Commit 60caf8f1 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/*/fmc250m_4ch/*: increase libbpmclient timeout to 10s

This is just to ensure that the FMC250M SMIO will be
initialized. This is temporary until we figure it out
a way to do this properly: signaling that the SMIO
has finished initializing.
parent 26607410
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ smio_err_e fmc250m_4ch_config_defaults (char *broker_endp, char *service,
/* For some reason, the default timeout is not enough for FMC250M SMIO. See github issue
* #119 */
bpm_client_t *config_client = bpm_client_new_log_mode_time (broker_endp, 0,
log_file_name, SMIO_FMC250M_4CH_LIBBPMCLIENT_LOG_MODE, 3000);
log_file_name, SMIO_FMC250M_4CH_LIBBPMCLIENT_LOG_MODE, 10000);
ASSERT_ALLOC(config_client, err_alloc_client);
client_err = bpm_set_rst_adcs (config_client, service, FMC250M_4CH_DFLT_RST_ADCS);
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