Commit 8f8ff29f authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/dev_io/dev_io_core.c: send a single $TERM message per SMIO

Sending the $TERM message multiple time is unnecessary now.
We used to do that before properly shutting down the SMIOs.
parent 516d2d28
......@@ -737,17 +737,9 @@ static devio_err_e _devio_send_destruct_msg (devio_t *self, zactor_t **actor)
/* $TERM message means to selfdestruct */
zmsg_pushstr (send_msg, "$TERM");
/* Try to send the message a few times and then give up */
uint32_t tries = 0;
for (tries = 0; tries < DEVIO_MAX_DESTRUCT_MSG_TRIES; ++tries) {
int zerr = zmsg_send (&send_msg, *actor);
if (zerr == 0) {
"self-destruct message to SMIO instance",
/* Send the $TERM message to the SMIO */
int zerr = zmsg_send (&send_msg, *actor);
ASSERT_TEST (zerr == 0, "Could not send self-destruct message to SMIO instance",
err_send_msg, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DESTROY);
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_MNGR | DBG_LVL_INFO, "[dev_io_core] Self-destruct message "
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