Commit 60bcd7da authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: work in progress to update the SVEC TDC+FD reference design

parent 28f4ea27
Subproject commit f30132905e64f360372278fee7f07c60f60b97e6
Subproject commit 59a2c707c28ea99ee15a17eb1f1c903f6644c7b1
......@@ -14,13 +14,19 @@ xilinx::project open $project_file
# Not respected by ISE when passed through hdlmake:
# 1. Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs
# 2. Register Duplication Map
xilinx::project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "2" -process "Map"
xilinx::project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "4" -process "Place & Route"
xilinx::project set "Pack I/O Registers into IOBs" "Yes"
xilinx::project set "Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "For Inputs and Outputs"
xilinx::project set "Register Balancing" "Yes"
xilinx::project set "Register Duplication Map" "On"
#xilinx::project set "Placer Extra Effort Map" "Normal"
#xilinx::project set "Extra Effort (Highest PAR level only)" "Normal"
xilinx::project save
xilinx::project close
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
`include "simdrv_defs.svh"
`define WRTD_MAX_CPUS 4
`define WRTD_MAX_DEVS 4
# HDLMake 'develop' branch required.
# Due to bugs in release v3.0 of hdlmake it is necessary to use the "develop"
# branch of hdlmake, commit db4e1ab.
board = "svec"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
sim_top = "main"
action = "simulation"
target = "xilinx"
board = "svec"
syn_device = "xc6slx150t"
vcom_opt = "-93 -mixedsvvh"
include_dirs = [
fetchto + "/mock-turtle/hdl/testbench/include/",
fetchto + "/mock-turtle/hdl/testbench/include/regs/",
fetchto + "/general-cores/sim/",
fetchto + "/urv-core/rtl/",
fetchto + "/mock-turtle/hdl/testbench/include/",
files = [
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
vsim -quiet -L unisim work.main -novopt -suppress 8683,8684,8822
vsim -quiet -t 10fs -L unisim work.main
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
radix -hexadecimal
run 1000us
log -r /*
run -all
# Modelsim run script for continuous integration
# execute: vsim -c -do ""
vsim -quiet -L unisim work.main -suppress 8683,8684,8822
vsim -quiet -t 10fs -L unisim work.main
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
run 1000us
run -all
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_spec150t_adc is
constant c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_CSR : integer := 0;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_VIC : integer := 1;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_BASE : integer := 2;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA : integer := c_WB_SLAVE_BASE + 0;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA : integer := c_WB_SLAVE_BASE + 0;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA_EIC : integer := c_WB_SLAVE_BASE + 1;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_FMC_ADC : integer := c_WB_SLAVE_BASE + 2;
......@@ -310,14 +310,13 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_spec150t_adc is
constant c_WB_LAYOUT : t_sdb_record_array(c_NUM_WB_SLAVES + 1 downto 0) := (
c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_CSR => f_sdb_embed_device(c_WB_SPEC_CSR_SDB, x"00001000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_VIC => f_sdb_embed_device(c_XWB_VIC_SDB, x"00001200"),
c_WB_SLAVE_DMA => f_sdb_embed_device(c_WB_DMA_CTRL_SDB, x"00002000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_DMA_EIC => f_sdb_embed_device(c_WB_DMA_EIC_SDB, x"00002200"),
c_WB_SLAVE_FMC_ADC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_FMC_BRIDGE_SDB, x"00004000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_MT => f_sdb_embed_device(c_MOCK_TURTLE_SDB, x"00020000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_WRC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_wrc_bridge_sdb, x"00040000"),
c_WB_DESC_SYN => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_SDB_SYNTHESIS_INFO),
c_WB_DESC_URL => f_sdb_embed_repo_url(c_SDB_REPO_URL));
c_WB_SLAVE_DMA => f_sdb_embed_device(c_WB_DMA_CTRL_SDB, x"00002000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_DMA_EIC => f_sdb_embed_device(c_WB_DMA_EIC_SDB, x"00002200"),
c_WB_SLAVE_FMC_ADC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_FMC_BRIDGE_SDB, x"00004000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_MT => f_sdb_embed_device(c_MOCK_TURTLE_SDB, x"00020000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_WRC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_wrc_bridge_sdb, x"00040000"),
c_WB_DESC_SYN => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_SDB_SYNTHESIS_INFO),
c_WB_DESC_URL => f_sdb_embed_repo_url(c_SDB_REPO_URL));
-- not really used, will be reprogrammed by software
constant c_VIC_VECTOR_TABLE : t_wishbone_address_array(0 to 5) := (
......@@ -457,8 +456,8 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_spec150t_adc is
signal eth_rx_in : t_wrf_sink_in;
-- MT Dedicated WB interfaces to FMCs
signal fmc_dp_wb_out : t_wishbone_master_out_array(0 to 1 - 1);
signal fmc_dp_wb_in : t_wishbone_master_in_array(0 to 1 - 1);
signal fmc_dp_wb_out : t_wishbone_master_out;
signal fmc_dp_wb_in : t_wishbone_master_in;
-- WRPC TM interface and aux clocks
signal tm_link_up : std_logic;
......@@ -708,8 +707,8 @@ begin -- architecture arch
rst_n_i => rst_sys_62m5_n,
sp_master_o => open,
sp_master_i => c_DUMMY_WB_MASTER_IN,
dp_master_o => fmc_dp_wb_out,
dp_master_i => fmc_dp_wb_in,
dp_master_o(0) => fmc_dp_wb_out,
dp_master_i(0) => fmc_dp_wb_in,
rmq_endpoint_o => rmq_endpoint_out,
rmq_endpoint_i => rmq_endpoint_in,
host_slave_i => cnx_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_MT),
......@@ -1120,8 +1119,8 @@ begin -- architecture arch
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => rst_sys_62m5_n,
slave_i(0) => fmc_dp_wb_out(0),
slave_o(0) => fmc_dp_wb_in(0),
slave_i(0) => fmc_dp_wb_out,
slave_o(0) => fmc_dp_wb_in,
master_i(1) => wb_adc0_trigout_slave_out,
master_i(0) => wb_adc0_trigin_slave_out,
master_o(1) => wb_adc0_trigout_slave_in,
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
generic (
g_WR_DPRAM_INITF : string := "../../../dependencies/wr-cores/bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8.bram";
g_MT_CPU0_INITF : string := "../../../software/firmware/tdc/wrtd-rt-tdc.bram";
g_MT_CPU1_INITF : string := "../../../software/firmware/fd/wrtd-rt-fd.bram";
g_WRPC_INITF : string := "../../../dependencies/wr-cores/bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8.bram";
g_MT_CPU0_INITF : string := "../../../software/firmware/tdc/wrtd-rt-tdc.bram";
g_MT_CPU1_INITF : string := "../../../software/firmware/fd/wrtd-rt-fd.bram";
-- Simulation-mode enable parameter. Set by default (synthesis) to 0, and
-- changed to non-zero in the instantiation of the top level DUT in the
-- testbench. Its purpose is to reduce some internal counters/timeouts
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ entity wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
-- Onewire interface
onewire_b : inout std_logic;
carrier_onewire_b : inout std_logic;
......@@ -338,27 +338,27 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
constant c_WB_SLAVE_FDL : integer := 2;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_MT : integer := 3;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_WRC : integer := 4;
constant c_WB_DESC_SYN : integer := 5;
constant c_WB_DESC_URL : integer := 6;
constant c_WB_DESC_SYN : integer := c_NUM_WB_SLAVES;
constant c_WB_DESC_URL : integer := c_NUM_WB_SLAVES + 1;
-- sdb header address on primary crossbar
constant c_SDB_ADDRESS : t_wishbone_address := x"00000000";
-- f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(size, sdb_addr)
-- Note: sdb_addr is the sdb records address relative to the bridge base address
constant c_wrc_bridge_sdb : t_sdb_bridge :=
constant c_WRC_BRIDGE_SDB : t_sdb_bridge :=
f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(x"0003ffff", x"00030000");
constant c_tdc_bridge_sdb : t_sdb_bridge :=
constant c_TDC_BRIDGE_SDB : t_sdb_bridge :=
f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(x"00007FFF", x"00000000");
-- Primary wishbone crossbar layout
constant c_WB_LAYOUT : t_sdb_record_array(c_NUM_WB_SLAVES + 1 downto 0) := (
c_WB_SLAVE_VIC => f_sdb_embed_device(c_XWB_VIC_SDB, x"00002000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_TDC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_tdc_bridge_sdb, x"00010000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_FDL => f_sdb_embed_device(c_FD_SDB_DEVICE, x"00018000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_VIC => f_sdb_embed_device(c_XWB_VIC_SDB, x"00002000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_TDC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_TDC_BRIDGE_SDB, x"00010000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_FDL => f_sdb_embed_device(c_FD_SDB_DEVICE, x"00018000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_MT => f_sdb_embed_device(c_MOCK_TURTLE_SDB, x"00020000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_WRC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_wrc_bridge_sdb, x"00040000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_WRC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_WRC_BRIDGE_SDB, x"00040000"),
c_WB_DESC_SYN => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_SDB_SYNTHESIS_INFO),
c_WB_DESC_URL => f_sdb_embed_repo_url(c_SDB_REPO_URL));
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
constant c_FMC_MUX_MASK : t_wishbone_address_array(0 downto 0) :=
(0 => x"10000000");
constant c_mt_config : t_mt_config :=
constant c_MT_CONFIG : t_mt_config :=
app_id => x"115790de",
cpu_count => 2,
......@@ -384,22 +384,14 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
0 | 1 => (
memsize => 8192,
hmq_config => (
slot_count => 2,
slot_count => 1,
slot_config => (
0 => (
-- Control
entries_bits => 3,
entries_bits => 4,
width_bits => 7,
header_bits => 2,
endpoint_id => x"0000_0000",
enable_config_space => FALSE),
1 => (
-- Log
entries_bits => 7,
width_bits => 4,
header_bits => 2,
endpoint_id => x"0000_0000",
enable_config_space => FALSE),
others => c_DUMMY_MT_MQUEUE_SLOT)),
rmq_config => (
slot_count => 1,
......@@ -413,7 +405,7 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
others => c_DUMMY_MT_MQUEUE_SLOT))),
others => (
shared_mem_size => 1024
shared_mem_size => 256
......@@ -544,7 +536,7 @@ architecture arch of wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd is
signal fmc0_scl_out : std_logic;
signal fmc0_sda_out : std_logic;
attribute iob : string;
attribute iob : string;
attribute iob of pps : signal is "FORCE";
begin -- architecture arch
......@@ -632,7 +624,6 @@ begin -- architecture arch
vme_addr_dir_o <= vme_addr_dir_int;
vme_data_dir_o <= vme_data_dir_int;
end generate gen_with_vme64_core;
gen_without_vme64_core : if g_SIM_BYPASS_VME generate
......@@ -752,9 +743,11 @@ begin -- architecture arch
cmp_xwrc_board_svec : xwrc_board_svec
generic map (
g_simulation => g_simulation,
g_dpram_initf => g_WR_DPRAM_INITF,
g_aux_clks => 2)
g_AUX_CLKS => 2)
port map (
clk_20m_vcxo_i => clk_20m_vcxo_i,
clk_125m_pllref_p_i => clk_125m_pllref_p_i,
......@@ -832,8 +825,8 @@ begin -- architecture arch
sfp_sda_in <= sfp_mod_def2_b;
-- tri-state onewire access
onewire_b <= '0' when (onewire_oe = '1') else 'Z';
onewire_data <= onewire_b;
carrier_onewire_b <= '0' when (onewire_oe = '1') else 'Z';
onewire_data <= carrier_onewire_b;
-- FMC TDC (SVEC slot #1)
......@@ -841,8 +834,8 @@ begin -- architecture arch
U_TDC_Core : fmc_tdc_wrapper
generic map (
g_simulation => f_int2bool(g_simulation),
g_with_direct_readout => TRUE)
g_SIMULATION => f_int2bool(g_SIMULATION),
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_sys_n_i => rst_sys_62m5_n,
......@@ -939,10 +932,10 @@ begin -- architecture arch
U_FineDelay_Core : fine_delay_core
generic map (
g_with_wr_core => TRUE,
g_simulation => f_int2bool(g_simulation),
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE)
g_SIMULATION => f_int2bool(g_SIMULATION),
port map (
clk_ref_0_i => dcm1_clk_ref_0,
clk_ref_180_i => dcm1_clk_ref_180,
......@@ -1044,10 +1037,10 @@ begin -- architecture arch
cmp_led_controller : gc_bicolor_led_ctrl
generic map(
g_nb_column => 4,
g_nb_line => 2,
g_clk_freq => 62500000, -- in Hz
g_refresh_rate => 250 -- in Hz
g_NB_COLUMN => 4,
g_NB_LINE => 2,
g_CLK_FREQ => 62500000, -- in Hz
g_REFRESH_RATE => 250 -- in Hz
port map(
rst_n_i => rst_sys_62m5_n,
......@@ -1062,21 +1055,21 @@ begin -- architecture arch
line_oen_o => fp_led_line_oen_o);
-- LED 1
svec_led(1 downto 0) <= c_led_green when wr_led_link = '1' else c_led_red;
svec_led(1 downto 0) <= c_LED_GREEN when wr_led_link = '1' else c_LED_RED;
-- LED 2
svec_led(3 downto 2) <= c_led_green when tm_clk_aux_locked(0) = '1' else c_led_red;
svec_led(3 downto 2) <= c_LED_GREEN when tm_clk_aux_locked(0) = '1' else c_LED_RED;
-- LED 3
svec_led(5 downto 4) <= c_led_green when tm_time_valid = '1' else c_led_red;
svec_led(5 downto 4) <= c_LED_GREEN when tm_time_valid = '1' else c_LED_RED;
-- LED 4
svec_led(7 downto 6) <= c_led_red_green when vme_access_led = '1' else c_led_off;
svec_led(7 downto 6) <= c_LED_RED_GREEN when vme_access_led = '1' else c_LED_OFF;
-- LED 5
svec_led(9 downto 8) <= c_led_red_green when wr_led_act = '1' else c_led_off;
svec_led(9 downto 8) <= c_LED_RED_GREEN when wr_led_act = '1' else c_LED_OFF;
-- LED 6
svec_led(11 downto 10) <= c_led_green when tm_clk_aux_locked(1) = '1' else c_led_red;
svec_led(11 downto 10) <= c_LED_GREEN when tm_clk_aux_locked(1) = '1' else c_LED_RED;
-- LED 7
svec_led(13 downto 12) <= c_led_off;
svec_led(13 downto 12) <= c_LED_OFF;
-- LED 8
svec_led(15 downto 14) <= c_led_green when pps_led = '1' else c_led_off;
svec_led(15 downto 14) <= c_LED_GREEN when pps_led = '1' else c_LED_OFF;
-- Div by 2 reference clock to LEMO connector
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