Commit 6b83d03c authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/sm_io/sm_io_bootstrap.c: fix socket address in zmq_pollitem_t

With the new CZMQ 3.0.0 we no longer store a libzmq
socket type (void *), but a zactor_t polymorphic type.
Now, in order to get access to the libzmq socket reference
we need to call zsock_resolve ().
parent 8b0919fc
......@@ -291,6 +291,16 @@ static smio_err_e _smio_loop (smio_t *self)
smio_err_e err = SMIO_SUCCESS;
bool terminated = false;
void *pipe_zmq_socket = NULL;
void *worker_zmq_socket = NULL;
pipe_zmq_socket = zsock_resolve (self->pipe);
ASSERT_TEST (pipe_zmq_socket != NULL, "Invalid PIPE socket reference",
err_inv_pipe_socket, SMIO_ERR_INV_SOCKET);
worker_zmq_socket = zsock_resolve (self->worker);
ASSERT_TEST (worker_zmq_socket != NULL, "Invalid WORKER socket reference",
err_inv_worker_socket, SMIO_ERR_INV_SOCKET);
/* Begin infinite polling on Malamute/PIPE socket
* and exit if the parent send a message through
* the pipe socket */
......@@ -298,13 +308,13 @@ static smio_err_e _smio_loop (smio_t *self)
/* Listen to WORKER (requests from clients) and PIPE (managment) sockets */
zmq_pollitem_t items [] = {
.socket = self->pipe,
.socket = pipe_zmq_socket,
.fd = 0,
.events = ZMQ_POLLIN,
.revents = 0
.socket = self->worker,
.socket = worker_zmq_socket,
.fd = 0,
.events = ZMQ_POLLIN,
.revents = 0
......@@ -377,6 +387,8 @@ static smio_err_e _smio_loop (smio_t *self)
return err;
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