Commit 3646eb9a authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

libs/libbpmclient: add acquisition trigger support

parent d406b69d
......@@ -364,13 +364,15 @@ bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_si571_defaults (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
/********************** ACQ SMIO Functions ********************/
/* Acquistion request */
/* Acquisition request */
typedef struct {
uint32_t num_samples; /* Number of samples */
uint32_t num_samples_pre; /* Number of pre-trigger samples */
uint32_t num_samples_post; /* Number of post-trigger samples */
uint32_t num_shots; /* Number of shots */
uint32_t chan; /* Acquisition channel number */
} acq_req_t;
/* Acquistion data block */
/* Acquisition data block */
typedef struct {
uint32_t idx; /* Block index */
......@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t bytes_read; /* Number of bytes effectively read */
} acq_block_t;
/* Acquistion transaction */
/* Acquisition transaction */
typedef struct {
acq_req_t req; /* Request */
acq_block_t block; /* Block or whole curve read */
......@@ -430,6 +432,64 @@ bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_data_block (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_curve (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
acq_trans_t *acq_trans, int timeout, bool new_acq);
/* Configure acquisition trigger. Trigger types are: 0 -> skip trigger,
* 1 -> external trigger, 2 -> data-driven trigger, 3 -> software trigger.
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_trig (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t trig);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_trig (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *trig);
/* Configure data-driven trigger polarity. Options are: 0 -> positive slope (
* 0 -> 1), 1 -> negative slope (1 -> 0).
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_pol (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t data_trig_pol);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_pol (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_pol);
/* Configure data-driven trigger selection. Options are: 0 -> channel data
* sample 0, 1 -> channel data sample 1, 2 -> channel data sample 2, 3 -> channel
* data sample 3
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_sel (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t data_trig_sel);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_sel (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_sel);
/* Configure data-driven trigger hysteresis filter. data_trig_filt is an integer
* number from 0 to 2^8-1, meaning the number of steady counts after the data
* sample goes above or below the data threshold. This is only valid for
* data-driven trigger.
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_data_trig_filt (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t data_trig_filt);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_data_trig_filt (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *data_trig_filt);
/* Configure trigger delay. hw_trig_dly is an integer number from 0 to 2^32-1,
* meaning the number of ADC clock cycles after which the detected trigger
* will be used. This is only valid for external or data-driven trigger types.
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_hw_trig_dly (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t hw_trig_dly);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_hw_trig_dly (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *hw_trig_dly);
/* Generate software trigger. Options are: 1 generates a software trigger, 0
* generates nothing.
* Returns BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS if the trigger was correctly set or
* or an error (see bpm_client_err.h for all possible errors)*/
bpm_client_err_e bpm_set_acq_sw_trig (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t sw_trig);
bpm_client_err_e bpm_get_acq_sw_trig (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
uint32_t *sw_trig);
/* New version of bpm_data_acquire that uses the general function caller
* bpm_func_exec */
bpm_client_err_e bpm_acq_start (bpm_client_t *self, char *service, acq_req_t *acq_req);
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