{(ma:ca:dd:rr:ee:ss) Node up since} @i{X}
@t{seconds}'' as soon as the network link is up and the @i{syslog}
server is configured with the shell command or init script.
The message is re-sent, with an updated uptime value, if you change
the @i{syslog} server parameters.
@item Link up after link down
The message is ``@t{"Link up after} @i{2.345} @t{s}''. The
time printed is the duration of the link-down interval just
passed -- no lost-by-design message is sent at link-down time. The
message is not sent the first time the link goes up, because
the boot message is already there.
@item Synchronization, first time
When the node reaches WR synchronization (i.e. ``track phase''
state), it sends ``@t{Tracking after} @i{5..678} @t{s}''.
The reported time is the lapse since power-on.
@item Synchronization lost
Whenever WR looses @i{track-phase} status, the node reports
@t{Lost track}.
@item Synchronization recovered
When the WR servo is in @i{track phase} state after loosing
synchronization, the node sends ``@i{45}@t{-th re-track after}
@i{23.456} @t{s}''. The time reported is the amount of time
during which the node has not been synchronized. The seconth and
thirth re-sync are reported as @t{2-th} and @t{3-th}, to make you
smile. At the @t{4-th} you should stop smiling and be concerned.
@item Temperature over threshold
The node monitors the various thermometers every few seconds.
If @t{CONFIG_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL} and related parameters are
set, any over-temperature event is reported to @i{syslog}.
If any temperature in the collected set is over threshold,
the message is ``@t{Temperature high:}'' followed by the list of
all collected temperatures. The message is repeated every
few seconds (@t{CONFIG_TEMP_HIGH_RAPPEL}, default 60)
until all temperatures are under-threshold. When temperature
is recovered the node sends ``@t{Temperature ok:}'' followed by
the current list of temperatures.
@end table
@c FIXME: syslog examples
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Latency Test
@subsection Latency Test
The configuration choice @t{CONFIG_LATENCY_PROBE} activates a
mechanism for @i{wr} nodes to measure network latency, base on the same
hardware timestamps that are used for synchronization -- the mechanism
assumes the nodes are synchronized.
@i{ltest} frames can be used to verify whether the network is
overloaded and/or has strange inconsistencies in node-to-node delays.
@i{ltest} frames use a special ethernet type, @t{CONFIG_LATENCY_ETHTYPE},
which defaults to 0x0123 (291). If @i{vlans} are active, these frames
are sent and received in the same @i{vlans} as other CPU frames.
The @t{ltest} sender periodically sends three frames, with a sequence
number. One frames is at priority 7, one is at priority 6, and one is
at priority 0. The last frames reports the departure timestamps of the
previous frames. The @i{ltest} receiver uses ingress timestamps to
measure latency and report lost frames.
Every node built with @t{CONFIG_LATENCY_PROBE} listens for frames
belonging to @t{CONFIG_LATENCY_ETHTYPE}. A single node in the
network is expected to send @i{ltest} frames; use the @t{ltest}
shell command to select how often to send an @i{ltest} tuple of three
frames. To enable sending every second use ``@t{ltest 1}'', to enable
sending every 100ms use ``@t{ltest 0 100}'', to stop sending use
@t{ltest 0}.
In the sender node, a reminder is sent to the console very 10s
reporting the node is currently sendin @i{ltest} frames. All
non-sending nodes report every minute to @i{syslog}. The
report message includes the number of samples received as well
as the minimum, average and maximum latency, in nanoseconds.
Any lost frames are reported both to the console and to @i{syslog}.
You can use @i{ltest} without @t{CONFIG_SYSLOG}. In that case the
receiver nodes print the exact latency (picosecond resolution) for
every received event.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node wrpc-dump
@subsection wrpc-dump
When trying to diagnose software issues, especially lockup situations,
it may be useful to look at the current values or critical variables
within @i{wrpc-sw}/@i{ppsi}.
To this aim, you can pass a memory image of @i{wrpc} to @t{tools/wrpc-dump}.
The tools will print information for softpll, ppsi data structures
and ptp data sets.
For example, for a @i{spec} device, you can use the resource file in
@i{syfs} to look at a live system, or copy the file for off-line
analysis. The following command line show both uses:
# Look for "resource0" in /sys/devices/pci, choose your bus number.
sudo ./tools/wrpc-dump $FILE
sudo tools/mapper $FILE 0 0x20000 > wrpc-memory-image
./tools/wrpc-dump wrpc-memory-image
@end smallexample
The @i{mapper} tool used above, and part of @i{wrpc-sw}, reads a file
using @i{mmap()}. The kernel doesn't allow plain @i{read()} from a
resource file.
@b{Note:} Data read by @t{mapper} may look like has wrong endianness comparing
to the file used for programming lm32 by @t{spec-cl}, but @t{spec-cl} is the
one which change the endianness of the binary data during the programming.
With @i{etherbone}, you can get a snapshot for @i{wrpc} memory using
@t{eb-get} and the proper address (the size is always 128kB)
eb-get dev/wbm2 0x4040000/0x20000 wrpc-memory-image
eb-get dev/ttyUSB2 0x4040000/0x20000 wrpc-memory-image
@end smallexample
We won't show the 180 output lines here, to save some paper, but they
are readable dumps of the data structures, including the PTP timestamps.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node spll Softpll Timing
@subsection Softpll Timing
To help understanding the CPU time spent in the @i{softpll}, you can
set @t{CONFIG_SPLL_FIFO_LOG} in the configuration. The option
depends on @t{CONFIG_DEVELOPER} and is disabled by default, because
it costs half a kilobyte in binary size and Adam is scared about any size
When the configuration option is set, @t{wrpc-dump} will also show
information about the last 16 @i{softpll} iterations. Both the @t{tstamp}
and @t{duration} fields come from reading the @t{PPSG} nanosecond counter.
fifo log at 0x17258
trr: 0x0126d921
tstamp: 0x06b58d6a
duration: 0x00000c7e
irq_count: 2305
tag_count: 2304
[... repeats for 5 more events ...]
@end smallexample
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Uptime Counter
@subsection Uptime Counter
@i{Wrpc-sw} now maintains an ``uptime'' counter, in seconds. It lives
at binary address 0xa0. It can be queried by @i{etherbone}, or
seen in memory maps.
In addition to know how much as the node been up, it can be used to
know roughly when a node got stuck, and whether software is still
running when a node is not active on the network. Neither of this even
happens in production, but the tool is useful during development.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Profiling
@subsection Profiling
The node now has a @i{ps} command, that shows the number of iterations
and time spent in each @i{task}. Each task reports when it did
something (as opposed to just polling the clock or network socket and
see nothing is there to do); the @i{iterations} count shouws how many
times the task did something.
wrc# ps
iterations seconds.micros name
44288501 4242.816329 idle
0 0.000000 spll-bh
37 0.016549 shell+gui
8992 1.158969 ptp
4252 0.037005 uptime
1 0.001035 check-link
0 0.000000 stats
0 0.000000 net-bh
568 5.068343 temperature
@end example
By using ``@t{ps reset}'' you can zero all counters to start a new
test run.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Pfilter rules
@subsection Pfilter rules
By setting @t{CONFIG_PFILTER_VERBOSE}, which depends on
@t{CONFIG_DEVELOPER}, you can get a dump of packet-filter rules
whenever they are activated. This happens at initialization time and
whenever you change the MAC address or @i{vlan} choice.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Network Services
@section Network Services
If built with @t{CONFIG_IP=y}, @i{wrpc-sw} implements the following
udp-based network services, in addition to @i{ptp}:
@table @i
@item bootp
The node will get an IPV4 address by making @i{bootp} queries
once per second, until it gets a reply from a server. As an
alternative, the address can be set using the shell command,
and in this case the node won't send @i{bootp} queries, or will
stop sending them.
@item rdate
The node can be queried using @t{rdate -u}, once it has an IP
@item syslog
If @t{CONFIG_SYSLOG} is set, the node is a syslog client.
See @ref{Syslog} for details.
@end table
@c ==========================================================================
@node VLAN Support
@section VLAN Support
The White Rabbit node can be configured to be vlan-aware, by setting
@t{CONFIG_VLAN} in @i{Kconfig}. The setting depends on @t{CONFIG_DEVELOPER}.
If configured for @i{vlan} support, the node select packet-filter rules
to receive frames in several @i{vlan}s, all set at configuration time.
At run time you can use @t{vlan off} in the shell to turn off all @i{vlan}
processing and get back to the ``standard'' packet-filter rules.
@table @code
This is the top-level choice. It can be enabled or disabled.
If disabled, the following values default to 0 and the
packet filter will discard all tagged frames.
The default @i{vlan} number for the CPU. All network traffic
directed to (and originating from)the @i{lm32} processor will
belong to this @i{vlan}. The value can be changed at run time
using the @t{vlan} shell command.
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to two specific @i{vlans} to class 7, usually @i{etherbone}.
To deliver one @i{vlan} only, set the two options to the same
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to one specific @i{vlan} to class 6, usually routed to the
@i{streamer} or @i{nic} logic blocks.
@end table
@c ##########################################################################
@node Troubleshooting
@chapter Troubleshooting
@b{My computer hangs on loading spec.ko or fmc-trivial.ko driver.}
This will occur when you try to load the driver while your @i{spec-vuart} is
running and trying to get messages from Virtual-UART's registers inside the
@sc{wrpc}. Please remember to quit @i{spec-vuart} before reloading the driver.
@sp 1
@b{I want to synthesize @sc{wrpc} but hdlmake does nothing, just quits without any
Please check if you have the Xilinx ISE-related system variables set correctly
(@i{} script provided by Xilinx sets them) and make sure you have
overwritten the @i{$XILINX} variable to:
$ export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
@end example
or similar, if your installation folder differs from default.
@sp 1
@b{@sc{wr ptp core} seems to work but I observe on my oscilloscope that the offset
between 1-PPS signals from @sc{wr} Master and @sc{wr} Slave is more than 1 ns.}
If you're trying to synchronize the @sc{spec} board to @sc{wr} Switch please remember to
read the document and perform the @sc{wr} Calibration to find out the values of
deltaRx and deltaTx for your firmware. Check if the oscilloscope cables you use
have the same delays (or take the delay difference into account in your
@c ##########################################################################
@node Questions, reporting bugs
@chapter Questions, reporting bugs
If you have found a bug, you have problems with the @sc{wr ptp core} or one
of the tools used to build and run it, you can write to our mailing list
@c ##########################################################################
@node WRPC Shell commands
@appendix WRPC Shell Commands
@multitable @columnfractions .5 .5
@item @code{help} @tab lists available commands in this instance of the @sc{wrpc}
@item @code{ver} @tab prints which version of wrpc is running
@item @code{config} @tab prints the Kconfig file used to build this instance of
@sc{wrpc}. It is an optional command, enabled at build time by
@item @code{ps} @tab prints the list of running tasks (processes) in the CPU.
For each task you get the number of iterations and the CPU time consumed
since boot or last reset of values
@item @code{ps reset} @tab zeroes the profiling information reported by
the @code{ps} command
@item @code{verbose <digits>} @tab sets PPSi verbosity. See the PPSi manual
about the meaning of the digits (hint: @t{verbose 1111} is a good first bet to
see how the @sc{ptp} system is working)
@item @code{pll init <mode> <ref_channel> <align_pps>} @tab manually runs
spll_init() function to initialize SoftPll
@item @code{pll cl <channel>} @tab checks if SoftPLL is locked for the channel
@item @code{pll sps <channel> <picoseconds>} @tab sets phase shift for the channel
@item @code{pll gps <channel>} @tab gets current and target phase shift for the channel
@item @code{pll start <channel>} @tab starts SoftPLL for the channel
@item @code{pll stop <channel>} @tab stops SoftPLL for the channel
@item @code{pll sdac <index> <val>} @tab sets the dac
@item @code{pll gdac <index>} @tab gets dac's value
@item @code{gui} @tab starts GUI @sc{wrpc} monitor
@item @code{stat} @tab toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
@t{1} or @t{0} as argument as an alternative to toggling
@item @code{stat bts} @tab prints bitslide value for established @sc{wr} Link,
needed by the calibration procedure
@item @code{refresh} @tab changes the update time period of the gui and stat
commands. Default period is 1 second. If you set the period to 0, the log
message is only generated one time.
@item @code{ptp start} @tab starts @sc{wr ptp} daemon
@item @code{ptp stop} @tab stops @sc{wr ptp} daemon
@item @code{ptp e2e} @tab select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can set @t{p2p} mode, and @t{delay}/@t{pdelay} as aliases.
@item @code{ptp master} @tab force working as master. Alternatives are @t{slave} and @t{gm} (grandmaster).
@item @code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} @tab You can concatenate several of the above sbcommands in a single @t{ptp} command. With no arguments, the command reports the current values.
@item @code{mode gm|master|slave} @tab sets @sc{wrpc} to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, @t{ptp start} must be re-issued
@item @code{calibration} @tab tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from the
Flash/EEPROM (in @sc{wr} Master or GrandMaster mode), or executes the t24p
calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in @sc{wr}
Slave mode)
@item @code{time} @tab prints current time from @sc{wrpc}
@item @code{time raw} @tab prints current time in a raw format (seconds, nanoseconds)
@item @code{time set <sec> <nsec>} @tab sets @sc{wrpc} time
@item @code{time setsec <sec>} @tab sets only seconds of the @sc{wrpc} time
(useful for setting time in GrandMaster mode, when nanoseconds counter is
aligned to external 1-PPS and 10 MHz)
@item @code{time setnsec <nsec>} @tab sets only nanoseconds of the @sc{wrpc} time
@item @code{sfp erase} @tab erases the @sc{sfp} database stored in the Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{sfp add <PN> <deltaTx> <deltaRx> <alpha>} @tab stores calibration
parameters for @sc{sfp} to a file in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{sfp show} @tab prints all @sc{sfp} transceivers stored in database
@item @code{sfp match} @tab prints the ID of a currently used @sc{sfp}
transceiver and tries to load the calibration parameters for it
@item @code{init erase} @tab erases the initialization script in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{init add <cmd>} @tab adds shell command at the end of the
initialization script
@item @code{init show} @tab prints all commands from the script stored in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{init boot} @tab executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same action is done automatically when @sc{wrpc} starts after resetting @sc{lm32})
@item @code{mac get} @tab prints @sc{wrpc}'s @sc{mac} address
@item @code{mac getp} @tab reads the persistent @sc{mac} address stored in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{mac set <mac>} @tab sets the @sc{mac} address of @sc{wrpc}
@item @code{mac setp <mac>} @tab stores the persistent @sc{mac} address in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{sdb} @tab prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside @sc{wrpc}
@item @code{ip get}
@item @code{ip set <ip>} @tab reports or sets the IPv4 address of the @sc{wrpc} (only available if @t{CONFIG_IP} is set at build time
@item @code{vlan}
@item @code{vlan set <n>} @tab reorts or sets the active vlan used for sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if @t{CONFIG_VLAN} is set.
@item @code{w1} @tab List onewire devices on the bus
@item @code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}
@item @code{w1r <offset> <len>} @tab If @t{CONFIG_W1} is set and a OneWire @sc{eeprom} exists, write and read data. For writing, @t{byte} values are decimal
@item @code{delays}
@item @code{delays <tx> <rx>} @tab Get or set the constant delays in frame transmission, only available if @t{CONFIG_CMD_LL}. Delays are expressed in picoseconds.
@item @code{devmem <addr>}
@item @code{devmem <addr> <value>} @tab Read or write a 32-bit word from memory and/or FPGA registers. Only available if @t{CONFIG_CMD_LL}.
@item @code{diag ...} @tab diagnostics for auxiliary clocks. Only available if @t{CONFIG_AUX_DIAG}.
@item @code{temp} @tab Report current temperatures.
@item @code{faketemp}
@item @code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} @tab Read or set the three fake temperatures, used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if @t{CONFIG_FAKE_TEMPERATURES}.
@item @code{ltest}
@item @code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} @tab Read or set the latency-test sending interval. See @ref{Latency Test}.
@item @code{syslog off}
@item @code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} @tab Disable or set your @i{syslog} server. See @ref{Syslog}.
@c FIXME still missing: ptrack sleep
@end multitable
@c ##########################################################################
@node WRPC GUI elements
@appendix WRPC GUI elements
@multitable @columnfractions .3 .7
@item @code{TAI Time:} @tab current state of device's local clock
@item @code{RX:} / @code{TX:} @tab Rx/Tx packets counters
@item @code{mode:} @tab operation mode of the @sc{wr ptp core} - @code{<WR
Master, WR Slave>}
@item @code{< Locked, NoLock >} @tab SoftPLL lock state
@item @code{Servo state:} @tab current state of @sc{wr} servo state machine -
@item @code{Phase tracking:} @tab is phase tracking enabled when @sc{wr} Slave is
synchronized to @sc{wr} Master - @code{<ON, OFF>}
@item @code{Synchronization source:} @tab network interface name from which @sc{wr}
daemon gets synchronization - @code{<wru1>}
@item @code{Round-trip time (mu):} @tab round-trip delay in picoseconds
@item @code{Master-slave delay:} @tab estimated one-way (master to slave) link
delay (@math{delay_{MS}})
@item @code{Master PHY delays:} @tab transmission/reception delays of @sc{wr}
Master's hardware (@math{\Delta_{TXM}, \Delta_{RXM}})
@item @code{Slave PHY delays:} @tab transmission/reception delays of @sc{wr} Slave's
hardware (@math{\Delta_{TXS}, \Delta_{RXS}})
@item @code{Total link asymmetry:} @tab @sc{wr} link asymmetry calculated as
@math{delay_{MM} - 2 \cdot delay_{MS}}
@item @code{Cable rtt delay:} @tab round-trip fiber latency
@item @code{Clock offset:} @tab Slave to Master offset calculated by @sc{ptp} daemon
@item @code{Phase setpoint:} @tab current Slave's clock phase shift value
@item @code{Skew:} @tab the difference between current and previous estimated
one-way link delay
@item @code{Update counter:} @tab the state of counter incremented every time
the @sc{wr} servo is updated
@end multitable
@c ##########################################################################
@node Writing @sc{sdbfs} image in standalone configuration
@appendix Writing @sc{sdbfs} image in standalone configuration
If you use @sc{spec} board in a host-less environment, or you use custom
hardware and @sc{spec} drivers and tools cannot be used, there is still a
possibility of writing @sc{sdbfs} through Xilinx JTAG.
@sp 1
In case of @sc{spec} running a reference bitstream provided with a stable
@sc{wrpc} release, you can simply program your Flash with @i{spec_top.mcs}
provided with the release binaries using for example Xilinx ISE Impact tool.
This @i{mcs} file already includes both @sc{sdbfs} image and FPGA bitstream.
In case of a custom gateware or hardware, you can download a standalone
@sc{sdbfs} image:
$ wget
@end example
and generate a custom @i{*.mcs} file with your own FPGA bitstream. You should
use the following layout:
@multitable @columnfractions .1 .7
@item @code{0x000000} @tab your FPGA bitstream
@item @code{0x170000} @tab @sc{sdbfs} image
@end multitable
@sp 1
For example, to generate the @i{*.mcs} file for M25P32 Flash on @sc{spec}, the
following @i{promgen} parameters should be used:
promgen -w -spi -p mcs -c FF -s 32768 -u 0 <your_bitstream>.bit \
-bd sdb-standalone.bin start 0x170000 -o output.mcs
@end example
After that, you can use the Xilinx JTAG cable and Xilinx ISE Impact tool to
write your @i{output.mcs} file to the Flash memory.
@c ##########################################################################
@node wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries
@appendix wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries
The tool has another working mode, that you can use with older
@i{wrpc} builds, where the special table is missing (but please be
aware that the data structures may have changed slightly). In this
mode, you provide the address of the data structure and its name. It
supports the names @i{pll}, @i{fifo} (the circular log described
above), @i{ppg}, @i{ppi}, @i{servo_state}, and @i{ds}. The last name
refers to the PTP data sets, and for this the pointer needed is
@t{ppg} (ppsi global data).
This is an example:
$ ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
servo_state at 0x15798
if_name: ""
flags: 1
state: 4
delta_tx_m: 10
delta_rx_m: 174410
delta_tx_s: 0
delta_rx_s: 3200
fiber_fix_alpha: 73622176
clock_period_ps: 8000
t1: correct 1: 1448628309.390213200:0000
t2: correct 1: 1448628309.390213520:2921
t3: correct 1: 1448628310.419072616:0000
t4: correct 1: 1448628310.419073104:6041
@end smallexample
The address is specified as a hex number, and can be retrieved running
``@t{lm32-elf-nm wrc.elf}''.
Please note that the @i{spec} device has a strange memory mapping, and
it needs a special endian conversion. With current @i{wrpc} it is
autodetected, but if you dump an older binary you'll need to set the
@t{WRPC_SPEC} environment variable (to any value you like) to properly
access the PCI memory or a dump taken from PCI:
$ export WRPC_SPEC=y
@end smallexample
$ WRPC_SPEC=y ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
@end smallexample
This is not needed if the dump is retrieved using Etherbone.
@c ##########################################################################
@c LocalWords: gnudd titlepage iftex texinfo CERN documentlanguage settitle
@c LocalWords: documentencoding setfilename afourpaper paragraphindent FPGA
@c LocalWords: setchapternewpage finalout gateware ohwr modprobe insmod cset
@c LocalWords: smallexample ctrl timestamp fdelay struct spusa hdlmake Xilinx
@c LocalWords: bitstream wrpc init EEPROM grandmaster wrpcsw noposix http
@c LocalWords: tarball toolchain specsw sudo Etherbone
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{hyperref} % makes cross references and URLs clickable
% set listings as in other WR-doc(s)
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basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, backgroundcolor=\color{light-gray}, label=lst:init_src}
\usepackage{longtable} % table over many pages
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\usepackage{mdwlist} % to have tight itemization
\title{White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk\\ CERN BE-CO-HT}
{\LARGE {\bf White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}}\\[0.2 cm]
\hrule height 4pt \vspace{0.1cm}
{\large \today ~ (\gitrevinfo)}\\
{\large Building and Running}\\
{\large Grzegorz Daniluk (CERN BE-CO-HT)}\\
\hrule height 2pt
{\noindent \LARGE {\bf Introduction}}\\
This is the user manual for the White Rabbit PTP Core, part of the White
Rabbit project. It describes the building and running process. If you don't
want to get your hands dirty and prefer to start with the demo binaries
available at \url{} for officially
supported boards, please skip section \ref{Building the Core} and move forward
directly to section \ref{Programming FPGA}.
% ##########################################################################
\section{Software and hardware requirements}
\label{Software and hardware requirements}
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Repositories and Releases}
\label{Repositories and Releases}
This manual is about the official \gitrevinfo{} stable release of the White
Rabbit PTP Core (WRPC). The code and documentation for the project is
distributed in the following places:
\item \url{}
hosts the pdf documentation for every official release.
\item \url{}
place where you can find already synthesized demo bitstreams, ready to be
downloaded to one of the officially supported boards
\item \url{git://}
repository with the complete HDL sources of the WRPC
\item \url{git://}
repository with the LM32 software running inside the WRPC
Other tools useful for building and running the WRPC can be downloaded from the
following locations:
\item \url{git://}
\textit{hdlmake} is used in the HDL synthesis process to create a Makefile and
Xilinx ISE / Altera Quartus project file
\item \url{}
LM32 toolchain used to compile the LM32 software running inside the WRPC
This is a 32-bit version of a toolchain. If you encounter problems running
this toolchain on modern 64bit machines, try 64 version described below.
\item \url{}
LM32 toolchain used to compile the LM32 software running inside the WRPC
(64-bit version of toolchain).
Repositories containing the WRPC gateware and software (\textit{wr-cores},
\textit{wrpc-sw}) are tagged with \texttt{wrpc-v4.0} tag. Other tools used to
build the core and load it into the FPGA should be used in their newest stable
releases, unless otherwise stated.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Required hardware}
\label{Required hardware}
The minimum hardware set required to run the WR PTP Core reference firmware
depends on the hardware platform you want to use. One of the following setups
can be chosen:
\item {\bf SPEC} PCIe board\footnote{SPEC project page
\url{}} + FMC DIO
card\footnote{\label{note_dio}FMC DIO project page
\url{}} + PC computer running
\item {\bf SVEC} VME board\footnote{SVEC project page
\url{}} + VME crate with a single board
computer running Linux\footnote{\label{note_a20}In our test setup we used MEN A20 board}
\item {\bf VFC-HD} VME board\footnote{VFC-HD project page
\url{}} + FMC DIO card\footref{note_dio}
+ VME crate with s single board computer running Linux\footref{note_a20}
To be able to test White Rabbit synchronization you would also need
additional components regardless of the reference platform chosen from the list
\item another WR node (e.g. one of the reference boards listed above or a
White Rabbit Switch)
\item a pair of WR-supported SFP transceivers\footnote{The list of supported
SFPs can be found on our wiki page
\item a roll of G652, single mode fiber to connect your WR devices
% ##########################################################################
\section{Building the Core}
\label{Building the Core}
\textbf{Note:} you can skip this chapter if you want to use the release binaries
available from \textit{}.
Depending on your needs, building the WRPC can be a one- or two-step process.
In most of the cases you only need to synthesize the FPGA firmware (section
\ref{HDL synthesis}). This way, you get a working WRPC with the default, release
LM32 software running inside the core. If, for some reasons, you need to modify
the LM32 software, please check also section \ref{LM32 software compilation}
which contains a description of the software compilation process.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{HDL synthesis}
\label{HDL synthesis}
Before running the synthesis process you have to make sure your environment is
set up correctly. You will need a synthesis software from your FPGA vendor.
Depending if you want to run the WRPC on Xilinx (e.g. SPEC, SVEC boards) or
Altera/Intel (e.g. VFC-HD) FPGA, you should install either Xilinx ISE or Quartus
Prime software.
\subsubsection{Setting up Xilinx ISE}
\label{Setting up Xilinx ISE}
To synthesize the FPGA firmware containing the WRPC, Xilinx ISE with free of
charge WebPack license is enough. ISE provides a set of scripts:
\texttt{}, \texttt{settings32.csh}, \texttt{} and
\texttt{settings64.csh} that configure all the system variables to let you
easily run the software. Depending on a shell you use and whether your Linux is
32 or 64-bits you should execute one of them before the other tools are used.
For 64-bit system and BASH shell you should call (assuming that ISE is installed
in the default \textit{/opt} directory):
$ /opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS/
You can check if the shell is configured correctly by verifying if the
\texttt{\$XILINX} variable contains path to your ISE installation directory.
\subsubsection{Setting up Quartus Prime}
\label{Setting up Quartus Prime}
To be able to synthesize the WRPC for Arria V FPGA (which is used on the VFC-HD
board) you need at least a license for the Quartus Prime Standard Edition with
the support of Arria V family. To set up the software after it is installed, you
should add the location of its binaries to your \texttt{\$PATH} environment
variable. Assuming you have installed the software in \textit{/opt/altera}, the
following command should be executed:
$ export PATH=/opt/altera/16.0/quartus/bin:$PATH
\subsubsection{Downloading the sources and running the synthesis}
Thanks to the \textit{hdlmake} tool, the synthesis process for the reference
designs does not differ between Xilinx and Intel based boards. The tool creates
synthesis Makefile as well as ISE/Quartus project file based on a set of files that you will find in the \textit{wr-cores} repository.\\
First, please clone the \textit{hdlmake} repository from its location given in
section \ref{Repositories and Releases}:
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/hdl-make
$ cd <your_location>/hdl-make
$ git checkout c4789c4
This checks out \textit{hdlmake} version 2.1 patched with the Arria V FPGA
support (VFC-HD board).
Then, using your favorite editor, you should create an \textit{hdlmake} script in
/usr/bin to be able to call it from any directory. The script should have the
following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python2.7 <path_to_hdlmake_sources>/hdl-make/hdlmake/ #@
Please, make your script executable:
$ chmod a+x /usr/bin/hdlmake
Having all the tools in place, you can now clone the main WR PTP Core git
repository for the v4.0 release. The set of command below does that, checks out
the release tag, and downloads other HDL repositories (submodules) needed to
synthesize the core:
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wr-cores
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores
$ git checkout wrpc-v4.0
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
The local copies of the submodules are stored to
\textbf{Note:} If you use the WRPC within another project (like
\textit{wr-nic}), you may need to checkout another release tag for this
repository. Please refer to the project's documentation to find out which
version of this package you need to build.
The subdirectory you should enter to run the synthesis depends on the hardware
platform you use:
\item \textbf{SPEC}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec\_ref\_design}
\item \textbf{SVEC}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/svec\_ref\_design}
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/vfchd\_ref\_design}
After selecting a proper location from the list above, please call
\textit{hdlmake} without any arguments to create the Makefile and project file:
$ hdlmake
After that, the actual synthesis is just the matter of executing:
$ make
This takes (depending on your computer) about 10 minutes and should generate
bitstream files in various formats depending on your selected reference
\item \textbf{SPEC}: \texttt{spec\_wr\_ref\_top.bin}, \texttt{spec\_wr\_ref\_top.bit}
\item \textbf{SVEC}: \texttt{svec\_wr\_ref\_top.bin}, \texttt{svec\_wr\_ref\_top.bit}
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: \texttt{vfchd\_wr\_ref.sof}
You can select the bitstream format to be downloaded to FPGA depending on the
programming method:
\item \textbf{*.bin} files to program the Xilinx FPGA on SPEC or SVEC board
using the official software support package (\textit{spec-sw},
\textit{svec-sw}). See section \ref{Programming FPGA} for more
\item \textbf{*.bit} files to program the Xilinx FPGA with Xilinx USB Platform
Cable (using e.g. Xilinx Impact tool)
\item \textbf{*.sof} file to program the Intel FPGA (VFC-HD board) using using
the Altera / Intel JTAG cable
If, you would like to clean-up the repository to start building everything from
scratch you can use the following commands:
\item \texttt{\$ make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
\item \texttt{\$ make mrproper} - removes \texttt{*.bin}, \texttt{*.bit} and
\texttt{*.sof} files;
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{LM32 software compilation}
\label{LM32 software compilation}
\textbf{Note:} By default, the LM32 software for a stable release is embedded
inside the FPGA bitstream you've downloaded from \textit{} or
synthesized in section \ref{HDL synthesis}. You can skip this section, unless
you need to make some custom changes to the LM32 software and compile it
First, you need to download and unpack the LM32 toolchain from the location
mentioned in section \ref{Repositories and Releases}. The following example
uses 32bit version of a toolchain. If you encounter problems running it, please
use 64bit version.
$ wget
$ tar xJf lm32.tar.xz -C <your_location>
Then you need to set a \texttt{CROSS\_COMPILE} environment variable in order
to compile the software for the LM32 processor:
$ export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_location>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-"
To get the sources of the WRPC software, please clone the \textit{wrpc-sw} git
repository tagged with \texttt{wrpc-v4.0} tag. The commands in the listing below
do that together with submodules needed for this software.\\
$ git clone git:// \
$ cd <your_location>/wrpc-sw
$ git checkout wrpc-v4.0
\textbf{Note:} If you use WRPC within another project, you may need to checkout
a different tag or a specific commit. If this applies, please refer to a
documentation for this project.\\
Before you can compile \textit{wrpc-sw}, you can make some configuration
choices. The package uses \textit{Kconfig} as a configuration engine, so you may
run one of the following commands (the first two are text-mode, the third uses
a KDE GUI and the fourth uses a Gnome GUI):
$ make menuconfig
$ make nonfig
$ make xconfig
$ make gconfig
Other \code{Kconfig} target applies, like \code{config}, \code{oldconfig}
and so on. A few default known-good configurations are found in
\texttt{./configs} and you choose one by \code{make}ing it by name. For all
three boards mentioned in this manual \code{spec\_defconfig} can be used.
$ make spec_defconfig
After the package is configured, just run \code{make} without parameters to
build your binary file:
$ make
The first time you build, the \textit{Makefile} automatically downloads
the \textit{git submodules} of this package, unless you already did that
by hand. The second and later build won't download anything
from the network.
The resulting binary \textit{wrc.bin} can be then used with the loader from
\textit{spec-sw} or \textit{svec-sw} software package to program the LM32 inside
the White Rabbit PTP Core (see section \ref{Programming FPGA} for details).
% ##########################################################################
\section{Programming FPGA with WRPC firmware}
\label{Programming FPGA}
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Programming FPGA on SPEC}
\label{Programming FPGA on SPEC}
\textbf{Note:} If you use a more recent version of the \texttt{spec-sw} than the
one described in this manual, the up-to-date documentation can always be found
in \textit{doc/} subdirectory of the \texttt{spec-sw} git repository.\\
First you need to clone the SPEC board software support package
(\textit{spec-sw}) from \textit{}. It is a set of Linux kernel drivers and
userspace tools, that interact with a SPEC board plugged into a PCI-Express
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/spec-sw
$ cd <your_location>/spec-sw
$ git checkout aff79eb
$ make
You have to download also the "golden" firmware for SPEC card. It is used by
the drivers to recognize the hardware:
$ wget
$ sudo mv spec-init.bin-2015-09-18 /lib/firmware/fmc/spec-init.bin
Now you can load the drivers necessary to access the SPEC board from your
$ sudo insmod fmc-bus/kernel/fmc.ko
$ sudo insmod kernel/spec.ko
You can use the \textit{dmesg} Linux command to verify if this step succeeded.
Among plenty of messages you should be able to find something very similar to:
[1275526.738895] spec 0000:20:00.0: probe for device 0020:0000
[1275526.738906] spec 0000:20:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[1275526.738913] spec 0000:20:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[1275526.743102] spec 0000:20:00.0: got file "fmc/spec-init.bin", 1485236 (0x16a9b4) bytes
[1275526.934710] spec 0000:20:00.0: FPGA programming successful
[1275527.296754] spec 0000:20:00.0: mezzanine 0
[1275527.296756] Manufacturer: CERN
[1275527.296757] Product name: FmcDio5cha
By default, when loading the \textit{spec.ko} driver, FPGA gets programmed with
the "golden" bitstream. Starting from version 3.0, WR PTP Core uses a flash
memory chip on the carrier as a default place for storing the calibration
parameters and the init script. Also the storage format of this information is
now better organized in the files of the SDBFS filesystem. Therefore, starting
from v3.0 you have to write the SDBFS filesystem image to the flash
before running the WRPC. You can download the image from \textit{}:
$ wget
It contains all the files required by the core. They are empty, but have to
exist in the SDBFS structure to be written later as described in section
\ref{Writing configuration}. To write the filesystem image to flash, please
execute the following command:
$ sudo tools/flash-write -c 0x0 0 1507712 < <your_location>/sdbfs-flash.bin
\noindent\textbf{Note:} If you have more than one SPEC board in your computer,
you can use \code{-b} parameter which takes the PCI bus address of the card you
want to program. This can be found in the list of the PCI devices installed in
the system (\code{lspci}).
\noindent\textbf{Note:} Please refer to section \ref{Writing SDBFS image in
standalone configuration} for instructions on how to write the SDBFS image to a
standalone SPEC or custom hardware.\\
Now, you are ready to program the FPGA with your synthesized bitstream from
$ sudo tools/spec-fwloader \
If everything went right up to this moment you have your board running the FPGA
bitstream with the WR PTP Core. If you need to load your own \texttt{wrc.bin}
compiled in section \ref{LM32 software compilation}, you can use the
\texttt{spec-cl} tool:
$ sudo tools/spec-cl <your_location>/wrpc-sw/wrc.bin
After all these steps, you should be able to start a Virtual-UART tool (also
part of the \textit{spec-sw} package) that will be used to interact with the
WRPC shell:
$ sudo tools/spec-vuart
If you are able to see the shell prompt \textit{wrc\#} this means the Core
is up and running on your SPEC card. Congratulations !
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Programming FPGA on other boards}
Currently the driver packages for SVEC and VFC-HD boards depend on other CERN
drivers and front-end infrastructure. We are working to make them exportable. If
you are a CERN user of SVEC or VFC-HD board, please check
\url{} (accessible \textbf{only} from
CERN network) for more instructions. If you are outside CERN and would like to
use one of these boards, please contact us.
% ==========================================================================
\section{Using WRPC shell}
\subsection{Writing configuration}
\label{Writing configuration}
First, you should perform a few configuration steps through the WRPC shell
before using the core.
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the examples below describe only a subset of the WRPC
Shell commands. The full list of supported commands can be found in appendix
\ref{WRPC Shell commands}.\\
Before making any configuration changes, it is recommended to stop the
PTP daemon. Then, the messages from the daemon will not show up to the
console while you interact with the shell.
wrc# ptp stop
\noindent First you should make sure your board has a proper MAC address
wrc# mac get
If the result of above command is \texttt{MAC-address: 22:33:ww:xx:yy:zz}, this
means MAC was not yet configured and stored in the Flash/EEPROM. The value is
based on thermometer serial number as is unique among SPEC devices. This is
globally accepted as ``locally assigned'', but you might want to assign your own
address. A value \texttt{22:33:44:55:66:77} is the final fallback if no
thermometer is found.
You should get the MAC for your board from its manufacturer. To configure the
address and store it into the Flash/EEPROM (so that it's automatically loaded
every time the WRPC starts) you should type two commands in the shell:
wrc# mac set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
wrc# mac setp xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
where \texttt{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx} is the MAC address of your board.\\
Next, you should input calibration fixed delays values and alpha parameters. The
example below clears any existing entries and adds two Axcen transceivers with
$\Delta_{TX}$, $\Delta_{RX}$ and $\alpha$ parameters associated with them.
wrc# sfp erase
wrc# sfp add AXGE-1254-0531 180625 148451 72169888
wrc# sfp add AXGE-3454-0531 180625 148451 -73685416
To check the content of the SFP database you can execute the \textit{sfp show}
shell command.\\
\noindent\textbf{Note:} The $\Delta_{TX}$ and $\Delta_{RX}$ parameters above are
the defaults for wrpc-v4.0 release bitstream available on \textit{},
running on the SPEC v4 board and calibrated to port 1 of a~WR Switch
v3.3. These values as well as the default parameters for other boards are
available on the calibration wiki page
(\url{}). If you
re-synthesize the firmware or want to use the most accurate estimation of
the fixed delays and alpha for your fiber, you should read and perform the WR
Calibration procedure (\url{}).\\
The WRPC mode of operation (GrandMaster/Master/Slave) can be set
using the \textit{mode} command:
wrc# mode gm # for GrandMaster mode
wrc# mode master # for Master mode
wrc# mode slave # for Slave mode
This stops the PTP daemon, changes the mode of operation, but does not start it
automatically. Therefore, after calling it, you need to start the daemon
wrc# ptp start
\noindent\textbf{Note:} For running the GrandMaster mode, you need have
\texttt{g\_with\_external\_clock\_input} generic enabled in your FPGA firmware
and provide 1-PPS and 10MHz signal from an external source (e.g. GPS receiver or
Cesium clock). Depending on your board you should connect:
\item \textbf{SPEC}: DIO mezzanine LEMO No.4 for 1-PPS, LEMO No.5 for 10MHz
\item \textbf{SVEC}: SVEC LEMO No.4 for 1-PPS, LEMO No.3 for 10MHz
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: DIO mezzanine LEMO No.4 for 1-PPS, LEMO No.5 for 10MHz
One option is to type all the commands to initialize the WRPC software to
the required state every time the core starts. However, you can also write your
own initialization script to the Flash/EEPROM. It will be executed every time
the WRPC software starts. A~simple script, that loads the calibration
parameters, configures the WR mode to Slave and starts the PTP daemon and sets
the IP address is presented below:
wrc# init erase
wrc# init add ptp stop
wrc# init add sfp match
wrc# init add mode slave
wrc# init add ptp start
wrc# init add ip set
Almost exactly the same one can be used for running WRPC in the GrandMaster
or Master mode. The only difference would be changing the
\texttt{init add mode slave} line to \texttt{init add mode gm} or
\texttt{init add mode master}.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Running the Core}
\label{Running the Core}
Having the SFP calibration database, and the init script created in \ref{Writing
configuration} you can now restart the WRPC by typing the shell command:
wrc# init boot
You should see log messages that confirm the execution of the initialization
executing: ptp stop
PTP stop
executing: sfp match
SFP matched, dTx=180707 dRx=148323 alpha=-73685416
executing: mode slave
PTP stop
Locking PLL
executing: ptp start
PTP start
Slave Only, clock class set to 255
executing: ip set
IP-address: (static assignment)
Now you should have the WR PTP Core running in WR Slave mode.\\
\textbf{Important!!!} WRPC needs to make a calibration of t24p phase transition
value. It has to be done only once for a new bitstream and is performed
automatically when WRPC runs in the Slave mode. That is why it is very
important, even if WRPC is meant to run in the Master mode, to configure it to
Slave for a moment and connect to any WR Master. This has to be repeated every
time a new bitstream (gateware) is deployed. The measured value is automatically
stored to Flash/EEPROM and used later in the Master or GrandMaster mode.\\
The Shell also contains a monitoring function which you can use to check the
WR synchronization status:
wrc# gui
The information is presented in a clear, auto-refreshing screen. The
information is refreshed at every WR iteration or periodically if
nothing else happens (so you see an up-to-date timestamp). The period
defaults to 1 second and can be changed using the \texttt{refresh} command. To
exit from this console mode press <Esc>. A full description of the information
reporter by \textit{gui} is provied in appendix \ref{WRPC GUI elements}.
\noindent\textbf{Note:} the \textit{Synchronization status} and \textit{Timing
parameters} in \texttt{gui} are available only in the WR Slave mode. When
running as WR Master, you would be able to see only the current date and time,
link status, Tx and Rx packet counters, IP, lock and calibration status.
If you want to log statistics from the WRPC operation, it is better to use a
\texttt{stat} shell command. It reports the same information as \texttt{gui},
but in a single line, which is easier to parse and analyze:
wrc# stat
lnk:1 rx:172338 tx:151811 lock:1 ptp:slave sv:1 ss:'TRACK_PHASE' aux0:1 sec:6047 \
nsec:828412744 mu:836453 dms:398530 dtxm:224455 drxm:232479 dtxs:180625 drxs:149251 \
asym:39393 crtt:49643 cko:1 setp:5082 ucnt:270 hd:31734 md:46228 ad:0 temp: 52.6875 C
lnk:1 rx:172392 tx:151860 lock:1 ptp:slave sv:1 ss:'TRACK_PHASE' aux0:1 sec:6049 \
nsec:399776360 mu:836452 dms:398530 dtxm:224455 drxm:232479 dtxs:180625 drxs:149251 \
asym:39392 crtt:49642 cko:2 setp:5082 ucnt:271 hd:31730 md:46211 ad:0 temp: 52.6875 C
Unlike \texttt{gui}, the \texttt{stat} command runs asynchronously: you can still
issue shell commands while stats are running. You can stop statistics by running
\texttt{stat} again. As an alternative to the toggling action of \texttt{stat}
alone, you can use ``\texttt{stat on}'' or ``\texttt{stat off}''.
Statistics are printed every time the WR servo runs; thus no statistics
are reported when the node is running in master mode, nor when your node
is running as slave and the master disappeared.\\
You can verify the synchronization performance by observing the offset between
1-PPS signals from the WR Master and your WRPC running in the Slave mode. Please
remember to use oscilloscope cables of the same length and type (with the same
delay), or take their delay difference into account in your measurements.
Depending on your board, 1-PPS output is produced on:
\item \textbf{SPEC}: DIO mezzanine LEMO No.1
\item \textbf{SVEC}: SVEC LEMO No.1
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: VFC-HD LEMO L3
% ==========================================================================
\section{WRPC diagnostics}
\label{Diagnostics via SNMP}
Up to the version 4.0 of WRPC the only way to perform diagnostics
of the \texttt{wrpc-sw} was to use serial console with tools like \textit{gui}, \textit{stat},
etc. For some set-ups, like standalone node, it is very inconvenient to use
external console for diagnostics.
From the version 4.0 of WRPC it is possible to include the \textit{Mini
SNMP responder}, which allows to perform remote diagnostics using \textit{SNMP} via
a port connected to the \textit{Write Rabbit} network.
The configuration file of WRPC contains the following
SNMP-related options:
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP} -- include the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} into WRPC
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_SET} -- enable the support of SNMP \textit{SET} packets
\item \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP\_VERBOSE} -- enable verbose output from the \textit{Mini SNMP
responder} on the WRPC's console
The MIB file describing WRPC's OIDs can be found in the \texttt{lib} directory
of the \texttt{wrpc-sw} repo.
So far, the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} supports version 1 and a subset of version
2c of the SNMP protocol.
The following types of requests are supported:
\item GET -- get value of a given OID
\item GETNEXT -- get value of a next OID after the given OID (this is used
for \texttt{snmpwalk}s)
\item SET -- change the value of a given OID (so far used only for adding
SFP's to the database and PTP restarts)
The \textit{Mini SNMP responder} does not support:
\item bulk requests packets (GETBULK)
\item more than one OID in the request packet
\item \texttt{trap} and \texttt{inform} packets
\item encryption
\item authentication
\item SNMPv2c return error types; all returned error types follows SNMPv1
To make examples more readable, listings below use \texttt{SNMP\_OPT} environment
variable. Make sure you set it properly in your shell.
$ SNMP_OPT="-c public -v 2c -m WR-WRPC-MIB -M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib"
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
\item \texttt{-c public} -- sets SNMP community as "\textit{public}"
\item \texttt{-v 2c} -- specifies SNMP version
\item \texttt{-m WR-WRPC-MIB} -- specifies MIBs to be loaded
\item \texttt{-M +/var/lib/mibs/ietf:lib} -- contains path to MIBs in the host
system (\texttt{/var/lib/mibs/ietf}) and path to \texttt{WR-WRPC-MIB} (\texttt{lib});
on Debian-like systems default MIBs can be downloaded using
\texttt{download-mibs} command (package \texttt{snmp-mibs-downloader}); on
CentOS and RedHat MIBs are included in the \texttt{libsmi} package
\item \texttt{} -- the IP address of the target board
For example, to get the system uptime please execute the \texttt{snmpget} command:
$ snmpget $SNMP_OPT wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0
To get a dump of all available OIDs please execute the \texttt{snmpwalk}
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcCore
Part of the \texttt{snmpwalk}'s output:
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionHwType.0 = STRING: spec
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwVersion.0 = STRING: wrpc-v3.0-251-g14e952e
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwBuildBy.0 = STRING: Adam Wujek
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcVersionSwBuildDate.0 = STRING: Jun 7 2016 18:12:24
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeTAI.0 = Counter64: 1465375022
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeTAIString.0 = STRING: 2016-06-08-08:37:02
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTimeSystemUptime.0 = Timeticks: (18186) 0:03:01.86
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTemperatureName.1 = STRING: pcb
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcTemperatureValue.1 = STRING: 38.5625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSpllMode.0 = INTEGER: slave(3)
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSpllIrqCnt.0 = Counter32: 1259605
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortSfpInDB.0 = INTEGER: inDataBase(2)
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortInternalTx.0 = Counter32: 452
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPortInternalRx.0 = Counter32: 869
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
End of MIB
It is recommended to use SNMP v2c for communication with a WRPC.
Please note that when the version 1 of SNMP is used, 64 bit counters are not
supported. This makes impossible to read some WRPC's objects with
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsubsection{Managing SFP database via SNMP}
\label{Managing SFP database via SNMP}
The SFPs database can be displayed using the \texttt{sfp show} command from
the WRPC's console:
wrc# sfp show
1: PN:AXGE-1254-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: 72169888
2: PN:AXGE-3454-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: -73685416
The same data is exported by the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} via the table
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.2 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.2 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.2 = INTEGER: -73685416
End of MIB
When the SET support is compiled into the \textit{Mini SNMP responder}, it is
possible to erase or add/replace SFP entires to the SFPs database via SNMP.
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
Addition (or modification) of one SFP to the database can done by a row of
SNMP SETs. Firstly, please set the delta Tx (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0}), the
delta Rx (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0}) and the alpha (\texttt{wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0})
with new values.
Then, to commit the change to the SFP database, perform the SNMP SET on
the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0} with the value \texttt{writeToFlashCurrentSfp}. It will
add/update values for the currently plugged SFP.
To add/update entries for different SFPs, please set deltas and alpha like
above, then set PN of an SFP to the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0} and commit
the change by setting \texttt{writeToFlashGivenSfp} to the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0}.
It is also possible to update values in the memory for the current SFP.
For that, please set delta Tx, delta Rx and alpha as described above,
then set \texttt{writeToMemoryCurrentSfp} to the \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0}
Please be aware that these changes will be lost after a power cycle of a board,
soft reset of WRPC or unplug/plug of a fiber/SFP.
Currently, after the update of SFP values in the memory, PTP is restarted.
Such restart is necessary because PTP does not support on-the-fly changes of
deltas nor alpha. It is expected that this behavior will change in the future.
If a database entry of the SFP, which is currently used was updated, it is
necessary to perform a restart of the PTP daemon
(set \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0} with the value \texttt{restartPtp}).
Each SNMP SET of \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigApply.0} or \texttt{wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0} returns
the status of a performed action. For details please check \texttt{WR-WRPC-MIB}
Commands below add an SFP with PN as "\texttt{NEW-SFP}", delta Tx "\texttt{1111}",
delta Rx "\texttt{2222}" and alpha "\texttt{3333}".
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = 1111
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaTx.0 = INTEGER: 1111
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = 2222
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigDeltaRx.0 = INTEGER: 2222
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = 3333
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigAlpha.0 = INTEGER: 3333
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = NEW-SFP
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigSfpPn.0 = STRING: "NEW-SFP"
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = writeToFlashGivenSfp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
In case the SFP database does not contain the currently plugged SFP, the last
\texttt{snmpset} command will return \texttt{applySuccessfulMatchFailed(101)}.
Optionally restart the PTP:
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = restartPtp
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigRestart.0 = INTEGER: restartPtpSuccessful(100)
Simple verification of performed actions:
wrc# sfp show
1: PN:AXGE-1254-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: 72169888
2: PN:AXGE-3454-0531 dTx: 180625 dRx: 148451 alpha: -73685416
3: PN:NEW-SFP dTx: 1111 dRx: 2222 alpha: 3333
The same add can also be achieved by performing \texttt{sfp add} command in
the WRPC's console:
wrc# sfp add NEW-SFP 1111 2222 3333
Update existing SFP entry
3 SFPs in DB
Verify the result via SNMP:
$ snmpwalk $SNMP_OPT wrpcSfpTable
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.1 = STRING: AXGE-1254-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpPn.2 = STRING: AXGE-3454-0531
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.1 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.2 = INTEGER: 180625
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaTx.3 = INTEGER: 1111
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.1 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.2 = INTEGER: 148451
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpDeltaRx.3 = INTEGER: 2222
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.1 = INTEGER: 72169888
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.2 = INTEGER: -73685416
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcSfpAlpha.3 = INTEGER: 3333
End of MIB
It is also possible to erase the SFPs database via SNMP (equivalent of
the \texttt{sfp erase} command):
$ snmpset $SNMP_OPT wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = eraseFlash
WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpConfigApply.0 = INTEGER: applySuccessful(100)
To verify that database is empty:
wrc# sfp show
SFP database empty
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Other Diagnostic Tools}
\label{Other Diagnostic Tools}
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The node can act as a \textit{syslog} client, though only on the UDP protocol.
To activate it, you must build with \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} and pass proper
parameters at run time.
To configure \textit{syslog} you can run the \texttt{syslog} shell command, which
receives two parameters (\texttt{ipaddr} and \texttt{macaddr}), or the
single \texttt{off} subcommand.
When deploying a network of nodes, you can choose to put the \texttt{syslog
<ip> <mac>} command in the build-time init command. To this aim you
must activate \texttt{CONFIG\_BUILD\_INIT} and then pass your command string
as \texttt{CONFIG\_INIT\_COMMAND}. In that context, you can use ``\texttt{;}'' as
a command separator, as no newlines are permitted in \texttt{Kconfig}
The strings that a WR node sends to the \textit{syslog} server are always
using the format: ``\texttt{<}\textit{level}\texttt{>} \textit{Jan 01 00:00:00 msg}''
where \textit{level} is usually 14 (type ``user'', priority ``info'')
and \textit{msg} is a free-format message strings.
The \textit{syslog} client sends strings to the server in the following
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
\textit{ Boot time } &
The node sends ``\texttt{(ma:ca:dd:rr:ee:ss) Node up since} \textit{X}
\texttt{seconds}'' as soon as the network link is up and the \textit{syslog}
server is configured with the shell command or init script.
The message is re-sent, with an updated uptime value, if you change
the \textit{syslog} server parameters. \\
& \\
\textit{ Link up after link down } &
The message is ``\texttt{"Link up after} \textit{2.345} \texttt{s}''. The
time printed is the duration of the link-down interval just
passed -- no lost-by-design message is sent at link-down time. The
message is not sent the first time the link goes up, because
the boot message is already there.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization, first time } &
When the node reaches WR synchronization (i.e. ``track phase''
state), it sends ``\texttt{Tracking after} \textit{5..678} \texttt{s}''.
The reported time is the lapse since power-on.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization lost } &
Whenever WR looses \textit{track-phase} status, the node reports
\texttt{Lost track}.\\
& \\
\textit{ Synchronization recovered } &
When the WR servo is in \textit{track phase} state after loosing
synchronization, the node sends ``\textit{45}\texttt{-th re-track after}
\textit{23.456} \texttt{s}''. The time reported is the amount of time
during which the node has not been synchronized. The seconth and
thirth re-sync are reported as \texttt{2-th} and \texttt{3-th}, to make you
smile. At the \texttt{4-th} you should stop smiling and be concerned.\\
& \\
\textit{ Temperature over threshold } &
The node monitors the various thermometers every few seconds.
If \texttt{CONFIG\_TEMP\_POLL\_INTERVAL} and related parameters are
set, any over-temperature event is reported to \textit{syslog}.
If any temperature in the collected set is over threshold,
the message is ``\texttt{Temperature high:}'' followed by the list of
all collected temperatures. The message is repeated every
few seconds (\texttt{CONFIG\_TEMP\_HIGH\_RAPPEL}, default 60)
until all temperatures are under-threshold. When temperature
is recovered the node sends ``\texttt{Temperature ok:}'' followed by
the current list of temperatures.\\
% FIXME: syslog examples
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsubsection{Latency Test}
\label{Latency Test}
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The configuration choice \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} activates a
mechanism for \textit{wr} nodes to measure network latency, base on the same
hardware timestamps that are used for synchronization -- the mechanism
assumes the nodes are synchronized.
\textit{ltest} frames can be used to verify whether the network is
overloaded and/or has strange inconsistencies in node-to-node delays.
\textit{ltest} frames use a special ethernet type, \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_ETHTYPE},
which defaults to 0x0123 (291). If \textit{vlans} are active, these frames
are sent and received in the same \textit{vlans} as other CPU frames.
The \texttt{ltest} sender periodically sends three frames, with a sequence
number. One frames is at priority 7, one is at priority 6, and one is
at priority 0. The last frames reports the departure timestamps of the
previous frames. The \textit{ltest} receiver uses ingress timestamps to
measure latency and report lost frames.
Every node built with \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} listens for frames
belonging to \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_ETHTYPE}. A single node in the
network is expected to send \textit{ltest} frames; use the \texttt{ltest}
shell command to select how often to send an \textit{ltest} tuple of three
frames. To enable sending every second use ``\texttt{ltest 1}'', to enable
sending every 100ms use ``\texttt{ltest 0 100}'', to stop sending use
\texttt{ltest 0}.
In the sender node, a reminder is sent to the console very 10s
reporting the node is currently sending \textit{ltest} frames. All
non-sending nodes report every minute to \textit{syslog}. The
report message includes the number of samples received as well
as the minimum, average and maximum latency, in nanoseconds.
Any lost frames are reported both to the console and to \textit{syslog}.
You can use \textit{ltest} without \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG}. In that case the
receiver nodes print the exact latency (picosecond resolution) for
every received event.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
When trying to diagnose software issues, especially lockup situations,
it may be useful to look at the current values or critical variables
within \textit{wrpc-sw}/\textit{ppsi}.
To this aim, you can pass a memory image of \textit{wrpc} to \texttt{tools/wrpc-dump}.
The tools will print information for softpll, ppsi data structures,
ptp data sets and version information.
For example, for a \textit{spec} device, you can use the resource file in
\textit{sysfs} to look at a live system, or copy the file for off-line
analysis. The following command line show both uses:
# Look for "resource0" in /sys/devices/pci, choose your bus number.
sudo ./tools/wrpc-dump $FILE
sudo tools/mapper $FILE 0 0x20000 > wrpc-memory-image
./tools/wrpc-dump wrpc-memory-image
The \textit{mapper} tool used above, and part of \textit{wrpc-sw}, reads a file
using \textit{mmap()}. The kernel doesn't allow plain \textit{read()} from a
resource file. If you encounter problem using \texttt{wrpc\_dump} directly,
please use \texttt{mapper} then \texttt{wrpc\_dump}.
\textbf{Note:} Data read by \texttt{mapper} may look like has wrong endianness comparing
to the file used for programming lm32 by \texttt{spec-cl}, but \texttt{spec-cl} is the
one which change the endianness of the binary data during the programming.
With \textit{etherbone}, you can get a snapshot for \textit{wrpc} memory using
\texttt{eb-get} and the proper address (the size is always 128kB)
eb-get dev/wbm2 0x4040000/0x20000 wrpc-memory-image
eb-get dev/ttyUSB2 0x4040000/0x20000 wrpc-memory-image
We won't show the 180 output lines here, to save some paper, but they
are readable dumps of the data structures, including the PTP timestamps.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsubsection{Softpll Timing}
\label{spll Softpll Timing}
To help understanding the CPU time spent in the \textit{softpll}, you can
set \texttt{CONFIG\_SPLL\_FIFO\_LOG} in the configuration. The option
depends on \texttt{CONFIG\_DEVELOPER} and is disabled by default, because
it costs half a kilobyte in binary size and Adam is scared about any size
When the configuration option is set, \texttt{wrpc-dump} will also show
information about the last 16 \textit{softpll} iterations. Both the \texttt{tstamp}
and \texttt{duration} fields come from reading the \texttt{PPSG} nanosecond counter.
fifo log at 0x17258
trr: 0x0126d921
tstamp: 0x06b58d6a
duration: 0x00000c7e
irq_count: 2305
tag_count: 2304
[... repeats for 5 more events ...]
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsubsection{Uptime Counter}
\label{Uptime Counter}
\textit{Wrpc-sw} now maintains an ``uptime'' counter, in seconds. It lives
at binary address 0xa0. It can be queried by \textit{etherbone}, or
seen in memory maps.
In addition to know how much as the node been up, it can be used to
know roughly when a node got stuck, and whether software is still
running when a node is not active on the network. Neither of this even
happens in production, but the tool is useful during development.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The node now has a \textit{ps} command, that shows the number of iterations
and time spent in each \textit{task}. Each task reports when it did
something (as opposed to just polling the clock or network socket and
see nothing is there to do); the \textit{iterations} count shows how many
times the task did something.
wrc# ps
iterations seconds.micros name
44288501 4242.816329 idle
0 0.000000 spll-bh
37 0.016549 shell+gui
8992 1.158969 ptp
4252 0.037005 uptime
1 0.001035 check-link
0 0.000000 stats
0 0.000000 net-bh
568 5.068343 temperature
By using ``\texttt{ps reset}'' you can zero all counters to start a new
test run.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsubsection{Pfilter rules}
\label{Pfilter rules}
By setting \texttt{CONFIG\_PFILTER\_VERBOSE}, which depends on
\texttt{CONFIG\_DEVELOPER}, you can get a dump of packet-filter rules
whenever they are activated. This happens at initialization time and
whenever you change the MAC address or \textit{vlan} choice.
% ==========================================================================
\section{Network Services}
\label{Network Services}
If built with \texttt{CONFIG\_IP=y}, \textit{wrpc-sw} implements the following
udp-based network services, in addition to \textit{ptp}:
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
\textit{ bootp } &
The node will get an IPV4 address by making \textit{bootp} queries
once per second, until it gets a reply from a server. As an
alternative, the address can be set using the shell command,
and in this case the node won't send \textit{bootp} queries, or will
stop sending them.\\
& \\
\textit{ rdate } &
The node can be queried using \texttt{rdate -u}, once it has an IP
& \\
\textit{ syslog } &
If \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set, the node is a syslog client.
See section \ref{Syslog} for details.\\
& \\
\textit{ snmp } &
If \texttt{CONFIG\_SNMP} is set, the node is a snmp agent.
See section \ref{Diagnostics via SNMP} for details.\\
% ==========================================================================
\section{VLAN Support}
\label{VLAN Support}
The White Rabbit node can be configured to be vlan-aware, by setting
\texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} in \textit{Kconfig}. The setting depends on \texttt{CONFIG\_DEVELOPER}.
If configured for \textit{vlan} support, the node select packet-filter rules
to receive frames in several \textit{vlan}s, all set at configuration time.
At run time you can use \texttt{vlan off} in the shell to turn off all \textit{vlan}
processing and get back to the ``standard'' packet-filter rules.
\begin{longtable}{ p{6.5cm} p{9cm} }
\small{\textit{CONFIG\_VLAN}} &
This is the top-level choice. It can be enabled or disabled.
If disabled, the following values default to 0 and the
packet filter will discard all tagged frames.\\
& \\
\small{\textit{CONFIG\_VLAN\_NR}} &
The default \textit{vlan} number for the CPU. All network traffic
directed to (and originating from) the \textit{lm32} processor will
belong to this \textit{vlan}. The~value can be changed at run time
using the \texttt{vlan} shell command.\\
& \\
\small{\textit{CONFIG\_VLAN\_1\_FOR\_CLASS7}} & \\
\small{\textit{CONFIG\_VLAN\_2\_FOR\_CLASS7}} &
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to two specific \textit{vlans} to class 7, usually \textit{etherbone}.
To deliver one \textit{vlan} only, set the two options to the same
& \\
\small{\textit{CONFIG\_VLAN\_FOR\_CLASS6}} &
The packet-filter rules are setup to deliver frames belonging
to one specific \textit{vlan} to class 6, usually routed to the
\textit{streamer} or \textit{nic} logic blocks.\\
% ##########################################################################
\textbf{My computer hangs on loading spec.ko or programming the FPGA.}
This will occur when you try to load the driver or program the FPGA while your
\textit{spec-vuart} is running and trying to get messages from Virtual-UART's
registers inside the WRPC. Please remember to quit \textit{spec-vuart} before
reloading the driver or programming the FPGA.\\
\noindent \textbf{I want to synthesize WRPC but hdlmake says I don't have the
If you have installed the synthesis tool (ISE for SPEC/SVEC or Quartus for
VFC-HD), but you still see the message, please make sure you have correctly set
up your environment. See sections \ref{Setting up Xilinx ISE} and \ref{Setting
up Quartus Prime} for the instructions.\\
\noindent \textbf{WR PTP Core seems to work but the 1-PPS skew on the
oscilloscope between WR Master and WR Slave is more than 1ns.}
Check if the oscilloscope cables you use have the same delays. If not, you
should either change the cables or take the delay difference into account in your
measurements. If that's not the case, please make sure you have the correct
calibration values loaded to both of your devices (see section \ref{Writing
configuration}). You made your own synthesis of the WRPC, and the default
calibration values are no longer valid, please read and perform the White Rabbit
Calibration procedure\footnote{Use the latest version of the document available
at: \url{}}.
% ##########################################################################
\section{Questions, reporting bugs}
If you have found a bug, you have problems with the WR PTP Core or one of the
tools used to build and run it, you can write to our mailing list
% ##########################################################################
\section{WRPC Shell Commands}
\label{WRPC Shell commands}
\begin{longtable}{ p{7.5cm} p{7cm} }
\code{calibration} & (legacy) tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from
the Flash/EEPROM (in WR Master or GrandMaster mode), or executes the t24p
calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in WR
Slave mode) \\
\code{config} & prints the dot-config file used to build this instance of
WRPC and ppsi. It is an optional command, enabled at build time by
\texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_CONFIG}. \\
\code{delays}& \\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & gets or sets the constant delays in frame
transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are
expressed in picoseconds. \\
\code{devmem <addr>} & \\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & reads or writes a 32-bit word from memory
and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL} is
set. \\
\code{diag} & diagnostics for auxiliary user registers in HDL. Only available
if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
\code{diag ro <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-only bank.\\
\code{diag rw <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
\code{diag w <reg\_no>} & writes register <reg\_no> from read-write bank. \\
\code{faketemp} & \\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & reads or sets the three fake temperatures,
used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if
\texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES} is set. \\
\code{gui} & starts GUI WRPC monitor \\
\code{help} & lists available commands in this instance of the WRPC \\
\code{init add <cmd>} & adds shell command at the end of the initialization
script \\
\code{init boot} & executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same
action is done automatically when WRPC starts after resetting LM32) \\
\code{init erase} & erases the initialization script in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{init show} & prints all commands from the script stored in
Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{ip get} & \\
\code{ip set <ip>} & reports or sets the IPv4 address of the WRPC (only
available if \texttt{CONFIG\_IP} is set at build time \\
\code{ltest} & \\
\code{ltest fake <nsecs>} & fakes delay to trigger latency failures (for
testing). \\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & reads or sets the latency-test sending
interval. See \ref{Latency Test}. Available if
\texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} is set. \\
\code{ltest quiet} & disables sending latency messages to Syslog. \\
\code{ltest verbose} & enables sending latency messages to Syslog. \\
\code{mac getp} & reads the persistent MAC address stored in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{mac get} & prints WRPC's MAC address \\
\code{mac setp <mac>} & stores the persistent MAC address in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{mac set <mac>} & sets the MAC address of WRPC \\
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & (legacy) sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave.
After setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued \\
\code{pll cl <channel>} & checks if SoftPLL is locked for the channel \\
\code{pll gdac <index>} & gets dac's value \\
\code{pll gps <channel>} & gets current and target phase shift for the
channel \\
\code{pll init <mode> <ref\_channel> <align\_pps>} & manually runs
\texttt{spll\_init()} function to initialize SoftPll \\
\code{pll sdac <index> <val>} & sets the dac \\
\code{pll sps <channel> <picoseconds>} & sets phase shift for the channel \\
\code{pll start <channel>} & starts SoftPLL for the channel \\
\code{pll stop <channel>} & stops SoftPLL for the channel \\
\code{ps} & prints the list of running tasks (processes) in the CPU. For
each task you get the number of iterations and the CPU time consumed since
boot or last reset of values \\
\code{ps reset} & zeroes the profiling information reported by the \code{ps}
command \\
\code{ptp <e2e|p2p>} & select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can
set \texttt{p2p} mode, and \texttt{delay}/\texttt{pdelay} as aliases. \\
\code{ptp gm|master|slave} & sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster clock
(requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued \\
\code{ptp start} & starts WR PTP daemon \\
\code{ptp stop} & stops WR PTP daemon \\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & you can concatenate several of the above
subcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments,
the command reports the current values.\\
\code{refresh} & changes the update time period of the gui and stat commands.
Default period is 1 second. If you set the period to 0, the log message is
only generated one time. \\
\code{sdb} & prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside WRPC \\
\code{sfp add <PN> <deltaTx> <deltaRx> <alpha>} & stores calibration
parameters for SFP to a file in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{sfp erase} & erases the SFP database stored in the Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{sfp match} & prints the ID of a currently used SFP transceiver and
tries to load the calibration parameters for it \\
\code{sfp show} & prints all SFP transceivers stored in database \\
\code{stat} & toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
\texttt{on} or \texttt{off} as argument as an alternative to toggling \\
\code{stat bts} & prints bitslide value for established WR Link, needed by
the calibration procedure \\
\code{syslog off} & \\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & disables or sets your \textit{syslog}
server. See \ref{Syslog}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set. \\
\code{temp} & reports current temperatures. \\
\code{time} & prints current time from WRPC \\
\code{time raw} & prints current time in a raw format (seconds, nanoseconds) \\
\code{time setnsec <nsec>} & sets only nanoseconds of the WRPC time \\
\code{time setsec <sec>} & sets only seconds of the WRPC time (useful for
setting time in GrandMaster mode, when nanoseconds counter is aligned to
external 1-PPS and 10 MHz) \\
\code{time set <sec> <nsec>} & sets WRPC time \\
\code{verbose <digits>} & sets PPSi verbosity. See the PPSi manual about the
meaning of the digits (hint: \texttt{verbose 1111} is a good first bet to
see how the PTP system is working) \\
\code{ver} & prints which version of wrpc is running \\
\code{vlan} & \\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reports or sets the active vlan used for
sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if
\texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{vlan off} & disables vlans. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is
set. \\
\code{w1} & lists onewire devices on the bus \\
\code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}& \\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & if \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire
EEPROM exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are
decimal \\
% ##########################################################################
\section{WRPC GUI elements}
\label{WRPC GUI elements}
\begin{longtable}{ p{4.5cm} p{10cm} }
\code{TAI Time:} & Current state of device's local clock \\
\code{RX:} / \code{TX:} & Rx/Tx packets counters\\
\code{IPv4:} & IP address; also whether it is statically configured or
acquired via BOOTP (and the status of BOOTP) \\
\code{mode:} & Operation mode of the WR PTP Core - \code{<WR Master,
WR Slave>}\\
\code{<Locked, NoLock>} & SoftPLL lock state\\
\code{<Calibrated, Uncalibrated>} & Status of PHY calibration; not used
\code{PTP status:} & Current state of PTP state machine\\
\code{Servo state:} & Current state of WR servo state machine -
\code{<Uninitialized, SYNC\_SEC, SYNC\_NSEC, SYNC\_PHASE, TRACK\_PHASE>}\\
\code{Phase tracking:} & Is phase tracking enabled when WR Slave is
synchronized to WR Master - \code{<ON, OFF>}\\
\code{Aux clock <N> status:} & Statuses of AUX clocks; one status line per
available AUX clock; can contain <enabled> and <locked> \\
% \code{Synchronization source:} & network interface name from which WR
% daemon gets synchronization - \code{<wru1>}\\
\code{Round-trip time (mu):} & Round-trip delay in picoseconds
\code{Master-slave delay:} & Estimated one-way (master to slave) link
delay ($delay_{MS}$)\\
\code{Master PHY delays:} & Transmission/reception delays of WR
Master's hardware ($\Delta_{TXM}, \Delta_{RXM}$)\\
\code{Slave PHY delays:} & Transmission/reception delays of WR Slave's
hardware ($\Delta_{TXS}, \Delta_{RXS}$)\\
\code{Total link asymmetry:} & WR link asymmetry calculated as
$delay_{MM} - 2 \cdot delay_{MS}$\\
\code{Cable rtt delay:} & Round-trip fiber latency\\
\code{Clock offset:} & Slave to Master offset calculated by PTP daemon
($ offset_{MS} $)\\
\code{Phase setpoint:} & Current Slave's clock phase shift value\\
\code{Skew:} & The difference between current and previous estimated
one-way link delay\\
\code{Update counter:} & The value of a counter incremented every time
the WR servo is updated\\
% ##########################################################################
\section{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
\label{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
If you use SPEC board in a host-less environment, or you use custom
hardware and SPEC drivers and tools cannot be used, there is still a
possibility of writing SDBFS through Xilinx JTAG.
In case of SPEC running a reference bitstream provided with a stable
WRPC release, you can simply program your Flash with \textit{spec\_top.mcs}
provided with the release binaries using for example Xilinx ISE Impact tool.
This \textit{mcs} file already includes both SDBFS image and FPGA bitstream.
In case of a custom gateware or hardware, you can download a standalone
SDBFS image:
$ wget
and generate a custom \textit{*.mcs} file with your own FPGA bitstream. You should
use the following layout:
\begin{longtable}{ l l }
\code{0x000000} & your FPGA bitstream \\
\code{0x170000} & SDBFS image\\
For example, to generate the \textit{*.mcs} file for M25P32 Flash on SPEC, the
following \textit{promgen} parameters should be used:
promgen -w -spi -p mcs -c FF -s 32768 -u 0 <your_bitstream>.bit \
-bd sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin start 0x170000 -o output.mcs
After that, you can use the Xilinx JTAG cable and Xilinx ISE Impact tool to
write your \textit{output.mcs} file to the Flash memory.
% ##########################################################################
\section{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
\label{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
The tool has another working mode, that you can use with older
\textit{wrpc} builds, where the special table is missing (but please be
aware that the data structures may have changed slightly). In this
mode, you provide the address of the data structure and its name. It
supports the names \textit{pll}, \textit{fifo} (the circular log described
above), \textit{ppg}, \textit{ppi}, \textit{servo\_state}, \textit{ds} and
\textit{stats}. The \textit{ds} name
refers to the PTP data sets, and for this the pointer needed is
\texttt{ppg} (ppsi global data).
This is an example:
$ ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
servo_state at 0x15798
if_name: ""
flags: 1
state: 4
delta_tx_m: 10
delta_rx_m: 174410
delta_tx_s: 0
delta_rx_s: 3200
fiber_fix_alpha: 73622176
clock_period_ps: 8000
t1: correct 1: 1448628309.390213200:0000
t2: correct 1: 1448628309.390213520:2921
t3: correct 1: 1448628310.419072616:0000
t4: correct 1: 1448628310.419073104:6041
The address is specified as a hex number, and can be retrieved running
``\texttt{lm32-elf-nm wrc.elf}''.
Please note that the \textit{spec} device has a strange memory mapping, and
it needs a special endian conversion. With current \textit{wrpc} it is
autodetected, but if you dump an older binary you'll need to set the
\texttt{WRPC\_SPEC} environment variable (to any value you like) to properly
access the PCI memory or a dump taken from PCI:
$ export WRPC_SPEC=y
$ WRPC_SPEC=y ./tools/wrpc-dump dump-file 00015798 servo_state
This is not needed if the dump is retrieved using Etherbone.
% ##########################################################################
\section{Adding new objects to the SNMP}
\label{Adding new objects to the SNMP}
The \textit{Mini SNMP responder} can be easily expanded to export new objects.
Values of new objects can come from WRPC's variables or other HDL modules
as long as there is a proper interface to the WRPC to read these values.
This section contains the instruction how to export new objects with
the given variables' content.
The \textit{Mini SNMP responder} internally divides all OIDs into two parts.
The first part is called \textit{limb}. The \textit{limb} part of the incoming OID is
matched by a function \texttt{snmp\_respond}, with the defined \textit{limb} parts of OIDs
in the structure \texttt{oid\_limb\_array}.
When the \textit{limb} part is matched then the corresponding function from
the structure \texttt{oid\_limb\_array} is called to try to match the second part of
OID (the \textit{twig} part).
\begin{sloppypar} % to prevent \texttt{} from going to the margine
The example below adds to the \textit{Mini SNMP responder} an \texttt{int32\_t} variable
(\texttt{example\_i32var}) with OID \texttt{} and a string
(\texttt{example\_string}) with OID \texttt{}.
Before assigning new OIDs in your projects please contact the maintainer of
\texttt{wrpc-sw} repo to avoid conflicts.
\item First declare \texttt{example\_i32var} and \texttt{example\_string}:
static int32_t example_i32var;
static char example_string[] = "test string";
\item Define the \textit{limb} part of the OID:
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleGroup[] = {0x2B,6,1,4,1,96,101,99};
\item Define the \textit{twig} part of the OID:
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleV1[] = {1,0};
static uint8_t oid_wrpcExampleV2[] = {2,0};
\item Add a group definition to the \texttt{struct snmp\_oid\_limb oid\_limb\_array}.
Please note that this structure has to be sorted by ascending OIDs.
OID_LIMB_FIELD(oid_wrpcExampleGroup, func_group, oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup),
The macro \texttt{OID\_LIMB\_FIELD} takes the following arguments:
\item \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array with the \textit{limb} part of the
\item \texttt{func\_group} -- a function to be called when the \textit{limb} part of
the OID is matched; this function will try to match the \textit{twig} part
of the OID within a table or a group.
\item \texttt{oid\_array\_wrpcExampleGroup} -- an array of \textit{twig} parts of OIDs
\item Declare a previously used \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleGroup}. Please note that
this structure has to be sorted by ascending \textit{twig} part of OIDs.
static struct snmp_oid oid_array_wrpcExampleGroup[] = {
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcExampleV1, get_p, set_p, ASN_INTEGER, &example_i32var),
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcExampleV2, get_p, set_p, ASN_OCTET_STR, &example_string),
{ 0, }
The macro \texttt{OID\_FIELD\_VAR} takes the following arguments:
\item \texttt{oid\_wrpcExampleV1} -- an array with \textit{twig} part of the OID
\item \texttt{get\_p} (or \texttt{get\_pp)} -- a function to be called when \textit{twig}
part of the OID is matched for SNMP GET requests;
\item \texttt{set\_p} (or \texttt{set\_pp)} -- a function to be called when a \textit{twig}
part of the OID is matched for SNMP SET requests; if no SET
functionality is planned, please use NULL
\item \texttt{ASN\_INTEGER, ASN\_OCTET\_STR} -- type of the OID; please
check the source for other possible types
\item \texttt{\&example\_i32var, \&example\_string} -- addresses to the data in
In case the address of variable is not known at boot, it is possible to define
a pointer to the variable which will be initialized (e.g. in the \texttt{snmp\_init}
the function) at the boot time. In that case function \texttt{get\_pp} (\texttt{set\_pp}) has
to be used instead of \texttt{get\_p} (\texttt{set\_p}). For variables that are a part of
a structure and have to be accessed via a pointer, a macro \texttt{OID\_FIELD\_STRUCT}
is available.
For more complex extraction of variables or run-time value corrections,
it is possible to use a custom \textit{get} function. It is possible to pass
a constant number to the custom function instead of an address. For example:
OID_FIELD_VAR(oid_wrpcPtpServoUpdateTime, get_servo, NO_SET, ASN_COUNTER64, \
Perform a \texttt{snmpwalk} to get new OIDs:
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 123432
. = STRING: "test string"
End of MIB
Trying to set too long string into the \texttt{example\_string} results in an error:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new long string"
Error in packet.
Reason: (badValue) The value given has the wrong type or length.
Failed object: .
A short enough (not longer than defined \texttt{"test string"}) value succeeds:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT s "new value12"
. = STRING: "new value12"
Set 999 to the \texttt{example\_i32var}:
$ snmpset -On $SNMP_OPT i 999
. = INTEGER: 999
Perform \texttt{snmpwalk} to verify changes:
$ snmpwalk -On $SNMP_OPT
. = INTEGER: 999
. = STRING: "new value12"
End of MIB
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Mini SNMP responder's tests}
\label{Mini SNMP responder's tests}
In the \texttt{wrpc-sw} repo, automatic tests are available to validate the \textit{Mini
SNMP responder} implementation. These tests are placed in the \texttt{test/snmp}
They use the \texttt{bats} framework (\url{}).
To run these tests, please go to \texttt{test/snmp} directory, then set
\texttt{TARGET\_IP} environment varaible to the IP of your target board, then type
\texttt{make}. For example:
$ TARGET_IP= make
bats/libexec/bats snmp_tests_*.bats
Host up
Check the presence of snmpget
Check the presence of snmpgetnext
Check the presence of snmpwalk
Check the presence of snmpset
snmpget existing oid
snmpwalk 1.3.6 count all OIDs
100 tests, 0 failures
On the left of each test there will be a tick symbol shown or an \texttt{x}
depending of the test's result (not included in the example above).
Be aware that it might be necessary to clone the \texttt{bats} repo first.
\texttt{make} command will inform whether this is needed.
In case the number of OIDs changes please correct variable \texttt{TOTAL\_NUM\_OIDS}
in file \texttt{snmp\_test\_config.bash}.
These tests have to be executed after any changes are made to the \textit{Mini SNMP

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