Commit 59fd5f6f authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

testbench: now PASS/FAIL tb.

parent 3958abbf
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module simple_tdc_driver
assign data = rdata;
assign intflag = start[7];
task pulse(int channel, time ts);
task push_pulse(int channel, time ts);
pulses.push_back('{channel: channel, ts: ts});
......@@ -159,8 +159,52 @@ module simple_fdelay_mon
input [3:0] pulse
always@pulse begin
$display("[FDEL] <%t> Pulse: len=%x, val=%x, out=%x", $time, len, val, pulse);
typedef struct {
int channel;
time ts;
} fifo_entry;
fifo_entry pulses[$];
task push_pulse(int channel, time ts);
pulses.push_back('{channel: channel, ts: ts});
initial begin
reg [3:0] prev;
time now;
// Do nothing before 100us, hw is not initialized.
# 100us ;
prev = 0;
while (pulses.size() != 0) begin
@pulse ;
now = $time;
$display("[FDEL] <%t> Pulse: len=%x, val=%x, out=%x", now, len, val, pulse);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin
if (prev[i] == 1'b0 && pulse[i] == 1'b1) begin
automatic fifo_entry e = pulses.pop_front();
automatic time diff;
$display("[FDEL] pulse on channel %d", i);
if ( != i) begin
$display("FAIL: [FDEL] Bad channel (expected %d)",;
diff = now - e.ts;
if (diff > 2us && diff < -2us) begin
$display("FAIL: [FDEL] Bad timestamp: pulse at %t, expected at %t", now, e.ts);
prev = pulse;
$display("SUCCESS: done");
endmodule // simple_fdelay_mon
......@@ -372,16 +416,26 @@ module main;
force DUT_B.cmp_xwrc_board_svec.cmp_board_common.cmp_xwr_core.
multiplier.D3.OPMODE_dly = 0;
end // initial begin
task push_pulse(int channel, time ts);
TDC.push_pulse(channel, ts);
FDL.push_pulse(channel, ts + 100us); // Delay time (from fd firmware)
forever begin
TDC.pulse(0, $time + 10us);
TDC.pulse(1, $time + 20us);
TDC.pulse(2, $time + 30us);
initial begin
// No pulse before: WR (300us) + TDC setup.
automatic time start = 480us;
end // initial begin others
push_pulse(0, start + 10us);
push_pulse(1, start + 30us);
push_pulse(2, start + 50us);
#(start + 200us) ;
// Should have been finished by the FD monitor.
endmodule // main
......@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ static int wrtd_o_sim_init(void)
triggers[i].id.source_port = i;
triggers[i].id.trigger = i;
triggers[i].flags = ENTRY_FLAG_VALID;
triggers[i].ocfg[i].delay_cycles = 200 * 125; // 1 cycle is 8ns
triggers[i].ocfg[i].delay_cycles = 100 * 125; // 1 cycle is 8ns
triggers[i].ocfg[i].delay_frac = 0;
triggers[i].ocfg[i].state = HASH_ENT_DIRECT;
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