Commit c6b68c61 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

rxts_calibrator: clean up

This cleans a little the calibrator code: we'll write to eeprom only
when the measured value is different from the previous one.

With this commit, code is also slightly smaller (28 bytes).
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent d447f096
......@@ -208,43 +208,45 @@ int measure_t24p(uint32_t *value)
return rv;
/*SoftPLL must be locked prior calling this function*/
static int calib_t24p_slave(uint32_t *value)
/* Delays for master must have been calibrated while running as slave */
static int calib_t24p_master(uint32_t *value)
int rv;
while (!(rv = rxts_calibration_update(value))) ;
if (rv < 0) {
pp_printf("Could not calibrate t24p, trying to read from EEPROM\n");
if(eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, value, 0) < 0) {
pp_printf("Something went wrong while writing EEPROM\n");
return -1;
else {
pp_printf("t24p value is %d ps, storing to EEPROM\n", *value);
if(eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, value, 1) < 0) {
pp_printf("Something went wrong while writing EEPROM\n");
return -1;
rv = eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, value, 0);
if(rv < 0) {
pp_printf("Error %d while reading EEPROM\n", rv);
return rv;
return 0;
pp_printf("t24p read from EEPROM: %d ps\n", *value);
return rv;
static int calib_t24p_master(uint32_t *value)
/*SoftPLL must be locked prior calling this function*/
static int calib_t24p_slave(uint32_t *value)
int rv;
uint32_t prev;
rv = eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, value, 0);
if(rv < 0)
pp_printf("Something went wrong while reading from EEPROM: %d\n", rv);
pp_printf("t24p read from EEPROM: %d ps\n", *value);
while (!(rv = rxts_calibration_update(value)))
/* FIXME: timeout */;
if (rv < 0) {
/* Fall back on master == eeprom-or-error */
return calib_t24p_master(value);
* Let's see if we have a matching value in EEPROM:
* accept a 200ps difference, otherwise rewrite eeprom
rv = eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, &prev, 0 /* rd */);
if (rv < 0 || (prev < *value - 200) || (prev > *value + 200)) {
rv = eeprom_phtrans(WRPC_FMC_I2C, FMC_EEPROM_ADR, value, 1);
pp_printf("Wrote new t24p value: %d ps (%s)\n", *value,
rv < 0 ? "Failed" : "Success");
return rv;
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