Commit 70da895b authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hal/include/hal_assert.h: remove extra brackets

Mistakenly, the brackets were added in the HAL assert
macros and, becasue of this, 2 brackets were print on
	an error.
parent 6117b128
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
do { \
if(!(test_boolean)) { \
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_ ##debug_subsys | DBG_LVL_FATAL, \
"["debug_name"]" " %s\n", err_str); \
debug_name " %s\n", err_str); \
SET_ERR_VAR(/* err_code*/ __VA_ARGS__); \
goto err_goto_label; \
} \
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
do { \
if (err < 0) { \
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_ ##debug_subsys | DBG_LVL_ERR, \
"["debug_name"]" " %s\n", err_str); \
debug_name " %s\n", err_str); \
return err; \
} \
} while (0)
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