Commit 1ab09303 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

README: fix make instructions

parent 287d8152
......@@ -52,9 +52,21 @@ Simulation instructions:
-> Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake2 command available
in your PATH environment variable.
hdlmake2 --make-isim
make fuse TOP_MODULE=<top_level_testbench_module_without_the_extension>
./isim_proj -view wave.wcfg -tclbatch isim_cmd -gui
-> Create the (ISim) simualation makefile
1 - hdlmake2 --make-isim
-> Compile the project
2 - make
-> Create the simulation executable elf file
3 - make fuse TOP_MODULE=<top_level_testbench_module_without_the_extension>
-> Execute the simulation with GUI and aditional commands
4 - ./isim_proj -view wave.wcfg -tclbatch isim_cmd -gui
......@@ -66,8 +78,17 @@ Synthesis instructions:
-> Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake2 command available
in your PATH environment variable.
hdlmake2 --make-ise --ise-proj
-> Create the synthesis makefile and an ISE project
1 - hdlmake2 --make-ise --ise-proj
-> Compile the source files locally
2 - make local
-> Load the generated .bit file with iMPACT
3 - impact
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