Commit c3ca85b7 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/*/fmc_active_clk/*: update si57x_set_freq signature

As libbpmclient changed, we need to update it there too.
parent a39e699c
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ smio_err_e fmc_active_clk_config_defaults (char *broker_endp, char *service,
ASSERT_TEST(client_err == BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS, "Could not get Si571 defaults",
err_param_set, SMIO_ERR_CONFIG_DFLT);
client_err = bpm_set_si571_set_freq (config_client, service, FMC_ACTIVE_CLK_DFLT_SI57X_FOUT);
client_err = bpm_set_si571_freq (config_client, service, FMC_ACTIVE_CLK_DFLT_SI57X_FOUT);
ASSERT_TEST(client_err == BPM_CLIENT_SUCCESS, "Could not set Si571 frequency",
err_param_set, SMIO_ERR_CONFIG_DFLT);
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