Commit 30d17773 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

Makefile: remove script install from "core" target

The INIT script being installed at core "target"
were empty, since we switched this installation
for "scripts" target. So, we just remove it here
parent 1e4fcbee
......@@ -521,11 +521,9 @@ deps_mrproper: libbsmp_mrproper lib_pcie_driver_mrproper
$(foreach core_bin,$(OUT),install -m 755 $(core_bin) ${PREFIX}/bin $(CMDSEP))
$(foreach core_script,$(INIT_SCRIPTS),install -m 755 $(core_script) ${PREFIX}/etc $(CMDSEP))
$(foreach core_bin,$(ALL_OUT),rm -f ${PREFIX}/bin/$(core_bin) $(CMDSEP))
$(foreach core_script,$(INIT_SCRIPTS),rm -f ${PREFIX}/etc/$(core_script) $(CMDSEP))
rm -f $(OBJS_all) $(OBJS_all:.o=.d)
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