Commit 86b7500f authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

Merge branch 'wrpc-snmp-doc' into proposed_master

parents 24895538 9d3b7924
all : wrpc_failures.pdf
.PHONY : all clean
RELEASE = $(shell git describe --always --dirty)
wrpc_failures.pdf : wrpc_failures.tex fail.tex intro.tex snmp_objects.tex snmp_exports.tex
@echo '\\newcommand{\\gitrevinfo}{'$(RELEASE)'}' > revinfo.tex
pdflatex wrpc_failures.tex
pdflatex wrpc_failures.tex
# To speed up generation of document for development, please comment out:
# % print alphabetical list
# \printnoidxglossary[type=snmp_all,style=tree,sort=letter]
# from doc/wrpc_failures/snmp_exports.tex file.
clean :
rm -f *.eps *.dat *.log *.out *.aux *.dvi *.ps *.toc *.pdf revinfo.tex
This diff is collapsed.
This document provides information about the diagnostics of the White Rabbit
PTP Core (WRPC) - an HDL module present in every White Rabbit node. It is a
complementary documentation to the official \emph{White Rabbit PTP Core User's
Manual} published with every stable release. Please refer to this user manual
for the information about the WRPC, its interfaces and building instructions for
the official reference designs.\\
White Rabbit PTP Core starting from \emph{v4.0} provides diagnostic mechanisms
in the form of SNMP objects and optional Syslog messages (depending on the build
time LM32 software configuration). The implementation of an SNMP agent in the
WRPC is very basic comparing to the diagnostics offered by the White Rabbit
Switch. Since we are very constraint on the code size running inside the WR PTP
Core, almost all of the logic to detect and report errors has to be implemented
on the SNMP Manager's side.\\
This document has many internal hyperlinks that associate SNMP objects with
related problems description and the other way round. These links can be easily
used when reading the document on a computer.
\section{List of exported SNMP objects}
This section lists all the SNMP objects exported by the WR PTP Core. The objects
provide read-only values unless stated otherwise in their description.\\
This diff is collapsed.
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
% for glossary
% nopostdot - no dot at the end of index entires
\graphicspath{ {../../../../figures/} }
% \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=50pt] %,topsep=-12pt]
% creating subsubsubsection notation
% src:
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{0.0001pt \@plus .2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{0.0001pt \@plus .2ex}%
% for glossary, set way of sorting entries
% don't bold entries, texttt them
\newglossary*{snmp_status}{SNMP's status objects}
\newglossary*{snmp_expert}{SNMP's expert objects}
\newglossary*{snmp_other}{Objects from other MIBs}
% alphabetical list of all entries
\newglossary*{snmp_all}{All SNMP objects}
% macro to add entires
% helpers to add glossary entries
% add newline to non empty strings. For descriptions.
\else% put fixed space
% {MIB}{parent}{object}{comment}{glossary_name}
\ifx&#2&% if parameter 2 is empty don't add parent
plural={#1::#3},% used to display name not plural
user1={#1},% MIB
plural={#1::#3},% used to display name not plural
user1={#1},% MIB
% add entry to alphabetical list
% {MIB}{parent}{object}{comment}
% {MIB}{parent}{object}{comment}
% command to add snmp objects from other MIBs
% {MIB}{parent}{object}{comment}
% extra indent for lists
% indent for new paragraphs
% load glossary definitions from snmp_objects.tex
% use \kern 0.33em instead of \space to have fixed width space
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.3pt}}%
% save indent for other paragraphs
% set indent for lists entries
$\bullet$\kern 0.33em\glsentryitem{##1}\glstreenamefmt{\glstarget{##1}{\texttt{\textmd{\glsentryuseri{##1}}::}\glossentryname{##1}}}%
\ifglshassymbol{##1}{\kern 0.33em(\glossentrysymbol{##1})}{}%
\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\kern 0.33em##2\par\vspace{12pt}
% save indent for other paragraphs
% set indent for lists entries
\kern 0.33em%
\ifglshassymbol{##2}{\kern 0.33em(\glossentrysymbol{##2})}{}%
\glossentrydesc{##2}\glspostdescription\kern 0.33em##3\par\vspace{12pt}
%redefine \glspar to support indentation in many paragraphs
\parindent\snmpentryindent % restore first line in paragraph indent
\hangindent\snmpentryindent % restore other lines in paragraph indent
\title{White Rabbit PTP Core: Failures and Diagnostics}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk\\[.5cm] CERN BE-CO-HT\\ \small{\gitrevinfo}}
\section{Possible Errors}
% add not used entries, but don't display their's section
% based on:
Markdown is supported
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