Commit 71c9084c authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

{src,include}/sm_io_err*: add new "Could not register SM" error

parent 444378c7
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ enum _smio_err_e {
SMIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER, /* SMIO Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was
terminated or received interrupt signal */
SMIO_ERR_INV_SOCKET, /* Invalid socket reference */
SMIO_ERR_REGISTER_SM, /* Could not register SMIO */
SMIO_ERR_END /* End of enum marker */
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ static const char *smio_err [SMIO_ERR_END] =
[SMIO_ERR_BAD_MSG] = "Malformed message received",
[SMIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER] = "Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was "
"terminated or received interrupt signal",
[SMIO_ERR_INV_SOCKET] = "Invalid socket reference"
[SMIO_ERR_INV_SOCKET] = "Invalid socket reference",
[SMIO_ERR_REGISTER_SM] = "Could not register SMIO"
/* Convert enumeration type to string */
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