Commit e08116c9 authored by Michel Arruat's avatar Michel Arruat Committed by Adam Wujek

liblinux/extest New library to support interactive test program

        extets stands for extented test. The aim is to provide a small
        framework to factorize the usual code for interactive program, like
        parsing arguments, running commands, history, provide a small language
        to pipe commands, etc...
Signed-off-by: Michel Arruat's avatarMichel Arruat <>
parent 968ac6f5
# If it exists includes Makefile.specific. In this Makefile, you should put
# specific Makefile code that you want to run before this. For example,
# build a particular environment.
-include Makefile.specific
LIB = libextest.a
LOBJ := extest.o
CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -fPIC -Werror -I./
LDFLAGS = -L. -lextest
%: %.c $(LIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
$(LIB): $(LOBJ) $(LIB_DEP)
$(AR) r $@ $^
rm -f $(LIB) .depend *.o *~
.depend: Makefile $(wildcard *.c *.h ../*.h)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(LOBJ:.o=.c) -o $@
-include .depend
* @file extest.c
* @brief Extensible Test program
* Copyright (C) CERN (
* Author: Julian Lewis
* Michel Arruat
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#include <extest.h>
//!< Description of each operator.
static struct operator oprs[OprOPRS] = {
.id = OprNOOP,
.name = "?",
.help = "??? Not an operator"
{ OprNE, "#" , "Test: Not equal" },
{ OprEQ, "=" , "Test: Equal" },
{ OprGT, ">" , "Test: Greater than" },
{ OprGE, ">=", "Test: Greater than or equal" },
{ OprLT, "<" , "Test: Less than" },
{ OprLE, "<=", "Test: Less than or equal" },
{ OprAS, ":=", "Assign: Becomes equal" },
{ OprPL, "+" , "Arith: Add" },
{ OprMI, "-" , "Arith: Subtract" },
{ OprTI, "*" , "Arith: Multiply" },
{ OprDI, "/" , "Arith: Divide" },
{ OprAND, "&" , "Bits: AND" },
{ OprOR, "!" , "Bits: OR" },
{ OprXOR, "!!", "Bits: XOR" },
{ OprNOT, "##", "Bits: One's Complement" },
{ OprNEG, "#-", "Bits: Two's complement" },
{ OprLSH, "<<", "Bits: Left shift" },
{ OprRSH, ">>", "Bits: Right shift" },
{ OprINC, "++", "Arith: Increment" },
{ OprDECR, "--", "Arith: Decrement" },
{ OprPOP, ";" , "Stack: POP" },
{ OprSTM, "->", "Stack: PUSH" }
//! We divide the extended ASCII table in subsets of atom types (atom_t)
static char atomhash[256] = {
10,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,0,0,9,9,0,9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,
10,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 ,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,9,8,9,6,
9 ,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 ,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,9,9,9,9,9,
9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,
9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,
9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,
9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 ,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9
static struct cmd_desc *_cmdlist = NULL;
static int _cmdlist_size = 0;
static struct atom _args_copy[MAX_ARG_COUNT + 1]; /* +1 for the terminator */
static void (*user_sig_hndl)() = NULL; // user sig handler
* sighandler - SIGNAL handler
* @param sig: SIGNAL number
* We catch signals so that we can properly clean-up the session and exit
static void sighandler(int sig)
* we use sys_siglist[] instead of strsignal() to stay compatible
* with old versions of glibc
printf("\nEXIT: Signal %s received\n", sys_siglist[sig]);
if (user_sig_hndl)
* sighandler_init - register and configure the SIGNAL handler
static void sighandler_init()
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = sighandler;
act.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGINT, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGILL, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGKILL, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, 0);
* get_atoms - Split the command and its arguments into atoms
* @param input - command to split
* @param atoms - buffer to store atoms. [max: @ref MAX_ARG_COUNT elements]
* @return number of atoms processed
static int get_atoms(char *input, struct atom *atoms)
char *buf; /* goes through input */
char *endptr; /* marks the end within input of an atom */
atom_t atype; /* atom type */
int cnt = 0; /* keeps track of @atoms entries */
int i, j;
if ( input == NULL || *input == '.')
return cnt; /* repeat last command */
bzero((void*)atoms, MAX_ARG_COUNT * sizeof(struct atom));
buf = input;
while (1) {
if (cnt >= MAX_ARG_COUNT - 1) { /* avoid overflow */
atoms[cnt].type = Terminator;
atype = atomhash[(int)*buf];
switch (atype) {
case Numeric:
atoms[cnt].val = (int)strtol(buf, &endptr, 0);
snprintf(atoms[cnt].text, MAX_ARG_LENGTH, "%d",
atoms[cnt].type = Numeric;
buf = endptr;
case Alpha:
atoms[cnt].pos = (unsigned int)(buf - input);
j = 0;
while (atype == Alpha) {
atoms[cnt].text[j++] = *buf++;
if (j >= MAX_ARG_LENGTH)
atype = atomhash[(int)*buf];
atoms[cnt].text[j] = '\0';
atoms[cnt].type = Alpha;
atoms[cnt].cmd_id = CMD_NOCM;
for (i = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(_cmdlist[i].name, atoms[cnt].text))
atoms[cnt].cmd_id = _cmdlist[i].id;
case Quotes:
/* Strings are "enclosed between quotes" */
atoms[cnt].pos = (unsigned int)(buf - input);
j = 0;
atype = atomhash[(int)(*(++buf))];
while (atype != Quotes && atype != Terminator) {
atoms[cnt].text[j++] = *buf++;
if (j >= MAX_ARG_LENGTH)
atype = atomhash[(int)*buf];
atoms[cnt].text[j] = '\0';
atoms[cnt].type = String;
buf++; /* discard ending quotes */
case Separator:
while (atype == Separator)
atype = atomhash[(int)(*(++buf))];
case Comment:
/* Comments are %enclosed between percent marks% */
atype = atomhash[(int)(*(++buf))];
while (atype != Comment) {
atype = atomhash[(int)(*(buf++))];
if (atype == Terminator) /* no ending % */
return cnt;
case Operator:
/* pick up negative Numerics */
if (*buf == '-') {
char *c = buf + 1;
if (*c && isdigit(*c)) {
atype = Numeric;
goto reeval;
atoms[cnt].pos = (unsigned int)(buf - input);
j = 0;
while (atype == Operator) {
atoms[cnt].text[j++] = *buf++;
if (j >= MAX_ARG_LENGTH)
atype = atomhash[(int)*buf];
atoms[cnt].text[j] = '\0';
atoms[cnt].type = Operator;
for (i = 0; i < OprOPRS; i++) {
if (!strcmp(oprs[i].name, atoms[cnt].text)) {
atoms[cnt].oid = oprs[i].id;
case Open:
case Close:
case Open_index:
case Close_index:
case Bit:
atoms[cnt].type = atype;
case Illegal_char:
case Terminator:
atoms[cnt].type = atype;
return cnt;
return cnt;
* clone_args - clones @ref nr arguments from a group of atoms w/ termination
* @param to - address to copy to
* @param from - address to copy from
* @param nr - number of atoms to copy
void clone_args(struct atom *to, struct atom *from, int nr)
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= nr; i++) /* #0 is the cmd itself */
memcpy(to + i, from + i, sizeof(struct atom));
(to + i)->type = Terminator;
* get_cmd_by_id - get command using its id
* @param cmd_id - command id (from the command enum list)
* @return pointer to cmd descriptor on success
* @return NULL if there is no command with id @ref cmd_id
struct cmd_desc *get_cmd_by_id(int cmd_id)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (_cmdlist[i].id == cmd_id)
return &_cmdlist[i];
return NULL;
struct cmd_desc *get_cmd_by_name(char *cmd_name)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(_cmdlist[i].name, cmd_name))
return &_cmdlist[i];
return NULL;
static void atoms_init(struct atom *atoms, unsigned int elems)
int i;
bzero((void *)atoms, elems * sizeof(struct atom));
for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
atoms[i].type = Terminator;
* param_amount - catch the amount of parameters for this command
* @param atoms - stream of atoms (user's command-line input, split into atoms)
* This function takes a stream of atoms, starting with a particular command.
* It identifies the number of subsequent atoms that this first atom should
* be fed with.
* @return number of parameters @b excluding the command itself
static int param_amount(struct atom *atoms)
int i = 1; /* don't count the command itself */
/* "help" command is special */
if (atoms[0].cmd_id == CMD_HELP &&
atoms[1].type == Alpha && atoms[1].cmd_id != CMD_NOCM) {
goto out;
/* "atom list" command is special */
if (atoms[0].cmd_id == CMD_ATOMS) {
while (atoms[i].type != Terminator &&
atoms[i].type != Illegal_char)
goto out;
while (atoms[i].type == Numeric ||
atoms[i].type == Operator ||
atoms[i].type == String) {
if (atoms[i].type == Numeric && atoms[i + 1].type == Open)
return i - 1;
* do_cmd - Execute command described in @atoms
* @param idx - index in command atom list to start execution from
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return end arg index - if OK
* @return one of @ref tst_prg_err_t - in case of error
static int do_cmd(int idx, struct atom *atoms)
struct atom *ap; /* atom pointer */
struct cmd_desc *cdp; /* command's description */
int ret; /* stores what the handler returns */
int count = 1; /* stores the Numeric before brackets (Open) */
int rec; /* for recursive do_cmd() in Open */
int i;
* @todo
* test what happens when inside a (loop), there is an error.
* Would it catch it or not? Would it break badly?
atoms_init(_args_copy, MAX_ARG_COUNT + 1);
while (1) {
ap = &atoms[idx];
if (ap->type != Numeric && ap->type != Open)
count = 1; /* set count to default */
switch (ap->type) {
case Numeric:
count = ap->val;
case String:
case Open:
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
rec = do_cmd(idx, atoms);
idx = rec;
count = 1;
case Alpha:
cdp = get_cmd_by_id(ap->cmd_id);
cdp->pa = param_amount(ap);
clone_args(_args_copy, ap, cdp->pa);
* We don't do anything (yet) with ret.
* It could be used to implement a richer interface,
* but for the time being we'll leave it like that.
ret = (*cdp->handle)(cdp, _args_copy);
/* keep compiler silent */
(void) ret;
idx += cdp->pa + 1;
case Close:
return idx;
case Terminator:
return idx;
return idx;
static void set_prompt(char *buf, size_t len, char *prg_name, char *host,
int cmd_index)
// snprintf(buf, len, WHITE_ON_BLACK "%s:%s[%02d] > "
// DEFAULT_COLOR, host, prg_name, cmd_index);
snprintf(buf, len, "%s:%s[%02d] > ", host, prg_name, cmd_index);
buf[len - 1] = '\0';
/* add a line to the history if it's not a duplicate of the previous */
static void extest_add_history(char *line)
int save_it;
if (!line[0])
prev = previous_history();
/* save it if there's no previous line or if they're different */
save_it = !prev || strcmp(line, prev->line);
if (save_it)
* built-in command handlers
* hndl_illegal - Illegal command handler
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_illegal(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
printf("%s --> %s\n", atoms->text, cmdd->help);
return 1;
* hndl_quit - Quit test program
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return nothing; it just cleans up and exits
static int hndl_quit(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("\nexit the test program\n");
return 1;
* cmd_lnm - command's longest name
* @return strlen of the longest command
static int cmd_lnm(void)
static int len = 0, i;
if (len)
return len;
for (i = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (strlen(_cmdlist[i].name) > len)
len = strlen(_cmdlist[i].name);
return len;
* cmd_lopt - command's longest option
* @return strlen of the longest command option
static int cmd_lopt(void)
static int len = 0, i;
if (len)
return len;
for (i = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (strlen(_cmdlist[i].opt) > len)
len = strlen(_cmdlist[i].opt);
return len;
* hndl_help - User help
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_help(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
struct cmd_desc *cdp = NULL; /* command description ptr */
int i, j;
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s - display full command list\n"
"%s o - help on the operators\n"
"%s cmd - help on the command 'cmd'\n",
cmdd->name, cmdd->name, cmdd->name);
goto out;
if (atoms[1].type == Alpha && !strcmp(atoms[1].text, "o")) {
for (i = 1; i < OprOPRS; i++)
printf("Id: %2d Opr: %s \t--> %s\n",
oprs[i].id, oprs[i].name, oprs[i].help);
} else if (atoms[1].type == Alpha &&
(cdp = get_cmd_by_name(atoms[1].text))) {
(*cdp->handle)(cdp, (struct atom *)VERBOSE_HELP);
} else {
printf("Valid COMMANDS:\n%-*s %-*s %-*s %-s\n",
(int)strlen("#xx:"), "Idx", cmd_lnm(), "Name",
(int)strlen("[ ] ->") + cmd_lopt(), "Params",
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < _cmdlist_size; ++i) {
if (_cmdlist[i].valid)
printf("#%2d: %-*s [ %-*s ] -> %s\n", ++j,
cmd_lnm(), _cmdlist[i].name, cmd_lopt(),
_cmdlist[i].opt, _cmdlist[i].help);
printf("\nType \"h name\" to get complete command help\n");
return 1;
* hndl_history - Command history print-out
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_history(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
HIST_ENTRY **list;
int i;
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s - display command history\n", cmdd->name);
goto out;
list = history_list();
if (list) {
for (i = 0; list[i]; i++)
printf("Cmd[%02d] %s\n", i, list[i]->line);
return 1;
* hndl_atoms - Print out the command line split into atoms
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* Useful for debugging
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_atoms(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
struct cmd_desc *dp;
struct atom *ap;
int i = 0;
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s - split the command line input into atoms\n",
goto out;
printf("Arg list: Consists of %d atoms.\n", cmdd->pa);
for (i = 0; i < cmdd->pa; i++) {
ap = &atoms[i + 1]; /* skip command itself */
switch (ap->type) {
case Numeric:
printf("Arg[%02d] Num: %d\n", i + 1, ap->val);
case Alpha:
if (ap->cmd_id) {
dp = get_cmd_by_id(ap->cmd_id);
printf("Arg[%02d] Cmd: %d Name: %s Help: %s\n",
i + 1, ap->cmd_id, dp->name, dp->help);
} else /* illegal command, i.e. 'CMD_NOCM' case */
printf("Arg[%02d] Unknown Command: %s\n",
i + 1, ap->text);
case Operator:
if (ap->oid) {
int id = ap->oid;
printf("Arg[%02d] Operator: %s Help: %s\n",
i + 1, oprs[id].name, oprs[id].help);
printf("Arg[%02d] Unknown Operator: %s\n",
i + 1, ap->text);
case String:
printf("Arg[%02d] String: \"%s\"\n", i + 1, ap->text);
case Open:
printf("Arg[%02d] Opn: (\n", i + 1);
case Close:
printf("Arg[%02d] Cls: )\n", i + 1);
case Open_index:
printf("Arg[%02d] Opn: [\n", i + 1);
case Close_index:
printf("Arg[%02d] Cls: ]\n", i + 1);
case Bit:
printf("Arg[%02d] Bit: .\n", i + 1);
case Terminator:
printf("Arg[%02d] End: @\n", i + 1);
printf("Arg[%02d] ???\n", i + 1);
return 1;
* hndl_sleep - sleep for a few seconds
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_sleep(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
int seconds;
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s [n] - put the process to sleep for 'n' seconds\n"
"\tNote that n=1s is the default value.\n",
goto out;
if (atoms->type == Numeric)
seconds = atoms->val;
seconds = 1;
return 1;
* hndl_msleep - sleep for a few milliseconds
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_msleep(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
int usec = 1000; /*default */
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s [n] - put the process to sleep for 'n' milliseconds\n"
"\tNote that n=1ms is the default value.\n",
goto out;
if (atoms->type == Numeric)
usec = atoms->val * 1000;
return 1;
* hndl_shell - execute a shell command
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return >= 0 - on success
* @return tst_prg_err_t - on failure
static int hndl_shell(struct cmd_desc* cmdd, struct atom *atoms)
if (atoms == (struct atom*)VERBOSE_HELP) {
printf("%s \"shellcmd args\" - execute a shell command.\n"
"Note that shellcmd and its arguments need to be "
"enclosed in double quotes. These can't be escaped "
"so use single quotes (if needed) inside args.\n",
goto out;
if ((++atoms)->type != String)
return 1;
//!< Standard commands definitions
static struct cmd_desc _built_in_cmdlist[CMD_USR] = {
.valid = 0,
.id = CMD_NOCM,
.name = "???",
.help = "Illegal command",
.opt = "",
.comp = 0,
.handle = hndl_illegal,
1, CMD_QUIT, "q", "Quit test program", "", 0, hndl_quit,
1, CMD_HELP, "h", "Help on commands", "o c", 0, hndl_help,
1, CMD_ATOMS, "a", "Atom list commands", "", 0, hndl_atoms,
1, CMD_HIST, "his", "History", "", 0, hndl_history,
1, CMD_SLEEP, "s", "Sleep seconds", "Seconds", 0, hndl_sleep,
1, CMD_MSLEEP, "ms", "Sleep milliseconds", "MilliSecs", 0, hndl_msleep,
1, CMD_SHELL, "sh", "Shell command", "Unix Cmd", 1, hndl_shell,
* extest's User's API
* do_yes_no - Get user answer (y/n)
* @param question - prompt the user with it
* @param extra - extra argument to the question (can be NULL)
* @return 1 - user replied 'yes'
* @return 0 - user replied 'no'
int extest_do_yes_no(char *question, char *extra)
int reply;
printf("%s", question);
if (extra)
printf(" %s", extra);
printf("? (y/n) > ");
reply = getchar();
if (reply == EOF)
return 0;
else if (reply != '\n') {
/* escape subsequent characters and the ending '\n' */
while (getchar() != '\n')
if (reply != 'y' && reply != 'n' && /* accept y/n & Y/N */
reply != 'Y' && reply != 'N') {
printf("answer y/n only\n");
goto ask;
return reply == 'y';
* compulsory_ok - checks that compulsory parameters are passed
* @param cmdd - command description
* @param atoms - command atoms list
* @return 1 - ok
* @return 0 - not ok
int extest_compulsory_ok(struct cmd_desc *cmdd)
return cmdd->pa == cmdd->comp;
* is_last_atom - checks if @ref atom is the last in the list to be processed
* @param atom - command atoms list
* An atom is considered to be the last one of a list if it is either
* the terminator or the atom preceding the terminator
* @return 1 - if it's the last one
* @return 0 - if it isn't
int extest_is_last_atom(struct atom *atom)
if (atom->type == Terminator)
return 1;
if ((atom + 1)->type == Terminator)
return 1;
return 0;
* extest_register_user_cmd - Register user commands
* @param user_cmds - user commands list
* @param user_cmds_nb - user commands count
* This function it is meant to register the list of specific user commands
* which will be added to the built-in ones.
* Note: user command's id should be greater than CMD_USR otherwise commands are
* not registered.
* @return 0 on success or -1 on failure
int extest_register_user_cmd(struct cmd_desc user_cmdlist[], int user_cmd_nb)
int i;
* check that none of the user command got an id in conflict with the
* built-in commands id.
for (i = 0; i < user_cmd_nb; ++i) {
if (user_cmdlist[i].id < CMD_USR) {
"User cmd'id should be greater than CMD_USR.\n");
return -1;
* build cmdlist grouping built-in and user commands
_cmdlist = calloc(user_cmd_nb + CMD_USR, sizeof(struct cmd_desc));
if (_cmdlist == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating cmdlist failed: %s\n",
return -1;
memcpy(_cmdlist, _built_in_cmdlist, sizeof(struct cmd_desc) * CMD_USR);
memcpy(&_cmdlist[CMD_USR], user_cmdlist,
sizeof(struct cmd_desc) * user_cmd_nb);
_cmdlist_size = CMD_USR + user_cmd_nb;
return 0;
* extest_init - Initialise extest
* @param argc - argument counter
* @param char *argv[] - argument values
* This function it is meant to run as long as the test program process runs.
* It will only return when there is a severe failure -- such as a signal.
* @return EXIT_FAILURE - on failure
int extest_run(char *prg_name, void (*user_sighandler)())
struct atom cmd_atoms[MAX_ARG_COUNT];
char host[32] = { 0 };
char prompt[128]; /* prompt string */
char *cmd; /* command pointer */
int cmdindx = 0;
user_sig_hndl = user_sighandler; // store user signal handler
gethostname(host, 32);
while(1) {
bzero(prompt, sizeof(prompt));
if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
set_prompt(prompt, sizeof(prompt), prg_name, host,
cmd = readline(prompt);
if (!cmd) {
break; //leave infinite loop
atoms_init(cmd_atoms, MAX_ARG_COUNT);
get_atoms(cmd, cmd_atoms); /* split cmd into atoms */
do_cmd(0, cmd_atoms); /* execute atoms */
return 0;
* @file extest.h
* @brief Common header file for extest's programs
* Copyright (C) CERN (
* Author: Julian Lewis
* Michel Arruat
#ifndef _EXTEST_H_
#define _EXTEST_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define MAX_ARG_COUNT 256 //!< maximum command line arguments
#define MAX_ARG_LENGTH 128 //!< max characters per argument
#define F_CLOSED (-1) //!< file closed
#define WHITE_ON_BLACK "\033[40m\033[1;37m"
#define DEFAULT_COLOR "\033[m"
//! Operator ID's
typedef enum {
} oprid_t;
struct operator {
oprid_t id; //!< operator ID (one of @ref oprid_t)
char name[16]; //!< Human form
char help[32]; //!< help string
//!< atom types
typedef enum {
Separator = 0, //!< [\t\n\r ,]
Operator = 1, //!< [!#&*+-/:;<=>?]
Open = 2, //!< [(]
Close = 3, //!< [)]
Comment = 4, //!< [%]
Numeric = 5, //!< [0-9]
Alpha = 6, //!< [a-zA-Z_]
Open_index = 7, //!< [\[]
Close_index = 8, //!< [\]]
Illegal_char = 9, //!< all the rest in the ASCII table
Terminator = 10, //!< [@\0]
Bit = 11, //!< [.]
String = 12 //!< ["]
} atom_t;
#define Quotes String
/*! atom container
* Example: 'oprd min 5 0x400' is formed by 4 atoms
struct atom {
unsigned int pos; //!< position if @av_type is @Alpha or @Operator
int val; //!< value if @av_type is @Numeric
atom_t type; //!< atom type
char text[MAX_ARG_LENGTH]; //!< string representation
unsigned int cmd_id; //!< command id (might be built-in or user-defined)
oprid_t oid; //!< operator id (if any)
/*! @name Default commands for every test program
* Some default commands use ioctl calls to access the driver.
* The user should provide these ioctl numbers to use these commands.
* If a particular ioctl number is not provided, its command won't be issued.
* IOCTL numbers can be obtained using @b debugfs
enum built_in_cmd_id {
CMD_NOCM = 0, //!< llegal command
CMD_QUIT, //!< Quit test program
CMD_HELP, //!< Help on commands
CMD_ATOMS, //!< Atom list commands
CMD_HIST, //!< History
CMD_SLEEP, //!< Sleep sec
CMD_MSLEEP, //!< Sleep millisec
CMD_SHELL, //!< Shell command
CMD_USR //!< first available command for the user
//!< Command description
struct cmd_desc {
int valid; //!< show command to the user? (1 - yes, 0 - no)
int id; //!< id (user-defined && @def_cmd_id)
char *name; //!< spelling
char *help; //!< short help string
char *opt; //!< options (if any)
int comp; //!< amount of compulsory options
int (*handle)(struct cmd_desc *, struct atom *); //!< handler
int pa; //!< number of arguments to be passed to the handler
/*! @name extest's public API
//!< User wants verbose command help
#define VERBOSE_HELP (-1)
//! Test program Error return codes
enum extest_error {
TST_NO_ERR, //!< cool
TST_ERR_NOT_IMPL, //!< function not implemented
TST_ERR_NO_PARAM, //!< compulsory parameter is not provided
TST_ERR_WRONG_ARG, //!< wrong command argument
TST_ERR_SYSCALL, //!< system call fails
TST_ERR_LAST //!< error idx
int extest_do_yes_no(char *question, char *extra);
int extest_compulsory_ok(struct cmd_desc *cmdd);
int extest_register_user_cmd(struct cmd_desc user_cmdlist[],
int user_cmd_nb);
int extest_run(char* prg_name, void (*user_sighndl)());
int extest_is_last_atom(struct atom *atom);
#endif /* _EXTEST_H_ */
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