Commit 5de2632a authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io/dev_io.c: use new hutils_wait_chld ()

This fixes possible hanging dev_io_cfg children
there are waiting to be cleaned up by the parent.
parent eb7cb06e
......@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (child_devio_cfg_pid > 0) {
kill (child_devio_cfg_pid, DEVIO_KILL_CFG_SIGNAL);
/* Wait child */
hutils_wait_chld ();
/* Wait child up to 5 seconds before giving up waiting */
hutils_wait_chld_timed (5000);
/* Destroy libclient */
bpm_client_destroy (&client_cfg);
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