Commit 4469b2e9 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/sm_io.c: fix wrong PIPE destruction on SMIO exit

This causes an assertion error as the zactor
infrastructure needs the PIPE after the thread exits.

This fixes #116 github issue.
parent 51b90980
...@@ -176,7 +176,11 @@ smio_err_e smio_destroy (smio_t **self_p) ...@@ -176,7 +176,11 @@ smio_err_e smio_destroy (smio_t **self_p)
zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_backend); zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_backend);
zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_frontend); zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_frontend);
zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_msg); zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_msg);
zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_mgmt); /* Don't destroy pipe_mgmt as this is taken care of by the
* zactor infrastructure, s_thread_shim (void *args) on CZMQ
* 3.0.2 src/zactor.c
* zsock_destroy (&self->pipe_mgmt);
disp_table_destroy (&self->exp_ops_dtable); disp_table_destroy (&self->exp_ops_dtable);
self->thsafe_client_ops = NULL; self->thsafe_client_ops = NULL;
self->ops = NULL; self->ops = NULL;
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