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  • Lucas Russo's avatar
    modules/*/fmc_adc_data.vhd: improve timing by using inferred FIFO · c7570a95
    Lucas Russo authored
    In this way, we can use sparse structures
    (instead of FIFO/RAM primitives) to help
    synthesis/implementation tools achieve better
    This mainly works as the FIFO is small (in depth
    and width) and could be placed near the source/receiving
    To be certain that the synthesis tools will use distributed
    structure for the FIFO/RAM , it's better to use the following
    constraint in your .xdc file:
    set_property RAM_STYLE DISTRIBUTED [
        get_cells -hier -filter {
            NAME =~ */cmp_fmc_adc_iface/*/cmp_adc_data_async_fifo/mem_reg*