Commit 78b3834f authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

sw: remove unused structs from libwrtd.h they are properly defined in wrtd-common.h

parent a957b665
......@@ -149,29 +149,6 @@ enum wrtd_attr {
* @enum wrtd_log_type
* White Rabbit Trigger Distribution log entry type
enum wrtd_log_type {
// TODO: add log types
#if 0
* WRTD log event descriptor
struct wrtd_log_entry {
// TODO: verify fields
enum wrtd_log_type type; /**< type of logging */
uint32_t seq; /**< log sequence number */
char *id; /**< trigger id associated with the log event */
struct wrtd_tstamp ts; /**< when the log message was sent from
the RT application*/
* @file libwrtd-base.c
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