Commit 0190d7f8 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin Committed by Projects

sw: Working on a path drawing widget (for gps app).

parent f4cd19ee
OBJS=plot_widget.o gfx.o ui.o ui_pc.o font_helv17.o font_luct38.o font_xm16x25b.o digital_watch.o font_helv38b.o font_helv29.o font_helv22b.o font_xm4x6.o font_xm5x8.o font_helv11.o
OBJS=plot_widget.o path_widget.o gfx.o ui.o ui_pc.o font_helv17.o font_luct38.o font_xm16x25b.o digital_watch.o font_helv38b.o font_helv29.o font_helv22b.o font_xm4x6.o font_xm5x8.o font_helv11.o
CFLAGS=`sdl-config --cflags` -I. -g -O0
LDFLAGS =`sdl-config --libs` -g -O0
#include "ui.h"
#include "plot_widget.h"
#include "path_widget.h"
//#include "../bitmaps/bitmaps.h"
......@@ -254,14 +255,17 @@ void home_screen_create()
ui_init_widget (&digital_watch);
//ui_init_widget (&pls_viewer);
ui_init_widget (&hist_plot);
ui_init_widget (&path_widget);
ui_add_widget (&hist_plot);
//ui_add_widget (&hist_plot);
ui_add_widget (&path_widget);
ui_add_child(&home_screen, &digital_watch);
//ui_add_child(&home_screen, &digital_watch);
//ui_add_child(&home_screen, &pls_viewer);
ui_add_child (&home_screen, &hist_plot);
//ui_add_child (&home_screen, &hist_plot);
ui_add_child (&home_screen, &path_widget);
ui_init_widget (&status_bar);
#include "path_widget.h"
void find_path_min_max(int32_t* d, uint16_t d_size, int32_t* min, int32_t* max)
uint16_t i;
uint8_t j;
for(j=0; j<2; j++){
min[j] = d[0][j];
max[j] = d[0][j];
for(i=0; i<d_size; i++){
for(j=0; j<2; j++){
if(d[i][j] < min[j])
min[j] = d[i][j];
if(d[i][j] > max[j])
max[j] = d[i][j];
void draw_path(struct surface* surf, path* p)
uint8_t i;
int32_t min[2];
int32_t max[2];
uint8_t x_scale, y_scale, x_win;
int8_t y_pos, y_pos_next;
char buf[20];
for(i=0; i<p->d_size; i++)
DBG("data: %8d, %8d\n",p->d[i][0], p->d[i][1]);
// Find data min/max
find_min_max(p->d, p->d_size, &min[0], &max[0]);
for(i=0; i<2; i++){
DBG("%d: min: %d\nmax: %d\nmax-min: %d\n",i , min[i], max[i],(max[i] - min[i]));
// Compute x scaling factors
// If data size is smaller than the plot size, don't stretch data
if(p->d_size < p->x_size){
x_scale = 1;
x_win = p->d_size;
x_scale = p->d_size / p->x_size;
x_win = p->x_size;
// Compute y scaling factor (rounded up by adding 1)
y_scale = (y_max - y_min) / p->y_size + 1;
DBG("x_scale: %d\ny_scale: %d\n",x_scale, y_scale);
// Rescale and plot data
for(i=0; i<x_win-1; i++){
//y_pos = (d[i*x_scale])/y_scale + y_size/2;
//y_pos_next = (d[(i+1)*x_scale])/y_scale + y_size/2;
y_pos = (p->d[i*x_scale] - y_min)/y_scale;
y_pos_next = (p->d[(i+1)*x_scale] - y_min)/y_scale;
//DBG("x=%3d, y=%3d (%d)\n", i, y_pos, d[i*x_scale]);
gfx_line(surf, i, p->y_size-y_pos, i+1, p->y_size-y_pos_next, 1);
gfx_set_pixel(surf, i, p->y_size-y_pos, 1);
// Print plot title
DBG("title: %s",p->title);
//gfx_text(surf, &font_xm5x8, 0, 0, p->title);
//gfx_centered_text(surf, &font_helv11, 0, p->title);
gfx_centered_text(surf, &font_xm4x6, p->y_size+1, p->title);
// Print min max
gfx_text(surf, &font_xm4x6, 1, p->y_size+1, buf);
gfx_text(surf, &font_xm4x6, p->x_size-gfx_text_width(&font_xm4x6,buf), p->y_size+1, buf);
// Print frame, if enabled
gfx_line(surf, 0, 0, p->x_size, 0, 1);
gfx_line(surf, p->x_size, 0, p->x_size, p->y_size, 1);
gfx_line(surf, p->x_size, p->y_size, 0, p->y_size, 1);
gfx_line(surf, 0, p->y_size, 0, 0, 1);
static void path_event(struct ui_widget *w, struct ui_event event)
w->flags |= WF_DIRTY;
static void path_redraw(struct ui_widget *w)
#define D_SIZE 50
int32_t data[D_SIZE][2];
uint16_t i;
char title[20];
float x;
static float a=0;
path p;
// Clear widget
gfx_clear(&w->dc, 0);
// Generate test data
sprintf(title, "test path\n");
x = 0;
for(i=0; i<D_SIZE; i++)
data[i][0] = x*i;
data[i][1] = 100+(i*x-50);
//DBG("data: %8d, %8d\n",data[i][0], data[i][1]);
// Draw plot
p.d = &data[0][0];
p.d_size = D_SIZE;
p.x_size = 127;
p.y_size = 100;
p.title = title;
p.frame = 1;
p.line = 1;
draw_path(&w->dc, &p);
struct ui_widget path_widget = {
{ 0, 16, 127, 127 },
#include "ui.h"
#include "math.h"
extern struct ui_widget path_widget;
typedef struct path{
int32_t* d; // pointer on data array
uint16_t d_size; // data array size
uint8_t x_size; // X plot size (pixel)
uint8_t y_size; // Y plot size (pixel)
char* title; // pointer on plot title string
uint8_t frame; // draw frame around plot
uint8_t line; // draw lines between data points
......@@ -25,14 +25,13 @@ void draw_plot(struct surface* surf, plot* p)
uint8_t x_scale, y_scale, x_win;
int8_t y_pos, y_pos_next;
char buf[20];
float t;
// Find data min/max
find_min_max(p->d, p->d_size, &y_min, &y_max);
DBG("min: %d\nmax: %d\nmax-min: %d\n",y_min, y_max,(y_max - y_min));
// Compute x scaling factors
// If data size is smaller than the plot size, don't stretch plot
// If data size is smaller than the plot size, don't stretch data
if(p->d_size < p->x_size){
x_scale = 1;
x_win = p->d_size;
......@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ static void hist_plot_redraw(struct ui_widget *w)
data[i] = (int16_t)((200+a*100) * sin(a+x));
//data[i] = -100 + i;
//data[i] = -2000 + i;
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