Commit f24c3117 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

wr_steamers: updated documentation to include latest updates to streamers

- updated WB-generated file
- added info about configurable clock domain of streamers data
parent e96925d3
......@@ -42,7 +42,11 @@ type with three possible values:
\item[PLAIN:] No additional module is instantiated and the ``raw'' WRPC fabric interface (see also
Section~\ref{sec:wrpc_fabric}) is provided on the board's ports.
\item[STREAMERS:] A set of \href{}{TX/RX
streamers} is attached to the WRPC fabric interface.
streamers} is attached to the WRPC fabric interface.\\
\textbf{Note:} The STREAMERS interface can be synchronous to either \textit{clk\_sys\_62m5}
or \textit{clk\_ref\_125m}. By default it is synchronous to \textit{clk\_sys\_62m5}. Generic
can be used to provide data in the \textit{clk\_ref\_125m} clock domain (this is useful for
fixed-latency data transmission).
\item[ETHERBONE:] An \href{}{Etherbone} slave node
is attached to the WRPC fabric interface.
......@@ -173,7 +177,8 @@ their own BSP, can find the board-common module under:
\hdltablesection{WR streamers (when \tts{g\_fabric\_iface = streamers})}\\
wrs\_tx\_data\_i & in & var & Data to be sent. Size is equal to \tts{g\_tx\_streamer\_width}\\
wrs\_tx\_data\_i & in & var & Data to be sent. Size and clock domain
configurable via \tts{g\_tx\_streamer\_params}, \textit{clk\_sys\_62m5} by dafault. \\
wrs\_tx\_valid\_i & in & 1 & Indicates whether \tts{wrs\_tx\_data\_i} contains valid data\\
......@@ -197,7 +202,8 @@ their own BSP, can find the board-common module under:
wrs\_rx\_last\_o & out & 1 & Indicates the last word of the data block on \tts{wrs\_rx\_data\_o}\\
wrs\_rx\_data\_o & out & var & Received data. Size is equal to \tts{g\_rx\_streamer\_width}\\
wrs\_rx\_data\_o & out & var & Received data. Size and clock domain
configurable via \tts{g\_rx\_streamer\_params}, \textit{clk\_sys\_62m5} by dafault.\\
wrs\_rx\_valid\_o & out & 1 & Indicates that \tts{wrs\_rx\_data\_o} contains valid data\\
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1342,24 +1342,26 @@ All the available commands are listed with \texttt{h}:
cfv-774-cbt:wrstm[00] > h
Idx Name Params Description
# 1: q [ ] -> Quit test program
# 2: h [ o c ] -> Help on commands
# 3: a [ ] -> Atom list commands
# 4: his [ ] -> History
# 5: s [ Seconds ] -> Sleep seconds
# 6: ms [ MilliSecs ] -> Sleep milliseconds
# 7: sh [ Unix Cmd ] -> Shell command
# 8: stats [ [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7] ] -> show streamers statistics
# 9: reset [ ] -> show time of the latest reset / time elapsed since then
#10: resetcnt [ ] -> reset tx/rx/lost counters and avg/min/max latency values
#11: resetseqid [ ] -> reset sequence ID of the tx streamer
#12: lat [ [latency] ] -> get/set config of fixed latency in integer [us] (-1 to disable)
#13: qtagf [ [0/1] ] -> QTags flag on off
#14: qtagvp [ [VID,prio] ] -> QTags Get/Set VLAN ID and priority
#15: qtagor [ [0/1] ] -> get/set overriding of default qtag config with WB config (set
using qtagf, qtagvp)
#16: ls [ [leapseconds] ] -> get/set leap seconds
Idx Name Params Description
# 1: q [ ] -> Quit test program
# 2: h [ o c ] -> Help on commands
# 3: a [ ] -> Atom list commands
# 4: his [ ] -> History
# 5: s [ Seconds ] -> Sleep seconds
# 6: ms [ MilliSecs ] -> Sleep milliseconds
# 7: sh [ Unix Cmd ] -> Shell command
# 8: stats [ [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7] ] -> show streamers statistics
# 9: reset [ ] -> show time of the latest reset / time elapsed since then
#10: resetcnt [ ] -> reset tx/rx/lost counters and avg/min/max latency values
#11: resetseqid [ ] -> reset sequence ID of the tx streamer
#12: flat [ [fixed latency value] ] -> get/set config of fixed latency in integer [us] (-1 to disable)
#13: flatstats [ ] -> get statistics regarding fixed latency operation
#14: flattimeout [ [timeout value] ] -> get/set fixed latency timeout [us] (-1 to set default: ~1ms)
#15: qtagf [ [0/1] ] -> QTags flag on off
#16: qtagvp [ [VID,prio] ] -> QTags Get/Set VLAN ID and priority
#17: qtagor [ [0/1] ] -> get/set overriding of default qtag config with WB config (set ...
#18: ls [ [leapseconds] ] -> get/set leap seconds
#19: hdlswreset [ ] -> HD software reset of rx and tx streamer HDL modules (excludes ...
Type "h name" to get complete command help
......@@ -1367,8 +1369,9 @@ In order to see all the WR Streamers statistics, the \texttt{stats} command
inside the prompt should be executed as follows:
cfc-774-cbt:wrstm[01] > stats
Latency [us] : min= 3.736 max= 8.216 avg = 3.88176
Frames [number]: tx =0 rx =61897834620 lost=0 (lost blocks =0)
Latency [us] : min= 3.824 max= 5.656 avg = 3.8958 (overflow =0)
Frames [number]: tx = 1558137 rx = 1558137 lost= 0 (lost blocks =0)
The commands that are available from the interactive prompt can be also executed directly
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