Commit 8379ee5b authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

doc: wip

parent f0e7ca99
.. _basic_concepts:
Basic Concepts
This section introduces the various basic concepts of WRTD. These concepts are used throughout this
document and are fundamental to understanding how WRTD works (and, by extension, how to use it).
.. _node:
WRTD is made of Nodes, connected to each other over a WR network. Nodes receive input :ref:`Events
<event>` and send output :ref:`Events <event>`. See also :numref:`fig-wrtd-overview`.
Every Node has :ref:`local_channel` inputs and/or outputs allowing it to interact with its
environment. It also has a connection to a WR network, allowing it to send and/or receive
:ref:`Messages <message>` to other Nodes.
.. _event:
Events represent inputs and outputs of a WRTD :ref:`node`. Input Events received on a :ref:`node`
will result in an output Event to be generated (assuming that the relevant :ref:`rule` exists to
associate an input to an output). In that sense, inputs Events are the causes, while output Events
are the effects.
Input Events can be either a :ref:`local_channel`, an inbound network :ref:`message`, or an
Output Events can be either a :ref:`local_channel`, or an outbound network :ref:`message`.
An Event is essentially a combination of an :ref:`event_id` (the "what") and a :ref:`timestamp` (the
.. _event_id:
Event ID
Every :ref:`event` is represented by an ID.
Event IDs are 15-character, null-terminated (for a total length of 16) strings that uniquely
identify an input or output Event.
:ref:`local_channel` inputs always use an Event ID in the form of ``LC-I<x>``, where x is a number
starting from 1 (e.g. ``LC-I1``).
:ref:`local_channel` outputs always use an Event ID in the form of ``LC-O<x>``, where x is a number
starting from 1 (e.g. ``LC-O1``).
An :ref:`alarm` Event ID will always have a prefix of ``alarm`` or ``ALARM``, followed by any other
characters (always limited to 16 characters, including null-termination).
An Event ID that is filled with null characters is invalid.
All other Event IDs are considered to refer to network :ref:`messages <message>`.
.. _timestamp:
Every :ref:`event` has an associated Timestamp.
For an input :ref:`event`, the Timestamp typically represents the moment in time when the
:ref:`event` happened.
For an output :ref:`event`, the Timestamp typically represents the moment in time when the
:ref:`event` should happen.
Timestamps are expressed using a 48-bit counter for seconds, a 32-bit counter for nanoseconds (which
is reset every time the counter reaches 10\ :sup:`9`\ ) and a 16-bit counter for fractional
nanoseconds (where every "tick" represents 2\ :sup:`-16`\ ns).
All Timestamps represent `TAI time`_ since ``00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970`` (`Unix Epoch
.. _local_channel:
Local Channel
Local Channels represent the connections of a :ref:`node` to its environment. They can be either
inputs or outputs.
A Local Channel input delivers input Events to the :ref:`node`. Typical examples include the
external trigger output of a digitiser, a Time to Digital Converter (TDC) or a TTL input channel on
a digital I/O board.
A Local Channel output receives output Events from the :ref:`node`. Typical examples include the
external trigger input of a digitiser, a Fine Delay generator or a TTL output channel on a digital
I/O board.
All Local Channels uses reserved :ref:`Event IDs <event_id>`.
.. _message:
WRTD Event Messages (or, simply, Messages) follow the LXI Event Messaging format, as defined in the
`LXI Event Messaging Extended Function specification`_, revision 1.0.
To ensure compatibility and interoperability with LXI devices, WRTD Event Messages are transmitted
using multicast UDP on address, port 5044 (Rule 3.3.1 of the specification).
Each Message is transmitted as a single Ethernet frame, with a UDP header and a payload as shown in
.. figure:: graphics/wrtd_message.png
:name: fig-wrtd-message
:align: center
:alt: alternate text
:figclass: align-center
Contents of a WRTD Event Message
The contents of a WRTD Event Message are again based on LXI Event Messages, with the "Domain" and
"Flag" fields (octets 3 and 36 respectively) fixed to zero.
Each Message contains an :ref:`event_id`, a :ref:`timestamp` and a sequence number. The latter is a
counter that gets increased by one every time a new Event is generated, to help detect lost or
duplicate Messages.
Altough there are currently no "Data Fields" defined (octets 37 and beyond), it should be
highlighted that the LXI Event message format supports an arbitrary number of data fields, in the
form of Type/Length/Value (TLV) triplets, which could be used to provide additional functionality to
WRTD in the future.
Please refer to Section 4.3 of the `LXI Event Messaging Extended Function specification`_ for more
.. _rule:
.. _alarm:
An Alarm is simply a user-defined moment to generate internally an input :ref:`event`.
The :ref:`event_id` of an Alarm will always have a prefix of ``alarm`` or ``ALARM``, followed by any
other characters (always limited to 16 characters, including null-termination).
.. _LXI Event Messaging Extended Function specification:
.. _TAI time:
.. _Unix Epoch time:
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ author = u'Dimitris Lampridis <'
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# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# packages.
.. _devel:
.. _hw_dev:
.. _gw_dev:
.. _fw_dev:
......@@ -8,18 +8,15 @@ White Rabbit Trigger Distribution documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
:caption: Contents
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Table of Contents
.. todolist::
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
.. _installation:
.. todo::
Decide on installation and document it
.. _introduction:
White Rabbit Trigger Distribution (WRTD) is a generic framework for distributing triggers (Events)
over a White Rabbit network.
over a White Rabbit (WR) network.
As can be seen in :numref:`fig-wrtd-overview`, WRTD Nodes receive "input" Events and distribute them
to other Nodes over WR in the form of network Messages that are used to transfer the Timestamp of
the input Event. The receiving Nodes are programmed to execute some "output Event (action) upon
reception of a particular Message, potentially with some fixed delay added to the Timestamp.
.. figure:: graphics/wrtd_overview.png
:name: wrtd-overview
:name: fig-wrtd-overview
:width: 400pt
:align: center
:alt: alternate text
:figclass: align-center
Overview of WRTD
There are two main ways of using WRTD. In scenario #1, a "source" Node simply receives an input
Event, adds a fixed delay to its Timestamp and distributes it to other Nodes. As long as the fixed
delay added is greater than the upper-bound latency of the network (a fundamental feature of WR
itself), all receiving nodes will receive the Message before the programmed time and will execute
simultaneously their action (thanks to the sub-ns synchronisation provided by WR).
In scenario #2, the receiving Nodes are "recording" devices (e.g. digitisers) with a recording
buffer. In this scenario, the source Node transmits the Message, with or without a fixed delay. When
one of the destination Nodes receives the Message, it stops recording and rolls-back its buffer to
the moment specified by the Timestamp in the received Message (provided that it has a large enough
buffer to compensate for the latency). Thus, all Nodes will deliver recorded data from the moment in
the past when the input Event was initially received at the source Node.
In WRTD, the programming of Events, Messages and associated actions is done by defining Rules. A
Rule simply declares a relationship between an input (cause) and an output (effect) Event. A Rule
can state that when a specific Event is received a Message should be transmitted or, that when a
Message is received an output Event should be generated. This is depicted in
.. figure:: graphics/wrtd_node_basic.png
:name: fig-wrtd-node
:width: 300pt
:align: center
:alt: alternate text
:figclass: align-center
figure are like images but with a caption
Inside a WRTD Node
:numref:`basic_concepts` provides a more elaborate discussion on the various basic concepts of WRTD.
.. _lxi:
Relation with LXI
As can be seen in :numref:`wrtd-overview`
Document Structure
.. todo::
Decide on installation and document it
The following is a description of how the remainder of this document is structured (in reverse
Major WRTD Elements
* :numref:`devel` provides guidelines on how to develop a WRTD Node, including hardware
(:numref:`hw_dev`), gateware (:numref:`gw_dev`) and firmware (:numref:`fw_dev`).
Internally, WRTD consists of the following elements:
* Before you embark however on a new design, please have a look first at the existing reference
designs. :numref:`ref_nodes` presents the currently available reference WRTD Nodes that come
pre-programmed with their gateware and firmware.
- An HDL module for FPGAs, built on top of `Mock Turtle <>`_
(MT) and the `White Rabbit PTP Core <>`_. When
instantiated in an FPGA, this module handles the generation/reception of triggers, while
providing the user with MT cores to run their own application(s) (eg. to control an ADC).
- An embedded library framework for (MT) firmware development. This library can be used when
developing firmware for the MT cores, in order to connect user applications with the
generation/reception of triggers.
- A host library framework that provides a way for configuring the WRTD nodes and scheduling the
generation/reception of triggers.
* Whether you develop your own Node or use one of the reference Nodes, :numref:`usage` describes how
to access and control your Node. :numref:`clib` provides all the details on how to use the C
library to develop your own applications. Alternatively, :numref:`pywrap` presents a Python
wrapper to the C library that can be used to develop Python-based applications. :numref:`tools`
describes the generic tools that are built using the Python wrapper and that provide access to a
WRTD node without the need to develop any application.
However, for most use cases, only the last element (the host library) will be of importance to the
user, since a device will come pre-programmed with the necessary gateware and firmware.
* :numref:`basic_concepts` introduces the various basic concepts of WRTD. These concepts are used
throughout this document and are fundamental to understanding how WRTD works (and, by extension,
how to use it).
Section :ref:`host_lib` provides all the details on how to use the host library.
* Last but not least, :numref:`installation` takes you through the necessary steps to setup the
hardware and install the necessary software.
.. _ref_nodes:
Reference Nodes
SPEC150T-based FMC-ADC
.. _host_lib:
.. _usage:
WRTD Host Library
.. _clib:
WRTD Library
WRTD Timestamps
.. doxygenstruct:: wrtd_tstamp
WRTD Error Codes
.. doxygenenum:: wrtd_status
WRTD Attributes
.. doxygenenum:: wrtd_attr
.. doxygendefine:: WRTD_GLOBAL_REP_CAP_ID
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_init
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_close
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_reset
Attribute Handling
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_set_attr_bool
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_attr_bool
......@@ -42,13 +47,13 @@ Attribute Handling
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_attr_tstamp
Error Handling
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_error
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_error_message
Event Log
.. doxygendefine:: WRTD_LOG_ENTRY_SIZE
......@@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ Event Log
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_next_event_log_entry
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_add_alarm
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_disable_all_alarms
......@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ Alarms
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_alarm_name
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_add_rule
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_disable_all_rules
......@@ -73,3 +78,14 @@ Rules
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_remove_all_rules
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_get_rule_name
.. doxygenfunction:: wrtd_reset_rule_stats
.. _pywrap:
Python Library
.. _tools:
.. _wrtd_message:
WRTD Event Messages
WRTD Event messages follow the LXI Event Messaging format, as defined in the "LXI Event Messaging
Extended Function" specification, revision 1.0.
To ensure compatibility and interoperability with LXI devices, WRTD Event messages are transmitted
using multicast UDP on address, port 5044 (Rule 3.3.1 of the LXI Event Messaging
Extended Function).
Each Event message is transmitted as a single Ethernet frame, with a UDP header and a payload as
shown in :numref:`fig-wrtd-message`.
.. figure:: graphics/wrtd_message.png
:name: fig-wrtd-message
:align: center
:alt: alternate text
:figclass: align-center
Contents of a WRTD Event message
The contents of a WRTD Event message are again based on LXI Event messages, with the "Domain" and
Flag fields (octets 3 and 36 respectively) fixed to zero.
Altough there are currently no "Data Fields" defined (octets 37 and beyond), it should be
highlighted that the LXI Event message format supports an arbitrary number of data fields, in the
form of Type/Length/Value (TLV) triplets, which could be used to provide additional functionality to
WRTD in the future.
Please refer to Section 4.3 of the "LXI Event Messaging Extended Function" specification for more
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
// TODO: maybe distinguish between UTC and TAI
typedef struct wrtd_tstamp {
/** TAI seconds since 1/1/1970 (Unix Epoch Time). */
/** TAI seconds since 1/Jan/1970 (Unix Epoch Time).
This will overflow in 7/Feb/2106... */
uint32_t seconds;
/** Number of nanoseconds. Wraps at 10e9. */
uint32_t ns;
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