Commit 84b9f729 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

libclient: fix return code checking

parent 85e6f754
......@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ bpm_client_err_e param_client_send_gen_rw (bpm_client_t *self, char *service,
/* Get poller and timeout from client */
uint32_t timeout = bpm_client_get_timeout (self);
err = mlm_client_sendto (client, service, NULL, NULL, timeout, &request);
ASSERT_TEST(err >= 0, "Could not send message", err_get_handler,
int rc = mlm_client_sendto (client, service, NULL, NULL, timeout, &request);
ASSERT_TEST(rc >= 0, "Could not send message", err_get_handler,
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