Commit 1a5e98c1 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/sm_io/*/sm_io_mod_dispatch.c: use relative include paths

Now, we reference the header files from the current directory
only or from include/
parent ea40984c
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
#include "bpm_server.h"
/* Private headers. Include all available module we can handle */
#include "sm_io_fmc130m_4ch_exp.h"
#include "sm_io_acq_exp.h"
#include "sm_io_dsp_exp.h"
#include "sm_io_swap_exp.h"
#include "sm_io_rffe_exp.h"
#include "fmc130m_4ch/sm_io_fmc130m_4ch_exp.h"
#include "acq/sm_io_acq_exp.h"
#include "dsp/sm_io_dsp_exp.h"
#include "swap/sm_io_swap_exp.h"
#include "rffe/sm_io_rffe_exp.h"
#if defined (__BOARD_AFCV3__)
#include "sm_io_afc_diag_exp.h"
#include "afc_diag/sm_io_afc_diag_exp.h"
/* Table of all known modules we can handle */
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