Commit b533df3d authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: small fixes in "WRPC GUI elements" section

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 188dee7b
......@@ -1535,51 +1535,62 @@ See \ref{Syslog}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set.\\
\begin{longtable}{ p{4.5cm} p{10cm} }
\code{TAI Time:} & current state of device's local clock \\
\code{TAI Time:} & Current state of device's local clock \\
\code{RX:} / \code{TX:} & Rx/Tx packets counters\\
\code{mode:} & operation mode of the WR PTP Core - \code{<WR Master, WR Slave>}\\
\code{IPv4:} & IP address; also whether it is statically configured or
acquired via BOOTP (and the status of BOOTP) \\
\code{< Locked, NoLock >} & SoftPLL lock state\\
\code{mode:} & Operation mode of the WR PTP Core - \code{<WR Master,
WR Slave>}\\
\code{Servo state:} & current state of WR servo state machine -
\code{<Locked, NoLock>} & SoftPLL lock state\\
\code{<Uninitialized, SYNC\_SEC, SYNC\_NSEC, SYNC\_PHASE, TRACK\_PHASE>}\\
\code{<Calibrated, Uncalibrated>} & Status of PHY calibration; not used
\code{Phase tracking:} & is phase tracking enabled when WR Slave is
synchronized to WR Master - \code{<ON, OFF>}\\
\code{PTP status:} & Current state of PTP state machine\\
\code{Synchronization source:} & network interface name from which WR
daemon gets synchronization - \code{<wru1>}\\
\code{Servo state:} & Current state of WR servo state machine -
\code{<Uninitialized, SYNC\_SEC, SYNC\_NSEC, SYNC\_PHASE, TRACK\_PHASE>}\\
\code{Round\-/trip time (mu):} & round-trip delay in picoseconds
(\( delay_{MM} \))\\
\code{Phase tracking:} & Is phase tracking enabled when WR Slave is
synchronized to WR Master - \code{<ON, OFF>}\\
\code{Master\-/slave delay:} & estimated one-way (master to slave) link
delay (\( delay_{MS} \))\\
\code{Aux clock <N> status:} & Statuses of AUX clocks; one status line per
available AUX clock; can contain <enabled> and <locked> \\
\code{Master PHY delays:} & transmission/reception delays of WR
Master's hardware (\( \Delta_{TXM}, \Delta_{RXM} \))\\
% \code{Synchronization source:} & network interface name from which WR
% daemon gets synchronization - \code{<wru1>}\\
\code{Slave PHY delays:} & transmission/reception delays of WR Slave's
hardware (\( \Delta_{TXS}, \Delta_{RXS} \))\\
\code{Round-trip time (mu):} & Round-trip delay in picoseconds
\code{Master-slave delay:} & Estimated one-way (master to slave) link
delay ($delay_{MS}$)\\
\code{Master PHY delays:} & Transmission/reception delays of WR
Master's hardware ($\Delta_{TXM}, \Delta_{RXM}$)\\
\code{Slave PHY delays:} & Transmission/reception delays of WR Slave's
hardware ($\Delta_{TXS}, \Delta_{RXS}$)\\
\code{Total link asymmetry:} & WR link asymmetry calculated as
\( delay_{MM} - 2 \cdot delay_{MS} \)\\
$delay_{MM} - 2 \cdot delay_{MS}$\\
\code{Cable rtt delay:} & round-trip fiber latency\\
\code{Cable rtt delay:} & Round-trip fiber latency\\
\code{Clock offset:} & Slave to Master offset calculated by PTP daemon
(\( offset_{MS} \))\\
($ offset_{MS} $)\\
\code{Phase setpoint:} & current Slave's clock phase shift value\\
\code{Phase setpoint:} & Current Slave's clock phase shift value\\
\code{Skew:} & the difference between current and previous estimated
one-way link delay\\
\code{Skew:} & The difference between current and previous estimated
one-way link delay\\
\code{Update counter:} & the state of counter incremented every time
the WR servo is updated\\
\code{Update counter:} & The value of a counter incremented every time
the WR servo is updated\\
......@@ -1631,7 +1642,8 @@ The tool has another working mode, that you can use with older
aware that the data structures may have changed slightly). In this
mode, you provide the address of the data structure and its name. It
supports the names \textit{pll}, \textit{fifo} (the circular log described
above), \textit{ppg}, \textit{ppi}, \textit{servo\_state}, and \textit{ds}. The last name
above), \textit{ppg}, \textit{ppi}, \textit{servo\_state}, \textit{ds} and
\textit{stats}. The \textit{ds} name
refers to the PTP data sets, and for this the pointer needed is
\texttt{ppg} (ppsi global data).
This is an example:
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