Commit bebb7a5d authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

include/rw_param.h: include macro to SET/GET channel registers

This is very useful on setting/getting registers in
modules that have multiple channels with the same
register definitions.
parent aeb9ad32
......@@ -227,6 +227,59 @@ typedef int (*rw_param_format_fp) (uint32_t *param);
max, chk_funcp, fmt_funcp, clr_field, smio_thsafe_client_read_32, \
/* zmq message in SET_GET_PARAM_CHANNEL macro is:
* frame 0: operation code
* frame 1: rw R /W 1 = read mode, 0 = write mode
* frame 2: channel (0 to num_channels -1)
* frame 3: value to be written (rw = 0) or dummy value (rw = 1)
* */
#define SET_GET_PARAM_CHANNEL_GEN(module, base_addr, prefix, reg, field, \
chan_offset, chan_num, single_bit, min, max, chk_funcp, fmt_funcp, clr_field, \
read_32_fp, write_32_fp) \
do { \
assert (owner); \
assert (args); \
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_SM_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[sm_io:rw_param:"#module"] " \
"Calling SET_GET_PARAM_"#reg"\n"); \
uint32_t rw = *(uint32_t *) EXP_MSG_ZMQ_FIRST_ARG(args); \
uint32_t chan = *(uint32_t *) EXP_MSG_ZMQ_NEXT_ARG(args); \
uint32_t value = *(uint32_t *) EXP_MSG_ZMQ_NEXT_ARG(args); \
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_SM_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[sm_io:rw_param:"#module"] " \
"SET_GET_PARAM_CHANNEL_"#reg": rw = %u, chan = %u\n", rw, chan); \
RW_REPLY_TYPE set_param_return; \
if (chan > chan_num-1) { \
return -RW_INV; \
} \
if (rw) { \
set_param_return = GET_PARAM_GEN(self, module, \
(base_addr + (chan*chan_offset)), \
prefix, reg, field, single_bit, value, fmt_funcp, read_32_fp); \
if (set_param_return != RW_OK) { \
return -set_param_return; \
} \
else { \
*(uint32_t *) ret = value; \
return sizeof(value); \
} \
} \
else { \
set_param_return = SET_PARAM_GEN(self, module, \
(base_addr + (chan*chan_offset)), \
prefix, reg, field, single_bit, value, min, max, chk_funcp, \
clr_field, read_32_fp, write_32_fp); \
return -set_param_return; \
} \
} while (0)
#define SET_GET_PARAM_CHANNEL(module, base_addr, prefix, reg, field, chan_offset, \
chan_num, single_bit, min, max, chk_funcp, fmt_funcp, clr_field) \
SET_GET_PARAM_CHANNEL_GEN(module, base_addr, prefix, reg, field, \
chan_offset, chan_num, single_bit, min, max, chk_funcp, \
fmt_funcp, clr_field, smio_thsafe_client_read_32, \
uint32_t check_param_limits (uint32_t value, uint32_t min, uint32_t max);
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