Commit 331af3a0 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/sm_io/sm_io_bootstrap.c: fix wrong message TAG checking

We were checking for a wrong TAG. The correct one is MSG_EXP_ZMQ
parent e10a68b6
......@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ static disp_table_err_e _smio_check_msg_args (disp_table_t *disp_table,
devio_err_e err = SMIO_SUCCESS;
/* Check if the message tis the correct one */
ASSERT_TEST (msg_guess_type (args) == MSG_THSAFE_ZMQ, "Invalid message tag",
ASSERT_TEST (msg_guess_type (args) == MSG_EXP_ZMQ, "Invalid message tag",
err_inv_msg, SMIO_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPP);
msg_err_e merr = msg_check_gen_zmq_args (disp_op, THSAFE_MSG_ZMQ(args));
msg_err_e merr = msg_check_gen_zmq_args (disp_op, EXP_MSG_ZMQ(args));
ASSERT_TEST (merr == MSG_SUCCESS, "Unrecognized message. Message arguments "
"checking failed", err_msg_args_check, SMIO_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPP);
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