Commit f60d660e authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

boards/ertm14: test for the new storage driver, some comments

parent 565b0e4e
Pipeline #175 failed with stages
in 10 seconds
......@@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ static void handle_iuart_request( uint8_t *buf, int size )
/* Task polls requests coming from the eRTM14 IUART from the MMC and dispatches them to handlers */
static void iuart_14_poll(void)
int msg = iuart_recv_message(&board.iuart_14);
......@@ -459,8 +460,6 @@ static void iuart_14_poll(void)
if (msg <= 0)
if( msg == START_INSN_CHAR_VAL )
pp_printf("req %d %d %d\n",board.iuart_14.rx_buf, board.iuart_14.rx_csize, board.iuart_14.rx_csize );
......@@ -472,6 +471,10 @@ static void ertm14_clock_monitor_init(void)
wb_cm_init(&board.ertm14_cmon, BASE_CLOCK_MONITOR, 5);
wb_cm_set_ref_frequency( &board.ertm14_cmon, DMTD_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ );
/* use the DDMTD clock as the reference frequency (we don't care much about accuracy here)
as it's always available regardless of the configuration of the I2C/SPI chips. Prescaler of 2
and gate freq of 6.25 MHz give fast enough measurements with sufficient digits. */
wb_cm_configure(&board.ertm14_cmon, ERTM14_CMON_CLK_DMTD, 2, 6250000 );
......@@ -757,19 +760,27 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
memset( &board, 0, sizeof( struct ertm14_board ));
/* eRTM14 can work independently of eRTM15. If CONFIG_ERTM14_WITHOUT_ERTM15 is set,
the software will assume we don't have an eRTM15 sandwiched even if we do. */
board.mode |= ERTM14_MODE_WITHOUT_ERTM15;
/* apply a default, sane configuration (initialize the config struct) */
/* most of the I/Os of the slow peripherals (i2c, spi) are bitbanged. First, let's
initialize the GPIO controller they're connected to */
wb_gpio_create( &board.gpio_aux, BASE_AUXWB );
/* enable the main VCXO */
gen_gpio_set_dir(&pin_main_xo_en_n, 1);
gen_gpio_out(&pin_main_xo_en_n, 0);
/* initialize the SPI bus for the main PLL (IC?) */
bb_spi_create ( &board.spi_pll_main,
......@@ -778,7 +789,7 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
/* initialize the SPI bus for the external clock (10 MHz input) PLL (IC?) */
bb_spi_create ( &board.spi_pll_ext,
......@@ -787,7 +798,7 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
/* initialize the SPI bus for the eRTM15 PLL (IC?) */
bb_spi_create( &board.spi_ltc6950,
......@@ -795,7 +806,7 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
100 );
/* initialize the SPI bus for the eRTM15 REF DDS (IC?) */
bb_spi_create( &board.spi_ad9910_ref,
......@@ -803,7 +814,7 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
100 );
/* initialize the SPI bus for the eRTM15 LO DDS (IC?) */
bb_spi_create( &board.spi_ad9910_lo,
......@@ -812,6 +823,7 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
100 );
/* detect if the eRTM15 is present and decide how to configure the board */
int ertm15_present = check_ertm15_presence();
if( !ertm15_present )
......@@ -823,20 +835,29 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
ertm_verbose( "Configuring board WITH eRTM15 support.\n");
/* Initialize the clock monitor core - it monitors the frequencies of all clocks coming to the FPGA.
We use it to self-diagnose if the board's oscillators are working correctly. */
if( ! (board.mode & ERTM14_MODE_WITHOUT_ERTM15 ) )
/* Set up the eRTM15's PLL */
/* Set up the eRTM14's PLLs (AD9516s) */
/* At this point, we should have a stable CLK_REF coming from the PLL. Tell the FPGA to use it also as the system clock */
ertm_verbose("Switching system clock to CLK_SYS\n");
/* Disable bit-banged OCXO control (used for debug) */
gen_gpio_out(&pin_ocxo_override, 0);
/* Create a debug SPI master for testing the OCXO tuning. Normally it's driven in hardware by the SoftPLL, I left
this device for debugging purposes. It's active if GPIO pin ocxo_override == 1 */
bb_spi_create( &board.spi_ocxo_dac,
......@@ -845,10 +866,10 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
100 );
/* Unique MAC address storage chips (eRTM14 - IC7 and IC8) */
/* Read unique MAC addresses from storage chips (eRTM14 - IC7 and IC8) */
/* RF Power Monitor ADC (eRTM15 - IC43) */
/* RF Power Monitor ADC (eRTM15 - IC43) */
bb_spi_create( &board.spi_ad7888,
......@@ -866,27 +887,29 @@ int ertm14_init(void)
/* RF distribution switches and shift registers controlling these (eRTM15 - IC26..28) */
ertm15_rf_distr_init( &board.rf_distr, &board.pwrmon_adc );
/* Now that the clocks are ready, init the DDS synthesizers */
/* Now that the PLL clocks are ready, init the DDS synthesizers */
ertm_verbose("Initializing DDSes\n");
/* Program the DDSes to some meaninfgul settings, say, 205 MHz */
ad9910_program(&board.dds_ad9910_ref, 205000000ULL, 0, 0x0 );
ad9910_program(&board.dds_ad9910_lo, 205000000ULL, 0, 0x0 );
/* Setup the SoftPLL for the OCXO */
/* Setup the SoftPLL for the OCXO we have */
if( ! (board.mode & ERTM14_MODE_WITHOUT_ERTM15 ) )
/* Init CLKA/CLKB distribution */
/* Init CLKA/CLKB distribution (AD9520s) */
ertm_verbose("Initializing CLKA/CLKB distribution...\n");
ertm_verbose("Calibrating DDS sync pulse...\n");
/* Initialize the IUART which is responsible for the communication with the MMC.
Fixme: below is IUART14 which talks to the MMC on eRTM14. If eRTM15 is present, we need another IUART device. */
ertm_verbose("Init IUART14\n");
iuart_init_bare( &board.iuart_14, BASE_IUART_14, 115200 );
......@@ -1059,20 +1082,23 @@ int ertm14_get_supported_clkab_freqs( int *freqs, int max_count )
int wrc_board_early_init()
/*initialize flash*/
/* initialize SPI flash */
/*initialize I2C bus*/
/* initialize I2C bus */
bb_i2c_init( &dev_i2c_fmc );
/*init storage (Flash / W1 EEPROM / I2C EEPROM*/
storage_init( &dev_i2c_fmc, FMC_EEPROM_ADR);
/* init storage (we use the SPI flash on eRTM14) */
storage_spiflash_create( &wrc_storage_dev, &wrc_flash_dev );
storage_mount( &wrc_storage_dev );
/* reset the networking part of the WRCore and start the WR Endpoint */
/* Sleep for 1s to make sure WRS v4.2 always realizes that
* the link is down */
// fixme: not sure this is necessary in eRTM14 but it doesn't hurt - TW
ep_enable(1, 1);
......@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ extern unsigned char *BASE_EP;
#define ERTM14_CLKAB_OUT_MAX_ID 11
// clock monitor core channels (see ertm14_top.vhd for assignment to the clock monitor core)
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_SYS 0
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_DMTD 1
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_PLL_FB 2
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_REF 3
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_RX 4
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_SYS 0 /* system clock */
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_DMTD 1 /* DDMTD sampling clock */
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_PLL_FB 2 /* fixme: I don't remember, check in VHDL */
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_REF 3 /* WR REF clock (from the VCXO/OCXO) */
#define ERTM14_CMON_CLK_RX 4 /* RX clock (recovered by the WR PHY) */
......@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ struct ertm14_board
struct spi_bus spi_ad9910_lo;
struct spi_bus spi_ocxo_dac;
struct spi_bus spi_ad7888;
//struct spi_bus spi_flash;
struct i2c_bus i2c_clka_distr;
struct i2c_bus i2c_clkb_distr;
......@@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ struct ertm14_board
struct ad9910_device dds_ad9910_lo;
struct ad7888_device pwrmon_adc;
struct ertm15_rf_distribution_device rf_distr;
//struct spi_flash_device dev_flash;
struct ad9520_device dev_clka_distr;
struct ad9520_device dev_clkb_distr;
struct i2c_bus i2c_mac_addr;
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