Commit 64141b75 authored by Mathias Kreider's avatar Mathias Kreider

ebm: changed minor things in testbench

parent 2fcdbb3e
......@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ constant c_reps : natural := 10_000_000;
constant c_max_msgs : natural := 6;
constant c_msgs_len : natural := 5;
constant c_max_flush_wait : natural := 100;
constant c_max_wb_wait : natural := 10;
constant c_max_msg_wait : natural := 100;
constant c_max_flush_wait : natural := 5;
constant c_max_wb_wait : natural := 2;
constant c_max_msg_wait : natural := 5;
constant c_max_packet_wait : natural := 5000;
......@@ -326,9 +326,7 @@ uut: eb_master_top
--wait for clk_period/4;
wait for clk_period*20;
for I in 0 to c_reps-1 loop
wb_wr(c_SRC_MAC_HI, x"D15EA5ED", '1');
wb_wr(c_SRC_MAC_LO, x"BEEF0000", '1');
wb_wr(c_SRC_IPV4, x"CAFEBABE", '1');
......@@ -342,8 +340,12 @@ uut: eb_master_top
wb_wr(c_OPA_HI, x"00000000", '1');
wb_wr(c_EB_OPT, x"00000000", '0');
for I in 0 to c_reps-1 loop
v_pack_len := 42 + 1*4;
v_pack_len := 1*4;
for J in 0 to RV.RandInt(4, c_max_msgs)-1 loop
ovf := false;
......@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ uut: eb_master_top
for k in 0 to RV.RandInt(2, c_msgs_len)-1 loop
wb_wr(x"01BFFFF0" + to_unsigned((RV.RandInt(0, 1) * 16#00400000#), 32), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(v_pack_len,32)), '1');
wb_wr(x"01BFFFF0" + to_unsigned((RV.RandInt(1, 1) * 16#00400000#), 32), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(v_pack_len,32)), '1');
v_pack_len := v_pack_len + 4;
end loop;
wb_wr(x"01FFFFF0", x"80000000", '0');
......@@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ uut: eb_master_top
wait for clk_period*RV.RandInt(0, c_max_flush_wait);
s_pack_len <= v_pack_len;
wait for clk_period*20;
--wait for clk_period*1000;
master_o.cyc <= '1';
master_o.stb <= '1';
master_o.we <= '0';
......@@ -375,39 +377,40 @@ uut: eb_master_top
end loop;
master_o.stb <= '0';
wait until master_i.ack = '1';
-- if(master_i.dat(0) = '1') then
-- ovf := true;
-- report "OVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" severity warning;
-- end if;
if(master_i.dat(0) = '1') then
ovf := true;
report "OVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" severity warning;
end if;
report "FLUSH " & integer'image(v_pack_len) & " " & integer'image(to_integer(unsigned(master_i.dat(31 downto 16)))) severity note;
wb_wr(c_FLUSH, x"00000001", '0');
wait_cnt := 0;
while src_o.cyc = '0' loop
if(ovf) then
ovf := false;
clear <= '0';
wait for clk_period*50;
clear <= '1';
end if;
wait_cnt := wait_cnt +1;
if (wait_cnt > c_max_packet_wait) then
report "FREEZE!!" severity failure;
stop <= true;
end if;
wait for clk_period;
end loop;
--report "waiting cyc" severity note;
while src_o.cyc = '1' loop
wait for clk_period;
end loop;
--report "done waiting cyc" severity note;
assert not ((I mod 100) = 0) report "*** " & integer'image(I) & " packets sent!" severity note;
wait for clk_period;
-- wait_cnt := 0;
-- while src_o.cyc = '0' loop
-- if(ovf) then
-- ovf := false;
-- clear <= '0';
-- wait for clk_period*50;
-- clear <= '1';
-- exit;
-- end if;
-- wait_cnt := wait_cnt +1;
-- if (wait_cnt > c_max_packet_wait) then
-- report "FREEZE!!" severity failure;
-- stop <= true;
-- end if;
-- wait for clk_period;
-- end loop;
-- --report "waiting cyc" severity note;
-- while src_o.cyc = '1' loop
-- wait for clk_period;
-- end loop;
-- --report "done waiting cyc" severity note;
-- assert not ((I mod 100) = 0) report "*** " & integer'image(I) & " packets sent!" severity note;
end loop;
report "DONE!" severity warning;
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