Add shortcuts on top level

parent e9290b22
File added
echo Updating dependencies!
set TARGET_DIR=C:\Users\Andreas Maier\Documents\HGC_sensor_project\HGCAL_sensor_tests
set "list=hex_positions_HPK_128ch_6inch.txt hex_positions_HPK_128ch_6inch_Fermilab.txt hex_positions_HPK_256ch_8inch.txt hex_positions_INF_256ch_8inch.txt"
set SOURCE_DIR=C:\Users\Andreas Maier\Documents\HGC_sensor_project\HGCAL_sensor_analysis\HexPlot\geo
for %%x in (%list%) do (
echo Updating %%x
xcopy /Y /Q "%SOURCE_DIR%\%%x" "%TARGET_DIR%"
set "list=HexPlot.exe"
set SOURCE_DIR=C:\Users\Andreas Maier\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\HexPlot\HexPlot\Debug
for %%x in (%list%) do (
echo Updating %%x
xcopy /Y /Q "%SOURCE_DIR%\%%x" "%TARGET_DIR%"
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