Commit 2adc6798 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io/dev_io*.c: use different DEVIO CFG name

As a safety measure, it`s good to use a different
DEVIO CFG name, as the same service could be spawned
by the regular DEVIO, creating 2 workers for the same
task. This is bad for MAILBOX clients as there can only
be one client per name . This is not an inssue with
Malamute STREAM or QUEUES.
parent 62489be0
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* At this point, the Config DEVIO is ready to receive our commands */
char devio_config_service_str [DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN];
snprintf (devio_config_service_str, DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1, "BPM%u:DEVIO:AFC_DIAG%u",
snprintf (devio_config_service_str, DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1, "BPM%u:DEVIO_CFG:AFC_DIAG%u",
dev_id, 0);
devio_config_service_str [DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1] = '\0'; /* Just in case ... */
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Creating DEVIO instance ...\n");
char devio_service_str [DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN];
snprintf (devio_service_str, DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1, "BPM%u:DEVIO", dev_id);
snprintf (devio_service_str, DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1, "BPM%u:DEVIO_CFG", dev_id);
devio_service_str [DEVIO_SERVICE_LEN-1] = '\0'; /* Just in case ... */
devio_t *devio = devio_new (devio_service_str, dev_id, dev_entry, llio_type,
broker_endp, verbose, log_file_name);
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