Commit 901886b7 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: mac setting and setp/getp commands description updated

parent 433598a3
......@@ -507,7 +507,24 @@ interact with the shell.
wrc# ptp stop
@end example
First you should create a calibration database with fixed delays values and
@sp 1
First you should make sure your board has a proper @sc{mac} address assigned:
wrc# mac get
@end example
If the result of above command is @t{MAC-address: 11:22:33:44:55:66}, this means
@sc{mac} was not yet configured and stored in the Flash/EEPROM. You should get
the @sc{mac} for your board from its manufacturer. To configure the address and
store it into the Flash/EEPROM (so that it's automatically loaded every time the
@sc{wrpc} starts) you should type two commands in the @sc{wrpc} shell:
wrc# mac set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
wrc# mac setp xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
@end example
where @t{xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx} is the @sc{mac} address of your board.
@sp 1
Next you should create a calibration database with fixed delays values and
alpha parameters. The example below presents the @sc{wrpc} Shell commands that
clear all previous entries and add two Axcen transceivers with deltaTx, deltaRx
and alpha parameters associated with them.
......@@ -786,9 +803,9 @@ initialization script
@item @code{init boot} @tab executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same action is done automatically when @sc{wrpc} starts after resetting @sc{lm32})
@item @code{mac get} @tab prints @sc{wrpc}'s @sc{mac} address
@item @code{mac getp} @tab re-generates @sc{mac} address from 1-wire digital thermometer or @sc{eeprom}
@item @code{mac getp} @tab reads the @sc{mac} address stored in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{mac set <mac>} @tab sets the @sc{mac} address of @sc{wrpc}
@item @code{mac setp <mac>} @tab sets @sc{mac} address to the 1-wire @sc{eeprom} (if available)
@item @code{mac setp <mac>} @tab stores the @sc{mac} address in Flash/EEPROM
@item @code{sdb} @tab prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside @sc{wrpc}
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