Commit 9228f435 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

[wrpc/doc] fixed compilation and references to sections

parent 54a7b35e
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string-copy, string-fill!, string-length, string-ref,
string-set!, string<=?, string<?, string=?, string>=?,
string>?, string?, substring, symbol->string, symbol?,
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vector, vector->list, vector-fill!, vector-length,
vector-ref, vector-set!, vector?, with-input-from-file,
with-output-to-file, write, write-char, zero?},
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% morekeywords={lambda, define, if, else, cond, and, or, case,%
% let, let*, letrec, begin, do, delay, set!, =>, quote,%
% quasiquote, unquote, unquote-splicing, define-syntax, let-syntax,%
% letrec-syntax, syntax-rules},
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% boolean?, caaaar, caaadr, caaar, caadar, caaddr, caadr,
% caar, cadaar, cadadr, cadar, caddar, cadddr, caddr,
% cadr, call-with-current-continuation, call-with-input-file,
% call-with-output-file, call-with-values, call/cc, car,
% cdaaar, cdaadr, cdaar, cdadar, cdaddr, cdadr, cdar,
% cddaar, cddadr, cddar, cdddar, cddddr, cdddr, cddr,
% cdr, ceiling, char->integer, char-alphabetic?, char-ci<=?,
% char-ci<?, char-ci=?, char-ci>=?, char-ci>?, char-downcase,
% char-lower-case?, char-numeric?, char-ready?, char-upcase,
% char-upper-case?, char-whitespace?, char<=?, char<?, char=?,
% char>=?, char>?, char?, close-input-port, close-output-port,
% complex?, cons, cos, current-input-port, current-output-port,
% denominator, display, dynamic-wind, eof-object?, eq?,
% equal?, eqv?, eval, even?, exact->inexact, exact?, exp,
% expt, floor, for-each, force, gcd, imag-part,
% inexact->exact, inexact?, input-port?, integer->char,
% integer?, interaction-environment, lcm, length, list,
% list->string, list->vector, list-ref, list-tail, list?,
% load, log, magnitude, make-polar, make-rectangular,
% make-string, make-vector, map, max, member, memq, memv,
% min, modulo, negative?, newline, not, null-environment,
% null?, number->string, number?, numerator, odd?,
% open-input-file, open-output-file, output-port?, pair?,
% peek-char, port?, positive?, procedure?, quotient,
% rational?, rationalize, read, read-char, real-part, real?,
% remainder, reverse, round, scheme-report-environment,
% set-car!, set-cdr!, sin, sqrt, string, string->list,
% string->number, string->symbol, string-append, string-ci<=?,
% string-ci<?, string-ci=?, string-ci>=?, string-ci>?,
% string-copy, string-fill!, string-length, string-ref,
% string-set!, string<=?, string<?, string=?, string>=?,
% string>?, string?, substring, symbol->string, symbol?,
% tan, transcript-off, transcript-on, truncate, values,
% vector, vector->list, vector-fill!, vector-length,
% vector-ref, vector-set!, vector?, with-input-from-file,
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% new stuff
......@@ -1784,7 +1788,7 @@ initialization script\\
% ##########################################################################
\label{WRPC GUI elements}
\section{ WRPC GUI elements}
\section{WRPC GUI elements}
\begin{longtable}{ p{8cm} p{6cm} }
......@@ -1853,7 +1857,7 @@ the \codeHook{wr} servo is updated\\
% ##########################################################################
\label{Writing \codeHook{sdbfs} image in standalone configuration}
\label{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
\section{Writing SDBFS image in standalone configuration}
If you use \codeHook{spec} board in a host-less environment, or you use custom
......@@ -1889,7 +1893,7 @@ write your \textit{output.mcs} file to the Flash memory.
% ##########################################################################
\label{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
\section{ wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
\section{wrpc-dump with Older WRPC Binaries}
The tool has another working mode, that you can use with older
\textit{wrpc} builds, where the special table is missing (but please be
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