Commit cfd3e8bf authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/*/afcv3/chips_addr.c: remove comment about LM75 I2C addresses

parent 47732938
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ const uint32_t fmc130m_4ch_ad9510_addr[NUM_FMC130M_4CH_SMIOS] = {0x01, 0x01};
/* The FMC EEPROM was supposed to have address 0x50 and 0x52, but GA1 and GA0
* are all grounded on hardware */
/* const uint32_t fmc130m_4ch_24aa64_addr[NUM_FMC130M_4CH_SMIOS] = {0x50, 0x52}; */
const uint32_t fmc130m_4ch_24aa64_addr[NUM_FMC130M_4CH_SMIOS] = {0x50, 0x50};
const uint32_t fmc130m_4ch_lm75a_addr[NUM_FMC130M_4CH_SMIOS][NUM_FMC130M_4CH_LM75A] = {
{0x48, 0x49},
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