Commit a8ef18e0 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

scripts/*: add scripts for jtag tapping on lm32

parent 69b531e4
This diff is collapsed.
#! /bin/bash
# \
export RLWRAP_ #\
exec rlwrap -C lm32-ctl-xil -I xtclsh "$0" "$@"
# Copyright (c) 2011
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
## TODO: Long polling.
## TODO: --verbose option for debugging issues.
## TODO: Handle multiple FPGAs at once.
# Modified by Lucas Russo <> with additions from
# lm32-ctl script:
source utils.tcl
#source json_rpc.tcl
source jtag_comm.tcl
source lm32_comm.tcl
proc say_line {msg} {
set t [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]
puts "\[$t\] $msg"
proc say_error {msg} {
set t [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]
puts stderr "\[$t\] $msg"
proc say_status {rate est_rate accepted rejected} {
set submitted [expr {$rejected + $accepted}]
if {$submitted == 0} {
set rej_rate [expr {$rejected * 100.0}]
} else {
set rej_rate [expr {$rejected * 100.0 / $submitted}]
say_line [format "%.2f MH/s (~%.2f MH/s) \[Rej: %i/%i (%.2f%%)\]" $rate $est_rate $rejected $submitted $rej_rate]
################################# MAIN #################################
proc main {argc argv} {
global jtag_handle
puts " --- FPGA Mining Tcl Script --- \n\n"
puts "Looking for and preparing FPGAs...\n"
if {[fpga_init] == -1} {
puts stderr "No mining FPGAs found."
puts "\n\n --- Shutting Down --- \n\n"
set fpga_name [get_fpga_name]
puts "Target FPGA Found: $fpga_name\n\n"
#if {[get_current_fpga_nonce] == -1} {
# puts "WARNING: The FPGA's mining firmware does not report a hashrate. Status messages will show 0.00 MH/s, but the FPGA should still be running. Check the estimated rate for approximate hashing rate after shares have been submitted.\n\n"
# Waits input from user and executs specified command
mainLoop $argc $argv
# Close everything
csejtag_target close $jtag_handle
csejtag_session send_message $jtag_handle $CSE_MSG_INFO "Closed cable successfully\n"
csejtag_session destroy $jtag_handle
puts "\n\n --- Shutting Down --- \n\n"
# Start the program
main $argc $argv
This diff is collapsed.
# Reverse a hex string
proc reverseHex {hexstring} {
set result ""
for {set x 0} {$x < [string length $hexstring]} {incr x} {
set piece [string range $hexstring $x [expr {$x+1}]]
set result "${piece}${result}"
incr x
return $result
# A pure TCL implementation of very basic JSON parsing.
# Xilinx's TCL is too old to support the standard json library right now.
proc dirty_json {json field} {
set indx [string first "\"$field\"" $json]
if {$indx == -1} {
return ""
set indx [expr {$indx + [string length $field] + 2}]
set json [string range $json $indx end]
set indx [string first "\"" $json]
if {$indx == -1} {
return ""
set indx [expr {$indx + 1}]
set json [string range $json $indx end]
set endx [string first "\"" $json]
if {$indx == -1} {
return ""
set endx [expr {$endx - 1}]
return [string range $json 0 $endx]
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