Commit 4c96dd29 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

examples/acq.c: remove local acquisition channel defs

Now, the libclient itself defines this structure.
parent 44941157
......@@ -14,22 +14,11 @@
/* Arbitrary hard limits */
#define MAX_NUM_SAMPLES (1 << 28)
#define MAX_NUM_CHANS (1 << 8)
typedef struct _acq_chan_t {
uint32_t chan;
uint32_t sample_size;
} acq_chan_t;
/* Global structure merging all of the channel's sample sizes */
acq_chan_t __acq_chan[END_CHAN_ID] = { [0] = {.chan = ADC_CHAN_ID, .sample_size = ADC_SAMPLE_SIZE},
[1] = {.chan = TBTAMP_CHAN_ID, .sample_size = TBTAMP_SAMPLE_SIZE},
[2] = {.chan = TBTPOS_CHAN_ID, .sample_size = TBTPOS_SAMPLE_SIZE},
[3] = {.chan = FOFBAMP_CHAN_ID, .sample_size = FOFBAMP_SAMPLE_SIZE},
[4] = {.chan = FOFBPOS_CHAN_ID, .sample_size = FOFBPOS_SAMPLE_SIZE} };
void print_data (uint32_t chan, uint32_t *data, uint32_t size)
/* FIXME: Make it more generic */
......@@ -158,7 +147,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv [])
fprintf (stdout, "[client:acq]: chan = %u\n", chan);
uint32_t data_size = num_samples*__acq_chan[chan].sample_size;
uint32_t data_size = num_samples*acq_chan[chan].sample_size;
uint32_t *data = (uint32_t *) zmalloc (data_size*sizeof (uint8_t));
acq_trans_t acq_trans = {.req = {
.num_samples = num_samples,
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