Commit 86d87a5a authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

[hdl] bump gn4124 core to bring in dma controller IRQ status fix and make SPEC…

[hdl] bump gn4124 core to bring in dma controller IRQ status fix and make SPEC testbench work with interrupts
parent 19fa3271
Subproject commit 14e96565da18eee7960c69f927edc31e820a2e3c
Subproject commit 116a9bf84354b82265b21f34a918342ca583bb4e
Subproject commit d46281e65b39f1c3fe25686b3d14dadbc854438f
Subproject commit 3159ffcd833bd1308c6d2fe592ad58f000368d62
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sim_pre_cmd = "EXTRA2_CFLAGS='-DSIMULATION' make -C ../../../software/firmware"
include_dirs = [
fetchto + "/gn4124-core/hdl/gn4124core/sim/gn4124_bfm",
fetchto + "/gn4124-core/hdl/sim/gn4124_bfm",
fetchto + "/general-cores/sim",
fetchto + "/mock-turtle/hdl/testbench/include",
fetchto + "/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-gw/hdl/testbench/include",
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
module dut_env
IGN4124PCIMaster i_gn4124,
output[2:0] acq_fsm_state,
output sfp_txp_o, sfp_txn_o,
input sfp_rxp_i, sfp_rxn_i,
input ext_trigger_i
......@@ -187,8 +186,6 @@ module dut_env
.fmc0_sda_b ()
assign acq_fsm_state = DUT.cmp0_fmc_adc_mezzanine.cmp_fmc_adc_100Ms_core.acq_fsm_state;
// DDR memory model
......@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
`include "fmc_adc_100Ms_csr.v"
`include "fmc_adc_alt_trigout.v"
`define DMA_BASE 'h00c0
`define VIC_BASE 'h0100
`define ADC_CSR_BASE 'h5000
`define ADC_EIC_BASE 'h5500
module main;
......@@ -38,10 +41,9 @@ module main;
IGN4124PCIMaster hostB ();
reg duta_ext_trig, dutb_ext_trig;
wire[2:0] duta_acq_state, dutb_acq_state;
dut_env DUTA (hostA, duta_acq_state, a2b_txp, a2b_txn, a2b_rxp, a2b_rxn, duta_ext_trig);
dut_env DUTB (hostB, dutb_acq_state, a2b_rxp, a2b_rxn, a2b_txp, a2b_txn, dutb_ext_trig);
dut_env DUTA (hostA, a2b_txp, a2b_txn, a2b_rxp, a2b_rxn, duta_ext_trig);
dut_env DUTB (hostB, a2b_rxp, a2b_rxn, a2b_txp, a2b_txn, dutb_ext_trig);
IMockTurtleIRQ MtIrqMonitorA (`MT_ATTACH_IRQ(DUTA.DUT.cmp_mock_turtle));
IMockTurtleIRQ MtIrqMonitorB (`MT_ATTACH_IRQ(DUTB.DUT.cmp_mock_turtle));
......@@ -72,6 +74,13 @@ module main;
devA.set_rule ( "rule0", "LC-I5", "NET0", 0 );
devA.enable_rule ( "rule0" );
// Configure the EIC for an interrupt on ACQ_END
accA.write(`ADC_EIC_BASE + 'h4, 'h2);
// Configure the VIC
accA.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h8, 'h7f);
accA.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h0, 'h1);
// Config DUTA to trigger on external trigger and get 64 samples
......@@ -95,7 +104,6 @@ module main;
$fatal (1, "ADC status error (got 0x%8x, expected 0x%8x).", val, expected);
$display ("[DUT:A] <%t> ADC configured and armed", $realtime);
wait (duta_acq_state == 1);
......@@ -107,6 +115,13 @@ module main;
devB.set_rule ( "rule0", "NET0", "LC-O1", 50000 );
devB.enable_rule ( "rule0" );
// Configure the EIC for an interrupt on ACQ_END
accB.write(`ADC_EIC_BASE + 'h4, 'h2);
// Configure the VIC
accB.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h8, 'h7f);
accB.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h0, 'h1);
// Config DUTB to trigger on WRTD and get 64 samples
......@@ -129,7 +144,6 @@ module main;
$fatal (1, "ADC status error (got 0x%8x, expected 0x%8x).", val, expected);
$display ("[DUT:B] <%t> ADC configured and armed", $realtime);
wait (dutb_acq_state == 1);
......@@ -147,55 +161,63 @@ module main;
wait (duta_acq_state == 1);
wait (DUTA.DUT.cmp0_fmc_adc_mezzanine.acq_end_irq_o == 1);
$display("[DUT:A] <%t> END ACQ 1", $realtime);
accA.write(`ADC_EIC_BASE + 'hc, 'h2);
accA.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h1c, 'h0);`ADC_CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_TRIG_POS, val);
$display("[DUT:A] <%t> TRIG POSITION %.8x", $realtime, val);
// DMA transfer
accA.write('h2008, val); // dma start addr
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h08, val); // dma start addr
accA.write('h200C, 'h00001000); // host addr
accA.write('h2010, 'h00000000);
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h0C, 'h00001000); // host addr
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h10, 'h00000000);
accA.write('h2014, 'h00000100); // len << 2
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h14, 'h00000100); // len << 2
accA.write('h2018, 'h00000000); // next
accA.write('h201C, 'h00000000);
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h18, 'h00000000); // next
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h1C, 'h00000000);
accA.write('h2020, 'h00000000); // attrib: pcie -> host
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h20, 'h00000000); // attrib: pcie -> host
accA.write('h2000, 'h00000001); // xfer start
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h00, 'h00000001); // xfer start
wait (DUTA.DUT.inst_spec_template.irqs[0] == 1);
wait (DUTA.DUT.inst_spec_template.irqs[2] == 1);
$display("[DUT:A] <%t> END DMA 1", $realtime);
accA.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h04, 'h04); // clear DMA IRQ
accA.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h1c, 'h0);
wait (dutb_acq_state == 1);
wait (DUTB.DUT.cmp0_fmc_adc_mezzanine.acq_end_irq_o == 1);
$display("[DUT:B] <%t> END ACQ 1", $realtime);
accB.write(`ADC_EIC_BASE + 'hc, 'h2);
accB.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h1c, 'h0);`ADC_CSR_BASE + `ADDR_FMC_ADC_100MS_CSR_TRIG_POS, val);
$display("[DUT:B] <%t> TRIG POSITION %.8x", $realtime, val);
// DMA transfer
accB.write('h2008, val); // dma start addr
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h08, val); // dma start addr
accB.write('h200C, 'h00001000); // host addr
accB.write('h2010, 'h00000000);
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h0C, 'h00001000); // host addr
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h10, 'h00000000);
accB.write('h2014, 'h00000100); // len << 2
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h14, 'h00000100); // len << 2
accB.write('h2018, 'h00000000); // next
accB.write('h201C, 'h00000000);
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h18, 'h00000000); // next
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h1C, 'h00000000);
accB.write('h2020, 'h00000000); // attrib: pcie -> host
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h20, 'h00000000); // attrib: pcie -> host
accB.write('h2000, 'h00000001); // xfer start
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h00, 'h00000001); // xfer start
wait (DUTB.DUT.inst_spec_template.irqs[0] == 1);
wait (DUTB.DUT.inst_spec_template.irqs[2] == 1);
$display("[DUT:B] <%t> END DMA 1", $realtime);
accB.write(`DMA_BASE + 'h04, 'h04); // clear DMA IRQ
accB.write(`VIC_BASE + 'h1c, 'h0);
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