Commit 2829d82b authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

hdl/top: adding README to explain different top designs

parent 63b79d07
* diot_periph_dio - Gefe-based System Board (ProAsic3) as Peripheral with DIO FMC (used for RTIO demo)
* diot_urv_demo - Gefe-based System Board (ProAsic3) with 2x uRV (used for RTIO demo)
* diot_wic_demo - Gefe-based System Board (ProAsic3) for WIC demo, includes diag data readout from FCM2 in Schroff demo crate
* sb_periph_spi - Gefe-based System Board (ProAsic3) as Peripheral Board with SPI interface
Legacy designs
* sb_fakeio - Gefe-based SB pretending to be WIC Peripheral Board
* diot_sb_test - first test firmware when Gefe-based SB was still under development
* spec_test - very first test gateware for SPEC when neither SB or Gefe boards were with us
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