Commit 4af176e4 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

Merge branch 'issue_79' into devel-luc

parents fa04d2fc 7d7585ae
Subproject commit 16a0b9a4cf387148b77d874938b9dfec09f4eaa5
Subproject commit 5008743e14bf166304fa776e8b0601ca81b890fb
......@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@
/* Do the SMIO operation */
static devio_err_e _devio_do_smio_op (devio_t *self, void *msg);
static void _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id);
static void _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self);
static devio_err_e _devio_send_destruct_msg (devio_t *self, void *pipe);
static devio_err_e _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, const char *smio_key);
static devio_err_e _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self);
/* Creates a new instance of Device Information */
devio_t * devio_new (char *name, char *endpoint_dev, llio_type_e type,
......@@ -233,9 +234,9 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t base,
* the sm_io module */
th_boot_args_t *th_args = NULL;
th_config_args_t *th_config_args = NULL;
char *smio_service = NULL;
void *config_pipe = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
uint32_t pipe_idx = 0;
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] smio_mod_dispatch table size = %ld\n",
......@@ -251,11 +252,20 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t base,
/* Found! Call bootstrap code and insert in
* hash table */
/* FIXME: Why do I need this? smio always gets initilized
* after smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->smio_boot (self); */
/* smio_t *smio = NULL; */
/* It is expected tha after the boot () call the operations
* this sm_io inscate can handle are already registered! */
/* Stringify ID. We do it before spawning a new thread as
* alloc can fail */
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Stringify hash ID\n");
char *inst_id_str = halutils_stringify_dec_key (inst_id);
ASSERT_ALLOC(inst_id_str, err_inst_id_str_alloc);
char *key = halutils_concat_strings_no_sep (smio_mod_dispatch[i].name,
/* We don't need this anymore */
free (inst_id_str);
inst_id_str = NULL;
ASSERT_ALLOC (key, err_key_alloc);
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Allocating thread args\n");
......@@ -276,34 +286,25 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t base,
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Calling boot func\n");
uint32_t pipe_idx = self->nnodes++;
pipe_idx = self->nnodes++;
self->pipes [pipe_idx] = zthread_fork (self->ctx, smio_startup,
ASSERT_TEST (self->pipes [pipe_idx] != NULL, "Could not spawn SMIO thread",
/* self->pipes [pipe_idx] = zthread_fork (self->ctx,
smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->thread_boot, th_args); */
/*smio = smio_mod_dispatch[i].bootstrap_ops->boot (self);*/
/*ASSERT_ALLOC (smio, err_smio_alloc); */
/* Stringify ID */
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Stringify hash ID\n");
char *key = halutils_stringify_hex_key (smio_mod_dispatch[i].id);
ASSERT_ALLOC (key, err_key_alloc);
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Inserting hash with key: %s\n", key);
zhash_insert (self->sm_io_h, key, self->pipes [pipe_idx]);
int zerr = zhash_insert (self->sm_io_h, key, self->pipes [pipe_idx]);
/* We must not fail here, as we will loose our reference to the SMIO
* thread otherwise */
ASSERT_TEST (zerr == 0, "Could not insert PIPE hash key. Duplicated value?",
/* Configure default values of the recently created SMIO using the
* bootstrap registered function config_defaults () */
smio_service = halutils_concat_strings (th_args->service,
smio_mod_dispatch[th_args->smio_id].name, ':');
ASSERT_ALLOC(smio_service, err_smio_service_alloc);
/* Now, we create a short lived thread just to configure our SMIO */
/* Alloacate config thread arguments struct and pass it to the
/* Allocate config thread arguments struct and pass it to the
* thread. It is the responsability of the calling thread
* to clear this structure after using it! */
th_config_args = zmalloc (sizeof *th_config_args);
......@@ -324,24 +325,27 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t base,
/* On success, just "key"" is not deallocated. All of the other
* allocated parameters are either free'd or its ownership
* is transfered to the calling function/thread */
free (key);
free (smio_service);
/* FIXME: Destroy SMIO thread as we could configure it? */
free (th_config_args);
/* FIXME: Destroy SMIO thread? */
_devio_destroy_smio (self, smio_id);
free (smio_service);
free (key);
/* This is safe to call more than once */
_devio_destroy_smio (self, smio_id);
zhash_delete (self->sm_io_h, key);
/* If we can't insert the SMIO thread key in hash,
* destroy it as we won't have a reference to it later! */
_devio_send_destruct_msg (self, self->pipes [pipe_idx]);
free (th_args);
free (key);
......@@ -353,19 +357,14 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_all_sm (devio_t *self)
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t inst_id)
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, const char *smio_key)
(void) self;
(void) smio_id;
(void) inst_id;
return _devio_destroy_smio (self, smio_key);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_all_sm (devio_t *self)
(void) self;
return _devio_destroy_smio_all (self);
devio_err_e devio_init_poller_sm (devio_t *self)
......@@ -517,69 +516,76 @@ err_hand_req:
return err;
static void _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self)
static devio_err_e _devio_destroy_smio_all (devio_t *self)
#if 0
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < self->nnodes; ++i) {
/* This cannot fail at this point... but it can */
zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
/* An empty message means to selfdestruct */
zmsg_pushstr (msg, "");
zmsg_send (&msg, self->pipes [i]);
assert (self);
devio_err_e err = DEVIO_SUCCESS;
/* Get all hash keys */
zlist_t *hash_keys = zhash_keys (self->sm_io_h);
ASSERT_ALLOC (hash_keys, err_hash_keys_alloc);
ASSERT_ALLOC (hash_keys, err_hash_keys_alloc, DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC);
char *hash_item = zlist_first (hash_keys);
/* Iterate over all keys removing each of one */
for (; hash_item != NULL; hash_item = zlist_next (hash_keys)) {
/* FIXME: Usage of stroul fucntion for reconverting the string
* into a uint32_t */
_devio_destroy_smio (self, (uint32_t) strtoul (hash_item,
(char **) NULL, 16));
err = _devio_destroy_smio (self, hash_item);
ASSERT_TEST (err == DEVIO_SUCCESS, "Could not destroy SMIO "
"instance", err_smio_destroy, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY);
zlist_destroy (&hash_keys);
return err;
static void _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id)
static devio_err_e _devio_send_destruct_msg (devio_t *self, void *pipe)
assert (self);
assert (pipe);
/* Stringify ID */
char *key_c = halutils_stringify_hex_key (smio_id);
ASSERT_ALLOC (key_c, err_key_alloc);
/* Lookup SMIO reference in hash table */
void *pipe = zhash_lookup (self->sm_io_h, key_c);
ASSERT_TEST (pipe != NULL, "Could not find SMIO registered with this ID",
devio_err_e err = DEVIO_SUCCESS;
/* Send message to SMIO informing it to destroy itself */
/* This cannot fail at this point... but it can */
zmsg_t *send_msg = zmsg_new ();
ASSERT_ALLOC (send_msg, err_msg_alloc);
ASSERT_ALLOC (send_msg, err_msg_alloc, DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC);
/* An empty message means to selfdestruct */
zmsg_pushstr (send_msg, "");
int zerr = zmsg_send (&send_msg, pipe);
ASSERT_TEST (zerr == 0, "Could not send self-destruct message to SMIO instance",
err_send_msg, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY);
/* Finally, remove the pipe from hash */
zhash_delete (self->sm_io_h, key_c);
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_MNGR | DBG_LVL_INFO, "[dev_io_core] Self-destruct message "
"to SMIO sent");
zmsg_destroy (&send_msg);
return err;
/* smio_key is the name of the SMIO + instance number, e.g.,
* FMC130M_4CH0*/
static devio_err_e _devio_destroy_smio (devio_t *self, const char *smio_key)
assert (self);
devio_err_e err = DEVIO_SUCCESS;
/* Lookup SMIO reference in hash table */
void *pipe = zhash_lookup (self->sm_io_h, smio_key);
ASSERT_TEST (pipe != NULL, "Could not find SMIO registered with this ID",
err_hash_lookup, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY);
err = _devio_send_destruct_msg (self, pipe);
ASSERT_TEST (err == DEVIO_SUCCESS, "Could not send self-destruct message to "
"PIPE", err_send_msg, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY);
/* Finally, remove the pipe from hash. FIXME: What if the SMIO does not
* exit? We will loose its reference ...*/
zhash_delete (self->sm_io_h, smio_key);
free (key_c);
return err;
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ devio_err_e devio_register_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t base,
/* Register all sm_io module that this device can handle,
* according to the device information stored in the SDB */
devio_err_e devio_register_all_sm (devio_t *self);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint32_t inst_id);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_sm (devio_t *self, const char *smio_key);
devio_err_e devio_unregister_all_sm (devio_t *self);
/* Initilize poller with all of the initialized PIPE sockets */
devio_err_e devio_init_poller_sm (devio_t *self);
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ static const char *devio_err [DEVIO_ERR_END] =
[DEVIO_ERR_UNINIT_POLLER] = "Poller uninitilized",
[DEVIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER] = "Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was terminated or received interrupt signal",
[DEVIO_ERR_BAD_MSG] = "Malformed message received",
[DEVIO_ERR_TERMINATED] = "Terminated devio instance"
[DEVIO_ERR_TERMINATED] = "Terminated devio instance",
[DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY] = "Could not destroy sm_io instance"
/* Convert enumeration type to string */
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ enum _devio_err_e
DEVIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER, /* Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was terminated or received interrupt signal */
DEVIO_ERR_BAD_MSG, /* Malformed message received */
DEVIO_ERR_TERMINATED, /* Terminated devio instance */
DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY, /* Could not destroy sm_io instance */
DEVIO_ERR_END /* End of enum marker */
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
halutils_err_str (err_type))
static char *_halutils_concat_strings_raw (const char *str1, const char* str2,
const char *str3, char sep);
const char *str3, bool with_sep, char sep);
uint32_t num_to_str_len (uint32_t key, uint32_t base)
......@@ -106,23 +106,37 @@ uint32_t halutils_numerify_hex_key (const char *key)
/* FIXME: poorly written */
static char *_halutils_concat_strings_raw (const char *str1, const char* str2,
const char *str3, char sep)
const char *str3, bool with_sep, char sep)
assert (str1);
assert (str2);
uint32_t num_sep_bytes = (with_sep)? SEPARATOR_BYTES : 0;
char *str = NULL;
if (str3 != NULL) {
str = zmalloc (strlen (str1) + strlen (str2) + strlen (str3) +
SEPARATOR_BYTES /* separator length */+ 1 /* \0 */);
num_sep_bytes /* separator length */+ 1 /* \0 */);
ASSERT_ALLOC(str, err_str3_alloc);
sprintf (str, "%s%c%s%s", str1, sep, str2, str3);
if (with_sep) {
sprintf (str, "%s%c%s%s", str1, sep, str2, str3);
else {
sprintf (str, "%s%s%s", str1, str2, str3);
else {
str = zmalloc (strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) +
SEPARATOR_BYTES /* separator length */+ 1 /* \0 */);
num_sep_bytes /* separator length */+ 1 /* \0 */);
ASSERT_ALLOC(str, err_str2_alloc);
sprintf (str, "%s%c%s", str1, sep, str2);
if (with_sep) {
sprintf (str, "%s%c%s", str1, sep, str2);
else {
sprintf (str, "%s%s", str1, str2);
return str;
......@@ -134,11 +148,16 @@ err_str2_alloc:
char *halutils_concat_strings (const char *str1, const char* str2, char sep)
return _halutils_concat_strings_raw (str1, str2, NULL, sep);
return _halutils_concat_strings_raw (str1, str2, NULL, true, sep);
char *halutils_concat_strings_no_sep (const char *str1, const char* str2)
return _halutils_concat_strings_raw (str1, str2, NULL, false, 0);
char *halutils_concat_strings3 (const char *str1, const char* str2,
const char* str3, char sep)
return _halutils_concat_strings_raw (str1, str2, str3, sep);
return _halutils_concat_strings_raw (str1, str2, str3, true, sep);
......@@ -43,11 +43,15 @@ uint32_t halutils_numerify_dec_key (const char *key);
* a uint32_t */
uint32_t halutils_numerify_hex_key (const char *key);
/* Concatenates 2 strings togheter with a separator. returns the string if
/* Concatenates 2 strings together with a separator. returns the string if
* OK, NULL in case of error */
char *halutils_concat_strings (const char *str1, const char* str2, char sep);
/* Concatenates 3 strings togheter with a separator between the first and second
/* Concatenates 2 strings together without a separator. returns the string if
* OK, NULL in case of error */
char *halutils_concat_strings_no_sep (const char *str1, const char* str2);
/* Concatenates 3 strings together with a separator between the first and second
* strings. returns the string if OK, NULL in case of error */
char *halutils_concat_strings3 (const char *str1, const char* str2,
const char* str3, char sep);
......@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
#include "dispatch_table.h"
#include "mdp.h"
/* SMIO sockets IDs */
#define SMIO_PIPE_SOCK 0
#define SMIO_END_SOCK 1
struct _devio_t;
struct _smio_ops_t;
struct _smio_thsafe_client_ops_t;
......@@ -254,31 +254,67 @@ static smio_err_e _smio_loop (smio_t *self)
* and exit if the parent send a message through
* the pipe socket */
while (!zctx_interrupted) {
/* Listen to WORKER (requests from clients) and PIPE (managment) sockets */
zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
.socket = self->pipe,
.fd = 0,
.events = ZMQ_POLLIN,
.revents = 0
/* Check for activity on WORKER socket */
zframe_t *reply_to = NULL;
zmsg_t *request = mdp_worker_recv (self->worker, &reply_to);
if (request == NULL) {
break; /* Worker has been interrupted */
zmsg_t *request = mdp_worker_recv (self->worker, &reply_to, true);
if (request != NULL) {
exp_msg_zmq_t smio_args = {
.msg = &request,
.reply_to = reply_to};
err = smio_do_op (self, &smio_args);
/* What can I do in case of error ?*/
if (err != SMIO_SUCCESS) {
"[sm_io_bootstrap] smio_do_op: %s\n",
smio_err_str (err));
/* Cleanup */
zframe_destroy (&reply_to);
zmsg_destroy (&request);
exp_msg_zmq_t smio_args = {
.msg = &request,
.reply_to = reply_to};
err = smio_do_op (self, &smio_args);
/* What can I do in case of error ?*/
if (err != SMIO_SUCCESS) {
"[sm_io_bootstrap] smio_do_op: %s\n",
smio_err_str (err));
/* Wait up to 100 ms */
int rc = zmq_poll (items, SMIO_SOCKS_NUM, SMIO_POLLER_TIMEOUT);
ASSERT_TEST(rc != -1, "Poller has been interrupted",
err_loop_interrupted, SMIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER);
/* Check for activity on PIPE socket */
if (items [SMIO_PIPE_SOCK].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
/* On any activity we destroy ourselves */
zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe);
if (request == NULL) {
break; /* Worker has been interrupted */
/* Every message through this channel is interpreted as a
* self-destruct one */
zmsg_destroy (&request);
/* Destroy SMIO instance. As we already do this on the main
* smio_startup (), we just need to exit this cleanly */
"[sm_io_bootstrap] Received shutdown message on "
"PIPE socket. Exiting ...\n");
/* Cleanup */
zframe_destroy (&reply_to);
zmsg_destroy (&request);
return err;
......@@ -12,15 +12,17 @@
static const char *smio_err [SMIO_ERR_END] =
[SMIO_SUCCESS] = "Success",
[SMIO_ERR_ALLOC] = "Could not allocate memory",
[SMIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL] = "Function not implemented",
[SMIO_ERR_OPCODE_NOT_SUPP] = "Opcode not supported",
[SMIO_ERR_WRONG_PARAM] = "Wrong parameter value",
[SMIO_ERR_LLIO] = "Low-level I/O could not complete operation",
[SMIO_ERR_EXPORT_OP] = "Could not export function",
[SMIO_ERR_CONFIG_DFLT] = "Could not configure the default values",
[SMIO_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPP] = "Exported message not supported"
[SMIO_SUCCESS] = "Success",
[SMIO_ERR_ALLOC] = "Could not allocate memory",
[SMIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL] = "Function not implemented",
[SMIO_ERR_OPCODE_NOT_SUPP] = "Opcode not supported",
[SMIO_ERR_WRONG_PARAM] = "Wrong parameter value",
[SMIO_ERR_LLIO] = "Low-level I/O could not complete operation",
[SMIO_ERR_EXPORT_OP] = "Could not export function",
[SMIO_ERR_CONFIG_DFLT] = "Could not configure the default values",
[SMIO_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPP] = "Exported message not supported",
[SMIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER] = "Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was "
"terminated or received interrupt signal"
/* Convert enumeration type to string */
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ enum _smio_err_e
SMIO_ERR_EXPORT_OP, /* Error exporting function */
SMIO_ERR_CONFIG_DFLT, /* Error configuring the default values */
SMIO_ERR_MSG_NOT_SUPP, /* Exported message not supported */
SMIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER, /* SMIO Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was
terminated or received interrupt signal */
SMIO_ERR_END /* End of enum marker */
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