Commit 165dac5f authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana Committed by Projects

bootloader: Removed a potential debug lock.

parent 76ec61ed
......@@ -297,32 +297,7 @@ static void commandlineLoop( void )
/* Debug lock */
case 'l':
#if defined( BL_DEBUG )
/* We check if there is a debug session active in DHCSR. If there is we
* abort the locking. This is because we wish to make sure that the debug
* lock functionality works without a debugger attatched. */
if ((CoreDebug->DHCSR & CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk) != 0x0)
USB_PUTS( "\r\n\r\n **** WARNING: DEBUG SESSION ACTIVE. NOT LOCKING! **** \r\n\r\n" );
BOOTLDIO_printString( "Debug active.\r\n" );
USB_PUTS( "Starting debug lock sequence.\r\n" );
FLASH_writeWord( DEBUG_LOCK_WORD, 0x0 );
if ( *(volatile uint32_t*)DEBUG_LOCK_WORD == 0x0 )
BOOTLDIO_printString( okString );
BOOTLDIO_printString( failString );
#if defined( BL_DEBUG )
USB_PRINTF( "Debug lock word: 0x%x \r\n", *((uint32_t *) DEBUG_LOCK_WORD) );
BOOTLDIO_printString("Debug lock not supported\r\n");
/* Verify content by calculating CRC of entire flash */
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