Commit a5d2d6d4 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: update HDL synthesis instructions to cover SPEC/SVEC/VFC-HD

parent efa2babc
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This is the user manual for the White Rabbit PTP Core, part of the White
Rabbit project. It describes the building and running process. If you don't
want to get your hands dirty and prefer to start with the demo binaries
available at \url{} please skip
section \ref{Building the Core} and move forward directly to section
\ref{Running and Configuring}.
available at \url{} for officially
supported boards, please skip section \ref{Building the Core} and move forward
directly to section \ref{Running and Configuring}.
% ##########################################################################
......@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ section \ref{Building the Core} and move forward directly to section
\label{Repositories and Releases}
This manual is about the official \input{version} stable release of the White
Rabbit PTP Core (\codeHook{WRPC}).
The code and documentation for the project is distributed in the
following places:
Rabbit PTP Core (WRPC). The code and documentation for the project is
distributed in the following places:
......@@ -76,58 +75,75 @@ following places:
\item \url{}
place where you can find a synthesized bitstream, ready to be downloaded to
SPEC, for every stable release
place where you can find already synthesized demo bitstreams, ready to be
downloaded to one of the officially supported boards
\item \url{git://}
read-only repository with complete HDL sources of the \codeHook{WRPC}
repository with the complete HDL sources of the WRPC
\item \url{git://}
read-only repository with the \codeHook{WRPC} \codeHook{LM32} software
repository with the LM32 software running inside the WRPC
Other tools useful for building and running the \codeHook{WRPC} can be downloaded from
the following locations:
Other tools useful for building and running the WRPC can be downloaded from the
following locations:
\item \url{git://}
\textit{hdlmake} is used in the HDL synthesis process to create a Makefile based
on the set of Manifest files.
\textit{hdlmake} is used in the HDL synthesis process to create a Makefile and
Xilinx ISE / Altera Quartus project file
\item \url{}
\codeHook{LM32} toolchain used to compile the \codeHook{WRPC} software
LM32 toolchain used to compile the LM32 software running inside the WRPC
Repositories containing the \codeHook{WRPC} gateware and software (\textit{wr-cores},
\textit{wrpc-sw}) are tagged with \codeHook{wrpc-v3.0} tag. Other tools
used to build the core and load it into \codeHook{SPEC} board should be used in their
newest stable releases.
Repositories containing the WRPC gateware and software (\textit{wr-cores},
\textit{wrpc-sw}) are tagged with \texttt{wrpc-v3.0} tag. Other tools used to
build the core and load it into the FPGA should be used in their newest stable
releases, unless otherwise stated.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{Required hardware}
\label{Required hardware}
The absolute minimum to run the \codeHook{wr ptp core} is a PC computer with
Linux and a Simple PCIe \codeHook{fmc} Carrier
(\codeHook{spec}) - \url{}. However, it is highly
recommended to use also the \codeHook{dio} \codeHook{fmc} card (\url{})
to be able to feed 1-PPS and 10MHz from external clock and output 1-PPS aligned
to the WR time. To test the White Rabbit synchronization, you will also need:
\item another \codeHook{spec} board with a \codeHook{dio} \codeHook{fmc} or a White Rabbit Switch;
\item pair of \codeHook{wr}-supported \codeHook{sfp} transceivers (the list of supported
\codeHook{sfp}s can be found on our wiki page \url{})
\item a roll of G652, single mode fiber to connect your \codeHook{spec}s or \codeHook{spec}
with a \codeHook{wr} Switch.
The minimum hardware set required to run the WR PTP Core reference firmware
depends on the hardware platform you want to use. One of the following setups
can be chosen:
\item {\bf SPEC} PCIe board\footnote{SPEC project page
\url{}} + FMC DIO card\footnote{FMC DIO
project page \url{}} + PC
computer running Linux
\item {\bf SVEC} VME board\footnote{SVEC project page
\url{}} + VME crate with a single board
computer running Linux\footnote{\label{note_a20}In our test setup we used MEN A20 board}
\item {\bf VFC-HD} VME board\footnote{VFC-HD project page
\url{}} + VME crate with a single board
computer running Linux\footref{note_a20}
To be able to test White Rabbit synchronization you would also need
additional components regardless of the reference platfrom chosen from the list
\item another WR node (e.g. one of the reference boards listed above or a
White Rabbit Switch)
\item a pair of WR-supported SFP transceivers\footnote{The list of supported
SFPs can be found on our wiki page
\item a roll of G652, single mode fiber to connect your WR devices
% ##########################################################################
\section{Building the Core}
\label{Building the Core}
......@@ -135,59 +151,62 @@ with a \codeHook{wr} Switch.
available from \textit{}.
Building the core is a two step process. First you have to
synthesize the FPGA firmware (gateware) and then compile the software which
will be executed by the \codeHook{lm32} soft-core processor. If you don't need to
modify the \codeHook{lm32} software, you can skip the compilation stage since
synthesized gateware already embeds the default software for the release.
Depending on your needs, building the WRPC can be a one- or two-step process.
In most of the cases you only need to synthesize the FPGA firmware (section
\ref{HDL synthesis}). This way, you get a working WRPC with the default, release
LM32 software running inside the core. If, for some reasons, you need to modify
the LM32 software, please check also section \ref{LM32 software compilation}
which contains a description of the software compilation process.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{HDL synthesis}
\label{HDL synthesis}
Before running the synthesis process you have to make sure your environment is
set up correctly. You need a Xilinx ISE software with at least a WebPack
license. \textit{ISE} provides a set of scripts: \textit{},
\textit{settings32.csh}, \textit{} and \textit{settings64.csh} that configure all
the system variables required by the Xilinx software. Depending on a shell you
use and whether your Linux is 32 or 64-bits you should execute one of them
before the other tools are used. For 64-bit system and BASH shell you should
set up correctly. You will need a synthesis software from your FPGA vendor.
Depending if you want to run the WRPC on Xilinx (e.g. SPEC, SVEC boards) or
Altera/Intel (e.g. VFC-HD) FPGA, you should install either Xilinx ISE or Quartus
Prime software.
\subsubsection{Setting up Xilinx ISE}
To synthesize the FPGA firmware containing the WRPC, Xilinx ISE with free of
charge WebPack license is enough. ISE provides a set of scripts:
\texttt{}, \texttt{settings32.csh}, \texttt{} and
\texttt{settings64.csh} that configure all the system variables to let you
easily run the software. Depending on a shell you use and whether your Linux is
32 or 64-bits you should execute one of them before the other tools are used.
For 64-bit system and BASH shell you should call (assuming that ISE is installed
in the default \textit{/opt} directory):
$ /opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS/
The easiest way to ensure that \textit{ISE}-related variables are always set in your
shell is adding the execution of the script to your \textit{bash.rc} file. You can
check if the shell is configured correctly by verifying if the \textit{\$XILINX}
variable contains path to your \textit{ISE} installation directory.
\textbf{Note:} current version of \textit{hdlmake} tool developed at CERN requires
modification of \textit{\$XILINX} variable after \textit{settings} script execution.
This (provided that the installation path for \textit{ISE} is /opt/Xilinx/<version>)
should be the following:
You can check if the shell is configured correctly by verifying if the
\texttt{\$XILINX} variable contains path to your ISE installation directory.
\subsubsection{Setting up Quartus Prime}
To be able to synthesize the WRPC for Arria V FPGA (which is used on the VFC-HD
board) you need at least a license for the Quartus Prime Standard Edition with
the support of Arria V family. To set up the software after it is installed, you
should add the location of its binaries to your \texttt{\$PATH} environment
variable. Assuming you have installed the software in \textit{/opt/altera}, the
following command should be executed:
$ export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS
$ export PATH=/opt/altera/16.0/quartus/bin:$PATH
\textbf{Note:} the Xilinx project file included in the \codeHook{wrpc} sources was created
with Xilinx ISE 14.5. It is however recommended to use the newest available
version of the ISE software.
HDL sources for the \codeHook{wr ptp core} could be synthesized using Xilinx ISE without
any additional tools, but using \textit{hdlmake} is more convenient. It creates a
synthesis Makefile and ISE project file based on a set of files
deployed among the directories inside the \textit{wr-cores} repository.
\subsubsection{Downloading the sources and running the synthesis}
Thanks to the \textit{hdlmake} tool, the synthesis process for the reference
designs does not differ between Xilinx and Intel based boards. The tool creates
synthesis Makefile as well as ISE/Quartus project file based on a set of files that you will find in the \textit{wr-cores} repository.\\
First, please clone the \textit{hdlmake} repository from its location given in
section \ref{Repositories and Releases}:\newpage
section \ref{Repositories and Releases}:
$ wget
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/hdl-make
$ cd <your_location>/hdl-make
$ git checkout 9d303ee
$ git checkout 9d303ee TODO: update commit id
Then, using your favorite editor, you should create an \textit{hdlmake} script in
......@@ -195,82 +214,84 @@ Then, using your favorite editor, you should create an \textit{hdlmake} script i
following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python2.7 /path_to_hdlmake_sources/hdl-make/hdlmake/ #@
python2.7 <path_to_hdlmake_sources>/hdl-make/hdlmake/ #@
After that, you should make your script executable:
Please, make your script executable:
chmod a+x /usr/bin/hdlmake
$ chmod a+x /usr/bin/hdlmake
Having Xilinx ISE software and \textit{hdlmake} in place, you can clone the main
\codeHook{wr ptp core} git repository and start building the FPGA bitstream.
First, please create a local copy of the \textit{wr-cores}:
Having all the tools in place, you can now clone the main WR PTP Core git
repository for the v3.1 release. The set of command below does that, checks out
the release tag, and downloads other HDL repositories (submodules) needed to
synthesize the core:
$ git clone git:// <your_location>/wr-cores
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores
To build the gateware using sources of a stable release wrpc-v3.0, you
have to checkout the proper git tag:
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.0
If you use \textit{wr-cores} within another project (like \textit{wr-nic}), you may need
to check out another release tag for this repository. Please refer to the
project's documentation to find out which version of this package you need to
You also need to fetch other git repositories containing modules instantiated
inside the \codeHook{wr ptp core} HDL. They are configured as git submodules:
$ git checkout wrpc-v3.1
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
The local copies of the submodules are stored to:
The local copies of the submodules are stored to
\textbf{Note:} If you use the WRPC within another project (like
\textit{wr-nic}), you may need to checkout another release tag for this
repository. Please refer to the project's documentation to find out which
version of this package you need to build.
The subdirectory which contains the main synthesis for \codeHook{spec} board
The subdirectory you should enter to run the synthesis depends on the hardware
platform you use:
\item \textbf{SPEC}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec\_ref\_design}
\item \textbf{SVEC}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/svec\_ref\_design}
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/vfchd\_ref\_design}
contains the main synthesis for \codeHook{spec} board
and in which you should perform the whole process is:
$ cd <your_location>/wr-cores/syn/spec_1_1/wr_core_demo/
First, please call \textit{hdlmake} to create synthesis Makefile for Xilinx
After selecting a proper location from the list above, please call
\textit{hdlmake} without any arguments to create the Makefile and project file:
$ hdlmake
After that, the actual synthesis is just the matter of executing:
$ make
This takes (depending on your computer speed) about 15 minutes and should create
two files with FPGA firmware: \textit{spec\_top.bit} and \textit{spec\_top.bin}. The
former can be downloaded to FPGA with Xilinx Platform Cable using e.g.
\textit{Xilinx Impact}. The latter can be used with kernel drivers from the
\textit{spec-sw} repository (check example in section \ref{Running and
This takes (depending on your computer) about 10 minutes and should generate
bitstream files in various formats depending on your selected reference
\item \textbf{SPEC}: \texttt{spec\_wr\_ref\_top.bin}, \texttt{spec\_wr\_ref\_top.bit}
\item \textbf{SVEC}: \texttt{svec\_wr\_ref\_top.bin}, \texttt{svec\_wr\_ref\_top.bit}
\item \textbf{VFC-HD}: \texttt{vfchd\_wr\_ref.sof}
If, on the other hand, you would like to clean-up the repository and rebuild
everything from scratch you can use the following commands:
You can select the bitstream format to be downloaded to FPGA depending on the
programming method:
\item \textbf{*.bin} files to program the Xilinx FPGA on SPEC or SVEC board
using the official software support package (\textit{spec-sw},
\textit{svec-sw}). See section \ref{Running and Configuring} for more
\item \textbf{*.bit} files to program the Xilinx FPGA with Xilinx USB Platform
Cable (using e.g. Xilinx Impact tool)
\item \textbf{*.sof} file to program the Intel FPGA (VFC-HD board) using using
the Altera / Intel JTAG cable
If, you would like to clean-up the repository to start building everything from
scratch you can use the following commands:
\item \textit{\$ make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
\item \textit{\$ make mrproper} - removes spec\_top.bin and spec\_top.bit files;
\item \texttt{\$ make clean} - removes all synthesis reports and log files;
\item \texttt{\$ make mrproper} - removes spec\_top.bin and spec\_top.bit files;
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