Commit 7b82e986 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

trivial: net: removed two typedef

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent c82ffd4d
......@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ typedef uint8_t mac_addr_t[6];
typedef void *wr_socket_t;
// Socket address for ptp_netif_ functions
typedef struct {
struct wr_sockaddr {
// MAC address
mac_addr_t mac;
// Destination MASC address, filled by recvfrom()
mac_addr_t mac_dest;
// RAW ethertype
uint16_t ethertype;
} wr_sockaddr_t;
PACKED struct _wr_timestamp {
PACKED struct wr_timestamp {
// Seconds
int64_t sec;
......@@ -60,37 +60,37 @@ PACKED struct _wr_timestamp {
int correct;
typedef struct _wr_timestamp wr_timestamp_t;
// Creates UDP or Ethernet RAW socket (determined by sock_type) bound
// to bind_addr. If PTPD_FLAG_MULTICAST is set, the socket is
// automatically added to multicast group. User can specify
// physical_port field to bind the socket to specific switch port only.
wr_socket_t *ptpd_netif_create_socket(int unused, int unused2,
wr_sockaddr_t * bind_addr);
struct wr_sockaddr * bind_addr);
// Sends a UDP/RAW packet (data, data_length) to addr in wr_sockaddr_t.
// Sends a UDP/RAW packet (data, data_length) to addr in wr_sockaddr.
// For raw frames, mac/ethertype needs to be provided, for UDP - ip/port.
// Every transmitted frame has assigned a tag value, stored at tag parameter.
// This value is later used for recovering the precise transmit timestamp.
// If user doesn't need it, tag parameter can be left NULL.
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * to, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * tx_ts);
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t *sock, struct wr_sockaddr *to, void *data,
size_t data_length, struct wr_timestamp *tx_ts);
// Receives an UDP/RAW packet. Data is written to (data) and len is returned.
// Maximum buffer length can be specified by data_length parameter.
// Sender information is stored in structure specified in 'from'.
// All RXed packets are timestamped and the timestamp
// is stored in rx_timestamp (unless it's NULL).
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * from, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * rx_timestamp);
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t *sock, struct wr_sockaddr *from, void *data,
size_t data_length, struct wr_timestamp *rx_timestamp);
// Closes the socket.
int ptpd_netif_close_socket(wr_socket_t * sock);
int ptpd_netif_get_hw_addr(wr_socket_t * sock, mac_addr_t * mac);
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t * ts, int32_t dmtd_phase,
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(struct wr_timestamp *ts,
int32_t dmtd_phase,
int cntr_ahead, int transition_point,
int clock_period);
void ptpd_netif_set_phase_transition(uint32_t phase);
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static wr_socket_t *arp_socket;
void arp_init(void)
wr_sockaddr_t saddr;
struct wr_sockaddr saddr;
/* Configure socket filter */
memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static int process_arp(uint8_t * buf, int len)
void arp_poll(void)
uint8_t buf[ARP_END + 100];
wr_sockaddr_t addr;
struct wr_sockaddr addr;
int len;
if (needIP)
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ unsigned int ipv4_checksum(unsigned short *buf, int shorts)
void ipv4_init(void)
wr_sockaddr_t saddr;
struct wr_sockaddr saddr;
/* Reset => need a fresh IP */
needIP = 1;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static uint32_t bootp_tics;
void ipv4_poll(void)
uint8_t buf[400];
wr_sockaddr_t addr;
struct wr_sockaddr addr;
int len;
if (!bootp_tics)
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct sockq {
struct wrpc_socket {
int in_use;
wr_sockaddr_t bind_addr;
struct wr_sockaddr bind_addr;
mac_addr_t local_mac;
uint32_t phase_transition;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void ptpd_netif_set_phase_transition(uint32_t phase)
wr_socket_t *ptpd_netif_create_socket(int unused, int unusd2,
wr_sockaddr_t * bind_addr)
struct wr_sockaddr * bind_addr)
int i;
struct hal_port_state pstate;
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ wr_socket_t *ptpd_netif_create_socket(int unused, int unusd2,
if (wrpc_get_port_state(&pstate, "wr0" /* unused */) < 0)
return NULL;
memcpy(&sock->bind_addr, bind_addr, sizeof(wr_sockaddr_t));
memcpy(&sock->bind_addr, bind_addr, sizeof(struct wr_sockaddr));
/*get mac from endpoint */
......@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ int ptpd_netif_close_socket(wr_socket_t * sock)
* Have a look at the note at for details.
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t * ts, int32_t dmtd_phase,
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(struct wr_timestamp *ts,
int32_t dmtd_phase,
int cntr_ahead, int transition_point,
int clock_period)
......@@ -223,8 +224,8 @@ static int wrap_copy_out(struct sockq *q, void *src, size_t len)
return len;
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * from, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * rx_timestamp)
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t *sock, struct wr_sockaddr *from, void *data,
size_t data_length, struct wr_timestamp *rx_timestamp)
struct wrpc_socket *s = (struct wrpc_socket *)sock;
struct sockq *q = &s->queue;
......@@ -274,8 +275,8 @@ int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * from, void *data,
return min(size - sizeof(struct ethhdr), data_length);
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * to, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * tx_timestamp)
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t * sock, struct wr_sockaddr *to, void *data,
size_t data_length, struct wr_timestamp *tx_timestamp)
struct wrpc_socket *s = (struct wrpc_socket *)sock;
struct hw_timestamp hwts;
ppsi @ 0208eb8f
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