Commit e9b91b23 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

{src,include}/sm_io.*: fix smio_register_sm () to send message

The previous implementation was not thread-safe.
parent 8003ee7d
......@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ smio_t *smio_new (th_boot_args_t *args, zsock_t *pipe_mgmt, zsock_t *pipe_msg,
smio_err_e smio_destroy (smio_t **self_p);
/* Loop through all interface sockets */
smio_err_e smio_loop (smio_t *self);
/* Register SMIO */
smio_err_e smio_register_sm (smio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint64_t base,
uint32_t inst_id);
smio_err_e smio_init_exp_ops (smio_t *self, disp_op_t** smio_exp_ops,
const disp_table_func_fp *func_fps);
......@@ -364,6 +364,21 @@ smio_err_e smio_loop (smio_t *self)
return err;
smio_err_e smio_register_sm (smio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint64_t base,
uint32_t inst_id)
assert (self);
smio_err_e err = SMIO_SUCCESS;
int zerr = zsock_send (self->pipe_mgmt, "s484", "$REGISTER_SMIO", smio_id, base,
ASSERT_TEST(zerr == 0, "Could not register SMIO", err_register_sm,
return err;
/***************** Dispatch table callbacks *****************/
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